Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team

198 4 1
T (they/she) lemmy (AP)
They were already maintaining a fork of it though?
8 1
LeFantome lemmy (AP)

The “fork” is the real version of Mono and Microsoft is not giving it up.

The repository managed by “The Mono Project” still targets .NET Framework. Microsoft does not care about the official version of that. Why would they want to manage an Open Source replica of it.

In some ways though, this is good. Nobody should be seeing the Mono Project as a viable cross-platform development framework at this point. It is nothing more than a support layer for running legacy software that was originally Windows only. That makes it a good fit for Wine.

If you want what Mono used to be, a cross-platform application framework, you can just use the actual .NET from Microsoft. It includes the Mono runtime for targeting mobile platforms and Microsoft continues to actively develop it. They are not passing control of that to anybody.

7 1 1

ratzki via Linux lemmy (AP)

Used thinkpad ok for casual retro gaming?

Hi, want to buy some used hardware to run with Linux (Gnome DE ON Mint, Debian OR ElementaryOS). Mainly Office use, transcoding, but also for casual gaming Half-life 2 and maybe some more modern games.

Are Thinkpads with integrated GPUs sufficient for that?
Any nice alternatives which are sturdy and can be upgraded?


EDIT: thank you for all the helpful input. Will check AMD options!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
115 3 1
thehatfox lemmy (AP)

I have an X220 with an i5-2520M, I don't use it for gaming but I have briefly played Half-Life 2 with it and it was comfortably playable.

So I would say mid-2000s titles and before will be fine. It really depends on the age the Thinkpad you want is, and the age of the games you want to play.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
4 1
kittenzrulz123 lemmy (AP)
I use a T440p and it works amazing for lightweight gaming (tested so far: Fallout NV, BTD6, Minecraft, and Enter the Gungeon)
2 1

WasPentalive via Linux lemmy (AP)

Laptop Recommendation Please (Solved)

I would like a small laptop to use to log medical data (Weight, Blood Pressure, etc) as I gather it. I need it to be small like 10'. it can be low power because I will probably use it only CLI, no GUI, but I need it to be inexpensive. ARM-based is ok, as long as I can SSH into my desktop machine.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
51 8 1
Jayb151 lemmy (AP)
I have a Lenovo duet 2 that runs fedora no problem. Detachable keyboard and great size
WasPentalive lemmy (AP)
You know what everyone - What if I just move my testing into the home office where the computers are? I just thought of that. Then I would not need a separate machine.

Findmysec via Linux lemmy (AP)

Why is there not much dialog for GUIX as a hardened OS?

Looking at the likes of Kicksecure, SecureBlue and Hardened Alpine, it would seem like Guix would solve a good portion of the issues that each one of these distros have, while bringing other advantages like reproducible builds and what some users seem to like to see from their distro: ephemeral state with a defined configuration.

IMO GUIX should be very high up in the list for people interested in hardened distributions. Why don't I see much dialog on it though? I thought the internet would gobble it up, especially with how popular Nix is getting.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Findmysec via Linux lemmy (AP)

Why is there not much dialog for GUIX as a hardened OS?

cross-posted from:

Looking at the likes of Kicksecure, SecureBlue and Hardened Alpine, it would seem like Guix would solve a good portion of the issues that each one of these distros have, while bringing other advantages like reproducible builds and what some users seem to like to see from their distro: ephemeral state with a defined configuration.

IMO GUIX should be very high up in the list for people interested in hardened distributions. Why don't I see much dialog on it though? I thought the internet would gobble it up, especially with how popular Nix is getting.

8 1 1

j4k3 via Linux lemmy (AP)

How do you secure your bootloader without secure boot or why doesn't it matter?

