
Parleur 🔻 mastodon (AP)

Tiens, ma cheffe de service pour les #JO2024 vient de tenter de m'appeler et m'a laissé un message sur le répondeur, sans doute inquiète de ne pas me voir arriver.

J'écouterai plus tard. J'ai mieux à faire.

La sieste, par exemple et entre autres.


#Saccage2024 @Saccage2024

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Andro Abhi friendica (via Diaspora)

LWHG comic #654

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 02:13:29

#JagoDibuja #image #pic #picture #drawing -

MI Abolition mastodon (AP)

Waarschuwing inhoud: Dismantling Carceral Debt: A Manifesto on Building Debtor Power (2024)


anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
SmokeInFog reshared this.

Nat mastodon (AP)

"The Israeli mil­it­ary has seized a plot of Palestinian land at the heart of an archae­olo­gical site deep in the occu­pied West Bank, where Israel’s her­it­age min­istry con­firmed its plans to raise a “gigantic flag­pole”.

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)

#history #IDF #Israel #apartheid #archaeolgy #fascism #EthnicCleansing

"The Israeli mil­it­ary has seized a plot of Palestinian land at the heart of an archae­olo­gical site deep in the occu­pied West Bank, where Israel’s her­it­age min­istry con­firmed its plans to raise a “gigantic flag­pole”.

taz mastodon (AP)
Ist ein Gipsy Village auf der Travemünder Woche problematisch? Sinti- und Roma-Organisationen sind sich uneins über den Umgang mit Stereotypen.!6022836

Ben Higbie mastodon (AP)
Below're are four paintings that were created by my friend Kib. She makes these with just a canvas, some pencils, a ruler and some measuring tools, and some acrylic paint and brushes. Her work's affordable as well, let me know if you're interested in any of these colorful and skillfully made works! ~ #art #arts #nature #naturelover #artlover #handmade #painting #paintings #mastoart #artistsomastodon #handmade #artlover #artlovers #artgallery #artgalleries #supportthearts
1 1

Dana mastodon (AP)

It looks like in the US if you want to stream the #olympics2024 (surfing! table tennis! archery! things that aren't swimming!) you have to pay Peacock? Ugh.

Guess it's a one and done monthly subscription for me and bring on the javelin, human steeplechase, whatever else there is... go everybody! 🎯🏄🏼‍♂️🏓🚣🏻‍♀️🛹

1 1

Uncanny Magazine mastodon (AP)
The Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter's next Stretch Goal of a NOVELLA in Year 11 is just $352 away from being 2/3 Funded! YOU CAN DO THIS, SPACE UNICORNS!!!
1 1

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)

#Trump #Tfg


Pro-Trump Ticking Time Bomb Arrested And Held Without Bail

Death threats to judges and prosecutors are why.

Whuffo diaspora


Pro-Trump Ticking Time Bomb Arrested And Held Without Bail

Death threats to judges and prosecutors are why.


Kim Perales mastodon (AP)

"Masculinity as a symbol of strength & a pol weapon. Taking what you want, & getting away with it, becomes proof of male authority... CORRUPTION & violence to stay in power."
-R Ben-Ghiat

#TFG will speak at a #Bitcoin conference Sun. He'll take the bribes, & make bitcoin, great.

#Crypto💰floods into the GOP -new pitch: a strategic magic bean reserve.

M Saylor says: “US Govt. should own the majority of #Bitcoin" -he recently agreed to pay $40M to settle tax fraud charges.
-J Silverman


1 1

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
samiamsam mastodon (AP)
next will be 'don't vote for the Black chick'

Taxing the rich could solve many problems. Why is it so difficult in the UK? | Phillip Inman | The Guardian

Daniela Schreiter mastodon (AP)

Eine sehr süße Auftragsarbeit aus dem letzten Monat 😊.

#MastoArt #watercolor #CuteArt

1 1

JimTheWhyGuy mastodon (AP)

All this JD Vance stuff about families with zero kids being somehow less American / worth less than those with kids +really+ pisses me off.

My wife and I made a conscious decision years ago not to have kids - we knew we'd be terrible parents, given our childhoods and temperaments! - and still, after 45+ years of marriage, get responses from people ranging from disbelief or even pity as to what we've missed out. /1

JimTheWhyGuy mastodon (AP)

We did it because we knew the world was vastly overpopulated and heading towards multiple crises - climate, nuclear, societal - and couldn't see how bringing another human into the world without their consent would solve those problems.

For Xitians to paint people like us as less than human b/c we haven't contributed sufficiently to their world as viewed through their Dominionist mindset enrages both of us.

