
Miriam mastodon (AP)
Supporting Palestinians and being horrified by the actions of the Israeli government is not antisemitic. Trying to equate the two is intellectually dishonest and extremely damaging to Jewish people worldwide who are sacrificing everything to fight against Netanyahu’s tyranny
David Koff (he/him) mastodon (AP)

Jew here. 100% agreed. It’s not antisemetic to care deeply for the #palestinian peoples and to pray for them, like #israel, to have a homeland.

What’s #antisemitic is suggesting that Israel doesn’t also have that same right. What’s antisemetic is holding Israel to a different standard than every other country on earth. What’s antisemetic is marginalizing #Jews as not also being #indigenous to the region.

Equating Israeli govt with Jews the whole thing with criticizing Israel being antisemitic encourages has probably been part of why there has been an increase in genuine antisemitism with the horrific stuff Israel has been doing in Gaza lately. That means it has been making Jews worldwide less safe.



I wanna be a pop star
君をもっと 夢中にさせてあげるからね
ぬとぬとのpop star


With great sadness, we report that Alfredo Maria Bonanno has passed away. An indomitable insurrectionist, he challenged anarchists around the world through over half a century of writing and action.

If you only read one text of his, begin with Armed Joy, which connects the refusal of work with an affirmation of life via the project of joyous revolt.

"The search for joy is therefore an act of will, a firm refusal of the fixed conditions of capital and its values. The first of these refusals is that of work as a value. The search for joy can only come about through the search for play.

"The joy of the revolutionary act is contagious. It spreads like a spot of oil. Play becomes meaningful when it acts on reality.

"Hurry to play. Hurry to arm yourself."

We remember him as he described himself in The Insurrectional Project—as a comrade among comrades.

Detritus Books has published a collection of his work.


AI is the perfect technology for a time of the eternal present, endlessly vomiting out different combinations of already existing data and calling it the future.

Ro misskey (AP)

What's up, lovers and haters. I hope your Sunday doesn't suck... well... unless you want it to. No judgment.

Ha, anyway, we're down to less than 30 days left until I shut this instance down, and my new full-time home will be over here as I continue to set up my new org hueristic instruments.

All the current updates, news, and, of course, my various shenanigans will all be over there.

New instance, same Ro flavor...

Wait, that didn't come out right, but you know what I mean.




People don't choose to be unintelligent, but they do choose not to learn, grow, and change.

That is all. Carry on.


Milioni di scansioni di pazienti e cartelle cliniche si riversano online grazie a un bug di protocollo vecchio di decenni

I ricercatori affermano di aver trovato immagini di pazienti esposte, nonché nomi, indirizzi e numeri di telefono


New York Times: Two N95 Companies Shut Down, as an Era Ends

This is such a huge fail. We need to make high quality masks more accessible to everyone long-term to protect people from the ongoing threats of COVID, respiratory viruses, and climate change.

Thanks to @ProjectN95 and everyone else who has done a heroic job getting high quality masks to people who need them over the last few years. Shame on the government for not doing more to support your critical efforts!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)

Il tuo gestore di password mobile potrebbe esporre le tue credenziali

Un certo numero di popolari gestori di password mobili stanno inavvertitamente diffondendo le credenziali degli utenti a causa di una vulnerabilità nella funzionalità di completamento automatico delle app Android.


iam0day lemmy (AP)
Si sa qualcosa per BitWarden?
@iam0day il problema non è il password manager ma la coesistenza della funzione di completamento automatico insieme al il browser in app di qualsiasi app malevola che ti chiede di accedere tramite un altro sito, come Google o Facebook, e che può accedere automaticamente a informazioni sensibili
Marco mastodon (AP)
Copia & incolla is the way
@hyp0x90 mmmm... Hai mai provato a cliccare su quell'iconcina in alto al centro sopra la tua tastiera Android? Quella fatta così?
Marco mastodon (AP)
Yep, "clipboard history is currently disabled"
veonazzo lemmy (AP)
Scusate, ma di che icona parlate? <_<"
@veonazzo @hyp0x90 quella che ti permette di incollare quello che hai copiato la penultima volta. E la terzultima. È così via... Perché anche il tuo telefono memorizza tutti gli ultimi 20 appunti di memoria... 😁
veonazzo lemmy (AP)
Non credo di averla, che tastiera avete?
Io ho quella default di grapheneOS.
@veonazzo e grazie! Non sei proprio quello che viene definito un utente standard...
Marco Bresciani mastodon (AP)
Naah. KeePassDX MagicKeyboard.
È una tastiera interna a KeePassDX, che serve proprio a evitare che il sistema si copi le tue credenziali.
@informapirata @informatica
Marco mastodon (AP)
@AAMfP Io uso FlorisBoard con la history disabilitata, e in ogni caso GrapheneOS mi avverte ogni volta che un'app tenta di accedere agli appunti.
Marco Bresciani mastodon (AP)
Sì, beh, ovvio che c'è FlorisBoard: GBoard manco la consideravo! 😅😉
E ReThinkDNS o TrackerControl per bloccare comunque tutti gli accessi.
@informapirata @informatica

