Wasp Lifecycle

Wasp Lifecycle: A Detailed Look

Defining a Wasp

Wasps are insects that belong to the Hymenoptera order and Vespidae family. They are known for their slender body structure with a narrow waist, bright colours often in combinations of black and yellow or white, two pairs of wings, and a sting at the end of their abdomen. The term “wasp” encompasses over 30,000 identified species exhibiting diverse characteristics.

Types of Wasps

There are many types of wasps which can be broadly categorised into two groups; social wasps who live collectively in nests populated by thousands and solitary wasps who prefer living alone. Some common examples include hornets (the largest social wasp), yellow jackets (smaller yet similar-looking to hornets), paper wasps known for building water-resistant nests from chewed wood pulp resembling papier-mache, cuckoo wasps characterised by metallic blue-green bodies due to structural coloration among others.

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