霧島ふうき🔞 mastodon (AP)

PulkoMandy mastodon (AP)

So, I found a bug in journalctl (and they fixed it now). Sometimes things are not working as you expect, and it turns out it's not your fault. It took us a while to figure out exactly what was going on here, as this was making our automated tests either miss the log we were looking for, or pick an older instance of it that we didn't want to detect (depending on which way we tried to workaround it)

Le Alternative mastodon (AP)

Tesla, Licenze Software, Copyright e DMCA

C’è davvero da stupirsi se Tesla rimuove i software opzionali quando l’auto viene rivenduta?

LINK -->


A endesa lo que hay que hacer es nacionalizarla ya!

y a las otras. Eso, o crear una agencia nacional de electricidad y gas, y a ver cómo funciona el mercado.

rival mastodon (AP)
Es que la tendencia natural del capitalismo es al monopolio, y ya que va a haber monopolio, lo lógico es que sea estatal, es decir, de toda la ciudadanía, y no privado, es decir, de 4 accionistas parasitarios que viven de explotar el trabajo de sus empleados y subir tarifas sin fin negándose además a invertir... Claro, la ciudadanía tiene que controlar al Estado, pero la socialización de los medios de producción es algo que va de suyo para salir del desastre actual, ¿no?
rival mastodon (AP)

erdu diaspora

Gaza : l'ONU invoque l'article 99, une alerte maximale pour réclamer un cessez-le-feu - Contre Attaque


erdu diaspora
"Avec des âmes d’esclaves ou de tyrans on ne peut aller que vers l’esclavage et la tyrannie” - Contre Attaque

erdu diaspora

Gaza : «entre 20 et 30.000 morts», un «carnage délibéré» - Contre Attaque


pa¢ø-3.ð reshared this.

genderbot mastodon (AP)
The gender of the day is a descent of wrens.

Help I accidentally wrote a tri-color #GarbageCollector.

(I had an idea not involving garbage collection and then ended up writing a collector because it made the other thing easier.)

(Why yes, I am fun at parties.)

PulkoMandy mastodon (AP)
(you just need to visit the right kind of party)

essay necromancer hometown (AP)

Waarschuwing inhoud: lesbian / bi

essay necromancer hometown (AP)

Waarschuwing inhoud: kate roberts

SAM hometown (AP)

Waarschuwing inhoud: kate roberts

Some holiday advice to take to heart.

Everyone has a spare dinosaur lying around…

#holidays #gingerbread #humor


Waarschuwing inhoud: 性癖



マドロス冨田 misskey (AP)


Magdoz diaspora
Oui...on peut le dire comme ça ! ;))

Magdoz diaspora

‘Apocalyptic’ conditions in southern Gaza blocking aid, top UN official says


Faut croire que les mots génocide et crime de guerre ne suffisent plus à caractériser la réalité....

L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

[TuttaScenaCinema] la puntata settimanale ● giovedì 07 dicembre 2023 ore 14

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”

Andrea Russo friendica (via ActivityPub)

GERMANIA. Scioperi della fame in sostegno agli oppositori politici turchi arrestati

Waarschuwing inhoud: Una giornalista, un musicista e uno studente turchi sono stati arrestati con l'applicazione della controversa sezione 129b della legge antiterrorismo. Quattro giovani in sciopero della fame rischiano la vita per richiederne l'abrogazione L'articolo GERMA

Andrea Russo friendica (via ActivityPub)

L’Italia è uscita dalla Via della Seta

L’Italia è uscita dalla Via della Seta meloni xi
Il governo Meloni ha comunicato l'addio alla Belt and Road Initiative. La scelta era nota già da mesi, ma Roma e Pechino hanno trattato sulle modalità, molto lontane dalla grande esposizione dell'accordo del 2019. Le tempistiche non sono casuali, vista la concomitanza col summit Cina-Ue che può "assorbire" il dossier italiano

L'articolo L’Italia è uscita dalla Via della Seta proviene da China Files.

Ppl have been trying to make ostrich meat happen since I was born so why is it not happening yet?
anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Just another rakyat 🇲🇾 Its expensive, niche and unlike cows that are bred to be passive, Ostriches are anything but. Going to take generations of breeding or GMO to make them as passive and compliant as cows, long after the time that lab grown meat tastes like the real thing.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)


What has appeared in Tokyo is a fantasy forest that looks like a painting.

#photography #nature #art #写真 #japan #beautiful #beauty # #winter #landscape #scenery #fantasy #絵画 #painting #東京 #tokyo #イルミネーション #illumination #クリスマス #christmas


LA Legault 🍉 mastodon (AP)
Do you think Palestinians will get family gold plates?

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)

PAIGE! mastodon (AP)
Peertube 6 just added the ability to replace videos and password protect videos. These are two big wins in the @peertube column for me vs YouTube.
I'd love to see some sort of membership or synchronization with Patreon. Kind of need to figure out how to get paid without YouTube in the picture for it to really takeoff.

Stitcher mastodon (AP)

Okay, so the thing about teaching American literature is that there are so many biblical references.

And the thing about teaching in the "Bible Belt" is that many students claim that they are very knowledgeable about Christianity.


It has been years since I have had a student notice and mention a religious reference without me bringing it up.

It has been a good while since I have pointed out a reference and had a student be able to explain it. [1/6]

#Education #TeachingELA #ClassNotes

Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)
1 1

johnlray mastodon (AP)
feels like we're like a couple weeks away from discovering 99.99% of LinkedIn "influencer" types are bots run by the same weird little guy

Former Trump Aide Recounts His Calls for Staffer to Be Executed | “I cannot set off enough alarm bells about how dangerous he is,” the former aide said on “The View.”

#FormerTrumpAide #CallsForExecution #DangerousTrump #TheView #StafferExecution #AlarmBells #Politics #News


Extinction Studies hometown (AP)
Fantastic. Now all we have to do is replace all the firms in Wall Street high rises with residential housing and the positive transition will be complete.
anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Extinction Studies @U.S. Politics in Real Time Sadly only 10% of corporate buildings can be safely converted to residential

1 1

China's exports in November edged higher for the first time in 7 months, while imports fell

Customs data show that China’s exports rose in November, indicating that demand may be picking up following months of decline #press

Republicans block Ukraine funding over US-Mexico border despite Biden pleas

US President warned not passing the measure would 'kneecap' Ukraine on the battlefield and be a 'gift' to Putin. #press

Nepal calls on Russia not to deploy its Gurkhas in Ukraine war

Six Nepali soldiers embedded in Russian army have been killed fighting in Ukraine so far #press

Axios mastodon (AP)

Relative quiet from the White House and repeated GOP attacks on Biden's energy record are hiding record levels of American oil production.

Don't expect public victory laps from Biden as he navigates the tricky politics around energy and climate change.


thepoliticalcat mastodon (AP)
Remember that Ukraine NEEDS you this winter. They have been under attack for 9 years now, with thousands of their children stolen, killed, recruited into the Russian Army & forced to participate in the attempted genocide of their people. Do them a solid, and call your Rep and your Senators, and demand they send aid to BOTH Ukraine and Israel/Palestine. Do it before Christmas. If you can send them Christmas cards, please do. #Ukraine #Palestine #Israel #War #Hunger #Famine

"We’re supposed to sit here and see a party that has voted against women’s access to abortion, equal pay, the violence against women act, against our right to have access to contraception… and I’m supposed to believe they’re looking out for my best interests? I think not."


anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)

Lots to think about here.
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