Imagine a situation in which there is a deadly virus that is predicted to wipe out most of humanity. A war like situation in which the saviours of humanity are given free reign to use any tool to save the population. There is a solution, but all of humanity needs to get onboard; voluntary or involuntary. Propaganda, lies and spreading fear are acceptable tools because of the severity of the situation. If people would think it is not that bad, they would refuse to cooperate with the consequence that the virus will get a foothold causing the situation to become much worse faster.
It is better to pretend and propagandise a fake narrative in which hospitals are flooded than to wait until hospitals are really out of beds with people dying in the streets. An exaggerated narrative in the mind of the people can mitigate the impact of a deadly virus. So far so good.
But what if the deadly virus narrative itself is a myth? It would give the saviours of humanity access to tools they normally would not be allowed to use. With huge financial benefits, in which emergency measures be
... toon meerImagine a situation in which there is a deadly virus that is predicted to wipe out most of humanity. A war like situation in which the saviours of humanity are given free reign to use any tool to save the population. There is a solution, but all of humanity needs to get onboard; voluntary or involuntary. Propaganda, lies and spreading fear are acceptable tools because of the severity of the situation. If people would think it is not that bad, they would refuse to cooperate with the consequence that the virus will get a foothold causing the situation to become much worse faster.
It is better to pretend and propagandise a fake narrative in which hospitals are flooded than to wait until hospitals are really out of beds with people dying in the streets. An exaggerated narrative in the mind of the people can mitigate the impact of a deadly virus. So far so good.
But what if the deadly virus narrative itself is a myth? It would give the saviours of humanity access to tools they normally would not be allowed to use. With huge financial benefits, in which emergency measures become much worse than any pandemic could ever be.
What is this situation we are in?