Farhad A diaspora

One of the hundreds kidnapped from #Gaza, and claimed to be Hamas fighters by the Israeli army, has been identified as the New Arab’s bureau chief, Dia Kahlout, a #journalist.

He and all males in his families above 15 were kidnapped into Israel.

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

Maybe he fights as a sumo

Wisconsin Examiner mastodon (AP)

Judge rules #Wisconsin ban does not apply to #abortion @baylorspears reports


Nature Remoで品地の知識止まってる


Some Help with Our Ethnic Cleansing, Please
#cartoon by Ted #Rall

Alexis Kauffmann mastodon (AP)
On me signale que certains élèves sont en train de développer la compétence sous-traitance dans Pix.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (7 months ago)
sinon, concernant les questions liées à Wikipédia, certains viennent les poser sur Wikipédia 😀
bibliofab66 mastodon (AP)
Oui, on les a très souvent sur le Forum des nouveaux de Wikipédia...

Miriam mastodon (AP)
The man who invented knock-knock jokes should get a no bell prize
Knock knock - shout of "I'm dying"
"Who's there?"
"Sam who?"
Sam an' Ella"
SpreewalderleR mastodon (AP)
I heard he's commanding a starship now, @STDeltaShift

pzmyers 🦑 mastodon (AP)
Weird. Sitting in my class while my students work on an ONLINE exam. I guess I’m just here as an oracle no one needs.
Curly Wyer mastodon (AP)
they probably think you're the IT guy who'll fix the computer...

David Dufresne mastodon (AP)

Gaza, l'aide humanitaire, le ciné documentaire et nous. Mathilde Rouxel, Fabienne Messika (@Collectif_Golem), @JfCorty (Médecins du Monde) Rejoignez-nous sur Nous sommes 54 à débattre.

Soutenez Au Poste | A prix libre, permettez l'accès libre de Au Poste à tous :


gravitons owncast (AP)

We've gone live!

Spirit of Gravity | Rustic electronica & locally sourced experimentalism: live from the Rossi bar

#owncast #streaming #music #electronicMusic #experimentalMusic


Miriam mastodon (AP)
Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.
Sir David Nielsen mastodon (AP)
I mean, living does contain the option of pizza and there are dogs. Aside that, I am admittedly running low on pluses.
Katy Swain mastodon (AP)
I've never died before, and it's too late to start now.

L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

Ferretti Federico, “L’Occidente di Élisée Reclus: l’invenzione dell’Europa nella Nouvelle Géographie Universelle (1876-1894)”

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”


L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

Sentenza di secondo grado del processo “Bialystok”

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”


L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

Ferretti Federico, “Il mondo senza la mappa. Elisée Reclus e i geografi anarchici”

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”


Chris Aalberts mastodon (AP)
Mooi nieuws. Omtzigt is nog lang niet om.

Alex Gleason pleroma (AP)
I restored an old blog post to my new site. This one was good enough to keep:
1 1

Una falla critica nella sicurezza Bluetooth potrebbe essere sfruttata dagli autori delle minacce per assumere il controllo di dispositivi Android, Linux, macOS e iOS.

Il bug colpisce dispositivi con Android (dalla ver 4.2.2), iOS, Linux e macOS.

Colpisce macOS e iOS quando il Bluetooth è abilitato e una Magic Keyboard è stata abbinata al dispositivo vulnerabile. Funziona anche nella modalità LockDown di Apple


Étienne Cdl mastodon (AP)

Bêche de moral.

#ironème #ironèmes


Lu wilson mastodon (AP)


Introducing the best and only way to transition

Jack Rusher mastodon (AP)
“I live on Earth at the present, and I don't know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing - a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process - an integral function of the universe.”
— #BuckminsterFuller

Miriam mastodon (AP)
The rotation of Earth really makes my day
Michael Burkhardt mastodon (AP)
I see what you did there
Zach Weigand mastodon (AP)
Someone needs to go find the poor dad you killed for that joke 😄

mcc mastodon (AP)
Ahh, Regular Expressions.

