Afin de procrastiner mon travail aujourd'hui, j'ai entrepris de compter la répartition du pouvoir entre gauche et droite, en années sous la Ve république. Il en ressort un assez bon contre-argument face à quiconque blâme la gauche des maux français (je m'étais toujours demandé).
Résultats, donc, en années cumulées sous la Ve. Oui, j'ai compté tout Hollande et tous les gouvernements sous Hollande comme de gauche. Autant être généreux, même en les comptant c'est édifiant.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Enfin, si on a eu toute une tripotée de partis de droite défilant au pouvoir, c'est jamais allé plus à gauche que le PS, unique parti que j'ai vu listé.

Pour la source je me suis pas fait chier :…


Alors qu'en vrai, tout le monde sait que l'état de la France, c'est tout de la faute aux écolos...

There might not be anyone in government more duplicitous, evil and back-stabbing. Oh yeah, and power mad and greedy.They decide to cheat Joe in, control his every move, and then blame him. And I guess she forgot that Harris got almost zero votes when she was actually in a primary.…
#LyingLiars #SoreLosers
They seem to have actually convinced themselves that we had believed all the MSM lies.
Yes, they seem to have the "say it, and it will be true" mentality. They expect people to just swallow their lies.

Die Verlängerung der Mietpreisbremse steht vor dem Aus. Ob die Minderheitsregierung aus SPD und Grünen daran etwas ändern kann?!6047777


Just started this absolutely massive 50th anniversary tome of a #book, the complete illustrated edition of Ursula Le Guin's Books of #Earthsea. A bit unwieldy to read, but really beautiful, with colored illustrations. I love it already, and I have just begun.

#reading #books #fantasy @bookstodon



« Un geste politique » : pourquoi Firefox continue d’être utilisé, malgré l’hégémonie de Chrome – Le Monde…

How Harris Lost the Working Class… #socialism

This Michael Fanone profile!

“The Senate was banking on the fact that they wouldn’t have to be the ones to f---ing convict him, and they could avoid the political fallout because, ‘Oh, the Department of Justice will f---ing pursue this.’ And the Department of Justice was like, ‘Oh well, if we fail, it’s the American people who are going to vote him out of office.’”

He shook his head. “Well, look where the f--- we’re at now.”…

🎉 Bon anniversaire Firefox ! On fête ses 20 ans aujourd’hui



Ein Blick nach Sachsen genügt, um sich deutsche Arroganz wegen der Wahl Trumps zum US-Präsidenten abzuschminken. Dort wird mit Rechten gekuschelt.!6045223

Buttigieg has moved beyond simply punishing bad actors to using the powers of his executive agency to restructure a market it oversees

Je me dis que le 20e anniversaire de #Firefox, assorti à la publication d’une nouvelle version, et à l’embrouille de Google qui veut brider les bloqueurs de pub dans Chrome, est l’occasion rêvée d’essayer à nouveau Firefox !

C’est, faut-il le préciser, mon navigateur par défaut sur mon ordi et mon smartphone.

Et si vous l’utilisez déjà, faites tourner l’info !


The written version of my talk “Creativity cannot be computed”, slides + text of roughly what I said:…
lovely talk but I felt like the definitions of art were very external to the artist when the first thing that comes to my mind is "art is expression" it doesn't even need an audience in my eyes.
@nickcolley thanks… yeah I see what you mean, I should try to make that explicit too in the next version of this!


1's in the chat 🫡🫡🫡


ささやかな反乱 ANDROID AND I綺麗な締めだ

The title is a bit click bait-y because it's not that Lizzy has game, but that Austen has game.…

#AmReading #AmWriting @bookstodon #books #Bookstodon
#WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #Regency #Georgian #JaneAusten @romancelandia



E’ in corso una 𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮 𝗴𝗲𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮 classificata al momento come "intensa", innescata dalla bolla di particelle rilasciata dal Sole due giorni fa e che ha colpito il nostro pianeta.
Gli esperti INGV seguono l'andamento del fenomeno.
#Ñ #b #3rd

Lorrie Moore: If the Presidential campaign is a national sporting event designed to distract us from the lack of real democracy in our system—the marring and enfeebling of it by the Electoral College, gerrymandering, the disenfranchisement of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people, the lack of a national holiday for mandatory voting, various decisions of the Supreme Court—it mostly works. "


good to see #AnthonyLowenstein on the Italian investigative outlet #ReportRai3, exposing how #Israel uses #Palestinians as a laboratory to test its weapons of #Genocide

[Italian ]…


I can't wait for what happens AFTER the inauguration. I'm hoping to see a few Justice Department people get life or perhaps death for high treason. Would love to see Edward Snoden and the Jan 6th people pardoned and same for Julian Assange, even though he's out of prison, he still plead guilty to gain that and should not have had to. so would love to see him formerly pardoned, besides the person he mostly released dirt on was Killary and we all know Trump is not fond of that witch.

35 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall trinkt niemand mehr Rotkäppchen auf die deutsche Einheit. 13 Gedanken zum sogenannten Einheitstaumel.!6045311

CV NEWS FEED // President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday unveiled his incoming second administration’s ten-point plan to rein in the federal bureaucracy and administrative state.

Trump has long championed reducing red tape and corruption in the federal government since his initial 2016 bid for the White House, using the slogan “Drain the Swamp” to express his support for such initiatives.…

Problem he is facing, and us by extension, is that "The Swamp" is deeper than the Mariana trench.

@mercatino Vendo moneta Vaticana da collezione…

I've been accepting that mainstream media is very much in the middle in its politics. Economically conservative but socially progressive. That most people get a diet of something like CNN and the NY Times. Maybe that's not true anymore.…
That was THE largest issue for me, the economy, not so much inflation but overall standard of living, I don't really care if something costs $1 or $10 if my income is commensurate with the cost, but this last four years it has not been. But there were other BIG issues besides this, among them WARS, getting tired of having my tax dollars sent to Israel and the Ukraine to kill people, that was a very major one for me, another was the handling of climate change, rather than build newer viable baseload replacements such as molten salt nuclear reactors, we are just pricing energy out of everyone's reach, not a proper or workable solution. Then there was the basic lack of honestly on Kameltoes part, she isn't native American, she is India Indian, and her father isn't black, might be 10-20% black but listed on her birth certificate as Caucasion, so legally not black, therefore her claiming to be was more than a bit of a stretch. I don't agree with everything The Donald does, but at least I know he says what he means and does what he says.

9 November 1928 | Dutch Jewish girl Jenny Trui Spier, was born in Amsterdam.

She was deported to #Auschwitz from Westerbork in November 1942. She was murdered in a gas chamber after arrival selection.

So this makes it OK to slaughter 45,000 Palestinian women and children?
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