
Andrey Esin hubzilla (via ActivityPub)

Выходной детокс идёт полным ходом

Яйки в огурцах

Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
я люблю салат из огурцов и яиц. а тут, можно сказать, он а-ля натюрель!

Philosophische Kurzgeschichte · Lebenssinn · AVENTIN Storys

#philosophie #kurzgeschichte #geschichte #lebenssinn #aventin-storys

Günter reshared this.

Windows NTすぎるwwwwww

Günter diaspora

Günter reshared this.

Inspired by a serene moment this frog was enjoying by our pond, I drew him in my Leuchtturm 1917 sketchbook using colored pencils. Green frogs can jump up to 3 feet and their tadpoles can take up to two years to become adults! 🐸🌿 #sciart

Xauri'EL Zwaan mastodon (AP)
Forget "how to do taxes", they need to teach a class in high school called "how to keep companies and landlords from fucking you over"

Harald H. Foto mastodon (AP)

old yellow lines

Found these at two different railway stations a week ago. It's a nice coincidence that @stevenlawson just announced his exciting new project #TheArtOfDecay. Seems he's not really happy with the name but I think it's great. 'Art' takes away the negaive connotation of 'decay'.

Have a pleasant weekend.

#UrbanDecay #photography

jreboul2 diaspora
... c'est le tableau que j'ai particulièrement apprécié: Aya Nakamura et la Garde Républicaine!

Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)

#20books20days 20/20

20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just book covers (don't forget the alt text).

#Bookstodon #Books

Tofu Musubi mastodon (AP)
I loved his original Six Degrees, but discounted it a bit because Lynas turned out to be a proponent of nuclear energy rather than degrowth.

Earth is wobbling and days are getting longer — and humans are to blame

New studies, which utilized AI to monitor the effects of climate change on Earth's spin, have shown that our days are getting increasingly longer and that our planet will get more wobbly in the future. These changes could have major implications for humanity's future.

Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-07-27 14:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 987
Number of users: 8 891 500
Number of statuses: 1 077 064 188
Number of users last 4h: 368
Number of statuses last 4h: 86 081
Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto

nothing is as it seems #orwell #read #books
N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.
gunnar diaspora
Some governments try to use that book as manual... and sadly it's not even a joke...

Memo diaspora

≪ Fußgänger auf dem Radweg ≫

(Bildbeschreibung: Eine Möwe kommt auf dem Radweg auf mich zu und schaut mich an.)

#photography #fotografie #foto #photo #postprocessed #myphoto #mywork #ownwork #nature #natur #umwelt

N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.


David August mastodon (AP)

Tonight, trump suggested people have to vote this year and then in 2028 and beyond they won’t have to vote because “It’ll be fixed.”

#Project2025 #trump #election #elections #politics #political #USpol #democracy #autocracy

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

taz mastodon (AP)
Vor 30 Jahren wurde der „Schwulenparagraf“ 175 abgeschafft. Klaus Schirdewahn war noch von ihm betroffen. Heute setzt er sich für ältere Schwule ein.!6023643

Pasha Gusev mastodon (AP)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Wandering Thinker friendica (via ActivityPub)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Pasha Gusev mastodon (AP)
@iron_bug @wthinker упрёки про отсутствие детей уже давно зевая слушаю)) это писец, как будто я их им подкинул))
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Wandering Thinker friendica (via ActivityPub)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)

NeonSnake mastodon (AP)

Approx 4000 people have donated approx $80+ each to the Harris campaign, here on Mastodon, and yet we've all got mates on here who can't pay their fucking rent or utilities or medical or grocery bills or whatever.

Priorities: fucked.

NeonSnake mastodon (AP)

I've checked my maths like 4 times. Not because I don't trust myself to do the maths properly, but because my brain can't square that, actually, so few people donating a relatively small amount over so few days have added up to that amount AND YET my mates have to ask for help with their rent every month AND DON'T GET THAT HELP!

