Myriam Dion Weaves Milestones of Women’s History from Vintage Newspapers
From found vintage newspapers and hand-painted designs, Myriam Dion composes remarkably detailed collages.
Myriam Dion highlights historical milestones like women's labor rights and suffrage throughout the 20th century in meticulous collages.Kate Mothes (Colossal)
I don't like saying "the problem is capitalism" even though I think I often agree with what I assume people mean when they say this.
Capitalism is this huge concept and to some people it means shopping and lemonade stands, to others it means human slavery and the indentured servitude of debt.
The problem is the imbalance of power, monopolies of control and the systems that enable control. Extreme wealth and the recognition of the legitimacy of that wealth can function in this way.
Vendredi 22 novembre, la colère a embrasé les rues de Montréal, au Canada. Lors de la venue d'une délégation de l'OTAN dans la ville, une manifestation pour la Palestine et contre l'impérialisme a défilé en fin d'après-midi.
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Lors de la venue d'une délégation de l'OTAN à Montréal, une manifestation pour la Palestine et contre l'impérialisme a défilé en fin d'après-midi.B (Contre Attaque)
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Many Shipibo-Konibo craftswomen migrated from their Indigenous communities in the Amazon to Peru's capital, Lima, in the past few decades.MARÍA TERESA HERNÁNDEZ (AP News)
Most people taking popular drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy to lose weight have shed significant pounds. But obesity experts say that roughly 20% of patients — as many as 1 in 5 — may not see robust results with the new medications.JONEL ALECCIA (AP News)
The Turkish doctor at the center of an alleged fraud scheme that led to the deaths of 10 babies says he was a “trusted” physician. Dr.ANDREW WILKS (AP News)
Travel, especially during the holiday season, can be stressful. But following some tips from the pros as you prepare for a trip can make for a smoother, less anxious experience.KATHERINE ROTH (AP News)
« Ils ont une vision idéalisée et très nostalgique de l’Occident des Lumières. Ils vont dire que le nazisme et le colonialisme, par exemple, sont des accidents de parcours, que c’est réglé, et que nos valeurs sont toujours plus fortes que les dérives de certains politiciens. »
Que défendent les #antiwokes ?
entretien avec #LearryGagné, auteur de #LAntiwokismeEnDébats
#livres #ChasseAuxWokes #wokebashing #droitisation #DroiteQuébécoise #polQC #éduQC @bookstodon
Ces dernières années, nous avons eu des livres sur les dangers du wokisme, mais qui s’intéresse à la pensée antiwoke ? Comment elle fonctionne, ce qu’elle défend ?La Presse
Les anti-Woke croient défendre des valeurs trad. de l'Occident sans connaitre l'histoire de celle-ci. Les toilettes de Pompei sont sans séparation par le genre. Les latrine/bécosse de l'Occident au 19e Sciecle n'avait pas séparation par gendre.
Les troupes Romaines, Grecque, Celtes et Scandinave manifestaient parfois des comportements homosexuels.
Je crois que c'est la bible (qui vient du moyent Orient) qui a changé les valeurs de l'Occident.
Higuchi Ichiyō, a Japanese writer during the Meiji era, died #OTD in 1896.
She was Japan's first professional woman writer of modern literature, specializing in short stories and poetry, and was also an extensive diarist.
#OTD in 1924.
The New York Times published evidence from Edwin Hubble stating that the Andromeda Nebula, previously believed to be part of the Milky Way, is in fact another galaxy.
Project Gutenberg offers 74,612 free eBooks for Kindle, iPad, Nook, Android, and iPhone.Project Gutenberg
The American Dream is built around the idea it is the land economic opportunity, but this has always been a misconception.Paul Abela (Transformatise)
"Capitalism has proven to be great at fostering innovation"
I don't know if I buy into this one any more. If anything the need to make rent seems to get in the way of creativity and innovation more than anything.
The people I admire most, who have done the most amazing things hardly ever do it for the cash money.
What I can say it that having currency and markets aids in the distribution problem. It's a somewhat stable way to operate.
But for motivation? It's broken.
You know, I'm genuinely torn on this. Making rent has been an issue long before the advent of European-liberal capitalism as we know it.
And god knows, collectivization has caused some of the worst famines in history.
I'm a socialist, and it feels like shit to admit it. But, I guess what bothers me, on both sides of the debate, is the manic embrace of absolutes.
@FinalOverdrive @jturiano
Which, ideally, is laudable. But I've met far too many people who treat them like their babies, and get ferociously maternal about them.
@FinalOverdrive @jturiano
Yeah, but your 'tough titty' is also simply demotivating.
Why is it that the most obscene thing to entertain is some compromise?
Because the 'good of the whole' simply doesn't outweigh a single person's baby to them - ever. People simply stop sharing at all. You can pretty much count historical exceptions to this selfishness on your hands.
We are selfish creatures. How do we make ourselves less selfish? That's the hurdle.
@Remittancegirl @jturiano I think you over estimate how many would stop creating and sharing ideas in the face of it. A few stubborn souls may drop out, but the majority would continue, and many more would join in this more commons oriented approach to ideas. The inventor or the author who refuses to share his work with the world if he cannot profit by it simply get left behind.
I point to the FLOSS scene as an example in my favor. Put aside whatever you may think about that motley collection of programmers personally, or even whatever odious traits they may possess. You cannot accuse them of being possessive of their work, at least not to the extent of demanding profit. That much is laudable.
@FinalOverdrive @Remittancegirl @jturiano
"The inventor or the author who refuses to share his work with the world if he cannot profit by it simply get left behind."
This person is *created* by hardship: the sense that if you do not wring all of power and profit from what you create you will have nothing. You will fall into a maw of poverty that will consume, you, your family, & freedom.
If people do not have that fear, recognition, being admired & a little profit is often more than enough.
@FinalOverdrive @Remittancegirl @jturiano Gee, you're awfully cavalier about what was at one time my only source of income. My book wasn't "naturally abundant." It took doing. To do it, I had to be able to take unpaid time off from my day job (journalist) and cover expenses for travel, etc.
Your natural desire to get stuff for free should be accompanied by understanding of how that stuff is created in the first place.
@gleick @Remittancegirl @jturiano Do not take me as dismissive of the labor it took to research for and write that book. I imagine it took much personal sacrifice and support from family and friends. Understand as well I am no friend of the publishing industry, who are the real reason writers struggle. What is naturally abundant are ideas and works of art, which include books. Human beings would still write even if copyright did not exist.
But I agree, writers should have a dependable source of income. As should all for which it is not easy to monetize or determine the money value of said labor, such as stay-at-home parents. It is one reason I am for a very generous basic income. Hypothetical: if you could count on such a thing for support, combined with an authors guild to negotiate with the publishers, would you be willing to part with intellectual property?
Barring demonstrate to all here that I am not incapable of compromise, that the copyright should expire with the authors death?
It's the same with patents. Without protection for intellectual property, there's much less incentive to innovate. And if one does, the motivation is to keep the invention secret.
@gleick @futurebird @jturiano
@FinalOverdrive Require, no. But it sure helps ...
@gleick @futurebird @jturiano