
Trocatintas diaspora

Why Did the FBI Show Up at Alison Weir’s Door? Critics of Israel Say They Know the Answer


QueenKong mastodon (AP)

Already working on the second book. It will contain about fifty photos, only Polaroid emulsion lifts.

Hesitating on the cover.

Which one is your favorite ?

#photography #photo #art #photobook #polaroid #emulsionlift #filmphotography #believeinfilm #poetry #artistbook

(And the first black and white Polaroids book is still available : )


Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

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#Gaza #génocide #judéoNazisme #genocide #judeoNazism

Des patients de l'hôpital Kamal Adwan avecleurs béquilles et leurs sondes fait prisonniers.
Hospital patients with their crutches and nasogastric tubes taken prisoner near hospital Kamal Adwan.


Le rêveur friendica (via ActivityPub)

Filtered word: nsfw


ija chouf diaspora

il y a une excuse fréquemment utilisée par les médias sionistes, presque systématiquement, selon laquelle Israël est le seul pays démocratique du Moyen-Orient. Ils l'utilisent pour défendre Netanyahu et contester la décision de la CPI, qui a émis hier des mandats d'arrêt contre les colons d'Europe de l'Est, Mileikowsky, alias Netanyahu, et Gallant. Toute la sphère influencée par le sionisme s'insurge, arguant qu'on ne peut condamner un pays démocratique !

Regardez comment ils tentent de nous berner : "Nous sommes une démocratie, nous avons tous les droits, même celui de vie ou de mort sur les autres parce qu'ils ne sont pas des pays démocratiques !"



taz mastodon (AP)
Seit Russlands Invasion in die Ukraine ist die Geburtenrate dort eingebrochen. Ein Reproduktionsmediziner steuert mit Gratis-Behandlungen für Armeeangehörige gegen.!6048905


Rider, #GarantePrivacy: no all'algoritmo incontestabile dai lavoratori

Il Garante ha commininato a Foodinho (gruppo Glovo) una sanzione di 5 mln di euro per aver trattato illecitamente i dati personali di oltre 35mila rider attraverso la piattaforma digitale. L’Autorità ha inoltre impartito specifiche prescrizioni e ha vietato l’ulteriore trattamento dei dati biometrici (riconoscimento facciale) dei rider utilizzati per la verifica dell’identità.


Da lì, se l'autorità ti avrà dato ragione, potrai sfruttare tutti quegli elementi che l'istruttoria è riuscita a portare alla luce.

Si tratta di istruttorie lunghe e onerose che a volte necessitano di consulenze esterne molto costose che non sono appannaggio di un avvocato del lavoro.

E con questo hai capito anche a cosa servono i proventi delle sanzioni del Garante Privacy: servono a far funzionare l'autorità che senza quei soldi non potrebbe operare.

@OrionBelt @vecna @privacypride

OrionBelt© mastodon (AP)
@vecna grazie per la spiegazione, ma credimi nonostante lla mia incompetenza avevo ipotizzato un qualcosa che ci si avvicinava😋 la privacy "stranamente" per chi gestisce il potere ha una valenza varabile ed interpretabile in funzione di chi è "parte lesa" ed è singolare come siamo integralisti quando riguarda la loro di privacy,molto elastici se nin lassisti nei restanti casi😑



Magdoz diaspora
Magdoz diaspora

La 2eme partie de son enquête :

L’État, noyauté par le bullsh*t (Enquête : suite et fin) ou

Magdoz diaspora

éh bé...

Si je pensais soulever un tel lièvre avec ma petite vidéo sur la ministre de l’Agriculture ....
Et tu retrouves tout ça dans des rapports ministériels, officiels donc...

En effet, c'est chaud...


Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
6 tourists died in Laos after apparently drinking methanol. What is it and why was it in drinks?

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Ukraine’s parliament cancels session after Russia fired a new missile




Juan mastodon (AP)

Long shot but... I'm selling a Fender Squier Affinity Telecaster MN BB BKPG (02/2011) - solid alder body, maple neck, 21 frets, 2 single coil pick-ups, chrome hardware, black pickguard. With Fender standard gigbag for Strat/Tele guitar, and strap. It is a nice guitar, but I don't play it anymore and I need to free some space.

