Happy Christmas to you all, wherever you are, whatever your circumstances, whatever your views and/or religion. I wish you a peaceful, enjoyable day with plenty of relaxation. May at least one of your wishes, however small, come true today.
A very special photo for you all today, probably the best I've ever taken.
Dawn at 10:30am in mid-November over Núpufellshnjúkur in Eyjafjarðarsveit, NE #Iceland.
Portrait, please click/tap to see it in all its glory!
Entre la rage et la honte - Éditions Agone
Voilà des mois que le régime d’Emmanuel Macron ne répond plus à ATD quart-monde, l’une des principales associations chargées de lutter contre l’extrême pauvreté.
Il faut mesurer ce que cela signifie : nos gouvernants ne font même plus semblant de s’intéresser au sort des plus démunis, même lorsqu’il s’agit d’enfants.
Het heeft er alle schijn van dat NSC niet wil dat u naar het eigen eindejaarsinterview met Pieter Omtzigt kijkt. Vanuit een naar eigen zeggen ‘nieuwe studio’ interviewt voormalig Op1-presentatrice Talitha Muusse de NSC-leider.Chris Aalberts
Musk appelle ses partisans à ne plus faire de dons à Wikipédia qu'il accuse de "wokisme" parce que sa fondation consacre une grosse part de son budget pour des actions d'inclusion et de diversité. Action, réaction. 😉 https://donate.wikimedia.org/wiki/Ways_to_Give/fr
#Politique #ElonMusk #Musk #Wikipedia #Encyclopedie #Donation
ALLEMAGNE – Ferhat Koçak, membre du Parlement de l’État de Berlin, a condamné l’assassinat meurtres des journalistes kurdes Nazim Daştan et Cihan Bilgin et a déclaré que la Turquie commet des crimes de guerre au Rojava.Kaf1 (Kurdistan au féminin)
❤️ Cœur sur celles & ceux qui en ont besoin !
Essayons un jour sans "rage" ! Et pourtant il y a de quoi faire...
Rage contre les décisions politiques irresponsables 🤦
Rage contre les lieutenants du système capitaliste qui pillent la Terre 🤬
Rage contre ceux & celles qui promeuvent la guerre et la haine...
Tout l'amour possible pour toi qui lit ce message, et toutes les pensées les plus chaleureuses pour celleux & ceux qui souffrent... 🇵🇸🇾🇹🇺🇦🇸🇩🇸🇸
✊ Rages et luttes reviennent bientôt, en attendant, des activistes qui s'aiment en photo 😘
On this day in 1956, Harper Lee’s friends gifted her one year’s rent, giving her time to write To Kill A Mockingbird. If you don’t win the Pulitzer Prize in 2025, blame your friends. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and I hope everyone has an excellent day whether they do or not!
Everyone wants to think they're open-minded until someone says the movie was better 😜😁
@reading @bookstodon @bookbubble @humour
#ReadingMemes #Memes #ReadAllTheBooks
#Reading #Readers #ReadersOfMastodon #ReadingCommunity
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#Bookwyrm #Bookworm #Bookstodon #BookLove #BoostingIsSharing
heard about the new scandal being about Honey (no relation), but as a SponsorBlock user I had no idea what's a Honey or even heard of it. now that I finally watched the video:
- it's Paypal
- it's a Paypal browser app
- it's heavily marketed by influencers
- what it does is it promises you coupons or points during online purchases
- what it actually does is to find any excuse to rewrite cookies (!) and flat out steal the affiliate links commission, right before you click "buy" on any online store
- including the commission from the influencers advertising Honey
- Paypal the extremely wealthy company literally wrote an "every purchase was referred by us" browser extension
this is kinda hilarious in a dystopia way. when you have capital you can just go and grab more money
Weight Loss Drugs Can Trigger Bone And Muscle Loss, Expert Warns
Posted into Health @health-ScienceAlert
For a long time, dieting and exercise were the only realistic options for many people who wanted to lose weight, but recent pharmaceutical advances have led to the development of weight loss drugs.The Conversation (ScienceAlert)
Merry crisis 🎄🔥
100 % unabhängiger Journalismus, ohne zahlen zu müssen? Lies selbst – auf https://taz.de immer paywallfrei.
Jetzt unterstützen: https://taz.de/fuer-alle
Kritischer, unabhängiger Journalismus der linken Nachrichtenseite taz: Analysen, Hintergründe, Kommentare, Interviews, Reportagen. Genossenschaft seit 1992.TAZ Verlags- und Vertriebs GmbH
#foto #photo #photographie #Fotografie #Natur #Nature #Eichhörnchen #olympus #omsystem #om-1 #myphoto #mywork
Trying to outspend a billionaire is like trying to arm wrestle a hydraulic press. Like, you're not going to win this fight by donating money. When people focus on fundraising and dollar donations and all that, they're fighting on the billionaires' terms, and on those terms you lose 10 times out of 10.
You win against the ultra wealthy by refusing to play by their rules. They don't play by ours; why should we play by theirs?
Make shit. Share it for free. Support each other.
They HATE that.
En ce jour de fête chrétienne, rappelons que Jésus était un juif palestinien et migrant né d’une gestation pour autrui.
Notre article ici : https://contre-attaque.net/2024/12/25/joyeux-noel-sauf-aux-racistes-2
Cogito ergo sum @Libre_Insolent
« la claque, on est 68 millions à vouloir te la mettre »
The former king of Oddesia has entrusted you with an important, dangerous task. You must find the sacred ORA stone, which possesses the powers of life, light and happiness, and retrieve it before the king of the alien race, Natas, does. He has...MobyGames