Just over a week ago I started a new long-term project, provisionally titled The Art Of Decay, in which I am seeking to find abstract artistic compositions created by the hand of man, nature and time. Here are four images by way of a sneak preview.
#photography #AbstractPhotography #AbstractArt #TheArtOfDecay
Edit: The title of this project will change. I'm indebted to @ollicle for his thoughtful input on the subject đŸ™đŸ»
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Project Gutenberg mastodon (AP)

French botanist and explorer Jeanne Barret was born #OTD in 1740.

She is best known for being the first woman to circumnavigate the globe with Bougainville's expedition on the Boudeuse and Étoile from 1766 to 1769. Disguised as a man, under the name Jean Barret, she enlisted as a valet and assistant to the expedition's naturalist, Philibert Commerson, shortly before the expedition's ships weighed anchor. According to Bougainville, she was an expert in botany.


Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Why is she wearing the Olympic Mascot on her head?
Project Gutenberg mastodon (AP)
@RealGene quite a coincidence isn’t?
Lee mastodon (AP)
Those dates seem to be VERY L O N G ?

Marbizzz mastodon (AP)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Chris Aalberts mastodon (AP)
Gewoon een WhatsApp-kanaal aangemaakt. Omdat het kan. Voortaan al mijn stukken ook daar. >>

@Ronald @hans
Dat valt dan wel weer mee hoor. Ik red me prima (Signal/Matrix/sms).

Ben alleen zo verbaasd dat bedrijven hun business zo ophangen aan Bigtech. EĂ©n vage oprisping van een CEO en je business gaat onderuit.

#meta #whatsapp #posse

Ronald mastodon (AP)
@voorstad @hans Dat geldt voor mij persoonlijk ook, maar ik heb dan ook geen kinderen meer op school of op een sportclub. En de meeste van mijn familieleden zijn wel genegen met me te communiceren via andere kanalen. Voor veel mensen geldt dat niet. Plus al die bedrijven die alleen extra service geven via WA (via WA direct antwoord, via mail duurt een week, per telefoon een uur in de wacht). Dat bedoel ik met 'haast'.


Matthias friendica (via Diaspora)

Youtube knipst euch gerade euer liebstes Spielzeug zum Teilen von Videos aus.
Du bist noch nicht betroffen? Warte noch ein wenig ab. Schon bald ist es soweit und dann wird auch euer Node gesperrt sein.

Wechselt daher jetzt auf die vorhandenen Tools des Fediverse.

Fedi-Video-Plattform Alternative:


wenn der Inhalt indirekt von Youtube kommen soll.

Es ist Zeit sich ein wenig zu bewegen.

#fediverse #peertube #invidious #piped #youtube #google

N. E. Felibata đŸ‘œ reshared this.
Michael Vogel friendica (via ActivityPub)
Betrifft es jetzt mehr als nur die Server bei Netcup?
Matthias friendica (via ActivityPub)

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)

Don't large or even 100% water changes crash the filter cycle?

spinnetrouble lemmy (AP)
You can add a little fish food if you're worried about starving the bacteria, but really, microorganisms can live pretty well off their dead brethren.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
Interesting. I think that what went wrong was that i started up a tank with a cycled filter but everything else was clean. Clean water, tank and no gravel may have not been enough to start the cycle enough to support 10 fry at 2cm

Matthias friendica (via ActivityPub)

Dank des im Firefox eingebauten Übersetzers kann man mal einen kleinen Blick auf diesen italienischen Artikel zu #Friendica werfen.


La guida di Informapirata a Friendica, dedicata a tutti coloro che dal Fediverso vogliono ottenere tutto il possibile.

Un Mastodon con gli steroidi e attualmente l’unica alternativa a Facebook di tutto il Fediverso. Con mille pregi e, soprattutto, mille difetti. E mai nessuno che ci spieghi come utilizzarlo.
Almeno finora

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

ploum mastodon (AP)

Mastodon: Les Jeux Olympiques, c’est de l’hypercapitalisme qui pollue, gnagnagna

(cĂ©rĂ©monie d’ouverture commence)

Mastodon: Oh ! Y’a Lady Gaga ! Trop bien !


