#Jochen Malmsheimer - Das Beste aus 4 Jahrtausenden 😎


Tess diaspora


Vee McMillen diaspora

Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)

JOP : une nouvelle plainte révèle les relations privilégiées de Paris 2024 avec le groupe Havas
(agence de pub du groupe Bolloré pour rappel)

Mais on va pas traiter les plaintes tout de suite parce que les forces du parquet spécialisé dans la « délinquance en col blanc » sont réquisitionnées pour "nettoyer" les rues à coup de comparutions immédiates pour les Jeux.

Alors que t'as toute la mafia du CIO à domicile...


Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)

Voilà, donc 45 militant·es interpellé·es avant l'organisation d'une action d'@xrfrance, mais personne pour coffrer Bolloré.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
CⒶmille 🐁 mastodon (AP)


Mais pendant ce temps là une puissance étrangère sabote les trains, chacun ses priorités.

Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)
@amj Ah on sait qui qu'a fait le truc hier ?
(pas suivi à part les remous)
CⒶmille 🐁 mastodon (AP)
Non mais si c'était politique on aurait eu une revendication... donc pour moi c'est évident.
Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)
@amj Ah ok, perso, je sais pas, je me dis que ça pourrait aussi être l'œuvre d'activistes qui veulent pas se faire arrêter 😉
Miss Taire ⏚ mastodon (AP)

Mon article préféré sur ces interpellations 🙃 pour tenter de montrer toute la dangerosité des actions de "sabotage" :

" Selon une source policière, ils projetaient « de commettre des dégradations, notamment à l’aide d’une botte de paille »."

Ben c'est qui qui a la géniale idée de balancer des grenades sur la paille sèche, hein ?

"Certains des individus arrêtés étaient porteurs de lunettes de soleil ou de protection, de gants ou de masques de travaux. "

Wahoo, iels m'impressionnent d'inventivité ces activistes à savoir faire du sabotage avec juste ça 🤔


Miss Taire ⏚ mastodon (AP)
Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)
@MissTaire Haha, j'avoue que le U pour attacher un membre, je vois pas non plus 😋

HB9ERY diaspora
Excellent 😀 here is a hacker kid with real questions. Go for it! Attack models, hack them, change them!
as part of a defendable space against bushfire, to re-establish native grasses, to provide food for wildlife (Australia) ;)


A question we use Google Search for as every day Americans, perfectly normal

Vee McMillen diaspora

Laffy mastodon (AP)


🚨Via Kyle Griffin:


#Trump's plea to voters last night: "Get out and vote just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, it will be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore ... In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote."

Laffy mastodon (AP)

2/ Via Ruth Ben-Ghiat:

Media: this should be *the* A1 story. I have studied dictatorship for decades and this is it-"you won't have to vote anymore." Trump will never leave office if he wins in November.

#Trump: You have to get out and vote. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore.. In four years, you won’t have to vote again.

🔴 🎥 “The Book” 1950’s Bookmaking, Printing And Publishing. Educational Film

The film portrays an author, who narrates the film, explaining the research of writing a book, and the process and responsibilities of publishing a book.

#Video length: seventeen minutes and forty one seconds.

#History #Film #Writing #Publishing #Book #Books #Bookstodon #Education @bookstodon


Vee McMillen diaspora

Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)

Dans les JT des quinze derniers jours sur France 2, diffuseur officiel des JO, sur les 103 sujets liés aux Jeux, seuls 3 ont eu un angle critique.

(NB : Paul Alauzy, cité dans l'extrait, fait partie du Revers de la médaille, collectif d'asso qui dénonce l'impact social des Jeux)


lecteur_passant mastodon (AP)
Quand j'entends france info et ses rubriques sponsorisées par Toyota, sponsor des JO.... peu d'espoir. Par contre journal de france culture, mention assez longue de la sale position de Toyota, cité comme plus gros bagnolard à essence du monde et sponsor des JO. Cette chaine précieuse et sans pub... combien de temps vivra t-ellle.....

fediverseobserver friendica (via ActivityPub)

Found 8 new servers and 9 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

21,392 servers checked. 14,092,938 Total Users with 1,027,270 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #firefish server from South Korea a #mastodon server from Private a #misskey server from Private a #misskey server from Japan a #misskey server from Japan a #gotosocial server from Private a #akkoma server from Finland a #mastodon server from France

Help others find a home, send them to

Stormy diaspora
I had sex with a witch. I broke up with her in 2015. I went through a 7 year curse from 2016 to 2021. Still love her. A prophet and a witch. I prophesied in nov 2021. I still love her
Then. Get. Rid. Of. Them.

If ETFs don't drive your business, and you know your customers hate them, then get rid of them.

What's that? You won't?

The shut the fuck up.


taz mastodon (AP)
Als US-Vizepräsidentin hat Kamala Harris den wirtschaftspolitischen Kurs von Joe Biden gestützt. Im Fall eines Wahlsieges würde sie ihn wohl fortsetzen.!6023652


Cyberpunk is still such an incredibly beautiful game
Cheradenine Zakalwe calckey (AP)
I do like that game. But Ex-Detective River is a creep.

