micchiato 🍉 mastodon (AP)

The #genocide has nothing to do with #Hamas.

“Breaking: Tala Abu Nahil, 9 years old, was killed by an Israeli airstrike on central #Gaza strip.”
#Israel #warcrimes #GenocideJoe


North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation

Canada’s gov’t condemns protests against NATO’s ‘complicity’ with Israel


“In just eight years after fluoridation ended in 2011, the need for intravenous antibiotic therapy by children to avoid death by infection rose 700 per cent at the Alberta Children’s Hospital.”

#health #dental #PublicHeath #floride #water #PublicWorks

Chrisblue mastodon (AP)
Did anyone tell RFKJr?
David August mastodon (AP)
@Chrisblue I believe thousands upon thousands of people have told RFK Jr. that is unscientific view harm. He either does not care or wants to harm people.

Almeida mastodon (AP)

Me he agenciado una solución lowtech para mis problemas tecleando: un simple puntero.

Cuando ya no somos jóvenes hay que usar bastón. He tecleado toda la vida a diez dedos desde que con 17 años mi madre me pagó una academia de mecanografía. El uno de diciembre se cumplen cuarenta y cuatro años del día que empecé a trabajar.

Mi puntero es mejor que la varita de Harry Potter. Que tiemble el innombrable tirano de Tebas.

Almeida mastodon (AP)

Mi madre estudió taquigrafía. Lo hizo poco después de separarse, cuando se vio obligada a sacar adelante a dos niños pequeños, sin experiencia previa en los trabajos de oficina. De sus labores, paso a tener un título de secretariado, que incluía una taquigrafía que no utilizaría nunca más. Es la misma escuela de secretariado aprendí mecanografía unos años después. Gracias por vuestras vivencias y gracias por haberme traído este recuerdo de mi madre.


Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 hours ago)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)

SS-Massaker in Italien: Der Schatten von Sant'Anna

In Sant'Anna di Stazzema beging die SS ein Kriegsverbrechen. Weil deutsche Behörden nicht kooperierten, wurde niemand je zur Rechenschaft gezogen.

Peter Schaar mastodon (AP)
Das ist leider kein Einzelfall. Ähnlich lief es in #Bassano del Grappa, wo deutsche Truppen ebenfalls ein grausames #Massaker organisierten - ebenfalls ungesühnt

Hard to explain your rights to privacy?

#privacy #freedom #racism #discrimination


Au sujet de ce bouquin, j’y avait un peu trouver à redire, mais je parle bien d’utopie, c’était juste pour pas se gourrer ‘d’utopie’ parce que j’ai l’impression qu’elle peut devenir…autre chose…si on y prend pas garde…


Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Australian Construction Workers Are Fighting Back #socialism

Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-11-24 18:00 CET
Number of active instances: 11 651
Number of users: 9 175 851
Number of statuses: 1 140 317 687
Number of users last 4h: 629
Number of statuses last 4h: 77 831
Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto

Russia’s Foreign Spy Chief Briefly Explained How He Sees The World

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Als Nahostexperte hat Michael Lüders unter anderem die Bundesregierung beraten. Jetzt tritt er für Sahra Wagenknecht zur Bundestagswahl an.

taz mastodon (AP)
Während um ein Abkommen verhandelt wird, greift Israel in der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut an. Und auch die Hisbollah schießt weiterhin Raketen auf Israel.!6048226

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Das Gebrülle in der Nationalgalerie macht deutlich, dass die Israel-Boykottbewegung an einem ernsthaften Dialog nicht interessiert ist.
RobbinBanks🏴 mastodon (AP)
Positionen wie die von Julia Hubernagel würde ich gerne lauter hören...

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Nach unüblich deutlicher Kritik an der politischen Entwicklung wird Übergangspremier Choguel Maïga entlassen. Die zivile Politik ist nun ausgebootet.

comum diaspora

#saude #saudecg #vacinas #covid

Houve tantos bebés nados-mortos desde as cobiçadas injecções...


Professor Perronne: "Desde as injecções de covid, o número de nados-mortos é tão elevado que, em França, se decidiu deixar de emitir uma certidão de nascimento e, em seguida, uma certidão de óbito. Os médicos declaram os bebés "nascidos sem vida", o que não deixa qualquer vestígio administrativo.

Deberían de darle una oída a Mare Advertencia Lírika. Es una rapera zapoteca y su música como sus letras son :nes_fire:

#hipHop #Mexico #Indigenous #Music


“To all American Black boys, understand that while the country may seem as if it is constantly working against you, there is absolutely nothing that you can’t do. You should always let that blue light shine,” Samuel Eubanks writes.


taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Der in Frankreich lebende algerische Schriftsteller Boualem Sansal wurde in Algier verhaftet. Seitdem haben weder Familie noch Freunde von ihm gehört.

