The German dream of centrist, stable government has been dashed by geopolitical forces and the cult of balanced budgets…
Working-class voters, particularly young white men, are turning to the extremes in frustration at falling living standards, stagnant wages, precarious jobs and anti-refugee resentment.

I'd like to thank the Amish and the horses they rode in on.
They helped deliver Pennsylvania!!
God Bless the Amish!!
I'd like to thank the Amish for their ongoing battle to prevent corporations from totally ruining our food supply.

If people are hoping for mercy, they should start granting it.
1 1

The 340 was really a nice performing engine as small blocks go.

On the bright side, at the end of part two, everything bas was undone.
Except there’s no temporal reset button that fixes everything this time.

ha! ha! ha! ha!

curious to see if this takes off

In that case we'll need to change the constitution to keep Trump in there forever, even past death.…こんなものが🤔

On 22 May 1916 the 21-year old French Second Lieutenant Alfred Joubaire wrote from Verdun in his dairy :
(That last sentence!!!)

"How long is this going to last? Anguish makes me wonder when and how this gigantic, unprecedented struggle will end.
There's no resolution in view. I wonder if it won't just finish for lack of men to fight with. It's no longer one nation fighting another. It's two great blocs fighting, two civilisations colliding. The peoples have been touched by the madness of death and destruction. Certainly, humanity has gone mad! It must be mad to do what it's doing. Such slaughter! Such scenes of horror and carnage! I can't find the words to convey them. Hell could not be worse. Men are mad!"



The World’s Earliest Writing System May Have Been Influenced by Older Symbols Found on Stone ‘Cylinder Seals’

By Sarah Kuta…


interesting, thanks for sharing

One of my favorite songs, shame to have it abused in this manner.

Das Berliner Bröhan-Museum untersucht „Design für Kinder“ seit der Zeit der Reformbewegung. Die Ausstellung weist jedoch einige Leerstellen auf.!6044224

Frauenrechte, Transrechte, soziale Rechte – Donald Trump greift den Fortschritt an. Bewegungslinke aus den USA haben uns erzählt, was jetzt noch geht.!6045284

Brace for impact
What Bill Gates really wants is not to be tried for genocide which is what should in fact happen.

Time Changes Everything Including Our Favourite Social Media

Time Changes Everything Including Our Favourite Social Media
@Danie I still miss G+
@Farhad yes me too. It was not like it was just a small network. I had over 500k followers on it. So many good things Google has killed off. Nowadays I don't bother really trying any new stuff Google brings out.


I love these sorts of memes 😀 #humor #geekhumor
Looks to me like Johnny Five not The Terminator (Arnold).

☑ 架空のID・アドレスを表現する際にill-formedな値を用いる #攻殻機動隊_STAND_ALONE_COMPLEX #実況



The web player and share links will be shipping soon!
Spread the #loops

enter image description here
The #ancient #library #of #Tibet. Only 5% has been translated.



Union Leader: It’s Time for the Democrats to Wake Up… #socialism

What do these images have in common?

Nothing specific, but according to the IDF they're all bullseyes.


stupid antisemitic nonsens with a long history, the good old antisemitic blood-libel
if i remember right, the brits and the irish ethnical cleansed all the jews away
nethanyaou, tsahal are building antisemitism
Being against genocide of palestinian is not antisemitic
nethanyaou and his government and army are extreme right, don't represent jew people, and build antisemitism

Good morning!

Today's early-morning walk was cold and refreshing. Even though the leaves are all well past their peak, it's still beautiful. And as always, walking lifts my mood. The pain in my shoulders is diminishing. I'm starting to regain my equilibrium, get my balance back.

Once again, I'll try to write today. And do some of the chores I let slide all week.

Do your best to have a good one, friends.



Robert Habecks Rückkehr in die sozialen Medien ist gleich von Anwaltspost begleitet. Und doch macht sein kurzes Video Hoffnung in trüben Zeiten.!6047803

Happy birthday to #inventor Hedy Lamarr (1914 – 2000) & Hollywood star. Born Hedwig Keisler in Vienna, she gained fame after her risqué & notorious starring role in Machatý's ‘33 film Ecstasy. Mandl, 1st of 6 husbands, objected & tried unsuccessfully to buy all copies of film. Hedy objected to him, a munitions manufacturer, dealing with fascists despite both being of Jewish heritage. She learned secret of her beauty was 🧵1/n

#linocut #printmaking #WomenInSTEM #MastoArt

⚠️ Data center emissions probably 662% higher than big tech claims. ⚠️ Can it keep up the ruse?

#Emissions from in-house data centers of #Google, #Microsoft, #Meta and #Apple may be 7.62 times higher than official tally…



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