How Do You Get Rid of Ants

Dealing with ants in the home can be a challenge. They find ways into places drawn by the smallest traces of food or moisture. A few drops of spilt soda or crumbs can attract an entire colony.

While their presence might seem random, there are clear reasons and methods to keep them at bay. This guide explores effective strategies to rid your home of ants and prevent their return.

What Attracts Ants

Food Sources
Ants search relentlessly for food. They eat various items, from plant sap to other insects. Especially tempting to them are sweet items. Something as small as a drop of honey, apple cider vinegar, or food crumbs can draw them in.

When an ant finds food, it marks a path with a pheromone trail for other ants to follow. This is why we often see lines of ants moving to and from a food source. If not addressed, a few ants can become a major ant infestation.

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