I've made the effort to secure mine and am aware of how the trusted protection module works with keys, Fedora's Anaconda system, the shim, etc. I've seen where some here have mentioned they do not care or enable secure boot. Out of open minded curiosity for questioning my biases, I would like to know if there is anything I've overlooked or never heard of. Are you hashing and reflashing with a CH341/Rπ/etc, or is there some other strategy like super serious network isolation?
74 1 1
Possibly linux lemmy (AP)
Just use disk encryption and be done
7 3 1
Norah - She/They lemmy (AP)
Disk encryption doesn't protect against what Secure Boot does. They are very different, often complimentary, systems.
8 2 1
nyan lemmy (AP)
I consider bootloader attacks a very low-probability threat, and quite honestly I don't trust the average board vendor to produce anything that's actually secure anyway. If I were in the habit of carrying a laptop back and forth across international borders I might feel differently, but for a desktop stuck in a room in Canada that hardly anyone enters when I'm not present, Secure Boot is a major hassle in return for a small security gain. So I just don't bother.
31 1

86 4 1
Gunpachi lemmy (AP)

Some sort of journaling really helps when you feel like you have no direction. You can turn back the pages and see what path you took and even identify some ideas or values you want to implement in your life moving forwards. I recommend a notebook instead of a digital notes app.

This is a habit that I formed fairly recently 3-4 years ago I think. Initially I was writing down on smaller notepads which tend to get filled up quickly. Now I use a dotted notebook, so that I can draw something if I need to (although unruled notebooks also work)

Don't obsess over decorating it like the bullet journal folks do on YouTube/Instagram and if you are thinking of using apps like obsidian or logseq - don't go too far down the rabbit hole , just write down something instead.

You can have something like for todos (organize your day) and a physical notebook to develop a vision (get some direction in your life)

4 1
Elise lemmy (AP)

Always give your best. That includes not being perfectionistic. And of course in relation to your energy level and skill. So keep it holistic.

You might think some things are more meaningful than others to do, so you do your best, but then not for things that seem to be less important. But instead of that think of it as developing yourself. And you are always there with you, doing it. In the long term it really pays off because you'll improve all across the board. From spelling and vocabulary to cooking and cleaning. It's okay to sometimes spend half an hour writing a reply to a single random person.

After all, who are you to judge what's meaningful? You see people walking everywhere in a hurry, doing important things. But is it? And perhaps that single random person really appreciated your effort and it was meaningful in some way. And perhaps your ability to put half an hour into writing a comment pays off when you are communicating with someone at work. You just don't really know. All you can do is focus on the things you are attracted to, and to do them well.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

123 4 1

Smoking. First nicotine and then weed.

Currently working on my addiction to junkfood, sugar and general overeating.

Still highly addicted to caffeine and possibly in denial about a sex addiction. But I think I'll keep those two.

  • Xanax
  • Codeine
  • Tramadol
  • Marijuana
  • Cigarettes
  • Reddit
  • Going out to friends houses all the time

Still depressed and can’t face the fact I have another 30 years of work left and it’s killing me slowly everyday.


e8d79 via Linux lemmy (AP)

Gaming on Linux Experience (Arch Btw)

No this isn't a LTT video.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
47 39 1
BaalInvoker lemmy (AP)
Why people are disliking?
8 1 1
e8d79 lemmy (AP)
I don't know it's a good video about someone genuinely trying linux gaming and what issues they encountered. Usually they are well received.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
4 3 1
BaalInvoker lemmy (AP)

Probably is Linus face on the thumb

People often judge the book by its cover

29 1 1

People don't like Linus that much now... although I was wondering who likes him in the first place.

I don't care either way as long as he shills what I like lol

If he explaining to people about Linux, that's a W in my book. Some of his other work is mehh tho

Why all this hate for Linus? Genuine question, not that I care if he's hated or loved but I'm curious to why people hate him
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
ltt is a tech lifestyle content company and I don't like tech lifestyle+media conglomerates
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
Agility0971 lemmy (AP)
Installs arch with install script, cannot fix grub, reinstalls arch. Good comedy, would recommend. Martincitopants style editing is lovely
7 1

Charger8232 via Linux lemmy (AP)

TIL Debian releases are named after Toy Story characters

The codenames for every major Debian release are named after characters from Pixar's Toy Story franchise. Debian's unstable release is fittingly named after Sid, an unstable character from the Toy Story movies.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
307 16 1
arglebargle lemmy (AP)

I ran Sid for years, I knew what it was named for and that was cool.

Lately though I have been wondering if they are going to run out of characters? Maybe it's time to latch onto something else? I don't know..

