Mark Lansbury diaspora

Russian ICBM strike would be 'clear escalation,' #EU says

If the use of such a weapon is confirmed, it would mark "quantitative and qualitative change" in the war, according to Stano.

"While we're assessing the full facts, it's obvious that such (an) attack would mark yet another clear escalation from the side of Putin," Stano said, according to AFP.

Zelensky clarified that the investigation is ongoing but that the missile's "speed and altitude suggest intercontinental ballistic capabilities."

If confirmed, it would mark the first occasion of Russia deploying an #ICBM in the war against Ukraine, coming shortly after the U.S. permitted #Ukraine to carry out strikes in Russia with Western long-range missiles and after Russia updated its nuclear deterrence policy.

#RussianEscalation #RussianAggression


. diaspora
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Après une désastreuse insomnie il décide de boire un café pour la première fois depuis un an. Découvrez son histoire.
bituur esztreym mastodon (AP)
par contre se
ça va être
il semble,
cette fois..

I'm so sad so see Cyclista Zine ending. I really enjoy its feminist and decolonial contents, quite a relief from the mainstream male-dominated bike culture and the colonial toxic masculinity in the outdoors industry in general. All issues are now published in a book here:

taz mastodon (AP)
Alles läuft auf eine Weltmeisterschaft in Saudi-Arabien hinaus. Auch der Deutsche Fußball-Bund unterstützt das. Was für eine tolle Sache.!6048081

micchiato 🍉 mastodon (AP)

AOC got raked over the coals on #Twitter for her vote to endorse a flawed definition of antisemitism.

So, of course, her chief of staff threw gasoline on the fire on Twitter by downplaying the resolution’s endorsement of the flawed definition.

So, of course, AOC then went on #Bluesky with the intention of chatting about Amtrak, but the chat got sidetracked by her vote to support the antisemitism vote. However, she set things aflame again with evasive excuses, wanting to have her cake and eat it too.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 week ago)

Laurent Chemla 🍺 mastodon (AP)
J'ai pas pu faire du nougat à cause du chaton parce qu'il fallait que je le gratouille alors tant pis.
bituur esztreym mastodon (AP)
t'as fait du nougratouille alors ? génial !
tu sais que c'est comme ça qu'ont été inventées les Bêtises de Cambrai, entre autres ?

Florent Moncomble mastodon (AP)
Si vous l'avez manquée, courez écouter @MarCandea de @tract_linguistes démonter méthodiquement et calmement la rhétorique poussiéreuse de l'Académie française tentant de défendre son dico moisi.

Freax friendica (via ActivityPub)

Cybernews mastodon (AP)

The popular file compression program 7-Zip is currently affected by a high-severity vulnerability.

#vulnerability #cyberattack #CyberSecurity #app

ditty lemmy (AP)
The app and subsequent updates must be installed manually, as the program doesn’t have automatic updates.

BRB updating 7zip on my Windows partitions real quick. Since apparently automatic updates for 7zip aren't a thing, I bet they've never been updated on my machines ever since initially installing it with Ninite

. diaspora

Émile Pataud - PARTAGE NOIR

Émile Pataud, le citoyen Pataud, ou plutôt le camarade Pataud, comme on dit à la C.G.T., est un éteigneur de lumière d’une autre envergure que le falot Viviani. Il ne grimpe pas dans le ciel pour y décrocher les étoiles.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Nach Recherchen der taz ist ein detaillierter Plan der JVA Burg in die Hände von Gefangenen gelangt. Die Leiterin der Anstalt wurde vorläufig freigestellt.

The Pirate Post friendica (via ActivityPub)

Auto-Überwachung: Brandenburg scannt wieder mehr Nummernschilder



taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Der extrem rechte Maximilian Krah will als Direktkandidat für den Bundestag antreten. Der AfD-Bundesvorstand ist darüber nicht erfreut.


South Korea’s women-only universities weigh co-education as enrollments decline

Partage Noir diaspora
Le 22 novembre 1934, naissance de Nicolas WALTER - Pour l'anarchisme - Présentation –

Ska mastodon (AP)

Brave Search aggiunge altra AI al suo motore di ricerca


Brave ha aggiunto in questi giorni una nuova funzione al suo motore di ricerca Brave Search- Quando si fa una query di ricerca viene proposta come prima opzione una risposta elaborata dal chatbot integrato, da qualche giorno è possibile anche interagire con questa risposta approfondendo così la query e continuando la conversazione su quanto richiesto.

Questo nuovo aggiornamento verrà sicuramente apprezzato da chi usa spesso e apprezza l'AI all'interno di un motore di ricerca mentre immagino allontanerà le persone che invece vogliono qualcosa di più classico e minimale.



Adam Hunt diaspora
That is a plus at least....
The Gring diaspora
Nice to see only one person looking at the phone 😀

Sylvhem mastodon (AP)

Waarschuwing inhoud: Politique française, argent


MikeDunnAuthor mastodon (AP)

Today in Labor History November 22, 1891: Dr. Edward L. Bernays was born in Vienna, Austria. Bernays, a nephew of Freud, is considered by many to be father of public relations. He is also credited with getting millions of women to start smoking with his cigarette ads, and helping legitimizing the CIA/United Fruit overthrow of the Guatemalan government. He described the masses as irrational and subject to herd instinct and wrote books on how to harness this to maximize profits.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #edwardbernays #freud #unitedfruit #cia #guatemala #publicrelations #advertising #smoking #cigarettes #arbenz


taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Eine Gruppe plante, Brasiliens Präsidenten Lula zu ermorden und die Demokratie abzuschaffen. Darunter ist auch der rechtsextreme Ex-Präsident Bolsonaro.
Nike Leonhard mastodon (AP)
Erinnert irgendwie an Nordkreuz oder die Reichsbürgergruppe um Reuß. Das ist natürlich kein Zufall. Es sind Rechtsradikale und Rechtsradikale sind immer Feinde der Demokratie. Um so wichtiger ist es, sie mit allen Mitteln der Demokratie zu bekämpfen.
Deshalb #AfDVerbotJetzt - das hilft indirekt sogar Brasilien, weil es international ein Signal setzt.

NASA (unofficial) friendica (via ActivityPub)
The future of human space exploration took a bold step forward at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on Nov. 15, 2024, as Texas A&M University leaders’ broke ground for the Texas A&M University Space Institute. Texas state officials, NASA leaders, and distinguished guests participated in the ceremony, held near the future development site of […]

Palestinian death toll in Gaza surpasses 44,000: health authorities

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Im Bundesrat hat sich keine Mehrheit gefunden, um Lauterbachs Reformprojekt zu stoppen. Im Januar soll das Gesetz in Kraft treten.

azteclady mastodon (AP)

@bookstodon @romancelandia

The "Ten Free eBooks to Get Free" offer at Haymarket books has been extended to December 2.

Please boost and share!

(h/t @Cassandra)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (6 days ago)
azteclady mastodon (AP)

Haymarket has 10 Free ebooks to get free running until December 2 (here:, perhaps those of us who can may return the favor and donate something for this most worthy of causes: Books not Bars

You can read more about the program here:



(Modern political) #Zionism was never about the safety of the Jewish people but about turning Jews into colonial soldiers for British, French and later American imperialist interests.

#Israel #Pslestine

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 week ago)

taz mastodon (AP)
Für viele Protestierende reicht das Einkommen kaum zum Überleben. Das soll ein Generalstreik ändern.!6048737


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