Russian Foreign Ministry: There is a real danger that Deash will raise its head again in Syria…

I cackled for several seconds when I saw who #1 is. If you have followed me for some time, you’ll know why.…

#AmReading #AmWriting @bookstodon #books #Bookstodon
#WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #Regency #Georgian #JaneAusten @romancelandia


A dire report from Environmental Health News...

🟫 Human-caused global warming has intensified dry conditions across every continent in recent decades.

🟫 Nearly 30% of the global population now lives in moisture-deprived areas, up from 20% in 1990.

🟫 More land could degrade into barren wastelands, threatening food production and increasing water scarcity.

Drying trends affect food supplies, water availability and ecosystem health, posing risks to global stability. Countries reliant on agriculture are vulnerable to crop failures and economic hardship. Addressing emissions and water use is essential to mitigate desertification.


#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

AI is using a lot too. So foolish
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

The review takes a close look the final flight of the agency’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, which was the first aircraft to fly on another world. Engineers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and AeroVironment are completing a detailed assessment of the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter’s final flight on Jan. 18, 2024, which will be […]

Spying on children in distant countries. On children! What do you expect from someone who always gives more to the children of the wealthy than to other children?
All I'm gonna say about this.. The old fuck breaks in my house this winter he's leaving in a box...

What's the latest of these publishing years you'd be willing to call "vintage":

  • 2020 (0%, 0 votes)
  • 2010 (0%, 0 votes)
  • 2000 (33%, 1 vote)
  • 1990 (66%, 2 votes)
  • 1980 (0%, 0 votes)
3 voters. Poll end: 3 weeks ago

I don't know, but here is a chart of usage of the word "vintage" accross the years:

North Korea slams Yoon as ‘fascist dictator’ in 1st report on martial law crisis…

AfD-Abgeordnete könnten Montag im Bundestag dem Kanzler ein vergiftetes Angebot machen. Parteichef Chrupalla lässt offen, ob er für oder gegen Scholz stimmt.!6055926

Discussions of CSA

Sensitive content

🇩🇪#Chatkontrolle-Unterstützer wollen die Kritiker morgen offenbar öffentlich an den Pranger stellen…

In Wahrheit sind die Überwachungsextremisten dafür verantwortlich, dass seit Jahren kein besserer, gerichtsfester Schutz von Kindern erreicht wird!


🇬🇧Seems #ChatControl supporters want to publicly scathe the critics tomorrow…

Truth is: It is because of these surveillance extremists that no stronger and court-proof protection of children online has been achieved for years!

⚠️ 🇪🇺 Tomorrow, something unprecedented (and IMO completely unhinged) will be happening on the EU's draft CSA Regulation (#ChatControl).

Here's my take on what's happening & what you can do to help as someone that cares about digital rights:

- The law has been stalled for years because the EU Council (reps of all the member states) cannot agree to a position;

- On the one hand, you have governments like Spain who have admitted that they want to put a stop to encryption;


Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

Arthur Schopenhauer’s Idealism: Is Our World Just a Dream?
Schopenhauer argued that the world is but an intricate dream, and what he suggested lies beyond it may shock you.

By Maysara Kamal…

Books by Arthur Schopenhauer at PG:…

#books #literature #philosophy

what i remember learning about him was his arguments against the notion of love, he thought it was stupid
his biggest claim to fame was being mentioned in Monty Python’s Philosopher Song.

Launched in May 2024, ESA’s EarthCARE satellite is nearing the end of its commissioning phase with the release of its first data on clouds and aerosols expected early next year.

AfD-Abgeordnete könnten Montag im Bundestag dem Kanzler ein vergiftetes Angebot machen. Parteichef Chrupalla lässt offen, ob er für oder gegen Scholz stimmt.

UNRWA: Education will ensure that Gaza’s children do not become a lost generation…

Syria: What Comes After the Despot?… #socialism

There we go! If anyone wanted the world to hate the LGB, this is the recipe.

Infiltrate the movement by claiming that trans weirdos are more oppressed and need a safe space and protection against violence. Never mind that you (gender/stereotype oriented and in denial that biological sex exists) are the complete antithesis of LGB (same-sex oriented). Then you take over the movement with enormous financial means, violence against those who are opposed, and jam pack said movement with all the sexual perversions you can find: paedophilia, bestiality, fetishes galore.

Once your empire topples, once people see what you really are, we, the LGB, will be left with the hate. People will overlook that we never wanted this to begin with.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
Hide your children, hide your animals.

