407 Millionen Jahre
alt ist das älteste Insektenfossil

0,3 Millionen Jahre
alt ist das älteste Menschenfossil


Naturgarten diaspora

Die Große #Kapuzinerkresse stammt ursprünglich aus Südamerika und wird dort vor allem von #Kolibris bestäubt (siehe Link*). Kolibris ernähren sich primär von Nektar und sind Bestäuber von mehr als 7000 Pflanzenarten. Bei uns in Europa besuchen hauptsächlich Hummeln die Blüten.
Normalerweise überwuchert die Kapuzinerkresse alles schnell, aber in unserem #Garten ist sie in diesem Jahr den Kürbissen unterlegen.


N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.
Lecker und gesund 😋

Peter Goulborn pixelfed (AP)

Clouds, in the process of parting


ChrisU mastodon (AP)
Real life El Greco

Naturgarten diaspora
Auf vielen Blüten kann man jetzt #Weichkäfer bei der Paarung 💞 beobachten. Bei uns im #Garten scheinen die #WildenMöhren die Käfer besonders anzuregen. Auf dem Bild sieht man, wie das Männchen oben seinen Hinterleib mit dem Spermaorgan nach unten zum Hinterleib des Weibchens gebogen hat.
N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

Nun ehrlich gesagt, möchte ich über solche Katastrophen des gesellschaftlichen, und sozialen Lebens nicht diskutieren.

Schon das Erleben, und Erfahren solcher Dämlichkeiten, macht mich aggressiv.

Daher hoffe ich, du respektierst meine Entscheidung, meine Meinung für mich zu behalten.

Würde sonst wahrscheinlich ausfallend, was niemand möchte.

Liebe Grüße

eeepee diaspora
Mir geht es da nicht anders.

This is the type they really wanted to die... White women who wanted more than one child.

She trusted the system and died along with her unborn baby

#vaxicide #depopulation


Fred mastodon (AP)

"And you may find yourself in another part of the world"

#photography #minimalism #bwphotography #blackandwhite

Alice McPhotos pixelfed (AP)
Stumbled upon this while aimlessly wandering around Santa Cruz, CA.

Fictionable mastodon (AP)

Trish Malone heads back to her roots in Patrick Cash’s short story. On the @fictionable #podcast he tells us why he wanted to focus on the second act.

Catch it at or via #ApplePodcasts #Spotify #Acast and more…

#books #fiction #ShortStories #translation #comics #bookstodon @bookstodon


Part_of You diaspora

Israel Strikes South Lebanon with Phosphorus Bombs, Several Injured


Démocratie suspendue, le temps des J.O. et même plus... On aura tout vu avec le dégoût-pilleur de l'Elysée qui change les règles comme ça l'arrange et nous explique toujours la vie avec son air d'OSS 117.
Lire la lettre-infos des mutins en entier :

Ryan Townsend mastodon (AP)

👏 more 👏 developers 👏 need 👏 👏 hear 👏 this

I can count on one hand the number of my clients over the past couple of years who haven't either over-architected for scale or were unnecessarily concerned about it.

You don't need to understand Distributional Little's Law to figure this out, it's obvious with primary school level math.

Excerpt from


TokenBoomer lemmy (AP)

Trump Says the Quiet Part

HHe wants to be a dictator
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
This is trully scary - not that he thinks this, but that he can say it out loud, and it doesn't really affect his ratings...

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
‘It was like us – a chaotic mess’: France enjoys Paris Games opening ceremony - via @guardian

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
Wave of Israeli airstrikes kills at least 50 people in Gaza - via @guardian

Natalie Davis mastodon (AP)
About 50 people brought to Dover as small boat crossings continue - via @guardian


Mark Lansbury diaspora

Сeasefire would leave 25% of Ukraine under Russian control

A ceasefire without Russia withdrawing its troops from the occupied territories will give it time to strengthen its capabilities and resume attacks on Ukraine, Ambassador of Ukraine to Turkey Vasyl Bodnar said in an interview with Euronews.

