Via #Maddow:

so… have they set this up so he can take unlimited money from anyone and just pocket it without declaring anything?

do they bother putting the word “transition” on the office door? or just cut a slot in it that says “insert bribes here”?…


Gaza. "There are now almost no professional journalists left in the north to document what several international institutions have described as an ethnic cleansing campaign."
#Gaza #IHL
#gaza #IHL

59 years ago today:
Northeast blackout of 1965

This episode of Connections explains why.

James Burke – Connections – The Trigger Effect…

That one I don't remember, but know exactly where I was: at the ER getting a penny removed from my 15 month old throat

Harris is blaming the dem chair. Folks are blaming President Biden. Yada yada yada. Do you want to know why we lost?! It’s because America is full of racist, misogynistic, anti Constitutional law assholes. We’ve lost this country for at least the next couple of generations. So, tolerate it or create a plan B. I’m deciding to leave as soon as my elderly mil passes. Costa Rica, Spain, Portugal, and Panama are the locations I’m looking into. Portugal is gorgeous and you only need to have about $900

Help Bail, don't jump overboard into a sea of hungry sharks.

Imagine if Martin Luther King had just moved to France.

You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, well, you might find
You get what you need
Ah, yeah

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
Corollary: enhancing surveillance state powers to monitor what you've decided are undesirables is no safety for online kids.
Corollary two: your base is not your base if you spit on them, sic the police on them, & mainly advocate for your wealthy donors & the military-industrial complex.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Y'all. Buy and stockpile birth control. Stock up on ALL forms, especially options like Plan B. Men, this means you--Especially you, postmenopausal women and anyone not in danger of an unwanted pregnancy. This is for people who are in that danger. Do this right now, while you still can, before it’s banned/severely restricted. (FYI Plan B has a four-year shelf life, if not more). You can order multi-pack of generic Plan B (AKA Levonorgestrel on (gag) Amazon, and other places online. #buyplanbnow

Do not tolerate intolerance.

I'm starting to read an older book by Rebecca Jordan-Young (one of the authors of the absolute banger "Testosterone: An Unauthorized Biography") called "Brain Storm: The flaws in the science of sex differences" and right on page one of chapter one there's a really notable bit quoting steven pinker as saying that political correctness is "on a collision course with the findings of science and the spirit of free inquiry" back in 2005


It feels like it could have been written five minutes ago.

And that made it click in my head that the sex and race "science" types really have been running the same grift for decades they're just changing the language: political correctness, the SJWs, the cultural marxists, the woke. The name of the enemy changes but the game is always the same, a kind of As Above, So Below.

It's the belief that our social relations are mirrors of the forces of evolutionary biology that have set forth what the proper hierarchies should be and that these are not to be changed or fought.


Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Кооператив Компост: "FERMENT!"
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
какая изящная, гурманская, можно сказать, дичь 😀

Ein Fokus der taz-Berichterstattung lag in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten auf den Wahlen in Ostdeutschland. Was bleibt?!6045273/

Met deze trucs plukken A-merken ons kaal in de supermarkt…
Bijna iedereen ergert zich aan de snel gestegen prijzen van boodschappen, en veel klanten verwijten dat de supermarkten. Maar de hoofdschuldigen zitten elders, stellen topmensen van supermarktketens in onthullende gesprekken met Follow the Money. Een duik in de cijfers bevestigt hun gelijk. ‘Het probleem is: voedselmultinationals zien Europa als melkkoe.’
De supermarkten maken zich zorgen. ‘Tot corona waren de jaarlijkse prijsstijgingen van FMCG-bedrijven rond de 4 procent, soms iets meer, soms iets minder,’ vertelt een inkoopdirecteur van een grote keten in België. ‘Nu zien we veel hogere percentages.’

It’s super cool to see high schoolers organizing discussions about antifascism and the role of youth in the struggle. Please support the kids and don’t stop supporting the kids.

#España #Valencia #ManifestationS ???

Dados nuestros medios de comunicación fascistas, no sabemos realmente lo que pasa en su país...
¿podría darnos alguna información?



Vu nos médias si fascistes chez nous, a vraie dire on ne sais pas trop ce qui se passe chez vous ?
et donc si vous piouviez nous renseigner ?



@Eric Libertad a tu des nouvelles, de ton côté ???
y’a pas mal de videos qui ont tourné à ce sujet sur twitter.

Je n'ai pas de compte Twitter donc....