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
But everything sucks now because of #feminism and wokeness... #woke #toxicallymasculinity

Danie friendica (via ActivityPub)

How to test if your VPN is working

Blue shield logo with letters VPN on it. To the right sits a man with a laptop open on his lap, and to the left sits a woman holding a smartphone.
Keeping your online activities and data private is a top priority nowadays. VPNs, or virtual private networks, are one of the best ways to do this. Not only do they encrypt your internet connection, but they reroute all of your traffic through a private tunnel to keep it safe from prying eyes. Even the best VPNs can have problems, though.

Maybe you’re not sure if your VPN is working properly. Or maybe you just want to test out the service for yourself to better understand how it safeguards your privacy.

I especially liked that the ipleak site also does a torrent address detection test. Happy to see my ProtonVPN service passed all the test with zero leaking of my actual IP address.

#Blog, #privacy, #technology, #VPN

Sandra Schwab mastodon (AP)

So I'm putting together a little booklet with extras for the 1st anniversary of The Gladiator's Passion - and the "little" booklet already has over 50 pages.

And I'm not yet finished.... Ooops.

Well, I can only hope my readers will like the extras. ☺️





Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-07-27 18:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 991
Number of users: 8 892 010
Number of statuses: 1 077 275 839
Number of users last 4h: 510
Number of statuses last 4h: 211 651
Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto

taz mastodon (AP)
Der Verleger von J. D. Vances „Hillbilly-Elegie“, der Ullstein-Verlag, gibt die Lizenz für das Buch ab. Einige fürchten Zensur – wie übertrieben!!6022891

Live coverage: ULA prepares for final Atlas 5 launch supporting a national security payload

Nimo lemmy (AP)

This photograph is in Iran in the 1970s, she couldn’t be wearing this outfit today, and she would need a Hijab.

Google 1970s Iran vs now. It’s an interesting contrast of how quickly societies can change; and some would argue, not towards the future but backwards.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
Totally uninformed atheist here but curious... does the ~~jihad~~ hijab requirement also persist indoors in ones own home? Are women required to wear it even when they are in their own homes? When is it acceptable to remove it?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
altec lemmy (AP)
I'm pretty sure it applies when you're around men who are not immediate family.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
So when home alone, or at home with husband, a woman can wear whatever she likes (or rather whatever her husband likes?)
sudo lemmy (AP)
jihad requirement

Its hijab. Jihad is struggle.

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
sorry! i have corrected it
TechNerdWizard42 lemmy (AP)
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
This was very informative. Thank you for the insight!



Thomas Sobieck 🐘 mastodon (AP)

I wish there was a hell for the Supreme Court to go to, along with all the politicians and cops who are clearing homeless peoples’ encampments.

Fuck all of them.

Fucking assholes.

#uspol #SupremeCourt #homelessness



Huntn00 mastodon (AP)

Witnessing the illusions of REVOLUTION as fantasized by the #TheHeadSociopath, we lament the sorry state of US politics. How could this ever happen? If anything we should all have a new perception of what peril our Republic is in, for an Authoritarian JACK ASS like this, not only to be running for POTUS, but to be considered competitive. It’s as if entering an alternate reality where everything is stood on its head. Vote as if your life depended on it! It might. 💥🧐

Chrisblue mastodon (AP)
Gift link please, for those of us already overspent on subscriptions
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

dear other non-Black people,

it is officially juneteenth in the US (and in a lot of other places too but it's specific here)

if you feel the urge to be fucking weird in a Black person's mentions or to Black people in general (ever, but especially today), INSTEAD OF THAT, maybe shut up and donate to or boost a Black person's mutual aid/crowdfunding post instead (see thread). also consider reading and listening. that would be a great way to celebrate and also to live your life in general. 1/

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 months ago)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 months ago)
Here are some more links in addition to Andrea's thread: | CashApp/Venmo: TinuWrites | Cashapp/Venmo: spooniewolf | CashApp: $sotreu2 | Venmo: sotreu | Venmo: jacky | CashApp: $jackyalcine | | Cashapp & Venmo: torkz428 3/
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 months ago)
Stop giving #Google money for digital downloads.

Farhad A diaspora

One was done by civilized Europeans,, the other was done TO civilized Europeans.

Now shit up and go and watch the Olympics

#Media #Hyppcrisi #Inhumanity #Israel #Ukraine #Russia #Palestine #Racism

brainwavelost diaspora
Not to forget, that the hospital in Ukraine was probably hit by Ukrainian air defense.

Guess which side the billionaire owned media is amplifying
Jay Bryant diaspora
Reuters ran it this morning.
Okay, I'll check that out - not being thrilled with a fmr employer and all.

Manton Reece microblog (AP)
The couch jokes about JD Vance might be funny, but it’s misinformation and not even based on anything true. Sorry to be a buzzkill. We can win without making shit up. In the long run, it hurts credibility on the real arguments against the GOP ticket. 🇺🇸
Dan Wineman mastodon (AP)

With respect, Manton, this is completely wrong. You don’t beat fascism with logic and debate. You ridicule them. You refuse to engage on their terms, and you exclude them from society. You do NOT extend the hospitality of polite argument. Before you’ve finished proofreading your citations the couch fuckers have dismantled the Constitution and put your family in a camp.

I know you mean well, so please take some time to learn the historical context of what we’re up against.

Manton Reece microblog (AP)
I don’t mean that it has to be only with logic, or even fair, but I think it’s gotta be based in truth. There is so much (frankly) ignorance on the Trump side, about who he is and what he’s done, and that’s almost impossible to combat as it is.
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