Stand together with the only democracy in the middle east…

Google ingeniør står nu helt åbent frem i Project Veritas og bekræfter at Google er biased mod Trump. Greg Coppula er en meget modig mand ved åbent at stå frem…

If you believe in Canada as a country, and don't want to see Canadian values being thrown away for capitulating to sharia, then sign the petition below. We want the government to implement a system to make sure that their dangerous refugee plan doesn't replace Canadian values with sharia values. Please help stop sharia in Canada, sign the petition below

Dimanche - Dans la nuit du dimanche 25/11, Jesper Hård, un activiste des Jeunes Démocrates de Suède (SDU), a été violemment attaqué par un groupe d'immigrants musulmans dans le centre de Karlskrona. Il a reçu un coup de poing au visage et s'est cassé plusieurs côtes…

We Must Unite to Stop Islamic Terrorism right Now! Tell our leaders to fight ISIS with trusted allies like Israel and other nations committed to freedom for all peoples. Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda are the same as ISIS. They are extremists who use Islamic terror to achieve their goals of world domination under strict Islamic Law

Stand With Ukraine! #StandWithUkraine Uniting against Putin's invasion and violence, in support of the people in Ukraine

Det er på tide at prioritere danskerne først i deres eget land. Dansk Folkeparti

Muslims are by far the most abusive people. Their method of animal slaughter is the one that gives the animals the most amount of pain and it is unnecessary to do it this way but they do it…

A federal ban on the ability to raise debate for bringing in an arbitration act that could mean that Australia make the same mistake as the UK must also be debated in parliament. These changes must coincide with strict penalties for those who practice or aid in the practicing of Sharia law that cannot be overruled by section 116 of the Constitution, or anything else…

Når vi spør forfulgte kristne hva de trenger mest, er svaret nesten alltid: «Be for oss!» Vær med og be for våre forfulgte trossøsken! GI. Det er kun ved hjelp av gaver fra mennesker som deg, at vi kan hjelpe og styrke kristne som forfølges. Les om måtene du kan støtte dem på, her

WithUkraine is focused on directly sourcing and delivering humanitarian aid, such as food, medicine, ambulance cars and electric generators, to the areas in Ukraine affected by the war

Attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt are common. On Palm Sunday, two Christian churches in Egypt were bombed during mass; at least 50 worshippers were killed…

Danmarksdemokraterne. Vi er et borgerligt parti, der kæmper for danskerne, som vi er flest

Feminism is sexism against men. What we need is equalism, not feminism or masculinism

We, the undersigned groups and organisations, stand in steadfast solidarity with the courageous people of Ukraine who are fighting not only for their own and our freedom

Christen sind die am meisten verfolgten religion auf der Welt…

Muslimsk Lokalpolitiker Mohamed Amalti (Ap) skriver på Facebook: «Det er psykiatrien og systemet i dette landet det er noe galt med, ikke det somaliske miljøet!» Nordmenn forventes å være forståelsesfulle når de drepes av innvandrere…

Antifa has nothing to do with anti-facism. Antifa are pure facists. If they were really anti facists, then where would they be protesting every time the media brings the fact that christians are the most persecuted people in the world? Where are they every time jews, christians, homosexuals and others who are not muslims are assaulted by muslims on the streets?. Antifa is clearly the facists, and people who fight against antifa are the real antifacists

Send equipment and medical supplies to Ukraine. Company "Help Razom" is sending flights and volunteers to deliver humanitarian, medical and military help to Ukraine

The early church understood the importance of caring for God's covenant people…

Jeg tror at langt de fleste har gennemskuet socialdemokratiet. Da de kom til magten gennemførte de mere end 30 lempelser i udlændinge politikken, og nu, tæt på valget, så laver de nogle få forslag til at stramme den, bare for at se ud som om de gerne vil have styr på det

Muslim terrorists should be punished much harder. So the Brits will now double the sentences that such Islamic terrorists receive and put an end to the early release programs that allowed Amman to be back out on the streets so quickly. … The British government plans to announce new rules for the imprisonment of convicted terrorists after an Islamic militant who was recently released from prison stabbed two people in south London, the second such attack in less than three months…

Support Ukraine was founded in 2022 by Olena Yershova and Pascal Traechslin. We are an association that helps war-affected people in Ukraine and support refugees

Egypt wants to ban pig farming to purposely take away the living of the countries christians. Muslims can be very evil…

Hvornår bliver slettemette stillet til ansvar for hendes ulovlige handlinger?…

End the Hoax: There Are No Palestinians
Palestine and Palestinians never existed historically. They were made up for a purpose…

TV kanal kalder en stor flok sortes overfald på 2 hvide unge en “slåskamp” – jeg vil kalde det et hyæneangreb (undskyld til hyænerne)…

The Republican Party is fighting for a more free and strong America where everyone has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream

Israel is the shield against the Islamic terrorist offensive. De-legitimizing and weakening Israel – the role model of counter terrorism – would be a tailwind for Islamic terrorists – the role model of international terrorism - facilitating their assault on the Free World…

DR evner jo på ingen måde at være neutrale i deres politiske nyhedsdækning. Det kommer sig jo af at rød blok vil forgylde dem med milliarder. Derfor har DR ingen interesse i at være fair i dækningen af et borgerligt parti

Please SIGN and SHARE this petition in support of Dutch farmers, and farmers and workers across the world, whose livelihoods can and eventually will be harmed by the extreme environmental demands of globalist entities…

Muslims reach a new low again again, by celebrating the stabbing of Salman Rushdie…

The Coptic Orthodox Church is one of the oldest Churches in the World. It is easy to see that islam just came as a (false) religion 623 years after Christianity, and just stole all culture and customs from Christianity. Only the terrorism the muslims has added as an original ingredient in their faith
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