Mondoweiss 🇵🇸 mastodon (AP)

What comes after the supremacism and apartheid of Zionism? Ariella Aïsha Azoulay’s substantial new work, The Jewellers of the Ummah: A Potential History of the Jewish Muslim World, looks to dormant histories for visions of justice and repair.

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

1 1

Iran condemns US 'illegal interventions' in Venezuela's internal affairs

Chrisblue mastodon (AP)
NYT: Breaking with past practice, President-elect Donald J. Trump has not agreed to disclose the donors paying for his planning effort or to limit their contributions.
EarthMomma mastodon (AP)

Trump has not signed onto anything that he is required to sign to have his Administration deemed as officially in transition and is instead using this as a way to bypass security. However in my opinion, if Trump never signs the transition documents to become OFFICIAL, then SCOTUS protection will not be able to help him in the end. I know Im thinking logically so none of that matters.

Im trying to remember if he ever got around to signing them in 2016 because he did this exact same thing then.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (8 hours ago)
And the rest of the world facepalms and says "No shit, Sherlock!".

ziyouhuangli diaspora

What's the baby-est laundry detergent?

I mean the least-harmful/added ingredients and scentfree preferably?

Currently I would guess Ivory...

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Nach nur neun Monaten trennt sich der HSV von seinem Trainer Steffen Baumgart. Das Aus ist auch Ergebnis typischer Ränkespiele.

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Fluch oder Segen des Mittelmaßes: Am Staatstheater Mainz denkt man über das ganz normale Leben nach.

“CBS News poll finds Trump starts on positive note as most approve of transition handling”

Sheep heading not only willingly but eagerly to the slaughter.

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Sam Litzinger Why because he peacefully accepted the election that told him what he wanted to hear?

Don't hold back, Marge. Let your racism oooooze out.



"Even Mace’s own ex-staffers have gone nuclear on her over the transphobic stunt on McBride. On Wednesday, the lawmaker’s former communications director Natalie Johnson said that Mace’s attacks on McBride were little more than a 'ploy to get on Fox.'”

The New Republic

1 1

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
I have been musing in the weeks since the #election if we should have stayed on #xitter longer and tried to inform better. But as it was recently pointed out, online misinformation only works where there are people willing to engage it. It boosts search terms and algorithms even its its complete BS. Shock and outrage which hacked the #algorithm was the only way Milo Yanopolis and Ann Coulter got top search slots on google and twitter.
Refusing to engage in a platform creates an echo chamber which gets boring for trolls very quickly. So no, if anything its the fault of the people who didn't leave with the 2022 #twittermigration where people all moved over to #mastodon , instead of requiring losing an election to #Trump again.
Silver Huskey mastodon (AP)

Many on Twitter disengaged with these assholes as soon as Musk took over. It was easy to lock accounts, create lists, block blue checkmarks on mass, and block ads. In that way you could see what your friends were up to without the trolls as long as you never engaged with the news or viral tweets there.

Changing how blocks worked, and the election is what finally drove a bunch of people off Twitter.

The reason I didn't leave in 2022 was because my friends were there, and not here.

Silver Huskey mastodon (AP)

I will say only a handful of friends, like less than a half dozen came here. Most of them went to other places, if they didn't give up on social media altogether.

I found a place here and people are great, but it's not a complete replacement for relationships I've maintained for decades on other socials.

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Democracy Is Not a Customer Loyalty Program #socialism
1 1
anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Natalie Davis SO damned true! Parties base their positions on reliable voters, otherwise they will lose their jobs. People don't understand that and instead just don't vote because the politicians don't cater to them/ If they did they would lose, badly like in the 1972 and 1984 elections where the dem only won 1 state.

bazil ⏚ diaspora

Les perdants des dernières élections sont au pouvoir depuis maintenant 80 jours. Avec seulement 36% de satisfaits en novembre, le 1er ministre dévisse, constate l’Ifop. Emmanuel Macron est quant à lui toujours au plus bas. 78% des Français rejettent le chef de l’Etat.


I would not by leaky wall 😀


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The children of Gaza have been denied a childhood #Palestine

Bryan Meloy diaspora
I think, to make it work there'd need to be a cut off/threshold, below which they are safe. Otherwise they would just live off-shore in fortresses and kill anyone wanting to enforce the law
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