LA Legault 🍉 mastodon (AP)
Meanwhile in America, the AG of #NY is criminalizing freedom of the press because they don’t like that Israel is being exposed for war crimes and calling it “support for Hamas.” The world is a mess: 😳

Mark Wyner :vm: mastodon (AP)

This illustration from David Revoy (@davidrevoy) is stunning in both composition and aesthetic. It’s his rendition of a character from the book “Ada & Zangemann,” a tale of maker/code culture and the fight against oppression and authoritarian control.

More on David:

More on the book:

#Books #Illustration #Maker #Code #Development #FOSS #Oppression #BlackGirlMagic

Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)


JosephMenn mastodon (AP)
UPDATE: Please do read it now. This link is free without a subscription if you cough up an email address. THANK YOU for all the supportive comments yesterday! A story I worked on for months is at the top of the Washington Post homepage. Please do not read it. We are on strike today and want to show they don’t have a newspaper without us, and they don’t get us without a fair contract.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)

Jared White mastodon (AP)

This has happened repeatedly now. I'll put in a fairly obscure search query into DuckDuckGo. I'll get back limited results, but it generally makes sense.

Then I'll put the same query into Google, and I'll get back a load of nonsense and even stuff that looks like spam.

I find Google virtually unusable at this point, even as a fallback. That's shocking to me. Anyone who remembers using the web in the mid 2000s, this is a wild turn of events.



C'EST DÈS CE WEEK-END 👉 du 9 au 12 dĂ©cembre !

đŸ—ș Toutes les mobilisations sur

👋 @lessoulevements @attac ... bon, il y a plus de 200 organisation signataires de l'appel đŸ€Ż

@pascal macaigne wow ? wow et puis ? wow le commentaire sans suite ? il est toujours bien venu de participer activement et constructivement Ă  une discussion, Ă  partir du moment oĂč on se met d'accord sur les bases initiales...
Partir du postulat que "la guerre est perdue" par les Ukrainiens et donc qu'elle est "gagnée" par les Russes est une absurdité dangereuse pour tout le monde !!!
pour les Ukrainiens parce que ça les placerait en position de faiblesse lors de trĂšs hypothĂ©tiques nĂ©gociations d'aprĂšs-guerre, pour l'Occident parce que ça voudrait dire que #PouPou a gagnĂ© son pari et sa lutte anti-"Occident Global" et aussi pour la Russie elle-mĂȘme parce que quoi qu'il en soit et quoi qu'il arrive, sa rĂ©putation sur la ScĂšne Internationale est tout de mĂȘme sĂ©rieusement Ă©cornĂ©e, non ???

L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

Indagati i gestori del Cpr di via Corelli, Milano

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”

L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

[Attica Blues] Nu Soul

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”

aaron schaffer mastodon (AP)
Tomorrow I’m walking off the job with hundreds of my Washington Post colleagues because the company is breaking the law and bargaining in bad faith. Respect our picket line during our 24-hour strike by avoiding Washington Post journalism on Dec. 7, and send a letter to our bosses here:
aaron schaffer mastodon (AP)

Tomorrow I’m walking off the job with hundreds of my Washington Post colleagues because the company is breaking the law and bargaining in bad faith. Respect our picket line during our 24-hour strike by avoiding Washington Post journalism on Dec. 7, and send a letter to our bosses here:

(Reposted with alt text, thanks for the reminder @bodhipaksa!)


Senate Democrats call for conditions on US aid to Israel two months into war with Hamas

Republicans blocked a vote on a $110.5bn supplemental bill that would have included aid not just to Israel but also to Ukraine #press

Oh, I see. Each woman in TX needs a team of lawyers to have proper medical care.🙄

#1 hot chick mastodon (AP)
Selling premium electricity to luxury EV owners

Boba mastodon (AP)
It feels so weird to me to see people talk about being "professional" on Mastodon because when I joined, people just posted memes and stuff they made and a big part of the appeal was the sincerity and lack of professionalism.
1 1

UN says Africa faces unprecedented food crisis, with 3 in 4 people unable to afford a healthy diet

The United Nations says at least three of every four Africans can’t afford a healthy diet because of an “unprecedented food crisis.” #press

pzmyers 🩑 mastodon (AP)

Oh boy, maybe we'll see some instances of peripatric speciation on the fringes of the internet!

anandamide mastodon (AP)
"Hapsburg AI" is a helluva term

Et puis il y a la mane pétroliÚre découverte récemment qui en 2020 à fait bondir le pib du pays de 40%.
Etes-vous d'accord pour bénéficier du pétrole, du gaz et des mines de l'esequibo ? Oui a 100%

Gaza : «entre 20 et 30.000 morts», un «carnage délibéré» - Contre Attaque


Basta! mastodon (AP)
Deux mois aprĂšs le dĂ©but de l’offensive israĂ©lienne contre la bande de Gaza, en reprĂ©sailles aux attaques et tueries aveugles du Hamas contre des villes et des kibboutz du sud d’IsraĂ«l, on compte plus de 16 000 victimes. En ce moment, les combats font rage Ă  Khan YounĂšs, obligeant de nombreuses familles palestiniennes Ă  fuir. Un camp d'urgence pour rĂ©fugiĂ©s avait Ă©tĂ© montĂ© pour celles fuyant Gaza city. Les conditions de vie y Ă©taient inhumaines.


Mozilla francophone mastodon (AP)
Explorer l’avenir de l’IA avec la semaine de l’innovation de
1á”‰Êł rdv : lundi 11 (18 h 00 CET) – Autonomiser les devs avec le guide de l’IA — Discord : Conversation sur le prototypage avec l’IA – Comment construire avec nous dans le guide de l’IA

genderbot mastodon (AP)
Today's gender is an enormous screaming emu.
Chaw mastodon (AP)
aren't we all?



The coronavirus is still killing 1,000 people in the US every week. Get your updated vaccine and wear a mask. COVID is not over.

It's the slow boiling frog scenario and it is taking a long time for some people to acknowledge the temperature of the water.

Humans are really bad at assessing and responding logically to certain types of risk. Covid and global warming both seem to be almost perfect set up to running rings around us.

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Infoseepage @Dr. Lucky Tran :verified: What you listed was not the same thing as under reporting. Yes is will known that death levels are statistically higher than expected, that doesn't mean anyone is lying or covering things up in the medical industry like it's assured by many. That might not be bc what you were saying either, I just know I keep hearing this belief among the Internet rumors and wanted to know if there was truth to it. There isn't, thank you


UnsinkableSam mastodon (AP)
In a move to address antisemitism on Reddit, Reddit is banning Jews for calling out antisemitism on Reddit.


This proves the maxim: You are what you eat.


Noam Bergman diaspora
I hope the peach doesn't eat the parakeet!
Why else do you think it's so round?
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