Piratenpartij Delft mastodon (AP)
Vandaag is een nieuw Delfts vrijwilligersplatform gestart:
Wij wensen ze uiteraard veel succes met dit mooie initiatief!

Radical Graffiti mastodon (AP)

"Israel will never willingly free Palestine because at this point they're terrified that Palestinians will treat them the way they're treating Palestinians....
(Plus they want the land, too...)

Seen in the subway in Brooklyn, NY

I mean, they absolutely would. Not the average Palestinian, of course, who is more interested in just living a life and being treated like a person, but whatever government they formed would absolutely try to do that.
Isopropyl alcohol mastodon (AP)

As they say..pressure bursts pipes. But if you find a way to keep pressure on without it exploding. You can never NOT be putting pressure on. Or else it'll explode.

And the longer you keep that pressure on. The bigger the explosion when you do let up.

Miriam mastodon (AP)
I tried to catch fog yesterday, mist.
I deserve compensation for this assault.
Dale Steele mastodon (AP)
Drizzly news!


Trump tells court artists he should lose weight as he returns to his fraud trial

Former president returns to court for the first time in a month as his attorneys wrap up their defence #press

NPR :press: mastodon (AP)

7 in 10 U.S. adults consider themselves spiritual

Although Americans have grown less likely to identify with an organized religion in recent decades, Pew Research has found many say they are spiritual in some way. #press

LA Legault 🍉 mastodon (AP)
Meanwhile in America, the AG of #NY is criminalizing freedom of the press because they don’t like that Israel is being exposed for war crimes and calling it “support for Hamas.” The world is a mess: 😳

Mark Wyner :vm: mastodon (AP)

This illustration from David Revoy (@davidrevoy) is stunning in both composition and aesthetic. It’s his rendition of a character from the book “Ada & Zangemann,” a tale of maker/code culture and the fight against oppression and authoritarian control.

More on David:

More on the book:

#Books #Illustration #Maker #Code #Development #FOSS #Oppression #BlackGirlMagic

Deze entry werd bewerkt (7 months ago)


JosephMenn mastodon (AP)
UPDATE: Please do read it now. This link is free without a subscription if you cough up an email address. THANK YOU for all the supportive comments yesterday! A story I worked on for months is at the top of the Washington Post homepage. Please do not read it. We are on strike today and want to show they don’t have a newspaper without us, and they don’t get us without a fair contract.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (7 months ago)

Jared White mastodon (AP)

This has happened repeatedly now. I'll put in a fairly obscure search query into DuckDuckGo. I'll get back limited results, but it generally makes sense.

Then I'll put the same query into Google, and I'll get back a load of nonsense and even stuff that looks like spam.

I find Google virtually unusable at this point, even as a fallback. That's shocking to me. Anyone who remembers using the web in the mid 2000s, this is a wild turn of events.



C'EST DÈS CE WEEK-END 👉 du 9 au 12 décembre !

🗺 Toutes les mobilisations sur

👋 @lessoulevements @attac ... bon, il y a plus de 200 organisation signataires de l'appel 🤯

@pascal macaigne wow ? wow et puis ? wow le commentaire sans suite ? il est toujours bien venu de participer activement et constructivement à une discussion, à partir du moment où on se met d'accord sur les bases initiales...
Partir du postulat que "la guerre est perdue" par les Ukrainiens et donc qu'elle est "gagnée" par les Russes est une absurdité dangereuse pour tout le monde !!!
pour les Ukrainiens parce que ça les placerait en position de faiblesse lors de très hypothétiques négociations d'après-guerre, pour l'Occident parce que ça voudrait dire que #PouPou a gagné son pari et sa lutte anti-"Occident Global" et aussi pour la Russie elle-même parce que quoi qu'il en soit et quoi qu'il arrive, sa réputation sur la Scène Internationale est tout de même sérieusement écornée, non ???

L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

Indagati i gestori del Cpr di via Corelli, Milano

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”

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