Like, if those same 4,000 people gave $20 each next month, to genuine mutual aid requests on here, imagine the impact? On actual people's lives?

Sorry, I'm having a rant, but fuck me, I'm genuinely livid about this.

Mozilla francophone mastodon (AP)
Mozilla Firefox 128.0.3 corrige un problème empêchant le chargement de certains sites lors de la connexion via HTTP/2, un problème d’affichage de tableau et un avec le clavier visuel de Windows ; notes de version

Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal

#politics #GAFAM #monopoly

gunnar diaspora
But searx or Startpage do get results from G. I guess. Reddit is often a good source.

Verdant Square mastodon (AP)
Israeli strike on Gaza school 'kills 30' #news #bbc
#News #BBC

Athena mastodon (AP)

The Warmest Day ... The Warmest Month ... The Warmest Year ...

The Headlines from a Warming World no. 16 are here ⬇️

#climatechange #globalwarming #extremetemps


JJ mastodon (AP)

Its always interesting how people conflate mutual aid with some form of benefits system, or hand wave it away by saying "What am I supposed to do, help everyone?".

When I was first getting into helping out in local mutual aid drives, this other volunteer told me: "You don't have to help everyone all of the time. Everyone just has to help some people, some of the time." and honestly its how I still go about it today.

Am I exceptionally wealthy? Nope, far from it. Am I terribly poor? Also no. I usually have some spare change at the end of the month that would do more in someone elses pocket. I can only hope that it makes a difference.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

CelloMom On Cars mastodon (AP)

"We measured #methane exchange on hundreds of tree stems in forests along a climate gradient spanning the Amazon and Panama, through to Sweden and the UK.

In total, our cautious first estimate is that trees take up between about 25 and 50 million tonnes of atmospheric methane each year, with most taken up by tropical forests."

CelloMom On Cars mastodon (AP)

Suppose trees capture 50 million tonnes of methane per year.

Since methane is 84 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2 (on a 20-year time scale) that would be the equivalent of 4 gigatonnes of CO2-e, or 10% of the world's human carbon emissions.

And remember that forests also soak up 15 Gtonnes of CO2 every year.

Trees are cool!

Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)
The takeaway is this -- deforestation must end. If forests keep getting removed the way they are now, methane in the atmosphere will increase even faster.

Can anyone recommend a book about the underground railroad? #bookstodon #books

Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)

A sneeze, an orgasm, a sigh, and a yawn — what do they have in common? 🤔

All of them are, apparently, the result of the same physiological mechanism, a buildup of tension that concludes in a satisfying release. 😊

Scientists have not yet identified exactly what that mechanism might be, however. It remains an intriguing mystery. 🧐

A sneeze, an orgasm, a sigh, a yawn… ahh, that felt good. 😌

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)

@DevraWiz Do you ever have this experience?

Feeling the need to take a deep breath, trying to do so, but not being satisfied because the breath doesn't move in quite deep enough... so you try again, maybe two or three times... until finally you reach a peak and slide down the other side... ahh, so satisfying.

That's the kind of sigh we're talking about.

LiverpoolWiz mastodon (AP)
Kind of you to explain. But no, I haven't had such an experience. I regret to say that my short sighs are often accompanied by an expletive.

Anna Kennard mastodon (AP)
"Misogyny is now one of the deadliest weapons on Earth. Misogyny is a dirty bomb in the heart of our information system. Misogyny is electoral interference. Misogyny is a national security threat so lethal we can’t even see it.
Because misogyny is invisible."
This is a misogyny emergency. A huge outpouring is coming in the runup to the US election

ScienceAlert ActivityPub

The Mystery of Jupiter's Shrinking Great Red Spot Might Be Solved

Posted into ScienceAlert @sciencealert-ScienceAlert

taz mastodon (AP)
Basketballer Dennis Schröder trägt bei der Olympia-Eröffnung die deutsche Fahne – als erster Schwarzer und Muslim. „Ein starkes Zeichen“, sagt er.!6022895
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