"Si tu fais pas ta pâte à pizza aux farines bio de blés anciens et équitables, au levain et 24h à l'avance, tu fais le lit du fascisme".

(Subtoot fourbe et gratuit).


For any of you who dropped the #NYT or #WaPo or any other corporate backed #news .
2 Papers of note you may want to #subscribe to and help them out, run as #non-profit .
#Tampa bay times, owned by Poynter University School of #journalism
#Philadelphia Inquirer self-owned public good non-profit
Been meaning to buy a newspaper subscription, and signed up for my local Philly paper. finally. Never paid for a newspaper before
Thanks for the tip. Subscribed to the Inquirer.

It feels like collectively we failed the 1933 Germany test.

- Racism and misogyny were nor disqualifying
- Attempting a coup and stealing top national security secrets were not disqualifying
- being found liable for fraud and rape were not disqualifying
- the pledges to be a “Dictator on Day One”, build “camps”, and the NAZI admiration were not disqualifying

Trump and his fascist henchmen don’t “disappoint” me because we know who they are.

I grieve at seeing the country as it really is.


who keeps us safe??

  • we keep us safe (100%, 13 votes)
  • the cops keep us safe (0%, 0 votes)
  • the democrats keep us safe (0%, 0 votes)
  • capitalism keeps us safe (0%, 0 votes)
13 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

@puffball: bespoke mode Cops make us less safe, capitalism even more so. If democrats ever followed through on anything they would make us more safe. all we can rely on is us.

Americans during the Iraq War:

Pretend to be Canadian when you travel abroad because everyone hates you.

Israelis during a genocide:

When you travel abroad, act like the biggest fucking asshole to have ever walked the earth. Start fights, destroy property, get your ass beat and then cry about it. Still, you will be treated like the victim that you aren't.


Over the last few weeks, the Tor Project and relay operators received abuse complaints regarding alleged port scanning activity from their servers. Thanks to a collaborative effort, the source of the spoofed packets has been identified and shut down.…

TIL that in Mastodon search, you can use has:image, has:video and has:audio.

Unfortunately, our current situation is going to need a lot of heroes.…

Je regarde le cash investigation sur le lobby de l'alcool et découvre avec effroi les méthodes de Ricard qui se paie des influenceuses pour faire la promo du Malibu.
Catastrophique interview de la directrice du marketing digital, ça fait treize ans que ça dure et t'arrive encore pas préparée devant Élise Lucet ?

En complément, je conseille ce récent rapport de l'association Addictions France qui, si mes souvenirs sont bons, intervient dans ledit Cash Investigation.…

More than 60 arrests in Amsterdam after attacks on Israeli football fans

video on social media purportedly filmed on Thursday appeared to show some Maccabi Tel Aviv fans chanting in Hebrew: “Finish the Arabs! We’re going to win!”…

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

In Jerusalem the Israelis detained two French people who have diplomatic immunity. They were soon released, but the Israelis knew they were breaching protocol, and didn't care.

Like the football thugs in Amsterdam, Israelis everywhere are emboldened by the success of their country's ongoing genocide.…

@RustyBertrand @thrilway @RTFirefly

@BobLefridge @thrilway @RTFirefly
It's arrogance and pride.
For blowing up pregnant women and babies. How?


putting 'contact high' and 'touch grass' next to one another on a whiteboard and squinting at them carefully

NASA to Transform In-Space Manufacturing with Laser Beam Welding Collaboration…
enter image description here
As NASA plans for humans to return to the Moon and eventually explore Mars, a laser beam welding collaboration between NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and The Ohio State University in Columbus aims to stimulate in-space manufacturing.

Jeff Bezos's suck-up tweet to Trump puts WaPo reporters in an impossible position. It's more imperative than ever that he turn the Post over to a non-profit.…
@Dan Froomkin/ Two non profit independent Papers are the Tampa Bay times and the Philadelphia inquirer. Just bought a subscription recently to my philly paper

Hurricane Rafael Crosses Cuba…
enter image description here
The latest major storm in 2024’s active hurricane season brought heavy rain and storm surge to Cuba as it moved into the Gulf of Mexico.