8 1
saigot lemmy (AP)
Disney releases new movies with new characters pretty quickly. I don't think they have even exhausted the first movie yet.
3 1
exanime lemmy (AP)

Obviously a matter of taste and not trying to insult anyone but I never saw the appeal of the Toy Story movies and, adding the Steve Jobs link to Pixar, this is the ONE thing I never liked about Debian

Other than that I used it for YEARS with no issues whatsoever. Debian is honestly rock solid.
I only gave it up when I built a bleeding edge machine (it was bleeding edge for a whole 2 months maybe? hehehe) and I did not trust myself modding it enough to allow for super fresh drivers and other software.

I am now on Garuda Linux which is pretty awesome but I still miss good, solid, old Debian

1 1

corroded via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

Is there such a thing as a bullshit-free news agency?

I generally try to stay informed on current events. With the exception of what gets posted here, I normally get my news from CNN. I tend to lean left politically, but not always.

The problem I always run into is that every news site I read, regardless of where they stand on the political spectrum, is always filled with pointless bullshit. Specifically, sports, celebrity news, and product placement. "Some shitty pop singer is dating some shitty actor" or "These are our recommendations for the best mass-produced garbage-quality fast fashion from Temu" or "Some overpaid dickhead threw a ball faster than some other overpaid dickhead."

What I'd love to find is a news source that's just news that matters. No celebrity gossip, sports, opinion pieces, etc. Just real events that have an impact on some part of the world. Legislation, natural events, economic changes, wars, political changes, that kind of thing.

Does this exist, or is all journalism just entertainment?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
100 4 1
comfy lemmy (AP)

I've had great experiences with reading socialist news sites. They tend not to care about 'the spectacle' and don't like ads. Although you still have to avoid the ones like WSWS who just use it as a platform to call other socialists 'pseudo-left'.

Side note: There's a great famous analysis of the US media in the book Manufacturing Consent. You can find a PDF online, but at the very very very least you should read the Wikipedia summary. It explains the reasons why media organisations almost inevitably have some of these biases and bullshits.

10 1
comfy lemmy (AP)
"World Socialist Web Site", the paper of the Socialist Equality Party (who, in my personal experience, are toxic idealists who will counterprotest pickets and any union action whatsoever)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
1 1
InternetCitizen2 lemmy (AP)
I like to listen to NPR's up first. They don't have too much time to editorialized. I'll then go to AP or Reuters if I want to follow up on something.
2 1

As a french, please don't give a penny worth of licence to Dassault Systèmes. They were founded by some of the worst ennemy of the people my country made.
I pirated solid works because my university’s engineering program required what we PAY for it to complete our courses that absolutely required it.

38 6 1
chillBurner lemmy (AP)
Ok I'm an idiot, for thinking of this in the first place... lmao, I stand corrected.

What games popularized certain mechanics?

I was trying to think of which games created certain mechanics that became popular and copied by future games in the industry.

The most famous one that comes to my mind is Assassin’s Creed, with the tower climbing for map information.


Minecraft Hunger Games, although a mod, is responsible for the Battle Royal hype aswell.

So Minecraft caused Fortnite twice - once as a survival crafting and building game and then as a Battle Royal retaining some of these elements

I miss MC Hunger Games servers. Are any still around?

Sitting in cars as a pasttime

Everyone I know, even more "progressive" people, treat me like a damn alien for not prioritizing getting a new car since mine died over covid.

Why does nobody blink an eye at this habit people have of just..... Sitting in their car in the driveway? Its not on, there's no music, they aren't leaving - they're just sitting there for an hour or more. I see it fairly often, but if I mention it being odd people look at me like I'm dumb. Are we really THAT car centric now that it's this normalized to be like "fuck my living room, fuck my TV, fuck my couch, I just wanna sit in my car all day?"

I was reading, thinking "this is definitely New Brunswick" before recognizing your username 😛

I'm originally from Bathurst, hotboxing a Honda Civic in the McDonald's parking lot was essentially a rite of passage.

Sidenote: the culture of driving stoned and/or drunk is so crazy prevalent around here. I was pretty reckless as a teenager, thankfully I now know better but a lot of people I knew back then never grew out of it.

Ayyy recognize ya too! Haha it’s wild the culture here for that. I’m originally from Ontario so this whole thing was new to me

Wait till you hear that milk is...

Hexbear - Refederation?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

You are more physically, financially, mentally, and psychologically safe by pirating Disney content than legally renting it.

