Good morning Chikis and Friends, 💚
Getting back to you on behalf of my friend @Nakafeero and her fellow LGBTQi Ugandans refugees in Kakuma Refugee camp in Kenya.
@Nakafeero herself is coming with flu and a kid just broke his leg and needs scan.
You can donate to the fundraiser below or DM @Nakafeero to wire her directly cash via World Remit for emergencies.
Any help you can get them would be dope. The fundraiser
Nakafeero Swabulah is a lesbian refugee from Uganda, living in the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya, where she is organizing and coordinating efforts to help LGBTQA+ refugees. They need medication, shelter, food, sanitary pads, detergents, clothes...FundRazr
Nakafeero Swabulah is a lesbian refugee from Uganda, living in the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya, where she is organizing and coordinating efforts to help LGBTQA+ refugees. They need medication, shelter, food, sanitary pads, detergents, clothes...FundRazr
Nakafeero Swabulah is a lesbian refugee from Uganda, living in the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya, where she is organizing and coordinating efforts to help LGBTQA+ refugees. They need medication, shelter, food, sanitary pads, detergents, clothes...FundRazr
Excited for Venus providing vulkan on guests.
Does anyone know how long it will take to reach mainstream distros like Ubuntu?
A Major Leap Forward in Technology Took Place 900,000 Years Ago
Posted into ScienceAlert @sciencealert-ScienceAlert
Around 900,000 years ago stone tech 2.0 was released into Spain.Tessa Koumoundouros (ScienceAlert)
Das LNG-Terminal auf Krk sollte die Energieversorgung sichern. Heute macht Kroatien mit Exporten Profite. Aktivist*innen sind gegen einen Ausbau.Aljoscha Hartmann (taz)
@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
"Viva Viva Palestina" è una rete di artisti che nasce a Genova e che ha come finalità la diffusione e la divulgazione della cultura e dell’arte della Palestina. Insieme a Defence for Children International Italia, il 16 dicembre organizzeranno un grande evento a scopo benefico
L'articolo PALESTINA. Artisti
Blutend gesendet.
Nur wer weiterlesen kann, kann auch weiterdenken – deshalb sind unsere Inhalte auf immer paywallfrei.
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Kritischer, unabhängiger Journalismus der linken Nachrichtenseite taz: Analysen, Hintergründe, Kommentare, Interviews, Reportagen. Genossenschaft seit 1992.TAZ Verlags- und Vertriebs GmbH
#Selfdriving #AI isn't coming in the near #future.
SOLAR STORMS ARE DRIVING FARMERS CRAZY: Planting season is a hectic time for farmers. For many, it means working through the night using GPS-guided tractors to plant thousands of acres in a short period of time. The season was in full swing on May 10, 2024, when the biggest solar storm in decades struck Earth.
"Our tractors acted like they were demon possessed," ... (, Dec. 10, 2024)
Autonomous driving is going to be a success.
Well, I hope it happens before my ability to drive is gone.
One serious problem is that if they try to advance incrementally they will get to (and arguably already are at) a very dangerous place between no-help and full, no-steering-wheel self-driving technology. At that point the number of accidents attributable to improper dependence on the autoauto is likely to climb dramatically. Self-driving tech will take the blame and further progress could very well be stalled.
#world #theintercept
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Whether they fled or stayed behind, the survivors of Israel’s scorched-earth campaign in northern Gaza experienced untold horrors.Ahmed Dremly (The Intercept)
When it comes to the actual #weapon systems on the Sea Babies, they are “equipped with large-caliber machine guns” of unspecified types and “with ballistic programs for automatic guidance and auto-capture of targets,” according to the SSU/SBU video caption.
The automatic shot is of course not mentioned here because it would sound too dystopian and Ukraine is of course the good guys in the western narrative.
#news #technology #ai #Skynet #war #terror #robot #terminator #kill #humanrights #ethics #humanity #russia #future
Machine gun-armed Sea Baby uncrewed vessels have emerged amid growing Russian efforts to stymie Ukraine's kamikaze drone boat attacks.Joseph Trevithick (The War Zone)
Della vicenda Caffo per ora ci resta solo la presunzione.
Due, tre cose sull'argomento del giorno. E una piccola vicenda personale.
[📯 Diario di bordo è nella casella mail degli iscritti. Grazie a chi si abbona a un giornalista, sostenendo il progetto]…
Presunzione di innocenza e cultura della violenza: un confine
Genz's manifesto:
Fuck. Don't give a fuck abt who uve fucked. Don't get fucked over (i.e married).
They r not wrong according 2 me.
"We will need to make sure that those who are responsible for these violations, be it on the side of the previous #government, the #president and others, but also all others who are #responsible for #violations - that they are brought to account," U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights #VolkerTurk told a #Geneva #press briefing, calling for meticulous preservation of evidence.
As always, everything is cleared up and the butchers of #humanity are accused except of course US #war #crimes in Syria and #CIA #torture, which has been proven to have taken place in Syria. Because everyone knows that the US is above the #law and only the others are accused.
#news #uno #usa #justice #humanrights #fail #World #crime #Problem #politics #military