Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Wandering Thinker friendica (via ActivityPub)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

sad axolotl calckey (AP)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Nach dem Rückzug von Joe Biden setzen die Demokraten ganz auf Kamala Harris. Und die macht innerhalb weniger Tage eine erstaunliche Wandlung durch.#KamalaHarris #US-Demokraten #US-Wahl2024 #Amerika #Politik #Schwerpunkt


Ivan G. mastodon (AP)
A self-promotion post. Just to remind about one of my personal projects: #osdev_notes available here: a complete guide on how to write an #operatingsystem system from scratch in C. It covers all the steps from the boot to the userspace (and beyond) passing through file-system, scheduling, memory etc.
They are totally free. They are also available as a printed book on lulu: #programming #osdev #kernel #assembly #selfpublishing

Joinny Hash mastodon (AP)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

taz mastodon (AP)
Ob mittels Tiktok-Werbekampagnen oder durch mehr als 3.400 Schulbesuche im vergangenen Jahr: Offensiv wirbt die Bundeswehr um jugendlichen Nachwuchs. 👉!6022795/

Lina mastodon (AP)
Iron Bug friendica (via ActivityPub)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

fediverseobserver friendica (via ActivityPub)

Found 5 new servers and 2 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

21,397 servers checked. 14,114,616 Total Users with 1,027,270 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #misskey server from Japan a #misskey server from Japan a #gotosocial server from Private a #akkoma server from Finland a #mastodon server from France

Help others find a home, send them to

SpaceX Successfully Launches Falcon 9 Starlink Mission

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 27, 2024
3392035 SpaceX successfully launched 23 Starlink broadband satellites early Saturday morning, marking its return to flight operations after a brief hiatus due to a recent anomaly. The Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 1:45 a.m. EDT, right within its planned four-hour launch window. SpaceX provided a live stream of the event, showcasing the rocket's journey t

breaking ranks mastodon (AP)

"Auf dem Rückweg schien die Sonne, als wäre nichts gewesen, nirgends lag mehr Schnee, hier und da war ein Hauch von Grün zu sehen, ein normaler, fast schöner Tag, der, völlig unpassenderweise, versprach, dass der Winter bald zu Ende sein und der Frühling erwachen würde, und das alles war für den schlaflosen, rotäugigen Anders ein Schlag ins Gesicht."

Der letzte weiße Mann [2022] von Mohsin Hamid. Mega Buch. #bookstodon @bookstodon

breaking ranks mastodon (AP)
Allerdings trotz einer grundsätzlich gelungenen Sprache/Übersetzung sehr schade, denn ich behaupte, man hätte den Titel mit "... Mensch" übersetzen müssen. #bookstodon @bookstodon

Torsten Appelhagen hubzilla (AP)
@Mark Nowiasz
Ach so meintest Du das. Das versuche ich zu vermeiden. 😅
Aber ich werde leider allzu oft nach meiner Meinung zu solchen Themen gefragt (auch von Leuten, die es eigentlich schon wissen) und muss mich dann auch noch langwierig dafür verteidigen.
Erinnert mich immer an die Sache mit dem Alkohol - "wie Du trinkst nicht??? Och stell dich nich so an, eiiiiner geht doch..." 😡
Mark Nowiasz hubzilla (AP)

@Torsten Appelhagen

Erinnert mich immer an die Sache mit dem Alkohol - "wie Du trinkst nicht??? Och stell dich nich so an, eiiiiner geht doch..." 😡

Jau, das geht mir auch tierisch auf den Sack, ich kenne das auch. Ich bin nicht unbedingt Abstinenzler, ich mag durchaus Cocktails & co (wobei Mocktails auch sehr gut schmecken), trinke aber relativ wenig, ich glaube der meiste Alkohol, den ich verbrauche, geht beim Kochen drauf (Rotweinsaucen usw). Sowas gilt auch für Vegetarier, die müssen sich auch immer rechtfertigen, was ich auch unmöglich finde.

Horst hubzilla (AP)
Bei mir ist es anders herum. Ich hab zwar einen Fernseher, aber der ist oft monatelang ausgeschaltet. Natürlich kann man vieles dann im Internet sehen. Das hatte ich gerade gestern dass mich jemand Auf einen Film bei Arte aufmerksam machte, den ich unbedingt sehen müsste. Aber dann überleg ich nur, wieviel Zeit das kostet. Dann ist es mir die Sache eben doch nicht wert.