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@JimTheWhyGuy The sad thing is that if we could figure out the distribution system there would be no overpopulation. If the bottom billion doubled overnight it would raise the greenhouse gasses by 1% and 1% of people produce 29% of the greenhouse gasses

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán warns EU on path to ‘self-destruction’ - via @guardian

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Royal stinker: how Henry VIII changed from heroic to hideous on our screens - via @guardian

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Georgian shooter Nino Salukvadze becomes first 10-time female Olympian - via @guardian

Chrisblue mastodon (AP)
Whoa. J.D. Vance once " brought homemade baked goods to his friend after Nelson underwent transition-related surgery. The visit cemented their bond."

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
3 polls, including one by #foxnews had #harris2024 up one point ahead
of #Trump . #Biden never had these numbers. Mind you Trump was up ahead in the Fox poll in WI and MI which Biden always led in. #kamal2024 Hope feels weird and dangerous.

💥 Retour sur l'action "Jeux Interdits" interdite ❌


Après la cérémonie d'ouverture de #Paris2024 & l'énergie déployée pour jeter des paillettes aux yeux du monde, le Gouvernement a aussi mis LES GRANDS MOYENS pour bloquer notre action spéciale JO🏅
Alors que nos activistes subissent une répression injustifiée, nous déclarons la démocratie hors jeux en plein jeux olympiques 2024 au cœur de Paris 📌
📣 Nous appelons à un nouveau modèle de démocratie participative 👐
Notre démocratie brûle et nous regardons la flamme des jeux olympiques 🙄

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)


Après la cérémonie d'ouverture de #paris2024 & l'énergie déployée pour jeter des paillettes aux yeux du monde, le Gouvernement a aussi mis LES GRANDS MOYENS pour bloquer notre action spéciale JO 🏅

Alors que nos activistes subissent une répression injustifiée, nous déclarons la démocratie hors jeux en plein #jeuxolympiques2024 au cœur de #paris 📌

📣 Nous appelons à un nouveau modèle de démocratie participative 👐
Notre démocratie brûle et nous regardons la flamme des #jeuxolympiques 🙄


anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
Cracked my #Iroh Jasmine Dragon tea cup with just enough of a hairline fracture it could no longer hold hot liquid. Thankfully, I could order a replacement. Without my Iroh cup, tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice. #Avatar #lastairbender



pa¢ø-3.ð reshared this.


Adam Hunt diaspora

Well the article linked actually says:

According to ch-aviation, the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner is 4.15 years old and was delivered to the airline on July 23rd 2020. The airline placed the order for the aircraft in question all the way back in December 2011. As of April 30th, 2024, the aircraft has accumulated 17,901 flight hours and 2,065 flight cycles.

It is unlikely that the problem is related to Boeing's poor quality control issues; it is likely related to a run-of-the-mill component failure. As mentioned previously, the landing was precautionary, and no systems were lost.

Jetliners are often built with redundant systems, and many have at least two hydraulic pumps and three separate systems to ensure that the aircraft is still controllable.


Another day, another #Boeing

The life of two Boeing Starliner astronauts stuck indefinitely in space


Vee McMillen diaspora

Alex Gallagher mastodon (AP)

Opus Dei wants your hard fought rights.

The hidden agenda in the US Presidential Election.

#politics #US #USPresidentialElection #USpolitics


YA diaspora

I got more than 80 letters my father wrote to his mother when he was a soldier in the Hitler army, all handwritten oc by the 19 year old Tony.
What shall I do with them? ... I read only a few. They all of the great love for his mother Hermine

#ya #father #letters #army #mother

Aga diaspora
Guten Abend Alfred. Ich denke, dass Tony hat voll Recht. Du kannst die Briefe lesen und mit der Zeit findest du bestimmt eine Antwort auf deine Fragen?
Tu die Briefe nur nicht weg! Das ist geschriebene Liebesgeschichte. Vielleicht deine Kinder oder deine Enkelkinder werden sich freuen über solche alte Geschichten zu lesen? Menschen sind einfach erst nur Menschen. Welche Geschichte ist mit jedem Mensch verbunden, das ist nicht für uns zu entscheiden. Das tun schon die Historiker und Politiker.
Alles Gute für dich Alfred. Bleib stark und ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sommer noch. Liebe Grüße. 🙂👋🍀🍀🍀🌞
YA diaspora
Danke, liebe @Aga... Dir auch ALLES LIEBE!

Mozilla francophone mastodon (AP)
Firefox : les passkeys enfin sur le navigateur de Mozilla ? à lire sur @idealogeek
nieuwere berichten oudere berichten

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