#Antoine #Léaument #élections #américaines #2024 #USA #Etats-Unis #LFI #NFP #politique

#Trump n’a pas gagné de voix : il en a moins perdu que #Kamala #Harris.

Trump perd 2 millions de voix par rapport à 2020.

Harris perd 14 millions de voix par rapport à 2020.

Quand la #gauche fait du #Hollande- #Macron, elle ne mobilise pas.

It's our billionaire-bought, right-wing-infected, (dis)information ecosystems that are the problem.

Wrapping up A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay. This is one of those books where I wish I kept notes on why I added it to my TBR eight years ago. Did someone recommend it? Did I like the cover? (can you tell what it is without checking the AltText?) Did I see it on a display at a bookstore or library? I have no idea. I'm glad I added it though. While it's not AMAZING, it's a decent read and definitely entertaining.

#Books #FridayReads #Bookstodon #Horror #Audiobooks @bookstodon


this is how #Israeli fans commented sometime ago on the person they severely injured in #Greece. They cannot play victim anymore

#Ajax #maccabi

Just FYI, these are the hooligans who started the troubles in Amsterdam and these are the people European media trying to portray as innocent "jews" instead showing what kind of racist monsters they are.

The only difference between Athens and Amsterdam was that they messed with the wrong crowed this time.

@palestine group @israel group #Amsterdam #Hooligans #UEFA #Football #Riots #Hypocrisy #DoubleStandard #Racism #Israel #Palestine


U.S. fertility rates are tumbling, but some couples still go big. Why?…
Economist’s ‘Hannah’s Children’ is an up-close look at large families

The International Charter Space and Major Disasters…
Flooding in The Dominican Republic…
Tropical Storm Rafael in the Cayman Islands…
Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki Volcano Eruption in Indonesia…

I've been a bad leader lately. I gotta get back in the church spirit I can tell a difference without it.… I release any bitterness and unforgiveness towards the sweet Asian fbi babe in Jesus name. I'm sorry my attacks have be worse sense I started slacking in the church scene and slipping with lust.

So real this time of year!


That would be the least of their problems if they are squashed by a car. 🤪🐿️
Stomach cramps at an inopportune moment could get them squashed by a car.

StarTalk - Visiting the NASA Lab Looking for Life in Our Solar System
Will we find life under the surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa? Neil tours NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to witness the next age of space exploration: ocean worlds.

From red:

#Germany #Palestine #censorship #NeverAgain #Gaza #Lebanon

Source and full info:

In another words, if you're not a Jew you're not German, this was inevitable, a country of their own wasn't enough, they got to take over all the surrounding land, and now Germany which ironically is where they started.

StarTalk - Will We Meet Our Alien Neighbors in 2031?
Will we find life alive in our very own solar system? Neil deGrasse Tyson dives into one of the most exciting frontiers of astrobiology: ocean worlds beyond Earth, exploring the Europa clipper, and the search for life in our own backyard with astrobiologist and planetary scientist Kevin Hand. Are we alone in the universe?

3D-printed rovers play spot the ball…
enter image description here
University students working with 3D-printed rovers as part of an ESA Academy training course at ESA’s ESTEC technical centre in the Netherlands last week. Six student teams were tasked with enabling their rovers to autonomously search and navigate towards a blue ball within a simulated Mars environment.

This week’s newsletter is out. Check your email or read it online.…

Trump hat auch wegen Latinos triumphiert. Denn die wollen wie alle anderen Wäh­le­r:in­nen auch: essen, wohnen, leben. Was bedeutet das für Deutschland nach der Ampel?!6045224

In de Georgische uitslagengrafieken zie je de ‘Russische staart’ - en dat kan duiden op fraude…
In de resultaten van de recente Georgische verkiezingen zien onderzoekers aanwijzingen voor gesjoemel met stemmen. In het bijzonder drie afwijkende patronen waarvan het „heel onwaarschijnlijk is dat ze op een legitieme manier zijn ontstaan”. #Verkiezingsfraude

Elle est longue cette semaine, non ?
@1HommeAzerty Techniquement, reste 2 jours et on est à l'abri de rien d'ici là...
@1HommeAzerty Dans un vieux libre il y a écrit que "le premier jour de la semaine est le lendemain du sabbat." C'est à dire le dimanche.

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