Clarity Cleaning Systems

Have you noticed that your home's roof looks dingy? Does it have mold or mildew growing on it? Offering roof cleaning Memphis TN, Clarity Cleaning Systems is the local choice for exterior cleaning solutions throughout the area. We work with residential and commercial customers, delivering quality services.

Knowing what causes Crohn’s disease. In Crohn’s disease, the small intestine is in what is called hanging healing of an indigestible anger conflict, with the aspect of starvation. Indigestible means either a morsel is stuck and can’t be digested, or a morsel is suddenly gone and thus can’t be absorbed. In the case of the […]

My testimonial with leukopenia, Anemia and Leukemia Last year in August, it all started with a cold, which would have been harmless if these infections had not repeated at 3-4 week intervals. I could not sleep and lost 5 kg in weight. Knowing the German New Medicine, I always pondered which conflicts were responsible for […]

Whoever claims a pathogen must be able to verify this pathogen! The famous Robert Koch, from whom the institute of the same name in Germany takes its name, agreed with Louis Pasteur that microbes were “pathogens.” Koch defined pathogen detection in his so-called Koch’s Postulates. Koch’s postulates should therefore be in the basic statute of […]

Why do so many men fear the prostate? The prostate is glandular tissue. You will find the description in the scientific diagnosis chart, yellow group, endoderm. We find the corresponding brain relay in the brain stem. The conflict content is an ugly, semi-genital conflict. Ugly is clear as far as what it means. Semi-genital means […]

Ni-Fei Hsieh holds a Master’s degree from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, a Oriental Medical Doctor in California, a massage therapist in New Jersey and New York, a board certified Chinese herbalist, and an Auricular Medicine specialist. He specializes in Acupuncture for Stroke in Morristown, Fertility and Sexual issues, pain management, Thyroid problems, musculoskeletal issues, stress, and digestive problems.

Bizexpo friendica

Seminar with Dr. Hamer February 8th and 9th, 1997 GNM is a natural medicine because it encompasses everything: from the brain to the organ, or from the organ to the brain, from the sympathetic to the vagotonic, from the psychological to the physical, from the human to the animal, even to the plant life, because […]

Ganglion on the joint of the big toe. Testimonial German New Medicine. In 2011 I gave birth to my daughter; it was a difficult birth which ended with a cesarean section. As soon as I left the hospital, relatives came to visit my newborn daughter and I. And they came in crowds, which annoyed me […]

Dr. Hamer’s Chart Book for You

Dr. Hamer039;s diagnostic chart book is no longer in print. In this video, I show you where you can get it anyway. Watch the video now


with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father) the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD. Tip: The study of Germanische Heilkunde should be started with the basics. Description: A package with all of the 39 English language Seminar Tutorials about the organs or Special Biological Programs. Each tutorial consists of : a VOD (Video-on-Demand) that you can […]

with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father) the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD. Tip: The study of Germanische Heilkunde should be started with the basics. Description: Total package of all of the 60 English language SeminarTutorials. Each tutorial consists of : a VOD (Video-on-Demand) that you can watch online a PDF e-book with the text […]

with Ing. Helmut Pilhar (Olivia’s father) the lecturer appointed by Dr. Hamer, MD. Description: This seminar tutorial is about the old-brain-controlled Sensible Biological Special Programs (glandular tissue + glandular-like tissue) in animals. The fact that the Germanische Heilkunde is also valid for the animal (and plant) makes it especially credible. How could it be otherwise? […]

Today’s topic: What is the Cause of Warts? The wart is hanging healing of a separation conflict concerning the outer skin. The outer skin is the squamous epithelium, red group. No matter what the symptom of the outer skin is called, whether it is neurodermatitis, eczema, cold sore, or just wart – it is always […]

The Secret of Spontaneous Healing To the point, one can say: Germanische Heilkunde concerns itself with the cause of illness as opposed to the current medical monopoly which fights and suppresses only the symptoms. This means that GHK is a causal therapy which sums up the totality of GHK. When people hear this, they should […]

What Distinguishes a Real Hamer Therapist from a Doctor of Conventional Medicine? Conventional medicine holds that an individual’s psyche is separate from his organs. There are organ doctors who are not interested in the patient’s psyche. And there are the psychiatrists and psychologists, who again have no idea about the organ level. Conventional medicine follows […]

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