"We will need to make sure that those who are responsible for these violations, be it on the side of the previous #government, the #president and others, but also all others who are #responsible for #violations - that they are brought to account," U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights #VolkerTurk told a #Geneva #press briefing, calling for meticulous preservation of evidence.
As always, everything is cleared up and the butchers of #humanity are accused except of course US #war #crimes in Syria and #CIA #torture, which has been proven to have taken place in Syria. Because everyone knows that the US is above the #law and only the others are accused.
#news #uno #usa #justice #humanrights #fail #World #crime #Problem #politics #military
'Blick durch ein Fenster' in die Vergangenheit
Eine Schauspielerin erzählt den Besuchern im Thuner Schloss aus der Geschichte der Stadt.
The HLG Going Dark presented its final report and recommendations for an agenda of maximal access to personal data.European Digital Rights (EDRi)…
Ukraine : pourquoi la Russie a gagnéOdysee
When I was young, I was quite concerned about whether music is “good” or “bad”.
But my concern has shifted towards whether something is worth my time or not. If something is “bad” and I’ve spent time hearing it—all right, I did that.
Today, I discovered a band Backstage Royalty. By no means are they “good”—but I find it fascinating how this band literally tried to blend everything current and popular into their music—at least how it was in 2011. They mix metal, punk, emo, techno, EDM, and hip hop into one stew.
It’s not so good, but I admire the attempt. These guys really tried to be eclectic with genre.…
Figure majeure de la poésie russe du XXe siècle, Ossip Mandelstam naît à Varsovie en 1891, il s'éteindra en 1938 dans un camp de transit près de Vladivostok. Mandelstam composa en novembre 1933, l'un…PARTAGE NOIR
Ecco il calendario dei cani che cagano!
Ebbene si, quella che è la visione quotidiana di molti padroni di amici a 4 zampe, come me, è diventato un vero e proprio calendario. Quante volte vi siete inteneriti nel guardare la faccia del vostro cane mentre fa la cacca, così concentrato, orecchie basse e indifeso, la fa pubblicamente senza poi troppi pensieri.
Chi ama i cani sa che c'è un momento che ogni giorno si condivide assieme. Ecco il calendario dei cani che cagano.Pierpaolo Corso (
Ritardi e dati mancanti nella relazione sulla 194: così si oscura il diritto all’aborto tra silenzi e disuguaglianze…
(il mio pezzo per @lanotizia_giornale)
Sexual abuse and harassment by coaches and others who held positions of power over women on the U.S. Biathlon team were ignored or excused over decades by officials more concerned with winning medals than holding offenders accountable.MARTHA BELLISLE (AP News)
Dozens of Palestinians are receiving help from an Israeli legal group in their search for family members who went missing after being separated by Israeli soldiers during raids and arrests in the Gaza Strip.WAFAA SHURAFA (AP News)
Nearly a decade after hundreds of thousands of Syrians arrived in Germany, many are now well-integrated and settled in jobs — and tens of thousands have gained German citizenship.KIRSTEN GRIESHABER (AP News)
Palestinian medical officials say Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip have killed at least 26 people overnight. One of the strikes hit a home where displaced people were sheltering in the isolated north, killing 19.SAMY MAGDY (AP News)
An Israeli bomb hangs suspended in air, caught in a split-second image of a suburb in Beirut before it slams into an apartment building, passersby already bracing for the explosion.JON GAMBRELL (AP News)
L’Unione europea chiude le porte ai rifugiati siriani: valori traditi e un’identità che si sgretola sotto il peso della politica…
(il mio pezzo per @lanotizia_giornale)
Dear mastodon community, please help!
Other LGBT!+ people need a safe place.
LGBTQA Refugees in the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya Need Your Help!…
Love and solidarity 🙏🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Nakafeero Swabulah is a lesbian refugee from Uganda, living in the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya, where she is organizing and coordinating efforts to help LGBTQA+ refugees. They need medication, shelter, food, sanitary pads, detergents, clothes...FundRazr
Shedding light: We address the flawed Going Dark Report
The “High Level Group on Access to Data for Effective Law Enforcement”, a.k.a. HLG Going Dark, presented its final report and recommendations for an agenda of maximal access to personal data. In an open letter we warn of the dangers and propose a better policy alternative.
The post Shedding light: We address the flawed Going Dark Report appeared first on European Digital Rights (EDRi).
Trois continents vont accueillir la Coupe du monde 2030, l’Arabie saoudite celle de 2034.
Déplacements massifs et constructions gargantuesques font craindre une catastrophe écologique, détaille l’économiste Pierre Rondeau.
Lire l'article :…
Trois continents vont accueillir la Coupe du monde 2030, l’Arabie saoudite celle de 2034. Déplacements massifs et constructions gargantuesques font craindre une catastrophe écologique, détaille l'économiste Pierre Rondeau.Reporterre, le média de l'écologie - Indépendant et en accès libre
Après la chute de Bachar el-Assad, des agriculteurs espèrent retourner à leurs terres.
Il leur faudra restaurer un environnement saccagé par treize années de conflits meurtriers et un demi-siècle de politiques désastreuses.
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Après la chute de Bachar el-Assad, des agriculteurs espèrent retourner à leurs terres. Il leur faudra restaurer un environnement saccagé par treize années de conflits meurtriers et un demi-siècle de politiques désastreuses.Reporterre, le média de l'écologie - Indépendant et en accès libre
Entre la multiplication des marques et la complexité de la billetterie, l’ouverture à la concurrence rend le paysage ferroviaire « kafkaïen », dénoncent les usagers.
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la migliore idea regalo per alcune persone che conosco