OhGoOn friendica

Self-driving cars

All these new ideas and regulations are aimed at removing freedom and autonomy. You can't make this up. Even up to controlling small details like rolling down you care windows will be taken away and given to authority.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 years ago)

OhGoOn friendica

CO2 the gas of live

The current level of CO2 is around 400ppm (parts per million), the optimal level for plant growth is closer to 1500ppm which is maintained in green houses for optimal plant growth. Most of today's complex vascular plants evolved in the last 250 million years ago when the average CO2 level was around 1200ppm. Plants are designed for 1200-1500ppm of CO2 while the Earth did not burn up at those levels.

CO2 is not a pollutant but the gas of live. Without it, all live on earth would disappear. If anything, industrialization made the world greener by increasing the level of CO2.

And then there is Bill Gates developing and promoting technology that would suck out CO2 from our atmosphere.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 years ago)

OhGoOn friendica

The mystery of the empty hospitals

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 years ago)

OhGoOn friendica

Niet altijd even gemakkelijk

reactie op:

Ja, ik ben geschrokken van de filmpjes die je gestuurd hebt. De toon ervan hitst mensen op. Het zijn propagandafilmpjes die proberen het gevoel van mensen te ontregelen.
Ze zijn tegen de regering, de gevestigde orde, rijke mensen en arme mensen, buitenlanders en vluchtelingen, tegen zwarte mensen, joden, indianen, Chinezen en Indieers.
Tegen corona, het zou een griepje zijn, het vaccin is bedoelt om de wereld te veranderen, we worden allemaal slaven van het grote geld waar de macht zit.

Als je meermaals dergelijke filmpjes bezoekt krijg je er steeds meer van. Ze zijn een gevaar voor zwakke mensen die ontevreden en gefrustreerd zijn.

Kom, daar luisteren en kijken wij niet naar.

Groet van je ongeruste moeder.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 years ago)

OhGoOn friendica

Tech Companies Purge Users

Taken from Simon Black at Sovereign Man - Zero Hedge - SUNDAY, JAN 17, 2021 - 22:30

Purges taking place across tech platforms and social media.
Major companies have used the events of January 6th at the US Capitol as an excuse to delete users and deplatform businesses. But the scope of the purge has gone much further than removing calls for violence.

The entire social media company Parler was shut down when Amazon banned it from its servers, while Apple and Google dropped the app from their stores.

Twitter executed over 70,000 accounts.

The message is clear: your access, your data, and potentially your livelihood is not safe in the hands of the biggest tech companies, which we have been conditioned to rely on. Express the wrong opinion, and you may be the next casualty.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 years ago)

OhGoOn friendica

Loose talk can cost lives

There are many posters from the second world war warning about how talk can cost lives. During war controlling the information flow is paramount. Propaganda and censorship are weapons of war. War may exist without formal declaration and even without the enemy knowing they are targeted.

How would we find out if there is a war and we are the enemy? Well…. do we see propaganda in the public mainstream mass media and censorship in the alternative media? Is it targeting us?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 years ago)

OhGoOn friendica

List of refusers

Spain is creating a register of people who refuse to take the corona vaccine. It will share that list with other countries. Effectively making it more difficult for these people to participate in society. The difference between mandatory and coercion is becoming a fine line. Shaming people for their anti-social actions is nothing new. However anti-social behavior is now including the refusal to take an experimental vaccine for a virus that has a high percentage of survival.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 years ago)
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