Auf einer Lesung in Hamburg über Medienkritik von links bekam die taz ihr Fett weg. Immerhin gab's Gummibärchen.!6045294

Diantre, 16 patates !
Vas-y Pierrot, râle un coup !
... et juste une idée, il y a un tiers de la somme a récupérer sur les licences logiciels gafamisées (au niveau métropole) ...
Pantois !
#bordeaux #finances #budjet #macron #barnier #aquitaine #gironde #libre #logiciel
5 patates de licences logiciels gafamisée sur la métropole bordelaise ??? waooow


My vision of software is the same as for economy/politics : we are just drowned into unnecessary complexity which make it look like fulfilling essential needs is unreachable,

On the net we want just to read / watch / share text, images, videos and sound. The rest is just dead weight.

In economy the only question is whether the resources exist for everyone to get work, a home, food. They do. All the overwhelming stories of complexity we hear tend to hide this reality.


Zum Jahrestag der Pogromnacht werden wieder viele mahnende Worte gesprochen werden. Doch im Kampf gegen Antisemitismus braucht es einen Aufschrei!!6045233

Just like the first world war. The "Marxists" find a way to cripple Germany's economy.

That time with a "marxist" trade blockade that caused hyper inflation and nearly 1 mn starved.

This time the "marxists" used the "green" energy to effectively cripple the German market.

And they were at the same time too busy dealing with mass immigration to figure out what was happening.

Well the "marxists" won this battle. Lets see how Germany responds this time. :pepe_cop:

@EvolLove @CapitalB Right now it would seem with a massive case of Denial is not just a river in Egypt...

New DNA evidence upends what we thought we knew about Pompeii victims

The findings, which used DNA from the plaster casts of people who died in the Mt. Vesuvius eruption two millennia ago, challenge the traditional gender and familial assumptions about the Pompeiians.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2


Great piece NPR News(unofficial)!!
How would the population ever know ??

More journalism please !!!

"The findings challenge enduring notions such as the association of jewelry with femininity or the interpretation of physical proximity as evidence of familial relationships," said Professor David Caramelli, from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Florence."

"The researchers also warned against making similar misjudgments based on the new DNA findings."



Same BS again: Trump wants to withdraw US troops from northern Syria, says Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Donald Trump plans to withdraw US troops from northern Syria to avoid risking them as "cannon fodder" should fighting break out between Turkey and Kurdish fighters, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said on Wednesday.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson during live coverage of the election results, the Trump ally said the president-elect laid out his intentions for northern Syria during a plane ride.

#USA #Syria


Utilize public policy, including government spending, to try to ensure economic stability…
At a core level, deficit-hawk politics were about reordering governmental priorities, constraining the ambitions and achievements of the public sector.

Hezbullah announced they shot down an Israeli Hermes-450 drone today

They add that it crashed in the border village of Dier Siryan, and then Israeli army proceeded to launch an airstrike to destroy it.

🇮🇱 Israeli media claims the drone was not shot down, same as last time, and that the AD missed.

Last time, #Hezbullah released footage of the drone falling, but footage was vague.

#Israel #Lebanon

Tim Apple: We are unique. We do in-house industrial design for all of our computers and iToys that you love. Everything is shiny and tiny, and we think you are going to love it.

User: Buys a new M4 Mac Mini but notices the power button is at the bottom.

User: I solved the power button problem:

😆 1 1

This morning the Lebanese army removed a large Israeli bomb that failed to explode, in one of the attacks on a buildings in Dahyeh with a Qard al-Hassan Bank office

#Lebanon #Israel

I want to live in a country that takes pride in leaving nobody behind, where the strong feel good about themselves, not because they have more than others, but because they are able to carry those less fortunate.

#thoughts #dream

I want to make our team like that as much as possible. In our team, no matter how many days someone is absent, they will not be fired.



[l] Die Zeiten sind hart! Da muss man im Kapitalismus kreativ werden, um überleben zu können!

Aktuelles Beispiel:

Ambulance hits Oregon cyclist, rushes him to hospital, then sticks him with $1,800 bill, lawsuit says


N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

J-7 avant le @capitoledulibre : + de 100 conférences et + de 20 ateliers dédiés au Logiciel Libre tout le weekend!
C'est aussi l'occasion de croiser la communauté d'utilisateurs, de développeurs du Libre.

Programme et accès sur le site de l'événement:


Be incredibly skeptical of anyone offering privacy advice or promoting specific applications and services, especially those promoting software that relies on servers based in hostile jurisdictions (this goes double for VPNs and communication apps).

There is so much terrible advice floating around right now.

There are occasional ways to use VPN tech in a way that improves privacy, but they are primarily a circumvention tool - a way to get around local censorship - unless you can be sure that both the incentives of the provider and the jurisdictions involved are more favourable to your own privacy than otherwise, then be skeptical.
Everyone should be more particular about choosing a VPS than a VPN.


When we talk about late-stage capitalism we don't discuss enough how first world countries have been killing thousands of young workers in developing countries with silicosis of the lungs for more than 40 years because people like to pay more money for jeans that look worn and don't last as long.
Oh, and a stone washed or acid washed jean require 70+ liters of water and acid and toxic chemicals.

#capitalism #firstworldproblems #denim #fashion #fastfashion #jeans #latestagecapitalism


Israeli activists have chained themselves to the German Embassy in Tel Aviv to say: #StopArmingIsrael #Gaza


I upgraded to MacOS Sequoia last night. This morning I had a popup explaining some of the new feature.

STOP THE PRESS! MacOS finally has window's finally caught up to Windows 7. 🤦‍♂️

It's a function that comes with Linux as a matter of course.

#Kurdistan #Nantes

En novembre, Nantes s’anime pour le Kurdistan

Durant le mois de novembre 2024, 3 événements en lien avec le Kurdistan sont organisés à Nantes, dont un par Contre Attaque.

Oh une fritillaire impérialiste ! 😎

They split the ticket. Meet the abortion rights voters who also went for Trump…
I wonder which is going to hold up longer - the conservative principle of respecting state rights, these state abortion referendums against a Trump judiciary and Trump legislature, or a sno-cone in a volcano.

アンパンマン!新しい “過去” よ!

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