vagancio pirato gancio (AP)
Movilización en Defensa de los Jubilados
Begint:  Donderdag September 12, 2024 @ 5:00 PM
Eindigt:  Donderdag September 12, 2024 @ 9:00 PM

«El jueves 12/9 a las 15 hs. las organizaciones de jubilados, la CGT, la CTA, los movimientos sociales y los estudiantes universitarios convocan a una gran movilización para frenar el veto de Milei a la ley de movilidad jubilatoria.

Sin embargo, la exigencia de los jubilados es contundente “debe llamarse a un paro, para que la movilización sea masiva, porque jubilados somos todos” y agregó “queremos que la gente participe, que no sea solamente las cúpulas, que no sea solamente de los cuerpos orgánicos sino de los trabajadores de las trabajadoras de todo el país que están reclamando como los docentes de varios lugares del país o los trabajadores del neumáticos” y que acompañen todos aquellos que quieran enfrentar el ataque del gobierno, que no es solo con los jubilados, es un ataque generalizado.»


Caravana por Palestina
Begint:  Vrijdag September 06, 2024 @ 8:00 PM
Tras 11 meses de genocidio, activamos caravana y banderazo por Palestina.

Lots of fuss about Durov/Telegram/France and Musk/Twitter/Brazil legal cases. Far less fuss about this genuine free speech case in Hong

Hong Kong: Stand News editors ...


Josh Sternberg ActivityPub

Good example of media's heads so far up their own asses they cannot see light of day: Trump isn't "waffling on abortion." He's just lying. To pander; to get votes; whatever, it doesn't matter. The guy is the sole reason Roe got overturned; If HRC wins 2016, it's a 6-3 liberal SCOTUS.


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Radley Balko ActivityPub

The rule of law is rooted in predictability. These batshit right-wing judges' Calvinballing is going to cause lasting damage. Also, this is a far more dangerous and direct threat to free speech than the government asking Facebook to take down posts about Ivermectin.


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Karl Auerbach mastodon (AP)

Here's my plan to deal with the rogue judges on the district and appeals (i.e. non SCOTUS) levels of the Federal judicial system. This plan requires no Constitutional changes and can be done with simple majorities in Congress.

Do We Need Rubber Rooms for Federal Judges? Two Plans To Reduce The Long Tailed Impact of Trump Judicial Appointees


Mike Masnick ActivityPub

Meanwhile, the Third Circuit just blew up Section 230, deciding that it can just ignore the plain text of the law, as well as basically every precedent to date, to do its own thing. This ruling, if it stands, is a disaster for the open internet.


Mike Masnick ActivityPub

Ok. I wrote about the Zuckerberg letter to Jim Jordan and why it's not really newsworthy other than that it shows Zuck has no spine and Trump has no conception of how linear time works. Oh, and Trump's fans will use it misleadingly.

Zuckerberg’s Spineless Surrend...


Kotaro calckey (AP) Is the state of Texas pouring taxpayer money into a melting furnace?


We’re proud to have built a new type of Fediverse group made to serve its users. The new Kamala Harris News Group for & team reinvents groups on the Fediverse and lets members focus on what matters. #USPolitics #KamalaHarris #Harris2024

Popehat ActivityPub

The loathsome JK Rowling, having abused the UK’s already frankly abusive defamation law to intimidate and punish vastly less powerful people who criticized her, now faces karma.


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Assigned Media ActivityPub

Ahh, sweet, sweet

TWIBS: JK Rowling Goes Radio S...


Now that’s a union.
anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Nathan Kalman-Lamb All because of citizens united that 80% of dems in the senate are IDF worshipers. Bush and Bowman just lost their seats to IDF toadies. We MUST have a game plan for 2026 to take the democratic party back from AIPAC and show them that they can win without kissing up to israel even if genocide is involved.

Barry Deutsch ActivityPub
Men's Rights Priorities#PoliCartoon There's a blog post about this comic, and a transcript, here: If you'd like to support these cartoons, that'd be awesome. 😀 Small pledges really help!
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Popehat ActivityPub
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client has NOT threatened to strangle more cocktail waitresses. Yes, he has previously strangled a cocktail waitress. Yes, when asked whether he would strangle another cocktail waitress, he refused to answer. But let’s be precise.”
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‘There Is No Childhood in Gaza’

A 9-year-old Palestinian boy lost his mother, father and two siblings in an Israeli airstrike early in the Gaza war. Within months, he, too, was killed.