Leaflet via Linux lemmy (AP)

Ubuntu 24.04.1 ready for August 29th

30 1
Leaflet lemmy (AP)

If you're on Ubuntu 24.04, updating your system will also give you the point release.

Update is currently not being offered to 22.04 users.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
5 1

What's with the sheer number of shutdowns recently?

I've never known so many shutdowns inside 2 weeks as the last two have been. Even websites pirating manga were shut down. What happened? What's with this massive legal wave of shutdowns, and why now?
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
Because streaming services are enshittifying and too many people are sailing the seas as a result. Can’t let that happen.

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
Fantastic and we as Canadians can give up on our goals of going full electric by 2030 because the population is priced out of these vehicles. Starting price is just shy of $50k cad for most available EVs.

True via Fuck Cars lemmy (AP)

50 cents, 0 cents, 1 question: how much can fare cuts boost public transport use?

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
Fun fact: the capital of Canada is trying the reverse: raise fares, cut service, and successfully lobby the government to force public servants into the office 3 days+ per week in the hopes of boosting public transport use. Let’s see who’s successful.
tetris11 lemmy (AP)
sounds like Germany...
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
I rode the busses in Hannover and I was so beyond impressed. Y’all truly live in the space age compared to here with your transit systems. I want you to experience ours so you can reconsider 🙃
From a same experience going in Poland for around 35 years i can say that it won't boost very much. It is just gouging people who can't afford a car or can't drive for various reasons. Or alternatively they want to do typical liberal thing and chase people out of it and then announce nobody is using it and then liquidate. Again same as in many cases in Poland.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)

In Ottawa, people who don’t have cars and rely on the public transit are motivated to buy cars because of how poorly it runs and how inconsistently it runs.

Our brand new very expensive light rail train has issues with the wheels staying circular and operating below 0 C. It goes down to -30C pretty regularly there.

This $149 RISC-V Tablet Runs Ubuntu 24.04

electricprism lemmy (AP)

Same. Every time I see AI shoehorned into advertising I just think of investors being scammed with fancy keywords. It's very detracting from an actual sales pitch and I think the company is full of crappy middle management slimey people trying to stay relevant.

These profiteers are one trick ponies. They think if they slogan hard enough its gonna sell, it feels genuinely like a disrespect of potential customer's intellect.

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)

Before I was laid off, my company laid off the entire communications and HR departments to replace them with ChatGPT licenses. Then when their HR chatbot started giving wrong answers they hired consultants to help with “prompt engineering”.

Sold and scammed by the fancy keywords and hype.

I feel pretty much the same as when off of them but my anxiety isn't nearly as crippling. There are some side effects like a dulling of emotions but to me it's so worth it

“For too long, the average American has been squeezed by the big banks and financial elites,” Trump wrote. “It’s time we take a stand — together.”

Do people actually believe for a fraction of a second that Donald Trump of all people is on the side of the average American? And that the way to "take a stand" is with a crypto pump and dump scheme?

People will 100% kill for him. I’ve heard it from my own ears from people around me where I live. We in Canada.

It's different this time

It’s nice to see people have hope. Mine was beaten out of me years ago. I haven’t really ever been surrounded by peer groups who thought similar to me politically so this all just seems beyond impossible.

I’m in rural Canada and you’d think we were the 51st state of the US. “F Joe Biden” flags on lots of houses and trucks driving around with two big blue Trump/Vance flags in the bed. These people are fired up. They’re not even American.

1 1
Snails are just natures RVs

There is no justification for "server and infrastructure" for a fucking car. No part of a car should require a single penny of server costs over the entire lifespan.

I don’t get what you mean.

The app is intended to remote start your vehicle when you’re out of range of the key fob. I’m not sure how you’d propose that function works without servers and infrastructure.

Are you happy with your username?

I'm satisfied with mine and I use it everywhere. How about you?
I’m not who I say I’m not

Gork via 196 lemmy (AP)

Autocorrect Rule

Women are so cute and adorable and I love it
Concetta lemmy (AP)
Women are you still have the Grand Canyon got a new truck.

VelvetStorm lemmy (AP)
And is that related to adhd?
Concetta lemmy (AP)
I'm so sorry, it just made perfect sense to me if you knew my one buddy when he's off work and doesn't take his meds. Anyway he's an electrician and this is him to a T and it just connected in my brain.

