On the Tree at 10:30

Don't forget #Assange and that the war criminals are still free!


#war #crime #torture #usa #cia #politics #Press #freedom #journalism #Wikileaks #Democracy #justice #humanrights #power #military

He was unfairly locked up, I'd say it was an attempt to psychologically subdued anyone who might be thinking like he did.

The Fall of Assad & What it Means for The Middle East (w/ Alastair Crooke) | The Chris Hedges Report…



Kremlin on Military Bases in Syria: Russia Continues Dialogue With All Mideast Countries……

I have a pointy head, however my thoughts are not. Pointy headed

Wait, it has been a while since I've seen this, but if it was a Borg saying that, they're quite authority driven too. Even excluding the fact it later turns out they have a queen (which may not have been canon at that point) it's still each drone receiving orders from the collective.

Maybe it has been long enough to re-re-re-re-watch TNG.

It took a while, but there she is - arrived from my Inkscape Station.

Non riesco ad aggiungere Feddit alla lista account dell' app Mastodon (Android)... sbaglio forse il nome dell' istanza? Io inserisco e dice che non è n istanza valida. Lo stesso con ma mi da un errore diverso...

Donald Trump is returning to the world stage. So is his trolling…

For now, ‘Dreamers’ will be shut out of the health care marketplace in 19 states…

From wealth and success to murder suspect, the life of Luigi Mangione took a hard turn…

Because it's easier to do these exercises?😁

One of the annoying aspects of #ADHD: the amount of cold tea I end up drinking because I forget about it.
I like a little honey in my coffee. The last sip is always **way too sweet** because i’ve left it long enough that all the honey has settled to the bottom of the mug.
“Not cool, brain,” i sometimes quip. We have fun, me and my brain.
- Oh wait, I forgot! That's my tea! Why are you pouring it out?
- It's been sitting here for hours and it's cold.
- Oh sweet summer child, if I didn't drink cold tea, I wouldn't ever get to drink any tea at all. And not for lack of trying.

#gif #birb

Chatter on #telegram channel of Syrian opposition is the feel of betrayal anger despair watching US and Israel destroying everything in the country. From headquarters of security police, to university research facilities, almost all remaining fighterjets, airbases, weapon storage, air defense, artilery and heavy weapons and on top of everything Israel invasion of major strategic areas only 20km from #Damascus.

Video of the aftermath of last night's massive Israeli bombing of Ladheqhie port in #Syria is available on my telegram channel

They at getting an early wake up call about how it feels to be at the mercy of the west governments in modern history who claimeto be the moral guardians of the western civilization.

#Syria #Israel #US #Invasion #IDF #Netanyahu #Biden



“Among Us,” notorious radicalization pipeline.…


It was never about Assad or Syrian people. It's dominance and forcing everything total submission.

Years of preparation and quick response to sease the moment and grab as much strategic land as possible.

And in the mean time they are destroying the whole Syrian military without a single bullet shot at them.

#Syria #Israel #Politics #Invasion #Occupation #Occupation


Discussion of politically sensitive matters in wordpress and in diaspora

The end of linux-kernel as free software we trust – war on FOSS revisited


#linux #FOSS #kernel #nationalism #communism #anarchism #libertarian #socialism #free software #diaspora #wordpress #social media


Google unveils 'mind-boggling' quantum computing chip

Can solve a problem in five minutes that would take the next fastest computer 17 septillion years. Reminiscent of The Nine Billion Names of God by Clarke. Monks toiling on a universe-ending project would need 15K years to complete manually. Then they get ahold of a computer…

@books @bookstodon @religion #sciencefiction #ChristianSciFi #amwritingsf #secretscifinetwork #ProfessorK #quantumcomputing #Google…


dont give them ideas

Also that story is one of my personal favorites


#Syria: Dr. Hamdi Ismail Nadi, a prominent organic chemistry scientist, was assassinated in his home in #Damascus by unknown assailant

This incident has raised concerns about repeating a similar scenario in #Iraq and targeting #scientists and engineering elites

#Syria #Terrorism #PoliticalMurder #Mossad



Ist BWL eine #Wissenschaft?

Da hat man den VW-Konzern jahrelang gewarnt, dass die Leute nicht ewig Diesel kaufen werden aber vergeblich. BWLer dachten sie könnten das mit Ignoranz aussitzen (der alte Trick, der schon bei Merkel nicht funktioniert hat).

Deswegen Vergleiche ich mal VW mit einer Gans:
Die Gans wird gefüttert und findet das toll. Sie macht sich um die Zukunft keine Sorgen. Es gibt jedem Tag Futter. Die Gans mag den Menschen, der sie füttert und jeden Tag wird das Gefühl noch verstärkt.

Doch dann ist Weihnachten 😱🔪 🍗

Für VW ist jetzt auch Weihnachten und deswegen ist VW eine dumme Gans und BWL eine Vernichtungswissenschaft!

#wirtschaft #zukunft #Problem #politik #Handel #Veränderung #auto #Industrie #Führung #Management

Ich bin nicht so sicher bezüglich der Gans VW, aber zumindest während meines Studiums haben eigentlich alle etwas schräg auf BWL und seine Studiosis geschaut. Die waren halt anders... VW ist mMn einfach Überheblichkeit und Faulheit. "Die Regierung wird uns schon helfen, es geht schließlich um Arbeitsplätze." Bis das eben irgendwann nicht mehr klappt...
Hat mich im Studium (Wirtschaftsinformatik, BWL mit einer winzigen Prise IT und nicht umgekehrt wie man meinen könnte, hab ich aber auch erst während des Studiums realisiert und einfach ausgesessen, denn letztlich ist es egal welches Fach auf dem Diplom steht und Informatik wäre echt anstrengend gewesen und Coden lernt man eh nicht an der Uni) auch fasziniert, dass die BWL-Profs gefühlt das halbe erste Semester damit verbringen, zu erklären, warum BWL eine Wissenschaft ist. Nein, ist es nicht. Es ist ein Handwerk. Das Handwerk, zu machen, dass ein Unternehmen nicht pleite geht. Und manche dieser Handwerker sind halt nicht gut. Manchmal sind das sogar die hochbezahlten, die dadurch selbst glauben, sie wären supergut.

resultado final de partido de hockey sobre cesped

#hockeyporespn hockey sobre césped. el equipo argentino femenino de hockey: las leonas empataron contra alemania por 2 a 2 y luego fueron a penales: y gano argentina contra alemania por 3 a 2

A British soldier murdered my aunt. Will Labour let him get away with it?…


A Missing Gene That Warps The Skull May Plant The Seeds of Schizophrenia

Posted into ScienceAlert @sciencealert-ScienceAlert

Playing Video Games Has an Unexpected Effect on Kids' IQ, Says Study

Posted into Humans @humans-ScienceAlert


Rare Yemeni antiquities up for auction in Germany, UK, US, Netherlands

A comparatively sane plan for powering AI: Google to spend $20 billion on renewable energy.

Unlike vaporware SMRs which haven’t been approved by the NRC or ever constructed before, the projects will be complete in the next few years.…


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