
China to investigate Nvidia in anti-monopoly case…

Language Serverが異常に作り込まれてる

Webcast: Schiller Institute Conference Breaks Through the Fog of War…

Fast alle Bewohner haben wegen des Krieges zwischen Israel und Hisbollah die südlibanesische Stadt Sour verlassen. Manche kehren ins Nichts zurück.

Die Assad-Diktatur hat sich von Nazis, DDR und Bundesrepublik inspirieren lassen. Die Geheimdienstarchive dürften manche Überraschung bereithalten.!6051683

l sort son arme, menace des femmes qui participent à la manifestation contre le génocide à #Gaza et.. RIEN.

Pas de réaction du préfet, du ministère de l'intérieur, du gouvernement, des politiques ou des médias. NADA

Imaginez vous juste une seconde qu'à sa place c'eût été moi.


Linux, openSUSE ready for Everyday Users

131 4 1
But you can install older versions , or choose when you update
which is not a solution, only a hotfix

Lise Foisneau : sur la route des gens du voyage

L'anthropologue Lise Foisneau, qui partage le quotidien de communautés Roms depuis dix ans, met en ligne un site sur lequel les "gens du voyage" pourront retrouver les noms des membres de leurs familles, internés ou assignés à résidence dans la période 1939-1946


#voyageur #tsigane #rom #tzigane #nomade #internement #1939 1946 #france #camps #guerre #societe #gitan #lisefoisneau #foisneau #murdesnomades #murdesnoms #histoire #bohemien


Entre les fascistes français et Assad : une longue histoire d'amour – Contre Attaque…



Politik besteht zunehmend aus falschen Erzählungen. Wer sie glaubt, den wird es vermutlich nicht kümmern, dass die Fakten nicht stimmen.

Smartphone: fa male? Fa bene? Pareri opposti, forse in buona fede, forse no, disorientano l’opinione pubblica come nel dibattito sul fumo, ma è comunque meglio che se ne parli…


Two young flight attendants hit by train in Moscow…

whoops i stayed up later than i intended again
goodnight chat
I think you need to work on your proportions a bit, leg shape is odd, butt is less than ok, lack of breasts, etc.

Zwei Wahlgänge hat Woidke gebraucht, um Ministerpräsident zu werden. Nicht alle Mitglieder vom Koalitionspartner BSW stehen hinter dem SPD-Mann.

Die Festtage eher traditionell oder ironisch feiern? Unsere Autorin kann sich im Gegensatz zu anderen selbst aussuchen, wie sie die Tage verbringt.

Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin: The Woman Who Unraveled the Stars

By: Akshita Singh…

Her PhD thesis is available at PG:

#books #astrophysics

Margarete Hahners brilliante Malerei spielt mit Farbe und Ambivalenz. Simon Starling bringt für seine skulpturalen Porträts Flossen und Rot ins Spiel.



insert marcus oreilius bit....

how's it go....

today you'll face poo-headedness galore, n you gotta go steadfast through it anyways. summin like dat. ;)

o oki, i luk it up

“When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own - not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Rebels keep silent on Israel?s attacks against Syria…

ONU. Linee guida per contrastare violazioni dei diritti umani nella conservazione della natura

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
Il nuovo “Core Human Rights Principles for Private Conservation Organisations and Funders” elenca gli standard minimi che dovrebbero essere rispettati dalle organizzazioni che si occupano di ambiente
L'articolo ONU.

"The educator must above all understand how to wait; to reckon all effects in the light of the future, not of the present."

Swedish writer Ellen Key was born #OTD in 1849.

She on many subjects in the fields of family life, ethics and education and was an important figure in the Modern Breakthrough movement. She was an early advocate of a child-centered approach to education and parenting, and was also a suffragist.…

Ellen Key at PG:…


Hello, Hello, from Cat Empire, #caturday


Israel Launches Attack to Destroy Syrian Fleet…

Der Philosoph Daniel Loick feiert in seinem neuen Buch die Nichtherrschaft der Unterdrückten. Doch was ist, wenn diese kippt?!6041768


We need to build a clean and protected bathroom for #LGBTQ refugees in the Gorom refugee camp in South Sudan.…


People in bad situations through no fault of their own need my help, people who arrive at bad situations through very piss poor life choices need to help themselves, in fact ONLY they can help themselves as continuing to make the same bad choices is only going to guarantee life failure.
The next time you post the exact same message eight times in rapid succession, you will be banned.

People in bad situations through no fault of their own need my help, people who arrive at bad situations through very piss poor life choices need to help themselves, in fact ONLY they can help themselves as continuing to make the same bad choices is only going to guarantee life failure.
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