Annie mastodon (AP)

Berlin-Spandau train station

#FensterFreitag #Berlin #Trains #Bahnhof

Cathelaine diaspora
#nature #megabassines
Salinger 3 diaspora
faudrait pas que ces cons d agriculteurs les relĂąchent ensuite dans la nature ....pour nettoyer leurs bassines.
Magdoz diaspora
Et si c'est trop loin pour un cerf-volant, on peut utiliser, pour une fois dans le bon sens, ces fameux drones.. 😀
Elle me plaüt bien cette ruse ! 😀


Project Gutenberg mastodon (AP)

French writer and historian Hilaire Belloc was born #OTD in 1870.

His notable works include "The Path to Rome" (1902), a travel book about his journey on foot from central France to Rome, and his biographies of historical figures like Oliver Cromwell and Joan of Arc. He is also remembered for his humorous verse, especially his collection of children’s poetry, "Cautionary Tales for Children" (1907), which includes famous poems such as "Matilda" and "Jim".

#books #literature

Weekend Editor mastodon (AP)

Congratulations! You wrote a couple paragraphs on Hilaire Belloc without mentioning Chesterton, even once! 😀

(I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that.)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

xsv (mode: mixed) mastodon (AP)

Flashback to June when my Mom’s cat “Max” was visiting:


#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Cat

Andrea Bettini mastodon (AP)
X ha iniziato in gran silenzio a usare i post degli utenti per addestrare la sua AI Grok

la quasi totalitĂ  degli utenti utilizza l'app e la maggior parte di loro ignora anche solo la possibilitĂ  di collegarsi attraverso il browser!
Probabilmente questa Ăš la volta buona che la Commissione, l'antitrust o il garante privacy interverranno con mano pesante contro il bulletto di Pretoria...


Attic cleaning

Farhad A diaspora

Being a convicted pedophile and child rapist doesn't either.

This is how the western civilization is showing their moral superiority.

#Olympics #Hyppcrish #Inhumanity #Raciam #Intolerance #Xenophobia #Genocide #Pedophile #WesreenValues #Morality #Paris2024​


Project Gutenberg mastodon (AP)

#OTD in 1928.

The novel The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall

Publication, originally scheduled for late 1928, was brought forward when he discovered that another novel with a lesbian theme, Compton Mackenzie's Extraordinary Women, was to be published in September. The Well appeared on 27 July, in a black cover with a plain jacket.

The Well of Loneliness at PG:

#books #literature

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Russia-Ukraine war live: EU says conflict an existential threat to the bloc - via @guardian

stefani banerian friendica (via ActivityPub)

Welcome to #CheckIn for Saturday July 27, 2024

#caturday #CheckIn @robb @Muse @Klaus Lademann @Miguela @Alexander @Andrew Pam @Daniel @V. T. Eric Layton @Lily J @Joltrast @pianomad @Michael Warburton @Cats of Commons đŸ’« @Cade Johnson @John Douglas Porter @CristĂłbal 明旄照 @Lewis Luminos @hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1 @Carsten Raddatz @Kenny Chaffin @Doug Senko @Tom Wroblewski @Christian Nalletamby @That Harp Guy @Whuffo @Jay Bryant @Don Little @Christoph S @𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕒 đŸłïžâ€âš§ïžđŸŠ‹ @Jess Nut @Janet Logan đŸłïžâ€âš§ïž @su ann lim @Bob Lai @Joyce Donahue @Peter Lindelauf @Nora Qudus @debo @Corinne Howell @John Hummel @Katherine Bond @garpu @Sheila Nagig @David Sterry @Karl Auerbach @Phil Landmeier (ᚠ) @Shelenn Ayres @Paul Ferguson @Jodi K @Richard @s banerian @smellsofbikes @Susan ✶✶✶✶ @Isaac Kuo @Joseph Teller @Guy Geens @Amanda Gordon @David Calderon @Rob Anybody @Alrekr Jarnhandr @David Calderon @Alistair McHarg @Dean Calahan @Jacob C @Sam Smith @Michele Hax @Griff Ferrell 💙💛 @Mark Wollschlager @stefani banerian @Andreas Geisler @Lesley @Holly Jahangiri @Lisa Stranger @Aline @gregg taylor @John MacLeod @Lee Rothstein @libramoon @Stan McCann (Uncle Pirate) @Griff Ferrell 💙💛 @Phil Setnik @Debbie D. 🇹🇩 đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș @Jon Alcibar @Cass M đŸ‘‹đŸœ @Nat Weaver đŸłïžâ€âš§ïžđŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ @klausman @davidamerland @((( David "Kahomono" Frier ))) @tomgrzybow @Rod Mesa