Barry Deutsch ActivityPub
If you want to piss off Israel apologists with your word choices, "genocide" and "apartheid" are solid choices. There's just no need to resort to using Nazi phrases like "ZOG."

Assigned Media ActivityPub

Over the next nine months, Assigned Media will feature interviews of people involved in pushing back against the spread of false, distorted narratives about the trans community in the press. To start off, Evan Urquhart interviewed Riki

Riki Wilchins, Transsexual Men...


Tom Gauld ActivityPub
My cartoon for this week’s Guardian Books
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Popehat ActivityPub
Social media allows an amazing chance to encounter people you would otherwise never meet, read one of their posts, say “you know, I think I would enjoy never getting to know this person,” and blocking them.

Barry Deutsch ActivityPub

This is fascinating. The article gives an example of a similar phenomena: "And in Wisconsin, researchers found that the presence of wolves reduced vehicle collisions with deer by about a quarter, creating an economic benefit that was 63 times greater than the cost of wolves killing livestock."


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Barry Deutsch ActivityPub
Swing Voters! Blog post about this cartoon, and a transcript: If you like our cartoons, and can spare it, pledges of just $1-3 really help us keep going!
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Mike Masnick ActivityPub

Is there a plan? It's the Democrats, so I'm guessing no.


anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Mike Masnick Biden has endorsed Kamala. The delegates which he has overwhelming number of, are required to vote for his choice on the first round.

Radley Balko ActivityPub
The Biden adm.'s "war on enshittification" should be a central theme at the DNC. "We sued Ticketmaster's monopoly b/c it shouldn't cost $800 to take your kid to see Taylor Swift. Hidden fees are bullshit. It should't take 8 calls and a notary public to cancel your recurring Adobe subscription."
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Barry Deutsch ActivityPub
"Look, it's not like I went out of my way to befriend that one rapist. I befriended a lot of rapists."

Josh Sternberg ActivityPub
It's pretty astonishing that the current POTUS is getting bullied out of a reelection bid bc the paper of record threw a hissy fit he wouldn't sit down with them, while the former POTUS, a convicted felon who wants to deport 20 million Americans gets coronated. Nixon is so pissed.

Barry Deutsch ActivityPub
Democracy is Burning! A transcript and blogpost for this #PoliCartoon is at Insert a super persuasive asking for support pitch here, then since you're now persuaded click!

Barry Deutsch ActivityPub

Someone who - in chorus with the NRA - suggests that "take firearms courses" is a useful and cogent response to democracy in the US being imperiled is not someone I'm inclined to think has a good grasp of the problem. But yes, I agree that things aren't doomed, and there are things worth doing.



Ernie Smith ActivityPub
It’s almost like the pundit class wants the wrong things out of this campaign season

Popehat ActivityPub
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.

Antipub sur juillet et aout par Extinction Rebellion Montpellier
Begint:  Dinsdag Juli 09, 2024 @ 6:30 PM
Eindigt:  Woensdag Augustus 28, 2024 @ 6:30 PM

Tu souhaites participer aux actions antipub XR (extinction Rebellion) sur Montpellier durant les mois de juilet et aout
Inscris toi ici :
Plusieurs dates sont proposées, en soirée "à la fraiche". Débutant.e.s possibles.

À bientôt !


My Slate essay on why leftists should vote for the Democratic Presidential candidate this November, despite everything:

The Leftist Case for Voting—Ye...

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Liberty 🍉 ActivityPub

‘We will not vanish’: How a Palestinian American pastor defies stereotypes #Palestine #Gaza #US #Israel

‘We will not vanish’: How a Pa...


Radley Balko ActivityPub
If you subscribe to a newsletter but later change your mind, just email the author and ask for a refund. Most of us will give you one. Really tired of people canceling by filing "fraud" disputes with their banks over a $6 charge. I get charged $15 for each dispute, whether I win or lose.

Radley Balko ActivityPub

The conventional wisdom is that there’s a sizable chunk of decent people who really dislike Trump, but can’t bring themselves to support Biden b/c of his age, etc. The reality is that 45-47% of the public plan to vote for Trump because they like him. Even now. And that’s fucking depressing.



Popehat ActivityPub
I don’t know why AI needs gigantic amounts of energy to come up with really shitty takes when most of y’all seem to do it just with burritos and tequila

1/ Reminder that violent crime has gone down since the 1960s, and wage theft and civil asset forfeiture have gone up since the 1980s. Cops stole more property than burglars stole in the last five years. More money is lost to wage theft than lost to all violent crimes for the last five years.
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