Fardels Bear mastodon (AP)

20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just book covers.




The holidays are upon us & many of you may be wondering just how many books to take with you (if, like me, you are an e-book refusenik).

Here's Tom Gauld's decision tool - enjoy.

And, you may need a bigger suitcase....

[This post is not intended to re-open the extended paperbacks vs. e-books debate that has played out in my timeline periodically over the last year]

#holiday #travel

Trish Roberts mastodon (AP)
@caity Must have 2 books, including one to read on the train. Must be lightweight, so small paperbacks are preferable. Then buy another, also small paperback, at destination.
Skro mastodon (AP)
this year I'll be reasonable this year: only half a dozen for my two weeks vacation (plus my e-reader just in case because that's what they're for to me: avoid getting stuck with nothing to read...)

erdu diaspora

With the world and media focused on Olympic games, Gaza genocide and suffering of up to 2 million people will go unnoticed even more.

Israel has intensified it barbaric attacks against Palestinians in Gaza and occupied west bank, despite ICC ruling and calls from ever growing list of countries for end of the assaulta and bombings of defenceless Palestinian civilians.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Trames mastodon (AP)
Volpedo, mostra speciale nello Studio-Museo di Pellizza.
Esposte tre opere assenti da anni dai circuiti.

With the world and media focused on Olympic games, Gaza genocide and suffering of up to 2 million people will go unnoticed even more.

Israel has intensified it barbaric attacks against Palestinians in Gaza and occupied west bank, despite ICC ruling and calls from ever growing list of countries for end of the assaulta and bombings of defenceless Palestinian civilians.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Sascha 😎 🏴 ⁂ (Fediverse) friendica (via Diaspora)

Fildena 150mg tablet is a medication primarily prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence in men. Each tablet contains 150mg of Sildenafil Citrate as its active ingredient. Sildenafil Citrate is a potent phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor that works by increasing blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation, facilitating the achievement and maintenance of a firm erection.


PulkoMandy mastodon (AP)
Hello, how are you doing today?
PulkoMandy mastodon (AP)
By the way, if you know what any of this means and what I need to do to update the firmwares in addition to the bios, help welcome, I guess?
mi akkoma (AP)

so your bios/firmware upgrade encompasses upgrading Intel AMT / Management Engine ? Is that even desirable

( Comment inspired by: )

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
PulkoMandy mastodon (AP)
@mi it's a separate update file that is just called "fwupdate.bup", I don't know if it updates just that or also some other firmwares.
I'm looking into this because a previous bios updates made Haiku unable to read the battery status from ACPI, and maybe it's because of out of sync firmware and bios versions? (I'm guessing, I have no idea)
Matthieu Herrb mastodon (AP)
It's a framework laptop ? maybe @aplufr can help he did quite a few debugging on this.
Basically, their uefi upgrade script is / was totally buggy.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
PulkoMandy mastodon (AP)
@mherrb @aplufr no, it's a fujitsu lifebook u7311. The provided update is some windows executables and drivers that seem to just schedule the efi executables to run on next boot. I don't want to install Windows, so I try to use the efi executables directly. I can run the bios update from the efi shell just fine, but not the firmware update one. Maybe it's missing some parameters or it really has to be run earlier
Matthieu Herrb mastodon (AP)
@aplufr sorry for the confusion. The Framework BIOS is also by Insyde and the camera bezel on your 1st picture looks really similar too.
No clue for the Fujitsu firmware.

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)

Healthy Home Inspections offers a range of inspection services including Home Inspections, Commercial Inspections, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments, Insurance Inspections, Wind Mitigation, 4-Point Inspections, Mold Inspections and Testing, and WDO/Termite Inspections. Our services cover Naples to Cape Coral to Sarasota for residential inspections and extend from Tampa to Miami for commercial inspections.


Our Social pages:

Dr Camilla Hoel hometown (AP)
I finally caved and wrote down my gripe about the NYT 100 books list.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

I've finished Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett, Narrated by Jon Culshaw.

Guards! Guards! Was my introduction to Terry Pratchett, so for me, it maintains a special position in the Discworld canon. But I also think that objectively, it is one of the best Discworld novels and a great place to start.

The world is fleshed out and the tropes are familiar to the average reader without much experience in Fantasy literature.

