"Se il giornalismo sta andando in fumo, potrei anche sballarmi con i suoi fumi": confessioni di un aiutante di chatbot

Giornalisti e altri scrittori sono impiegati per migliorare la qualità delle risposte dei chatbot. L'ironia di lavorare per un settore che potrebbe rendere il loro mestiere ridondante non è sfuggita a loro


Grazie a @rresoli per la segnalazione

A massive turnout today, at least a 150,000... Meanwhile the Zionist counter demonstration
outside the Israeli embassy was attended by about 150 people, protected by over 500 cops...

@Om* diaspora

happy sad...


#train #happy #sad #cat #tilt

Seriously though: I want (okay, demand) a version of Firefox with the "AI chatbot" functionality removed. Not disabled. Removed. I want all code which is specifically designed to connect to OpenAI removed from my computer completely. I do not care if the vampires have promised not to suck my blood. I do not want the vampires in my house in the first place.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 hours ago)
I switched from Windows to Linux *specifically* so I wouldn't have to have an AI chatbot client on my computer so I don't understand why I'm supposed to find it acceptable the only Linux web browser includes an AI chatbox client.

Also (separate issue from "AI"): I don't think the newest Firefox has hit my computer yet, can someone please explain to me (1) is this real and (2) if so how do I disable it

Mozilla is truly an advertisement company now. From the bottom of my heart, fuck you, everybody at Mozilla.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 hours ago)


“[T]oo much attention in the 1950s was paid to Democrats trying not to appear soft on communism, and too little attention to Republicans accepting most of the acquis of the New Deal in return for safety of private property.” #BrankoMilanovic

If they wanted to solve the housing crisis, the government would build subsidized social housing. They'd build MORE of it than is currently needed, so there would be some in reserve for surges of demand. This would compete with market rent on such a scale that market rent would drop. Property values would also drop, so more people would also be able to buy homes. That's the only solution there has ever been. Everything else is just lies to make money for developers and prop up the price of real estate. #housing #housingcrisis
1 1

Beware of (automated) systems that make easy problems easier while making hard problems even harder: you often don’t learn about this trade-off until it’s too late.

First Dick Cheney, and then the dam breaks
1 1

fediverseobserver friendica (via ActivityPub)


Climate Change Response Should Never Get Dominated by Big Business Interests #climatechange #BigBusiness #corporations #agriculture #fossilfuels
anubis2814 friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Larry Neufeld We must nationalize carbon industry to kill it.



rival mastodon (AP)
Una "oposición" cómplice que en lugar de cualquier forma de lucha real o efectiva colabora con insumos para la repetición de una "grieta" puramente discursiva.
#FueraMilei #PeronismoCómplice #Capitalismo #GuerraDeClases #HuelgaGeneral #UnidadDeLosTrabajadores #Jubilados #Inflación #Default #Devaluación #TransferenciaDeRiqueza #CFK #Milei #LLA #Peronismo #QueSeVayanTodos #Argentinazo


A massive turnout today, at least a 150,000... Meanwhile the Zionist counter demonstration
outside the Israeli embassy was attended by about 150 people, protected by over 500 cops...


Oh wow! #ArtificialIntelligence could threaten how artists make a living in the music industry. I wonder if legit artists are doing this to increase their payout‽

👉🏾 Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With #AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots


“Out of the blue, someone wanted to pay me millions to tell the American people that Ukraine was our enemy, and Russia was our friend. I had NO WAY of knowing, that this guy Mr. Kalashnikov was a foreign agent, and all that money came from Russia. I am clearly the victim of an extremely advanced, covert operation here.”

Seriously? That is what they are going with?




Sahra Wagenknecht : Le marxisme contre la géopolitique —
#bsw #wagenknecht #de #ru #рф #ua #otan #marxisme #géopolitique
Emmanuel Florac reshared this.

The Supreme Contradictions of Simone Weil | The New Yorker

#philosophy #politics #socialism

“Eminent theologians have revered Weil (Paul Tillich, Thomas Merton, Pope Paul VI), and so have writers of the first rank, especially women (Hannah Arendt, Ingeborg Bachmann, Anne Carson, Flannery O’Connor, Susan Sontag). Albert Camus hailed her as “the only great spirit of our time.” T. S. Eliot credited her with a “genius akin to that of the saints.” But Weil herself might have objected to these consecrations as a form of “idolatry,” which she defined as a misguided thirst for “absolute good.”…”

Had a long chat today with my six year old son about how to try to survive a school shooting.

Had to explain this happens. We watched that video of the student from Winder, GA who was sitting next to the shooter in class when he left the room before the shooting and he tried to get back in.

My son was surprised to learn it was a classmate. He thought it was a "bad guy with a gun".

He thought it was only older kids that should be worried.

I showed him the pics of the victims of Uvalde and Sandy hook and his jaw dropped.

The lesson included:

Drop to the ground, worry about everything else later--the objective is to not get shot, not to worry about a dirty floor.

Be quiet, play dead.

If there's dead people around you, hide under them.

I am so sad that you had to have that conversation with your son.

Memory manufacturers must be stopped, this is an unholy crime against the order of the universe.

There’s More Water Inside Planets Than We Thought

#52wochenfotochallenge #icm @norberteder

Cellars in Austria are often associated with negative or dark secrets. Unfortunately, there are reasons for this…

« Nos défaites d'aujourd'hui ne prouvent rien, si ce n'est que nous sommes trop peu dans la lutte contre l'infamie, et de ceux qui nous regardent en spectateurs, nous attendons au moins qu'ils aient honte. »
- Bertold Brecht, dramaturge (1898-1956)
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