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Cinque Terre’s Path of Love reopens with charges to ease Insta-tourism - via @guardian

The Debian Project mourns the loss of Peter De Schrijver

"Peter was highly regarded for his technical expertise in problem solving and for his willingness to share that knowledge. When asked "what are you working on?", Peter would often take the time to explain something you thought was extremely complicated understandably, or show you in-person his high technical proficiency in action on such tasks as translating a disassembled binary into C source code. Peter's work, ideals, and memory leave a remarkable legacy and a loss that is felt around the world not only in the many communities he interacted with but in those he inspired and touched as well."

#debian #linux #developer #death #peterdeschrijver


taz mastodon (AP)
Nach dem RĂŒckzug von Joe Biden setzen die Demokraten ganz auf Kamala Harris. Und die macht innerhalb weniger Tage eine erstaunliche Wandlung durch.!6023604

Farhad A diaspora

Is #Biden dead? This is like #Stalin style BS but someting is really off in the WH.

Every time I thought US is not a fucked up circuses show , they come up with more surprises.

#GenocideJoe #USPolitics #DumbFuckistan #USElecrion #WTAF #US


Project Gutenberg mastodon (AP)

"The time is out of joint: O cursed spite,
That ever I was born to set it right!"
Hamlet, Act I, scene v.

#OTD in 1759.

The earliest known professional performance of Shakespeare's Hamlet in North America (in Garrick's version) is given by the American Company in Philadelphia, with Lewis Hallam Jr. as Hamlet.

Hamlet at PG:

#books #literature #theatre

Notice printed in the Pennsylvania Journal, or Weekly Advertiser, July 26th, 1759:

("By Permission" meant that they had obtained license from Governor William Denny to perform a play, despite heavy opposition from Philadelphia Quakers. The "Theatre on Society Hill" - which the company had built themselves - was technically just outside the city limits.)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

❌ Action "Jeux Interdits" INTERDITE ❌

AprĂšs la #ceremoniedouverture de #Paris2024 & l'Ă©nergie dĂ©ployĂ©e pour jeter des paillettes aux yeux du monde (coucou la poudre de perlimpinpin) , le @gouvernementfr a aussi mis LES GRANDS MOYENS pour bloquer notre action spĂ©ciale JO 🏅

Sur la vidĂ©o ci dessous... des journalistes contrĂŽlé·e·s par les Forces De l'Ordre 🙄



Donc voilĂ , on en est Ă  plus d'une quarantaine d'interpellation sur la base de... Rien de rĂ©prĂ©hensible đŸ€Š

đŸ€” Ce qu'on avait prĂ©vu ?
Une occupation non-violente sur un espace public oĂč chacun·e aurait pu venir parler de dĂ©mocratie... oups pas avec @emmanuelmacron et ce @gouvernementfr đŸ˜€

Djeannot mastodon (AP)
Bon apparemment on n'a plus le droit de s'occuper pacifiquement dans l'espace public.
C'est pas extinction rébellion qui a été relaxée récemment par les tribunaux ?

Farhad A diaspora

Look what was hiding behind the planter, glad I found it and hope it's not too late.

This is the thickest cucumber of the 2024 so far.

#Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #SouthOfFrance #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants #France #GrowOwnFood


Lisa Stranger diaspora

CrowdStrike Offers $10 Gift Card as Apology for Shutting Down Basically the Whole Earth

CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm behind last week's epic global computer meltdown — seemingly the largest IT outage in history — is offering its partners a hilariously inadequate mea culpa: a $10 Uber Eats gift card in apology.

It's a hilariously inadequate gesture for a slip-up that cost Fortune 500 companies more than $5 billion in direct losses, according to a new analysis by insurance firm Parametrix, and forced countless IT professionals to work around the clock over the weekend.

Adding insult to injury, at least some of the gift cards were "canceled by the issuing party" and were "no longer valid," according to TechCrunch.

Kenny Chaffin diaspora
SMH!!! Hold 'em Responsible!!

Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-07-27 10:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 991
Number of users: 8 891 132
Number of statuses: 1 076 978 107
Number of users last 4h: 374
Number of statuses last 4h: 54 921
Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto

Andrew Pam diaspora
nieuwere berichten oudere berichten

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