Did setup this year, action and intonation. Collection from Bristol, UK. DM me if interested. May do a swap for a bass.




Rusty Bertrand mastodon (AP)

A white male CEO Was Arrested for Refusing To Pay Taxes!

British mining executives held in Mali freed after $160m deal to settle tax dispute

Resolute Mining chief executive Terence Holohan and two employees had been held since 9 November

(The corporations will push, the US will designate Mali as terrorist, and then overthow the government that is trying to get taxes from the people stealing their own countries resources. They also arrested a couple guys from the second largest gold trader in the world. It will not stand.)


Workshop on Cislunar Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT), 11 - 13 February 2025, Vienna, Austria
enter image description here
The Moon is a primary focus for space activities around the world in the coming decades, including orbiters, landers, rovers, human activities, science, and both short- and long-duration missions evolving into a sustainable ecosystem.

taz mastodon (AP)
Bei der anstehenden Landtagswahl in der Steiermark deuten Prognosen auf einen Erfolg der FPÖ hin. Dies wäre ein weiterer Meilenstein in deren Erfolgslauf.!6050687

Andrea Russo friendica (via ActivityPub)

La Palestina protagonista di “Mediterraneo Contemporaneo”

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
Dal 23 novembre al 1° dicembre 9 appuntamenti tra giornalismo, cinema, poesia, cucina, arte e teatro, che si snodano tra Salerno e Napoli per conoscere da vicino la Palestina e le sue tensioni sociali e culturali
L'articolo La Palestina protagonista di “Mediterraneo Contemporaneo” proviene

The Pirate Post friendica (via ActivityPub)


Well Debian is the only distro to participate, but they kinda sorta let it die on the vine. Perhaps now with all this polititzation and weaponization of sold-out-to-Microsoft Linux, development will re-start and continue. I hope so!

I'm super-enjoying GhostBSD, by the way. It's practically as easy as MX-Linux has been, which is saying a lot! GhostBSD is doing for the BSDs what Ubuntu once did for Debian - make it usable for "the rest of us" who aren't so technically-inclined.

That said, though, it's certainly wise to learn at least enough CLI stuff to maintain your copy of the OS and customize it to your liking. You almost cannot help but learn a little just using it. Yesterday I was comfortable enough with GhostBSD to just go ahead and install it, wiping away my old Linux OS.


herve_02 diaspora
« La France est le pays le plus généreux au monde, c’est un aimant à fraudeurs », a dénoncé ce mardi sur CNEWS Nathalie Goulet, sénatrice Union Centriste de l’Orne, qui rappelle que 848,9 milliards d’euros de prestations sociales ont été versés en 2022.
Cette somme représente tenez-vous bien 12.550 euros par an et par habitant !

Moi j'aimerais bien avoir un détail pour regarder... j'y crois que moyennement, très moyennement. y'a que les gogos et les mougeons qui avalent ce qu'un député éructe à la télé. union centriste c'est macron

Contre Attaque mastodon (AP)


Le monde de Netanyahou se réduit, il ne pourra bientôt plus se déplacer dans la plupart des pays du monde. En effet, le mandat d'arrêt émis par la Cour Pénale Internationale doit être respecté par les 124 États qui ont ratifié le Statut de Rome, qui est à l'origine de la CPI.

Notre article à lire ici :


Andrea Russo friendica (via ActivityPub)

HAITI. Medici Senza Frontiere sospende attività nella capitale

@Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo
Una nuova ondata di violenza a Port-au-Prince ha causato nell'ultima settimana 150 morti e 20.000 sfollati.
L'articolo HAITI. Medici Senza Frontiere sospende attività

herve_02 diaspora

daise_flowers diaspora
It’s the same reverse–Robin Hood strategy that the Administrations of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush adopted: pass big tax cuts slanted toward the rich, then claim you have to balance the budget on the backs of the masses.
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