Itanium Thom mastodon (AP)

Hey, you have a nazi infestation. Considering your instance seems to use only approved registrations, this surely raises about a million red flags.


Michael Brazda mastodon (AP)
We do not appreciate name-calling here. Would you like to present your evidence that a user needs to be removed rather than going straight to name-calling.
Itanium Thom mastodon (AP)

It's Lunduke. Consistent transphobe and right-wing extremist, known throughout the community for his hateful, bigoted, nazi bullshit. It's not "name-calling", it's stating a simple fact.

This is just the openly available transphobic, anti-LGBTQ stuff I found with two seconds of Googling. If this is the kind of hateful bullshit you want on your instance, then so be it - but all it takes for a bar to be a nazi bar is one nazi.

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