"Many countries have proposed the idea of a ceasefire, but no one thinks about what it means. Some 25% of Ukrainian territory would remain under Russian control, which means buying time for Russia to strengthen its capabilities and resume its attacks on Ukraine," Bodnar said.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #Ukraine #ceasefire


cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
This will go down in history as one of the reddest red flag there ever was, and its not even a commie flag!これが最近書かれたということはまあ…

Mark Lansbury diaspora

Ex-lawmaker Farion's murder suspect could be involved in Russian far-right movement

The man suspected of murdering lawmaker and professor Iryna Farion could be involved in the Russian neo-Nazi movement, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies announced during a press briefing on July 26.

#FarRight #Nazi #murder #Russian #Ukraine


Mark Lansbury diaspora

EU transfers Ukraine $1.6 billion of proceeds from frozen Russian assets

The funds will be used to support the "defense and reconstruction of Ukraine," von der Leyen said.

"There is no better symbol or use for the #Kremlin's money than to make Ukraine and all of Europe a safer place to live."

#StopRussianAggression #FrozenAssets #Ukraine #EU


Thomas Bourgenot mastodon (AP)
Voir mes mutus d'amour s'engueuler à propos de la cérémonie des JO, ça me donne encore une raison de plus de détester les JO.
Bah oui car pas de JO, pas de cérémonie d'ouverture, et la paix sur le fedivers.

'Double' meteor shower will light up the skies next week. Here's how to watch.

As Earth's orbit intersects with those of two comets this month, stargazers will have a chance to view spectacular double meteor showers.

Mark Lansbury diaspora

Russian losses in Ukraine causing 'serious problems' for recruitment

Russian personnel and materiel losses in #Ukraine are so high the Kremlin is having "serious problems" recruiting new contract soldiers, and is relying on decommissioning Soviet-era weapons as it can't produce enough modern versions, Ukraine's military intelligence (HUR) spokesperson said on July 26.

Speaking on national TV, Andrii Yusov said the situation will soon have an impact on the frontline situation and Russia's ability to effectively wage war.

"The aggressor state is coming up with new incentives at various levels to attract new cannon fodder. But this machine is starting to malfunction."

#RussianLosses #RussiaUkraineWar #RussianAggression


Jude 🦝 mastodon (AP)

New sapphic book review: Consecrated Ground by Virginia Black, narrated by Trei Taylor

#book #books #LGBTBooks #lgbt #sapphic #BookLover #BookAddict #BookRecommendations #wlw #SapphicReads #BookReview #lesfic #BookReviewer #SapphicBookReview #QueerLit #BookToot #Bookstodon #SapphFic

@sapphicbooks @bookstodon



taz mastodon (AP)
Konzerne könnten versuchen, Braunkohle-Folgekosten abzuwälzen, fürchten NGOs. Brandenburg und Sachsen sollen das verhindern.!6022806

Finies les pubs des sponsors des JO : les voilà recouvertes d’affiches artistiques

À quelques jours du début des JO, l'association Résistance à l'Agression Publicitaire a menée une action antipub envers les sponsors de ces Jeux marketés comme "sobres", alors qu'ils sont financés par de grosses entreprises polluantes. #ecologie #paris2024
nor reshared this.

Mark Lansbury diaspora

Ukraine hit Russian airfield in occupied Crimea, General Staff confirms

Following sounds of explosions heard by local residents, a fire was reported at the Saky #military airfield in the town of #Novofedorivka, western Crimea, the Telegram channel Crimean Wind reported.

The fire was allegedly caused by a strike on an #ammunition #depot at the airfield, according to Crimean Wind.

Russia uses the Saky airfield to control the airspace, in particular over the Black Sea, and to launch air strikes on Ukrainian territory, according to the General Staff's statement

#StopRussianAggression #Crimea #airfields #Ukraine


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