Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
American photographer Nan Goldin opens exhibition in Berlin with fiery speech against Israel

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Haiti wonders what’s next as gang violence surges and UN peacekeeping mission flops

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Pakistan partially stops mobile and internet services ahead of pro-Imran Khan protest

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Japan holds Sado mines memorial despite South Korean boycott amid lingering historical tensions

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Chuck Woolery, smooth-talking game show host of ‘Love Connection’ and ‘Scrabble,’ dies at 83

An oldie but a goodie.


Russia's final warning to NATO – you'll get your war, but it'll be over in 15 minutes

Israel Destroys 8-Story Residential Building in Missile Strike in Beirut

Let's face it.

We're all wrong.

We were all wrong.

Be fucking wrong for a while, OK?

So you learn a motherfucking thing?

fediverseobserver friendica (via ActivityPub)

Ich kombiniere wer die #Weidel besser findet als #Scholz hat ein Rad ab und die #SPD will die nächste Wahl gar nicht gewinnen mit Scholz als #Kanzlerkandidat ...

Respekt bei #Habeck, der trotz Heizungsgesetz und Feindbild Nummer 1 für #Union und noch weiter Rechts trotzdem noch so gut dasteht.

#Politik #Trend #Wahl #Problem #Umfrage #Demokratie #noNazis #noAfD #niewiedercdu #niemehrcdu #zukunft #Deutschland #Regierung

Man braucht schon eine gewisse "Unverfrorenheit", um nach der Macht zu greifen und die kommt dann wahrscheinlich mit Selbstüberschätzung und anderen Schwächen daher. Ich frage mich immer warum wir eine System erschaffen haben, das es solchen Menschen so leicht macht nach der Macht zu greifen? Wer in diesen Zeiten wirklich regieren will hat es nicht leicht und Selbstüberschätzung ist da wahrlich nicht hilfreich. Bei Scholz hatte ich außerdem immer das Gefühl, der quält sich in seinem Amt aber anscheinend hat er ja doch Spaß dabei ... Wenn er nur nicht so vergesslich und unverfroren wäre 🙁
Aladár Mézga diaspora
Hatte ich in den letzten fünf Minuten schon vorgeschlagen, Politiker und politische Parteien abzuschaffen? Nein? Dann mach ich das jetzt...😁

My Bluesky persona isn't me. It's not safe to be myself, there.

It's not safe to be myself, here.

It's not safe to be myself, IRL.

This -- the Fediverse -- is obviously unsafe. Everything is public. It's just letting it all hang out there and we can block or be exposed. So I use a pseudonym.

I use a different pseudonym on BS, so that the two can't be easily cross-referenced.

They're slurping up the data from this stable-state transition through chaos into their "AI" (not AI BTW) to blurp out probability scenarios for how we'll all react to having tech-bro overlords.

I'm telling you...

Even without your effort, this is gonna be a shit storm.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 days ago)

What will the "average" American do when there are concentration camps in the USA?

Isn't this what Hollywood has trained us for?

Turn into gun-toting rage-monsters that hack and slash thru the "enemy"?

"Point me at 'em! Let's get those alien invaders!"


"Point me at 'em! Let's get that oppressive state!"

How shallow have we become?

Air Quotes Comedian mastodon (AP)

Anybody have suggestions?

Internet search is now non-functional.

Criteria for video camera:

Manual focus,
Manual exposure,
Manual shutter speed,
Wired ‘shoot’ button
DV out (wired)

Advice, pointers, links, would be appreciated.

I’m not wealthy either.

Nanook friendica (via ActivityPub)
With respect to Internet Search, try Yacy is a federated search engine that returns collated results from several thousand independent instances.

Cars burned, windows smashed: Pro-Palestine, anti-NATO protest hits Montreal

Israeli Airstrike Levels Residential Building in Beirut, Kills Six

Almeida mastodon (AP)

Las tres palabras más hermosas de la lengua catalana son pescallunes, somiatruites y lletraferit.

Heredé de mi madre las tres condiciones, el idealismo romántico de una mujer condenada a ser Quijote frente a todos los Sanchos. El mural del triste hidalgo velando sus armas que presidía el salón familiar daba fe de mi destino: pescar la luna y combatir por imposibles en la playa de Barcino.

Soy el hijo de la Pili. Lo imposible es el punto de partida.


