Skaly mastodon (AP)

Happy Hanukkah from Israel ❤️🇮🇱

Hoping to live in peace with our neighbours and for history to not return as it's going lately.

Be a light where there is darkness, be a person where some have lost their humanity ✨

#hanukkah #menora #jewish #israel

Amadi Lovelace mastodon (AP)
Hanukkah sameach.

Mediapart mastodon (AP)

Billet de blog 💬 Appel aux #syndicalistes et aux #syndicats: pour la #grève lundi #18Décembre!

✏️ Par Marche des Solidarités | En accès libre ›

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
I would be sharing about the sexual assault of Israeli hostages by Hamas, except it seems like its used as an excuse for the slaughter that's happening by the Israelis of people not involved at all.

Blinken says Israel ‘cannot’ let rate of Gaza civilian casualties continue

Secretary of State takes administration’s most publicly critical tone yet against civilian deaths caused by Israeli forces #press

Log 🪵 mastodon (AP)
I am reminded every year while watching It's a Wonderful Life that Potter never got into any kind of trouble for stealing a colossal amount of cash from the Bailey Building and Loan business. Even went so far as to call the cops and perjure himself to frame someone else for his theft. A competent guardian angel would have just jogged Uncle Billy's memory, and leaned on Potter's wheelchair-pusher to testify.
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Gli Stati Uniti accusano presunti hacker russi per anni di campagna di spionaggio informatico contro i paesi occidentali

I cospiratori – conosciuti pubblicamente con il nome di “Gruppo Callisto” – avrebbero preso di mira funzionari militari e governativi, ricercatori e personale di think tank e giornalisti nel Regno Unito e altrove, utilizzando sofisticate e-mail di spear phishing


I have no idea when this is, but I’d rather be early than miss it…. 😴

#humor #naps

I don’t mind being up in the spring/summer/fall, but it’s dealer’s choice.
Since our winter are not terrible I kind of enjoy the season. It is some of the best time at the coast so no hibernation for me. Naps, yes!

I'm exhausted now...
…and rightly so.

never obsolete mastodon (AP)
Slalom (1987)
Peter Richardson mastodon (AP)
“i know a place”

Farhad A diaspora

Zelensky is a worthy successor of our ideals," says old Nazi guy Hunka.

You can't make this shit up. It is like this all the time and they still say that there are no Nazis in Ukraine.

alkatraya diaspora
It seems he has some kind of Nazi appeal.

La Letterina mastodon (AP)

Notizie in tribunale. Mennella, che c’è di nuovo negli emendamenti al ddl diffamazione

#Ossigeno (OSservatorio Su Informazioni Giornalistiche E Notizie Oscurate) esiste per documentare e analizzare intimidazioni e minacce verso i giornalisti italiani



La Letterina mastodon (AP)

Notizie in tribunale. D’Ubaldo: “Ossigeno è una comunità”

#Ossigeno (OSservatorio Su Informazioni Giornalistiche E Notizie Oscurate) esiste per documentare e analizzare intimidazioni e minacce verso i giornalisti italiani



L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

No tav, si tez! (temporary ecologist zone) – ore 18,30 assemblea‼

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”

Mediapart mastodon (AP)

Le RN et LR s’allient pour torpiller la loi de régulation d’Airbnb

Très attendue, la proposition de loi transpartisane visant à réguler les meublés de tourisme devait être votée mercredi. Avec des arguments en défense des «petits propriétaires» et une solide rhétorique climatosceptique, droite et extrême droite ont empêché le vote.

Toitoine mastodon (AP)
je me fais une réflexion sur les climatosceptiques du coup ! En fait ils n'arrivent pas à faire le deuil de la société telle qu'elle existe. Là ils sont seulement à la phase deux : après la phase une (le choc), c'est le déni !

Farhad A diaspora

Ukraine is considering the issue of regulating Telegram channels - Olha Herasymyuk, the head of the National TV Council.

She said that Telegram channels are “used by Russians for propaganda”:

“Telegrams are a very difficult topic, which we in the National Council work on every day. Now this phenomenon has spread so much, the further it goes, the more difficult it will be to work with it. And the enemy is working with it very successfully.”

Meduza mastodon (AP)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
позорище. 21-й век, а всё с какими-то средневеколвыми дикарями считаются.
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)

Farhad A diaspora

Ukraine has asked the West for long-range missiles to strike Iran, Syria and Russia - The Guardian

Mediapart mastodon (AP)

Billet de blog 💬 Universités flamandes et apartheid: l’héritage d’André Vlerick

✏️ Par Carta Academica | En accès libre ›

Farhad A diaspora

#EU Mulls Sanctions On Israeli Settlers In The West Bank

Restrictions against those involved in violence are being talked about in #Brussels but the EU could not follow the #US' visa ban as Israelis can enter the #Schengen area freely, The Guardian’s reports.