All those FOP endorsements were promises to do this
Donald Trump’s immigration policy would use local police to initiate mass deportations.…

"Listen here, sweetheart": Trump ally threatens NY AG Letitia James with "prison"…

Die Nachricht von Trumps Wiederwahl hat viele geschockt. Er wird die multiplen Krisen in der Welt nicht mildern, sondern verstärken. Wie bloß weitermachen?!6045269

Germany’s Coalition Collapsed, but Recession Is Here to Stay… #socialism

Hier à Amsterdam, des affrontements ont eu lieu après un match de Ligue Europa de football entre supporters de l'Ajax Amsterdam et le Maccabi Tel Aviv. Le ministre de l'Intérieur Bruno Retailleau a dénoncé "un antisémitisme désinhibé" tandis que le président Emmanuel Macron a désigné "un odieux antisémitisme".

Soutenez un média indépendant :

@contreattaque @eti42b

J'ai malheureusement perdu l'adresse, j'avais le même dealer que le député #LFI #AndyKerbrat, vous devriez lui demander.

I'd only believe this if trump started having a fear of Windows...
Trump idolizes Putin.

Not just Putin, the other two guys too...

I'm pretty sure Trump only idolizes himself. The rest is just how his type of "business folk" relate to competitors before stabbing them in the back if that means more money or power.

This election shows what kind of bubble we are all in. The fediverse by choice, other sites without any idea what bubble they are in. The only people I thought were going to derail the election were the lefties refusing to vote because of Gaza which is the only legitimate reason for not voting in this election. Nope they were only a max of 20% of the 13M people who didn't vote. Kamala would have still won easily without them if they hadn't shown up to vote.
For the rest it was about the economy, the perception that Biden hadn't accomplished anything, or that Kamala was out of touch. And of course the hidden factor none of them actually said, it was because she was a woman. They all agreed in their bubbles that voting was lame because xitter and meta were constantly showing them targeted posts about why voting wasn't cool, or blatently incorrect information on the Biden administration which evaporated their desire to vote.
At this point I have no idea how to break this bubble. Until we do, we are screwed. Media capture complete.

SO, when moving between Mastodon accounts, you can set the old account to redirect to the new account. One of the requirements for this is "The new account must first be configured to back-reference this one."

What does this mean, when the new account is a #Friendica account? #Mastodon #Fediverse

@trashHeap That's a good question. Friendica has custom profile fields where you can add a reference to your old account but I'm not sure it would satisfy the Mastodon requirement.

"It's natural to be distressed or upset, but what you shouldn't be is anxious or lonely, because that's the state which makes authoritarianism possible," says Timothy Snyder. "[Trump] can't do it on his own. He can't do it without us." #Velshi…

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#foto #photo #mywork #Sprichwörter - "ein blaues Wunder erleben", ... bedeutet umgangssprachlich: eine unerfreuliche Überraschung erfahren.
Es gibt noch eine zweite Deutung. Demnach stammt die Redewendung aus der Tuchfärberei. Nach dem Färben reagierte der grüne oder gelbe Farbton beim Aufhängen der Gewebe mit dem Sauerstoff chemisch zu blau, sodass der Betrachter "sein blaues Wunder" erlebte.
Ich habe einfach nur den blauen Himmel eingefangen 😉
Ich wünsche euch noch einen entspannten Abend und einen schönen Sonntag !!!
Günter reshared this.

Mit Donald Trump im Weißen Haus bröckelt die Unterstützung der Ukraine. Auch in Europa gibt es Zweifel. Aufgeben kommt für das Land nicht infrage.!6047592


I did that. It wasn't great.

Just realized that #trump is going to take credit for the #Artemis #moon landing. Sigh.
he’ll also preside over America’s 250th bday

iOS has a new-ish feature that let's you reboot your phone on a schedule via Shortcuts. It's pissing the hell out of cops. You should follow this step-by-step because ACAB…
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Me, driving: "Ok Google, take me to my mother in law's"

Car: Sure thing, starting navigation... Also, you can ask for the latest news, by saying 'Ok google, tell me the news'"

Car: *beep*

Car: Sure thing, here's the news: (news plays)

Not only are AIs hallucinating, they're talking to themselves...

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GOP Senator-Elect Blows Off Economic Consequences Of Mass Deportations: 'A Mandate Is A Mandate'…

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Individuals, the market, the world, all need to accept that the #usa is fundamentally untrustworthy and unstable.

It's like making deals with Dr. Jekyll.

#uspol #uspolitics #uselection #us2024

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