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N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

comum diaspora

taz mastodon (AP)
In einer Nike-Kampagne erwähnte ein Rapper Kurdistan. Jetzt ist der Song entfernt. Kein Wunder! Mit Rückgrat kennen sich Konzerne einfach nicht aus.!6023654

Et vous, que préférez-vous dans les JO ?

La trêve politique forcée ? Les 12 milliards d'€ balancés au privé ? Les médias qui bouclent h24 sur le sport ? Les tonnes de flics et le dispositif ultra sécuritaire ? Les plus de 10 000 expulsions ? Le queer washing ? Le validisme à tous les niveaux ? Le nationalisme sous couvert de compétition ? L'écologie en PLS ?

Ou le fait qu'évoquer un seul de ces points vous transforme en rabat-joie au mieux, ou un danger anti republicain au pire ?


Sex Testing at the Olympics: The History of Discrimination Against Trans Athletes and Women | Teen Vogue
The modern Olympics started in 1896, founded by Pierre de Coubertin, a French aristocrat. He had conflicting motives. On one hand, his idea for a global sports competition stemmed from anxieties about French masculinity following a war defeat. He saw sports as a way to masculinize French men.

Behind the history of discrimination against trans athletes.


Conferences for Southeast Asian Studies held in countries that require visas from Southeast Asians will never be not funny to me

Unsurprisingly, there’s perennial interest in recreating a Bell Labs-style research lab that steadily churns out world-changing inventions and discoveries.
Will diaspora
I think research is more distributed, less centralized now. Funding situation is much different now. I worked at Bell Labs while going to grad school.
Phil Landmeier mastodon (AP)
If we had a sensible tax code like we had in the 50s and 60s, it would already exist, and several of them.

YA diaspora
One sister of Andrea does a lot of felting. 2 0r 3 years ago I had ordered a cushion. She brought this #beautiful #felt #padding 2 days ago.
#craft #ya #photo
YA diaspora
but it warms me butt 😁

Joan Westenberg mastodon (AP)

This past week has been a rare confluence of events that has tilted the scales in favor of progressive voices and causes, while simultaneously exposing the vulnerabilities of their conservative counterparts.

For those who have felt battered by the seemingly endless barrage of right-wing fuckbag rhetoric dominating headlines, this shift offers a breath of fresh air and a glimpse into what could be.

Waarschuwing inhoud: US politics


I've made two turducken references today, so I have that going for me.

If I make a third one, I'll have a meta turducken turducken.

anubis2814 reshared this.

After Cheeto's landslide loss, Four Seasons Total Landscaping is once again a political backdrop.

A few doors down from an adult fantasy bookstore that now carries couch porn, a small crowd of hillbillies and weird tech bros gathers shouting "civil war!" Surely landscaping means "can help with the landslide".

Cheeto looks over at Don Jr who is coping in the usual manner. And he sees his reflection in those snowy hills.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
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Trojan Duck mastodon (AP)
I mean....
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

WaPO writing about #JDVance "Vance himself has seemingly shifted his rhetoric on what ails Jackson and other poor, mostly White parts of the United States, a change that mirrors the Republican Party that once preached personal responsibility becoming one that has focused more on the populism of former president Donald Trump, in which elites can be blamed for the problems of the working class."

Yeah what about that personal #responsibility #GOP #Republicans

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anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
I do have to say about this #election vs #mutualaid debate, people who get mutual aid from you usually won't sell your contact info to hundreds of other lists that will flood your inbox till the day you die
anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@samiamsam Currently in at least english speaking fediverse there are people mad that they are raising so much money for Kamala but don't give that much to mutual aid requests here.
samiamsam mastodon (AP)

yes, i know, just not sure why there is a debate

i've been burned over the years so i don't give money to people i don't know and only donate to reputable organizations

i don't think that makes me a bad person, maybe you or others do i guess

i have very little extra money so i give to World Kitchen, Feeding America, Planned Parenthood and Center for Reproductive Rights

i'm certain the amount i give makes no difference in the first place, but combined it may help


headrift diaspora
I've done pull aerobics in the past and been supported by air whole learning to walk again, but I'd worryabout shorting out everything if I got on that rig
Who will be the first on the Internet to iron a shirt, while on a treadmill, while swimming

taz mastodon (AP)
AfD und BSW streben einen starken, autoritären Staat an, der durchgreift. Das spricht viele Menschen im Osten an, denn das kennen sie aus der DDR.!6023632

Manton Reece microblog (AP)
Short walk to Somerville Lake right before it started to rain. So quiet this morning.

Andrea is dreaming mastodon (AP)
I will say it is nice to see J.D. Vance be more widely recognized as the ass that he is, because if you are actually familiar with Appalachia in any real capacity you know that Hillbilly Elegy is mostly just badly done poverty porn.
1 1

Quinn Norton mastodon (AP)
you can't make this shit up

Adrianna Tan mastodon (AP)

This makes sense considering that Richard Spencer’s whole thing was ‘we have to be more respectable’

(Reposting toot that embeds a screenshot of Richard Spencer telling Tim Pool his rants on Kamala Harris being a ‘communazi despot come to put conservatives in concentration camp’ may be ‘a bit much’)


Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Adrianna Tan Also Spencer is against comparing Kamala to his hero Hitler

anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
Also Spencer is against comparing Kamala to his hero Hitler


TayFoNay ☕️ :bc: mastodon (AP)
Uh huh, sure Italian Olympic athlete, I also “accidentally” lost my wedding ring right before I was going to stay in the orgy town that is the Olympic village

Naturgarten diaspora
Wer einen #Teich hat, kommt nicht umhin, ihn von Zeit zu Zeit von Blättern und Algen zu befreien. Dabei bitte darauf achten, dass man nicht versehentlich Tiere herausfischt, die sich gerne darin verstecken. Vor dem Zurücksetzen, kann man sie kurz in eine weiße Keramikschale setzen, um sie genauer zu betrachten oder zu bestimmen. So deutlich sieht man sie sonst nie, was auch die Kinder interessiert. 🐲👶 #LibellenLarven
N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

Naturgarten diaspora

How it started / How it's going


N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

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