One possible scenario is putting settlers on a sanctions list, so their names are flagged at border controls and they can be refused entry to the EU, officials say.

#Hypocrisy #JewishTaliban #Settlers #politics #Europe

Nora Qudus diaspora
they all need to stay in their Zio state.

Mediapart mastodon (AP)

Billet de blog 💬 Alerte météo

✏️ Par Collectif Élèves Protégé·e·s Rennes | En accès libre ›

I drink Coke so infrequently now that when I do pick up a bottle, it actually tastes kind of exotic

About 50 people just disrupted the Bari Weiss speech at the University of #Texas at #Austin for a free Palestine. Bari made transphobic and fatphobic jokes to the crowd in addition to accusing #Palestine supporters of being a "death cult." After disrupting her speech with chanting the group is making noise directly outside now. #FreePalestine

Free! Free! #Palestine! The crowd is chanting and drumming outside the LBJ School Auditorium at the University of #Texas at #Austin where Bari Weiss is speaking. #FreePalestine
Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)



Mediapart mastodon (AP)

À la prison de Rouen, les conditions de vie des femmes détenues «se dégradent considérablement»

Faute de moyens, les conditions de détention des #femmes dans la maison d’arrêt rouennaise deviennent de plus en plus dures. Dans des lettres envoyées à leurs avocats, auxquelles #LePoulpe a eu accès, les détenues dénoncent la vétusté de l’établissement.

Djeannot mastodon (AP)
Malheureusement, les conditions de détention dans les établissements récents sont meilleures, mais beaucoup moins humaines : gestion automatisée des portes, caméras plutôt que surveillant·es, isolation des cellules, et le côté moderne et sans âme des bâtiments récents.
Si on y ajoute une bonne dose de gestion privée (partenariat public-privé oblige), on a tout pour déshumaniser la détention et anéantir l'objectif de réinsertion.

Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)

En ce moment, j'ai l'impression que dès que j'arrive à traiter une sollicitation, j'en ai une ou voire plusieurs autres qui tombent.

C'est bien ça veut dire que le sujet intéresse, mais ça fait 3 semaines que ça m'empêche de faire un travail de fond, et c'est un peu frustrant.

Là je vais couper pour ajd, mais pas encore tout traité 😭

Magdoz diaspora


-- Et rien sur la bulle immobilière ?
-- Rien sur l'exode urbain qui va se pointer forcément, avec le déclin pétrole ( #Paris à 2 millions d'habitants, ça flotte pas, disait un certain JMJ) ? Si les gens quittent les villes, les logements y perdront fortement de leur valeur !
-- Les loyers et logements toujours plus chers, une bombe à retardement, c'est ce qui est décrit dans cette vidéo, mais qu'en est-il si les gens ne peuvent plus payer, déclin économique majeur oblige ?

Rappel, vidéo Elucid sur le post : ACHETER OU LOUER SON LOGEMENT ? Ce qu’on ne vous dira jamais sur l’immobilier…

#Sondage #Politique #France #Logement #Maison #Habitat #Loyer #Propriétaire

L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

Festa di radio onda d’urto: lunedi 19 agosto 2024 unica data italiana per gli exodus (usa)

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”

L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

Genova: “la parte che manca”, doppio audio-racconto colletivo di “pugno di sale” sul ponte morandi

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”

L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

Violenza di genere: non una di meno brescia torna in piazza l’8 dicembre: “ci vogliamo viv3 e liber3!”

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”

Arms industry increasing capacity, Germany delivers what it can

"Too little to win and too much to lose"

Pistorius also rejected the notion that the West does not want to see a full Ukrainian victory on the battlefield, saying that "we should be more afraid that Russia will win this war," in part because Germany will be faced "with a completely new security situation."

The West's responsibility is "to create a situation on the battlefield, in the war, that Putin realizes that he cannot win this war - and that is why he comes to the negotiating table."

#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Europe #security #NATO #Putin #imperialism #defense #war #RussianWarCrimes #StopRussianAggression #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine

Remember how the USA isolated when Hitler came to power. And history repeats...


Hey Masto friends.
It’s Dec 6, St Nicholas Day. A German tradition in my childhood home. We would hang stockings ( socks in our case ) and in the morning all kinds of sweet goodies appeared. St Nick is referred to as the first Santa Claus. He was believed to be a kind & generous man. He died on this day and the anniversary of his death became St Nicholas Day, a fond childhood memory for me.

No plans #today. I have yet to accomplish a full workout, as
I run out of steam early. But I will try💪🏻

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anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Jette10 Let's celebrate his death today



Chrisblue mastodon (AP)
What an anniversary! NYTimes front pager "Washington Not Alarmed as Hitler Rises to Power."
Chrisblue mastodon (AP)
@Adventurer The way I should have done it. Thank you.
I don't judge. I could have done the whole article but wasn't sure if it was necessary.
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