
Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

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Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

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Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

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Fedi admins, please switch off instant signups! 🙏

You can do this at Preferences > Administration > Server Settings > Registrations > Who Can Sign Up, change to "approval required for signup", tick box marked "require a reason", save changes.

If you allow instant signups, you are opening your server to spammers, causing headaches for hundreds of other servers who all have to block your spammers. The latest wave of spam is *all* from servers that have instant signups!

#FediAdmin #MastoAdmin

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 days ago)

Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

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gero mastodon (AP)
Hammergeiler Anblick.

Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

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Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

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gero mastodon (AP)
Perfekte (Po)Position.





The City is of Night; perchance of Death…

James “B.V.” Thomson (1834–1882) – poet, journalist, translator, anarchist, atheist – was born #OTD, 23 Nov, in Port Glasgow. Best known for his long poem THE CITY OF DREADFUL NIGHT, he influenced TS Eliot & is seen as a progenitor of Modernism


#Scottish #literature #poetry #Victorian #19thCentury #modernism #TSEliot

Project Gutenberg mastodon (AP)
thanks for mentioning us…



Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-11-23 14:00 CET
Number of active instances: 11 664
Number of users: 9 162 464
Number of statuses: 1 140 199 378
Number of users last 4h: 459
Number of statuses last 4h: 126 086
Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto Afbeelding/foto

Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

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Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

Filtered word: nsfw


Ms. Que Banh mastodon (AP)

A #Manifesto by the #GuerrillaGirls
The #feminist collective’s rules for #Art #museums.

Guerrilla Girls is an anonymous group of feminist #artists on a longstanding mission to fight #sexism and #racism within the art world. The group was formed in New York City in 1985 to tackle systemic issues with #guerrilla methods, using iconic posters, books, billboards, interviews and more. Their work is colorful, distinctive and humorous. To protect individual identities in interviews, they wear gorilla masks and use pseudonyms that refer to historical female artists such as Frida Kahlo and Käthe Kollwitz, as well as writers and #activists like Gertrude Stein and Harriet Tubman.

Manifesto is a series on WePresent which invites activists and creatives with something to say to write 10 rules to live by, in order to help spread their message.


taz mastodon (AP)
Eigentlich wollte die italienische Regierung Tausende von Asylanträgen in Albanien bearbeiten. Zwei Gerichtsurteile durchkreuzten die Pläne. Dennoch sollen die Lager geöffnet bleiben.!6051049

Late afternoon city of the future carbuncle development camera and lens test. This time it’s the diminutive Pentax Auto 110 and its 18mm wide angle.

#Photography #GrainIsGood #FilmPhotography #ShotOnFilm #AnalogFilm #BelieveInFilm #TheFilmCommunity #110Format #Lomography #LomographyTiger200 #Pentax #PentaxAuto110 #PentaxCamera #Architecture

Only later did I realize what an incredible subject the Sydney Opera House is. Especially in black and white, the over 1 million ceramic tiles become a stunning highlight, glowing in all shades of gray. If you ever get the chance to visit Down Under, don't miss out on seeing the Opera House. I should have taken more time, but for me, this day still felt like the middle of the night with a 10-hour time difference.

#photography #blackandwhite #monochrome #squared #sydneyoperahouse



taz mastodon (AP)
Thorsten Glotzmann hat das Buch „Herr G. hat Angst“ geschrieben. Hier erzählt er, wie man Ängste besänftigt und was sie mit Freiheit zu tun haben 👉!6048878/

Bread and Circuses mastodon (AP)

🌅 Good morning*, #Mastodon! ☕

* UTC -5

Good afternoon from UTC +1 !

Laurence De Cock mastodon (AP)

Le WE prochain, la région IDF organise un colloque de deux jours sur la laïcité à destination des référents laïcité de différentes administrations. Je mets le programme en dessous.

L'association Vigie de la laïcité fait un communiqué pour dénoncer le choix de certains intervenants (tu m'étonnes ! c'est le printemps républicain) :

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 days ago)

nadloriot diaspora
very cool :)❤

9x0rg mastodon (AP)

> ChatGPT est un simulateur de conversation humaine, et non un système d’information ou une base de connaissances. L’information, ça se trouve dans des cerveaux, des documents et des bases de données. ChatGPT n’est pas doté de capacité de compréhension : il ne fait que produire des réponses plausibles en tant que réponses, sans comprendre rien à rien. -- @arthurperret

**Guide de l’étudiant pour ne pas écrire avec ChatGPT**

#IA #ChatGPT #OpenAI

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 days ago)

Günter diaspora

#Orwellss Albtraum im Jahr 2024: Die Realität schlägt die Dystopie

#Habeck, angeblich ein Kritiker totalitärer Ideologien, der vor dem „Gift des Denkens“ warnte, scheint heute Orwells düstere Vision umzusetzen.


Lyonel Kaufmann mastodon (AP)

« Nous côtoyons l'italique dans des mails, des articles de presse ou des livres. Mais ce que l'on ne sait pas, c’est qu'à la Renaissance, cette police a surtout permis de faire des économies et de gagner de la place sur des pages. »


Attilax mastodon (AP)

#logicielslibres #services

Envie de passer sous GNU/Linux ? D'avoir votre propre serveur pour remplacer les services de google et Cie ? D'auto-héberger vos services en ligne ?

Fastoche : le collectif Librezo vous installe tout sur mesure, à domicile !

Installation, configuration, formation et maintenance incluses.

Vous ne serez plus jamais seul avec votre machine...


Ideologically-driven Tech Choices

#linux #software #wokeism #ethics #mozilla #bsd

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