Miriam mastodon (AP)
Bruce Acton mastodon (AP)
So Unions and Strikes are a turn on, so how do you feel about COLA (Cost of living allowance) Clauses and Closed shop. Sorry I guess I shouldn’t take dirty here!
Innocent Loverboy mastodon (AP)
I'm a union rep! Horny?

Miriam mastodon (AP)
Not engaging with Washington Post content is what I strive to do everyday but I’m doing it with more of an✨attitude✨today cause I love strikes ✊🏾
Paul Bowsher mastodon (AP)
typically today was the day my (£2pcm) subscription renewed. So I’ve now gone and cancelled it completely.

Farhad A diaspora

South of the city of Khan Yunis in the #Gaza Strip, where seven residential buildings were destroyed as a result of Israeli airstrikes.

Video on telegram

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

Picard Tips mastodon (AP)
Picard management tip: If you only play to your strengths you may look competent but ultimately you will stagnate. Play to your weaknesses as well. Improve with practice. There is so much more to learn.

F-Droid mastodon (AP)

This week in F-Droid (TWIF) was just published.

We have new mirrors and some news about Simple Mobile Tools.
Also, we wrote about DiskUsage, Sithakuru and Karma Firewall.


Smojo mastodon (AP)
Awesome DiskUsage is alive. 😅🤩
exitcode mastodon (AP)
this is the bad news for all simple mobile apps users, thanks for the information



Farhad A diaspora

Shit for brain Nikki Haley: “For every 30 minutes that someone watches TikTok every day, they become 17% more antisemitic, more pro-Hamas.”

340 million people in the US and she is one of the few running for presidency!

This is just too funny to let go, even thought I have decided to ignore internal US politics.

#TikTok #NikkiHaley #USpolitics #Antisemitism #Hamaa #ShitForBraine

Nora Qudus diaspora
internal US politics will eventually bite the world on its ass with a rabid bite

Farhad A diaspora

Not from the onion: Attorney General Merrick Garland: "The Justice Department has filed the first ever charges under the U.S. war crimes statute against four #Russia-affiliated military personnel for heinous crimes against an American citizen."

This is when reality is far more bizarre than fiction or satire.

#NotTheOnion #FBI #WarCrime #Politics #WTAF

Nora Qudus diaspora
fuck garland and the goat he rode in on.

Will Oremus mastodon (AP)

Today I’m walking off the job in solidarity with hundreds of my Washington Post colleagues. It's our first strike in 48 years. You can respect our picket line by avoiding Washington Post journalism today, Dec. 7, during our 24-hour strike.

You can also send a letter to our bosses if you like:


Mediapart mastodon (AP)

Les intermittents de l’audiovisuel en grève: «On demande juste le rattrapage de nos salaires»

Depuis presque un mois, les petites mains de la fiction audiovisuelle multiplient les débrayages pour réclamer une revalorisation de 20% de leurs #salaires. Un mouvement inédit, dans un secteur où les rémunérations stagnent depuis bientôt vingt ans.

Par Yunnes Abzouz ›

Neurone mastodon (AP)

C’est dingue quand même ce lobby du voyage. Ce matin émission spéciale decarbonation sur FI (ouais…) et la dame elle dit « pas question d’annuler votre voyage en avion en famille mais faites moins de voiture dans l’année pour compenser ». 🙄🙄🙄

Aurélien Barrau a raison, on est complètement con.

Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)
J'en ai entendu un bout au réveil, ça ma particulièrement déprimé oui.
Aussi parce que les journalistes semblent découvrir tout ça.
Et parce que de ce que j'en ai entendu, ça fait encore tout reposer sur des actes individuels.
Tu m'étonnes qu'après les gens approuvent les politiques qui parlent "d'écologie punitive"...


Farhad A diaspora

#Netenyahu: “If Hezbollah chooses to start a war, it will turn #Beirut and South #Lebanon into #Gaza and #KhanYunis”

Admitting to genocide and threatening to start another #genocide, typical…

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Miriam mastodon (AP)
Not only are Palestinians enduring the harrowing onslaught of bombs, surrounded by the grim aftermath of crushed bodies and devoid of healthcare, but they are also starving.
How much more pain do they have to endure before the powers that be start caring! Biden and Sunak, Vond Der Lay and all the other charlatans should hold their heads in abject shame!


Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)
Énième rappel qu'en Macronie "j'assume" veut dire "qu'est-ce tu vas faire ? y a quoi ?"
Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)
@PrincessConnasse J'ai un peu hésité pour une formulation du genre. Ça fonctionne aussi 😉

Khrys mastodon (AP)

Emmanuel Macron fait renaître le Conseil scientifique, en « Conseil présidentiel de la science »

Nan mais ce nom··· 🤦‍♀️

Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)
On dirait du Gorafi sérieux...

CyberRex misskey (AP)


東北学院大が返還不要の奨学金制度導入へ 東日本出身者が対象


Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)

Les #JOP2024 personne n'en voulait (à part les sponsors et la mafia du CIO), tout le monde va en pâtir...

"Pour éviter l’engorgement des transports durant les JO, Clément Beaune invite les Franciliens à « s’organiser différemment »"

Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)

Vous l'avez vue passer cette consultation ?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)
Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)
@Looping C'est déjà le cas, souvent, même sans les JO...

Andrea Russo friendica (via ActivityPub)

PODCAST GAZA: “I soldati ci hanno preso la casa, sparano sui civili. Denunciamo il mondo intero”

Waarschuwing inhoud: La testimonianza da Rafah di Sami Abu Omar, cooperante palestinese costretto a fuggire dalla sua abitazione a Est di Khan Yunis, ora occupata da cecchini dell'esercito israeliano. Accuse anche alla Croce Rossa e all'Onu che non farebbero abbastanza per i





VS CodeタスクへのアクセスGUIから簡単にできるようにしてほしい


Khrys mastodon (AP)

Firefox serait au bord du gouffre avec une part de marché qui dégringole vers le seuil critique de 2 %, en dessous duquel certains sites Web gouvernementaux cessent de supporter un navigateur

Oui, et puis c'est gênant, ces navigateurs qui protègent l'intimité numérique.


pzmyers 🦑 mastodon (AP)


2xfo mastodon (AP)

The Washington Post workers are on strike today.
Let's show our solidarity with the striking workers and provide financial incentive for management to negotiate. Just for today, please do not click on any WP links.

(They don't have anything good to show anyway because the writers are on strike.)


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