Now more than ever.
If you ever get asked this by some software, the answer is *always* YES.
@pystykorva @miiamustang Based on some of the online discourse I've been seeing and what I know about younger online and offline TERF/radfem subcultures and how they recruit, you may very well end up in that position, sorry.
But you won't be the only one at least. Me and my partner @thatweirdolee have been talking about how to respond to this shit for a while now.
@pystykorva @miiamustang That thread is very interesting and useful to read.
On twitter I found people circulating this statement from a Korean trans woman who'd participated in Korean radical feminism and who was also warning people about what 4B became, alt-right infiltration, etc is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.Pastebin
Harris loss causes some to question what it will take to elect a woman president
Posted into Politics @politics-PBSNewsHour
For the second time in eight years, a woman lost the race for the presidency. Despite strong support among women of color, Vice President Kamala Harris lost ground with nearly every other demographic group compared to Joe Biden in 2020.Amna Nawaz (PBS News)
As the screws tighten, more and more will retreat into the perceived safety of identity politics, their fractured nationalisms a terracotta shield against the coming tide of a fascism which revels in its ability to essentialize.
And one-by-one they will be swept away, all the while decrying “at least we stuck it to the tranny’s”
demos registered in #Karlsruhe #Durlach at the #Reichspogromnacht tomorrow:
Against the nazi demo: 4 counterprotests:
DGB/red antifa: 1000 people
Zionists: 800
More Zionists: 100
Antifa I don't know: 30
Fascists: 1 rally:
NPD: 10 to 15 nazis
Ah, Die Rechte is with the NPD. Tiktok Nazi Jan Jaeschke will be livestreaming their hate speeches.
But then between both they were able to find a grand total of 15 nazis to rally? And here I thought they'd be emboldened by the AfD and Trump victories. They're not even demibolded. They're barely *medium*
Things you can't ask money for via Paypal:
* Sex
Things you apparently can ask money for via Paypal:
* Literally Nazism
Black Americans throughout the country have been getting racist text messages about slave plantations. One texting platform called it a “widespread...Lawrence Bonk (Engadget)
The 3.0-RC release of The Gimp is now 98% close to what I need from it. Its selections work better, and it has something akin to adjustment layers. I just still need the Selective Color adjustment layer feature that #Photoshop has, and to recognize adjustment layers when loading PSD files. If they could add those two, it'd be 100% for me. But even now, it's good enough for what I use it for (editing my scanned paintings).
The cat is our Minime.
#linux #opensource #foss #gimp #thegimp #graphics…
New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 103
In the fight against Woke Marxism, there is no sitting out anymore. Too much is on the line. That means everyone who realizes what’s going on in our countries and around the world has a simple choice to make: be a leader or be a supporter. Leaders have to lead, and they need supporters, not merely followers. It’s up to you to figure out which one you have the capacities to be, and where, and to take up that mantle. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay discusses this idea and its critical importance to stopping Woke and globalism from winning everything.
Host James Lindsay discusses this idea and its critical importance to stopping Woke and globalism from winning everything.New Discourses
Aliens Are Breaking the Laws of Physics to Visit Us on Earth, New Theory Claims—Popular Mechanics
A warp field? Well, I could’ve told you that.
@books @bookstodon @religion #bookstodon #amwritingscifi #secretscifinetwork #ChristianSciFi #ProfessorK #UFO #UAP…
If we take the mortal danger of the “Tic-Tac” UAP maneuvers literally, we need to believe that “these objects suggest a form of physics we have not yet discovered,” says one sci-fi
Yesterday, Israeli hooligans walked around Amsterdam, attacking (both verbally and physically) anyone who showed solidarity with Palestinians, called for extermination of Arabs (not Palestinians, Arabs) and vandalized multiple private homes and business all while Police watched by without doing anything.
In the evening, they faced a group of people who fought back and it turned ugly.
Now the whole "victim" card is out. The world is asked to condemn this "anti semiti" terro and the fascist leader of Netherlands have called for stronger measures to guarantee the safety of "Jews".
Israel is bringing their ugly terror to #Europe and with blessings of #UEFA and #FIFA abd protection of local authorities, these Israeli Taliban's are portrayed as innocent victims and fascist #Netanyahu is using them to gain support and paint himself as an innocent leader who cares about his people.
#Israel #Netherland #Terrorism #Hooligans #Footbal #Amsterdam
dont "build power" build *anti*power
cultivate habits, ties, and spaces that evade, resist, and sabotage the logistics of power
become ungovernable and illegible to power
leverage strategic placement or insight to exploit points of vulnerability
build underground market economies and guerrilla trade networks
participate in cultures of hopeful resistance and defiant joy
ADHD Diagnoses Keep Rising Higher. This Is Why It's Happening.
Posted into ScienceAlert @sciencealert-ScienceAlert
For a long time it was assumed that somewhere between 5 and 6% of children have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).The Conversation (ScienceAlert)
"Qu'avez-vous en tête ?"
Anise Koltz, Jude Stefan, Lydie Dattas, Alejandra Pizarnik,
Thierry Metz, Cristovam Pavia..