Mes amis francophones! Connaissez-vous quelqu’un qui parle français (natif) et qui voudrait offrir des classes conversationnels en ligne (Zoom, etc) aux horaires des États-Unis ?

Je vais explorer iTalki, mais je toujours aimer les avis. Merci à tous!

EDITION: Je vais lui payer, bien sûr!

#français #apprendre

Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)

bituur esztreym mastodon (AP)

Wietze Brandsma mastodon (AP)
Ondanks de miljoenen die in de aanpak van arbeidsuitbuiting gaan, neemt het aantal meldingen toe
Er wordt meer geld uitgetrokken om uitbuiting op de werkvloer tegen te gaan, maar dat leidt niet tot effectieve bestrijding.

Una “fabbrica di uccisioni di massa”: come Israele usa l’intelligenza artificiale nei bombardamenti su Gaza


È grazie ad #Habsora che l’esercito israeliano riesce oggi ad effettuare attacchi su larga scala contro le case dove vivono i membri di Hamas. Ma i raid aerei colpiscano anche altre abitazioni in cui non abitano i militanti, uccidendo intere famiglie di civili.

Hackeraggio alla rete idrica in UK: NCSC avverte del rischio

Il National Cyber Security Centre del Regno Unito ha sollevato l'allarme riguardo all'uso attivo dei controllori logici programmabili (PLC) Unitronics, impiegati nel settore idrico. Infatti ci sono alti rischi di un hackeraggio alla rete idrica in UK. Questo avviso segue una situazione simile negli Stati Uniti, evidenziata anche dalla Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).


hazelnot :yell: mastodon (AP)

How do people keep track of webcomics and stuff?

Every time I try to get into one I kinda forget about it, close the tab, and next time I wanna read some of it I forget where I was so I just give up

I use Tachiyomi for some stuff (mainly Gunnerkrigg Cour and Yokoka's Quest) but most webcomics aren't available there


Seph Harrison friendica (via ActivityPub)


"La plus grande enquête participative jamais menée sur l'extrême droite en France"
#StreetPress à créé une plateforme pour signaler la présence de groupes d'#ExtremeDroite dans votre ville.
Un tag, stickers, ou confrontation direct il est maintenant possible de le leurs signaler ici →
Ielles prévoient de faire une enquêter sur les 150 groupes recensés en #France

Jérémy -Jeey- mastodon (AP)

Le ministre de l’Écologie multiplie discrètement les vols en avion privé

#Écologie #DeFaçade #EtEncore...

Spionaggio verso un nuovo livello: Il Senatore Wyden svela le richieste segrete a Google e Apple sulle notifiche push degli smartphone

Il senatore americano Ron Wyden ha avvertito che i governi stranieri stanno spiando gli utenti attraverso i loro smartphone, e ha chiesto ad Apple e Google di fornire i dati sulle notifiche push


The New Oil mastodon (AP)

Attackers breach US govt agencies using Adobe ColdFusion exploit

#cybersecurity #hacking

Chris Tiane diaspora
ich hatte es schon selbst nachgeschaut ;) aber danke...

Roni Laukkarinen mastodon (AP)

Almost everyone who says "Mastodon didn't work for me" on Bluesky seems to have posted only "me me me" stuff for months (if that) on Mastodon, followed about 10-20 people, never replied to anyone and then gave up because "nobody there, it didn't fly".

It seems there is a big misunderstanding how this free and healthy social media works. We are not here for the easy wins, likes, shares and dopamine spikes. We are here because we accept the fact we are not part of the commercial hype machine. We choose natural engagement over spoiling algorithms, we choose conversation and meaning in our social media. At least that is how I see it.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialMedia

Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)

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