Almeida mastodon (AP)

Etimologia: de somiar i truita 1a font: 1917, DOrt.
masculí i femení col·loquialment Visionari, persona que s’il·lusiona amb coses impossibles o estranyes. En castellano, visionario.

lletraferit | lletraferida
Etimologia: de lletra i ferit 1a font: 1917, DOrt.
adjectiu i masculí i femení Amant de conrear les lletres. En castellano podría traducirse por literato, pero no tiene la riqueza del original, herido por las letras.



Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 days ago)

Matt Kennard: “Israel Performs the Role of an Imperial Satellite Through Which the US Can Dominate the Middle East”

Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-11-24 06:00 CET
Number of active instances: 11 655
Number of users: 9 175 771
Number of statuses: 1 140 530 676
Number of users last 4h: 322
Number of statuses last 4h: 63 309
Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto


It's FOSS mastodon (AP)

Who needs Windows when such things are possible on Linux?

fab:log mastodon (AP)
Besides all the things you mention, it is absolutely easy to (re)install linux if something went wrong. It's a matter of 10 minutes, no complicated activation required.
And more: virtual machines are made easy as well. Some DEs even come with the needed tools onboard (boxes in Gnome). So you can check out other distros without affecting your system - including Windows 😀
Nanook friendica (via ActivityPub)
@fab:log @It's FOSS Once you get familiar with the boot process, it is not that hard to recreate your entire boot environment, reinstall grub, recreate the initramfs, re-install the kernel, etc. It is really useful to keep a live distro on a USB drive to repair these things if necessary.

The US really confuses people who want to do the right thing. By lying about the Ukraine they took away any possibility of a serious political discussion. All these pro- ukranian sites that just recapitulate the official US line are useless. The US constructed narrative is way over represented in the social media landscape and the news media in general. I would suspect anyone who consciously keeps up this official farce. #Ukraine #Nato #Military #War #Russia #News #Politics #Socialmedia
Nanook friendica (via ActivityPub)
What would the CIA do if they had all the regimes in place that they wanted?

Islamic Resistance fighters targeted Israeli gathering in the area between Deir Mimas and Kfar Kila with a barrage of rockets: Hezbollah statement

Andrew mastodon (AP)
It should be “No human beings are useless…”, then text in arches would form to “No human beings are not valued”. I thought that was the point of formatting it that way.
Shaman mastodon (AP)
and if all else fails you can always just serve as a bad example.


Armistice Day, 2024 in Belgium: Russian diaspora commemorates soldiers and officers who died in World War IテーブルにSQLiteデータベースを絡むとしてぶち込んでマルチテナントを実現する狂いソリューションやばいテーブルにSQLiteデータベースをカラムとしてぶち込んでマルチテナントを実現する狂いソリューションやばい

anonymiss diaspora

Within this assessment, the red team (also referred to as ‘the team’) gained initial access through a web shell left from a third party’s previous security #assessment.


Today's #security measures therefore tend to reduce security rather than increase it. 🤔😖

#news #Software #vulnerability #bug #fail #cybersecurity #Problem #omg #wtf #web #webshell #internet

tomgrzybow diaspora

Many of these "flaws" are by design.


tomgrzybow diaspora
Just how many, or what proportion it is difficult to know. This is why our software must be made as simple and transparent as possible - even it that takes more effort.

earthling mastodon (AP)

Science of Everyday Things: Real-life earth science by Judson Knight, 2002

This 4-vol. set illustrates the importance of scientific and mathematical principles through their use in everyday life. Each volume focuses on a specific scientific discipline -- biology, chemistry, earth sciences and physics -- offering students an in-depth understanding of each discipline and its theories.

Isbn 0787656348


Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 days ago)


This professor has taken on RFK Jr. for opposing vaccines Peter Hotez: "I don’t know that it’ll stop at Kennedy. I’m worried that the first round of appointments suggests a very aggressive hostility towards science and scientists, and I’m worried."
Nanook friendica (via ActivityPub)
Another asshole with a depopulation agenda I guess.

GW mastodon (AP)

Our Fascist In Chief Is Supported By A Frighted Populace

The codependency formed around this mental illness has the potential to bring about the collapse of the free world.
Under the menacing rhetoric, verbal assaults, normalized aggression, incoherent discourse, and sophisticated terminology, I perceive an absolute emptiness underlying the persistent deceptions, the profound vacuity, and the staggering ignorance.

Gift link:

Nanook friendica (via ActivityPub)
To vague for me to understand who you are talking about. This could describe any of about a dozen national leaders, maybe more.

Oakland teacher fired for wearing ‘Free Palestine’ pin @palestine

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