SOURCE: *** The Liberty Daily benefits when you shop using the following links and Code: TLD _ The Liberty Daily Recommends ONE Honest, America-FRumble
Five stars: Hooked on a Feline by Sofie Kelly and Cassandra Campbell (Narrator) (2021) is the thirteenth book in the Magical Cats mystery series. After a wonderful music festival that reunited band members for a fantastic show, one of the band members is dead.…
@waitworry @reclaimingtrans I mean one of the feminist movements that most hates gay guys is the british feminist movement
also I'm not entirely solid on the history of korean feminism but from what I know one of the problems seems to be the influence sheila jeffreys has there and her frequent visits to the country
so maybe we shouldn't make it a west/the rest thing
@reclaimingtrans ah ok i didn't know where it was coming from
I just know I had a friend who I finally had to block because he was always hanging out with major raging terfs and his excuse was that he was trying to keep up with feminists in the global south and that's just what they are like or something it was really weird
with the exception of Chimamanda, who is genuinely popular, they really don't. they're mostly tokenish about it, thinking especially the way French terfs seem to have used imagery associated with Las Brujas del Mar, when no one here really took them seriously after it came out that Arussi Unda had a bizarre shrine to Felipe Calderón in her bedroom
But it's not like Arussi is really someone who produces ~theory~ that you can sit down and read
@reclaimingtrans wait wha
messed up
@miiamustang @reclaimingtrans
Chinese feminists also hate gay guys. (The situation in Taiwan and many Chinese immigrants are similiar)At first, 6B4T aka korean radical feminism from South Korea influenced Chinese feminism a lot. Both korean radical feminism and white terfs bring catastrophic influence to Chinese feminism which is popular with young women. They hate gay guys out of these reasons:
· "Gay are also men" is one of their slogans. Though they enjoy repeat this, their standards towards "who are also men" are chaotic. The most used slang created by them are "spiritually men". It may sound odd, but they believe some women are "spiritually men". This is not related to their anti-trans opinion. They means some women are essentially not women and should be exclude by their separatism. This label is extremely widely used to deny the gender ide
... toon meer@miiamustang @reclaimingtrans
Chinese feminists also hate gay guys. (The situation in Taiwan and many Chinese immigrants are similiar)At first, 6B4T aka korean radical feminism from South Korea influenced Chinese feminism a lot. Both korean radical feminism and white terfs bring catastrophic influence to Chinese feminism which is popular with young women. They hate gay guys out of these reasons:
· "Gay are also men" is one of their slogans. Though they enjoy repeat this, their standards towards "who are also men" are chaotic. The most used slang created by them are "spiritually men". It may sound odd, but they believe some women are "spiritually men". This is not related to their anti-trans opinion. They means some women are essentially not women and should be exclude by their separatism. This label is extremely widely used to deny the gender identity of women mainly cis women. Chinese radical feminists coined the term "xingyuan" meaning "sexship". Developed from 6B4T, they finally decide that all sexual relationship including lesbians oppress women. So sometimes they would say "Lesbians are actually men". These viewpoints are not shared by all Chinese radical feminists. " There are constantly conflicts between anti-sexship radical feminists and lesbian radical feminists.
· There is a myth that gay men are the main clients of surrogacy. (Indeed it's the heterosexual couples) Chinese feminists pay much attention to the surrogacy issues. To be honest, surrogacy in China is not more serious than other issues such as sex work and sexual assault. But they believe that surrogacy suggests the commercialization of female body especially the womb(radical feminists are obsessed with the womb, you know). Actually surrogacy is one of their metaphors. They consider surrogacy to be the essence of marriage and procreation.
· They use "gay" as a curse word against straight men. Homophobia is still common in China, especially after the arising of online feminism. Many Chinese straight men are highly homophobic. What's more, they confuse homosociality with homosexuality(because they are also homophobic. They are like "oh men couldn't be such close to other men, otherwise they are gay"). Like "spiritually men", there is slang like "spiritually gay men" for heterosexual men.
· "Tongqi"(wife who has married with a homosexual man) is a social issue in China. Chinese traditional families would force their sons to marry and make babies. In the eyes of many Chinese feminists, gay men shouldn't marry and they just don't care their life.
· Conspiracy theory. Some Chinese feminists believe that gay men secretly control the society.
The result of 6B4T in China: Many young women who are fans of male entertainers, who are fans of Chinese otome games(all of the male protagoinists are highly masculine and there are only heterosexual relationships in such game) enjoy trolling and online scolding other women who don't follow the principles of radical feminism, including LBT ppl, any heterosexual women particularly housewifes, ppl who are against their radical feminism. This phenomenon has been common since the first time when 6B4T was introduced to China.
Chinese online radical feminists (maybe I should remind that all social activities are forbidden by the authorities and online speech are also under strictly censorship) publicly maintain that separatist feminists shouldn't criticize men, they should only focus on criticizing women and criticizing men are acts of liberal feminists (They believe there is only radical feminists and liberal feminists in the world, too)
Some Chinese anti-trans radical feminists favor white terf theorists like Raymond. Meanwhile they assert that ppl who support trans rights are "colonialists".
What's even worse, some gay men in China are crazy, too. They identify as "radical gays" and they think they are mirroring what radical feminists has done against them. For example, a gay teenager was bullied in school and suicided several years ago. Chinese feminists spread rumors that he took away the education chance from his sister (this is not fact. his sister graduated from university) and made him an objection of ridicule. And then "radical gays" just use extreme violence news such as Xuzhou chained woman incident and Hangzhou dismembering-wife murder case as curse words towards feminists. They get caught in a scary vicious circle.
6B4T Korean radical feminism, TERF and separatist feminism have impacted on Chinese radical feminism. The consequences are tragic.