Die Festtage eher traditionell oder ironisch feiern? Unsere Autorin kann sich im Gegensatz zu anderen selbst aussuchen, wie sie die Tage verbringt.!6051645

Zwischen Dissertation und Mental Load: Warum Mutterschaft ein Karrierenachteil für Wis­sen­schaft­le­r:in­nen ist und was dagegen helfen könnte.!6050937

Sorry, techies, there is no techie solution to environmental collapse--except maybe that we should use vastly less technology.

"No absolute “decoupling” of resource and energy use from GDP growth is occurring, and is not remotely likely to be achieved. If you increase GDP, you will be using more resources to do it. Yet we are so far beyond sustainable levels of resource use and ecological impact that resource use must be reduced to a small fraction of current levels."…


Day 11 #ArtAdventCalendar: Happy birthday to trailblazing US #astronomer Annie Jump Cannon (1863 – 1941), here with her stellar classification system which sorted stars based on spectral types, revealing their temperature from hot blue to cool red stars: O,B,A, F, G, K & M. Named the Harvard Classification after the university, her tremendous contribution was less visible.

#printmaking #womenInSTEM #histsci #DisabledInSTEM #linocut #MastoArt


Sometimes it's all about timing. A simple moment that feels like a quiet story playing out in the sky. A fleeting scene, but capturing it makes it last, perhaps forever.

#photography #monochrome #blackandwhite #squared

Excellent timing and composition, love it

seasonal greetings. again. here‘s my recent blog post with some more images all about the same theme. i try to give you some insights of how this series came to be and wanted to thank you all for still reading my recently very unsteady blog posts. have a few nice last weeks in 2024!…

#blog #writing #art #mastoart #winter #autumn #christmas #mist

Sono stata appena licenziata e tutto sommato non sono granché sorpresa.
E, a parte il colpo, sotto sotto non sono nemmeno molto dispiaciuta (volevo già cambiare mestiere).
@🌻 Francy_e_basta 🌻 @Elena ``of Valhalla''
Eh, per risparmiare un mese di costi, vuoi mettere? 🙄
Ma almeno si è preso la briga il gran capo di venire con l'HR fino a Berlino.
Ad maiora!

Common sense about American health care mismanagement.…

Prime Minister Mustafa stresses need to real ...…

🇩🇪Tschechiens #Piraten warnen nach ihrem Ausscheiden aus der Regierung, dass ein Umfallen ihres Landes bei der morgigen Abstimmung zur #Chatkontrolle nicht ausgeschlossen sei.…
🇬🇧Czech #Pirates, having been expelled from the government, warn that their country may yet change its position and endorse #ChatControl in tomorrow's vote.…

Looking for a decent Linux Distro for a mini-PC to replace a shitty Android TV Box

I recently found a very overpowered for the price mini-PC and I plan to use it to replace my Android TV box that is really starting to show its age.

I think I want something bazzite-like and probably immutable but more media focused than gaming, with already working and set up waydroid and remote control support.

Thanks in advance

49 1 1
you weren't specific about your use case, but if running media-consumption apps is your thing, there's a LineageOS AndroidTV port for Raspberry Pi. the most polished UX, no Google spyware to slow things down, super-competent hardware (avaialable with up to 8 GB RAM), supports HDMI-CEC (you can use your TV's remote), has a wired LAN port, and you always have the option of installing a linux distro.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
3 1
how much do mini pc’s cost these days?

The Quiet Decline of Belgian Social Democracy… #socialism

Judge Rejects Sale of Infowars to The Onion

Judge Rejects Sale of Infowars to The Onion #onion #infowars #bankruptcy
It’s crazy how if you’re rich you can just nullify any law or legal precedent to get your way. Elons goings to own infowars now

Congress Party Endorses Banning George Soros-Linked Groups In India…

The skeptics are going to disown me, because I don't think tagging logical fallacies is an argument.…

love the symbol for 'False Analogy' 🍎 🍊

I don't check these to disprove them. I check them to basically say, "This is clear example of X and I am no longer going to discuss it any further. Take that as a win if you want, I no longer care."

For some discussions (people I know personally), I do consider that they don't realize they have fallen into the fallacy and yeah, I'll nudge them a bit on it.

But for the total stranger who is wrong on the internet? Not worth the time, and this is my way of saying *to others* why it isn't worth any more time.


Trois hommes maghrébins, un homme péruvien et une femme noire ont été passé-es à tabac ou violenté-es en 2 ans par des policiers parisiens. Pourtant la justice refuse la qualification de crime raciste.

Chronique de l'impunité policière d'agresseurs multirécidivistes :…

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