Environmental Toxicology Imaging Services

At the iEM Platform, Creative Biostructure uses advanced microscopy technologies that can help analyze multiple pollutants and evaluate toxicity such as cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of contaminants, contributing to a better understanding of contamination issues in the environment. Environmental Toxicology Imaging Services

Implant Characterization

Biomedical engineering (BME), also known as medical engineering, is the application of engineering principles and related techniques to biology and medicine for healthcare purposes. BME aims to enhance human health and health care at all levels, ranging from diagnosis, analysis, to treatment and recovery. Implant Characterization

hit identification process

Creative Biostructure offers a range of customized solutions to help you succeed in the hit identification process. Our team will design a strategy for the project based on the nature of the project and the information available and the approaches we provide can be applied individually or in parallel. hit identification process

Target X-ray Crystallography

As a leading service provider in the field of structural biology, relying on the first-class structural biology technology platform that covers X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) technology and protein NMR spectroscopy, Creative Biostructure provides a comprehensive solution of target structure determination, called MagHelix™ Gene-to-Protein and Gene-to-Structure, complemented with the most advanced biophysical methods to characterize target and target-ligand interaction. Our services support structure-guided lead discovery and optimization, as well as biological drug discovery, such as therapeutic antibody discovery. Target X-ray Crystallography


The quality of X-ray diffraction data of the protein crystal can determine the success rate of the subsequent steps of structure determination and the reliability of the reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) structural model. After successfully obtaining high-quality crystals for X-ray diffraction, Creative Biostructure supports the collection of X-ray diffraction data to facilitate protein structural analysis and drug candidate screening involved in the research of coronavirus infection. Coronavirus-multi-wavelength-anomalous-dispersion

Coronavirus Protein Crystallization

peptide complex crystallization

Creative Biostructure is specialized in providing cost-effective contract services to both academia and biotech/pharmaceutical industries in the field of structural biology and membrane protein technologies. We have developed all-in-one, gene-to-structure pipelines for the structure determination of macromolecules of your interest. With a team of experienced professionals, Creative Biostructure is able to solve the structure of many challenging proteins including GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, enzymes and viral targets. We also provide a comprehensive list of products and other related services to facilitate your research in structural biology. peptide complex crystallization

CIMP Crystallization service

Crystallization methods developed for soluble proteins are often inefficient for membrane proteins with very low solubility. Detergent is often used to increase the amount of dissolved membrane proteins, and in some cases the solubility problem can be resolved by the application of the vapor diffusion method. Lipidic Cubic Phase (LCP) crystallization is one of the most popular methods to determine the structure of membrane proteins. To further increase success rate, Creative Biostructure utilizes a novel solution called Controlled In Meso Phase (CIMP) crystallization, which combines the features of well-established vapor diffusion method and LCP crystallization. CIMP Crystallization service
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