Seph Harrison friendica (via ActivityPub)

Awesome short fiction


Picard Tips mastodon (AP)
Picard management tip: Take no notice of cleavage.

PrivacyDigest mastodon (AP)

#Police Can #Spy on Your #iOS and #Android #PushNotifications

Governments can access records related to push notifications from mobile apps by requesting that data from #Apple and #Google, according to details in court records and a US senator.
#privacy #surveillance

Seph Harrison friendica (via ActivityPub)

Seph :verified: mastodon (AP)
Drove down Sedan Ave in #STL , and I gotta say it's misnamed, I didn't see a single house with four doors

PrivacyDigest mastodon (AP)

Due to #AI, “We are about to enter the era of mass #spying,” says Bruce #Schneier
#privacy #surveillance

What will you do when your neighbor reports you because they don't like you? What about a co-worker?
@Adam_Cadmon1 Right? Imagine the suspicion and the tension.
@Adam_Cadmon1 Yeah, if you did something like that, you'd be dead to me.

PixiePancake mastodon (AP)

How to get a referral to vocational school.

#Humor #Funny #Lol #Fun #Humour


Seph :verified: mastodon (AP)
I really wish #youtube would just give up on the ad blockers. Just hit YouTube and got the message that ad blockers are banned. Fine, go to uBlock settings, update one of the filter lists, quit, restore session, there, now we can watch again

Farhad A diaspora

"This is a war on children." -James Elder, the spokesperson for #UNICEF

#Gaza #Israel

reshared this

Seph Harrison friendica (via ActivityPub)

randomjunque mastodon (AP)
omg I literally finished watching this episode 😀

Seph :verified: mastodon (AP)
Pay close attention to the date on the cartoon

Farhad A diaspora

they no longer hide their disgusting inhumanity

And look at that name.

Un gruppo di giornali spagnoli fa causa a Meta, per concorrenza sleale: quali ripercussioni


L’Asociación de Medios de Información ha avviato una causa contro #Meta per concorrenza sleale nel mercato pubblicitario. Chiesto risarcimento di 550 milioni di euro per non aver individuato una corretta base giuridica per il trattamento dei dati degli utenti. Ecco il cuore della questione e le possibili ripercussioni, anche in Italia


If we designed houses like we design cities—there wouldn't be a lot of room for living left.

emilygorcenski mastodon (AP)
Congrats on the most deeply ahistorical post on the topic yet

W3C has posted that we are no longer active on X/Twitter and have directed all our followers here to Mastodon.

We are encouraging all W3C-related accounts to do the same.

Encourage your friends to follow us here!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (9 months ago)

Hannu Ikonen, MD mastodon (AP)

Its funny that I need to know and do several months of rotations involving Ob/Gyn, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Family Med, and other fields to practice psychiatry, I should be expected to know Wells Criteria, atypical angina presentations, Beers List, do an additional 8 hours of opioid training NOW due to Fed Legislation when I do not prescribe opioids...

yet police do almost no training and carry a loaded gun to crises.

All cops are also underprepared/undertrained.

1 1 mastodon (AP)

“International Free Assange day”. 7 dicembre, Roma

Giovedì 7 dicembre alle ore 15 in occasione dell'”International Free Assange day” si terrà un sit-in per la sua liberazione alle ore 15 in Largo Corrado Ricci a Roma Articolo21 aderisce all’iniziativa

1 2

If you want to know how the #COP28 UN Climate Change Conference is going, this post says it all...

Adrianna Tan mastodon (AP)
As a person from a former British colony, the UK seemed like maybe a natural place to move to.. in the 90s. It no longer feels that way. Holy shit. Horrible immigration policies, and maybe worse career growth and salaries than the former colony I’m from.
1 1
Adrianna Tan mastodon (AP)

People born in India or China are especially aware the U.S. is very hard and it isn’t a surprise because hundred year old racist immigration policies were designed that way to keep them out, specifically. People understand how it works, and how to navigate: it’s sucky but it is known.

UK’s is just punitive but in an erratic way.

Canada always seems like a good option but sadly the jobs situation doesn’t seem as robust as any American coastal city.

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Adrianna Tan Yeah I used to look for jobs in Canada and couldn't find anything in an area I'd enjoy.

Benjamin Geer mastodon (AP)

Polish hackers figured out that a train manufacturer had programmed its trains to break down after certain dates, or if they were serviced at another company's workshop.

attn @jon @echo_pbreyer

#trains #RighttoRepairEurope #InfoSec #railway #Poland #Polska

philjreese mastodon (AP)

Billionaires Don’t Want You to Know About This Supreme Court Case | Robert Reich

> Today the Supreme Court will hear what could be the most important tax case in decades.Moore v. US could permanently shield billionaires from a wealth tax.Th...



J R diaspora
Kirby looks like a ventriloquist dummy.
that's US admiralty for you xD

L'Anarchiversitario mastodon (AP)

Legambiente: in lombardia il consumo del suolo continua a crescere: “logistica sempre piu’ aggressiva”

“D'ogni legge nemico e di ogni fede.”


opennet honk (AP)

YA diaspora
On my way to town there is a beautiful, older #Yew #tree, now full of snow... a #yya #foto

pa¢ø-3.ð diaspora

Dans la nuit du 5 au 6 décembre 1986, la mort de Malik Oussekine et d'Abdel Benyahia - Contre Attaque


erdu diaspora
«Fermer la gueule» de l'opposition politique - Contre Attaque
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