On this reread, I tried the new penguin audio adaptation and loved it.

I had trouble with other Discworld penguin adaptations, but with Guards! Guards! I had very little trouble adapting to the new character voices.

I learned that playing the audiobook at normal speed allowed me to appreciate the better voice acting.

@bookstodon #bookstodon #AudioBooks #pratchett #fantasy #satire

Vereesh mastodon (AP)
Those Penguin editions are really hit or miss. Most of them are brilliant, but a few are unlistenable, at least for me. Hogfather was one I could just cry for. Likewise Monstrous Regiment, one of my favorite books ever, but the actor who voiced Jackrum was so completely wrong that it's a crime against art. The Tiffany Aching ones are very good, likewise the Watch books.

Yes, Jackrum's voice grated on me as well.

In Small Gods it was Vorbis that sounded completely wrong to me, the narrator did not understand the type of villain Vorbis is.


The Eddie Show mastodon (AP)

📷 The web outlived the weaver.

#FediversalPictures #Nature

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Cat Lady Kydia Music mastodon (AP)

Someone posted this pic of Kamala Harris from the 80's and said she looks like she played synth for a German New Wave band and tbh I'll never be this cool.

#KamalaHarris #Harris2024 #Harris #Synthwave #Synth #80s #GenX


PixlLotta mastodon (AP)

'V wie... Vergraben' #fotovorschlag

Moskwitsch 400

#photography #cars #saturday

Amy Diehl, Ph.D. mastodon (AP)
White women are the largest voting bloc (39%) & yet many have voted in a way that upholds White supremacy & the patriarchy. As Brittany Packett Cunningham says, "Your Whiteness will not save you from what the patriarchy has in store for you."

JuneSim63 mastodon (AP)

Ukraine has sent 1,000 tonnes of wheat to Gaza through Jordan as part of a 7,000-tonne package for the war-battered Palestinian territory.

The shipment, announced by the Ukrainian embassy in Amman, is Kyiv's first participation in the international effort to assist more than two million people struggling with acute shortages of food, water, fuel, medical care and shelter.

#Ukraine #Gaza #Starvation
Ukraine sends wheat to relieve hunger in Gaza | The National


Augie Ray mastodon (AP)

GOP: The Dems have to stop exaggerating and calling Trump fascist.

Trump: “Get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore... You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again.”

I'm sorry, what is he suggesting, exactly? #VoteBlue to save democracy.

StandUp2Fascism mastodon (AP)
Stunning. This needs to be everywhere. On the sides of buses, on billboards, in every commericial block on the major broadcast networks, because Fox won’t air it. It needs to air on 60 Minutes. During NCIS. Any show his demographic watches. They thought we were fear-mongering. They were wrong. And the young people need to see this. Someone get it on TikTok.
kaffando mastodon (AP)

Nicola Fabiano mastodon (AP)
X activated by default Grok which unaware users train with their personal data
What Twitter profile? I have none.

Vivian Wilson, a daughter of Elon Musk who he keeps verbally attacking at every possible opportunity for being trans, has spoken out on Threads about all the misinformation Musk has been spreading and how her experience of this abuse has been.

You can read many of her statements in the following posts:

1 - Debunking the Misinformation Thread

2 - Response

3 - She Disowned Him

4 - Response to Conservative Reactions

(if your instance federates with threads you may be able to read them directly)

Keep it going, girl! ✨🏳️‍⚧️

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
conservatives suddenly understand the concept of deadnaming when it's about Twitter

From now on, the shitty website called "X," formerly known as "Twitter," will forever be known to me as "Twitter".




Don't like how cops are enforcing the laws?

Vote Blue down-ticket and change the Legislature.

DAs don't make the laws. They enforce them.

You want real change?



Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)

'Copyright Traps' Could Tell Writers If an AI Has Scraped Their Work - Slashdot


Ultra Verified mastodon (AP)


Major Chinese banks shut off Russia.

The result? A wildly superheated Russian "war economy" is about to go critical: it's going to blow up spectacularly. Putin go buh bye.

The political instability and internal struggle for power will quickly become a very dangerous time, because there's a lot of terrorists who would like nothing more than getting their hands on loose Russian nukes.

Truly a jesus take the wheel moment folks.

Hey. Whatever.

Go shopping, watch a game on TV.


Nukes are complicated. They have to be maintained or they simply won't work.

Or backfire.

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