Concetta lemmy (AP)
Only restaurants you'll find following cops are the ones that give them deals.

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Firefox rimuoverà il tracciante Adjust dalla sua versione Android e iOS


Gazzew U4T switches too tight? Getting 'caught' before bump.


My apologies if I use the wrong terminology, I'm pretty new to this. This week I installed Gazzew U4T switches into the Sofle V2 keyboard I put together. I used Cherry MX Blues in it before and had no issues.

Some of my switches, as I press them, feel as if they get 'caught' on the tactile bump. There's a great deal of resistance at the level of travel the bump begins. I either have to apply more pressure or change the angle of the pressure my fingers exerts to 'uncatch' it and depress it.

The odd thing is that it doesn't appear to be an issue with the individual switches but rather the position they sit i.e. I can replace a switch working as expected with a 'catching' switch and the previously working switch now catches and vice versa.

It appears the respective gaps on the PCB are too tight and it 'chokes' the switch.

Has anyone encountered this? Does anyone know of a solution? Would lubing my switches solve the problem?

Quick personal note on the U4T’s, after about a year, I’ve had multiple fail on me, they’ll require multiple taps to work. I’m going to look for a new tactile switch soon.

How hard are you having to press to install these switches on the PCB? I imagine if the PCB is pressing on the switch housing hard enough to deform it and interfere with the keystroke, then it must be absurdly difficult to install in the first place.

Any pictures you can share? Can you maybe install a switch without the top housing to observe what’s happening inside?

[UPDATE] Gazzew U4T switches too tight? Getting 'caught' before bump.

Original post here.

I've found a fix for the key 'sticking' issue I posted about a couple of weeks ago.

It turns out that on the problematic switches, the 'south' plastic wall (highlighted in picture) had caved inwards. This was either due to poor QC or, more likely, damage I caused when trying to foolishly force the switches into my PCB.

I believe that when I was inserting the switches into the PCB the pressure applied to the East and West sides of the switch exacerbated the flex and caused the South side of the switch's stem to 'catch' on the problematic wall.

That would explain why the switches didn't malfunction until they were in the PCB and why a problematic switch would be more noticeable on the left half of my keyboard than the right half (I believe that the PCB grid holes are slightly smaller on the left half).

I've taken a few of the troublesome switches, taken a plastic spudger, and applied pressure to 'reverse' the bend and it's solved the issue every time!

16 1
Good work investigating the cause and solution
1 1
WatTyler lemmy (AP)

Cheers. It was an odd one to figure out. At first I believed it was just the ports, then I believed it was just the switches. I couldn't find anything wrong with the stems. Lubing didn't change anything.

Furthermore, one naturally assumes it's something wrong with the North end, with the stem feet and the contact. 99% of the time, there's no need to even look at the South end.

1 1

Read bio via Linux lemmy (AP)

Is it possible to translate windows kernel calls to linux ones

hi ik wine can translate userspace calls but i wonder if its possible to translate windows kernel level calls to linux ones (eg,kernel level anticheat,etc)
51 10 1
BCsven lemmy (AP)
WINE loads the executable binary data into the memory, and runs it. The Machine doesn't care if the code was made for Windows or Linux when it runs it
7 1
Possibly linux lemmy (AP)

Not really

It is the difference between kernel space and user space


Hellfire103 via Linux lemmy (AP)

DankPods just switched to Linux!!!

cross-posted from:

(Apologies if the link doesn't work; Google are dicks)
566 27 1
kalleboo lemmy (AP)
I literally said it has nothing to do with Photoshop - if you shoot a photo on your iPhone or Google Pixel it shoots in HDR, and then you just use the built-in editor on your PHONE, it will edit in HDR. Linux is worse than Pixel and iOS stock photo apps at photo editing. I don't know why you're obsessed with Photoshop.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
1 1
EuroNutellaMan lemmy (AP)
That's because the thread is about photoshop
1 1

comfy via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

Socialists who have lived in different countries: what differences did you notice in their labour movement?

Every place has its different environment, whether it be the level of organisation, reputation of socialism, dominant values of society, history and experiences, conflicts and crises. Because of these dynamics, I'd expect to see stark differences in what the movement looks like around the world. An obvious example familiar to most here is seeing the widespread and militant union mobilisations in France's retirement age protests.

Which countries do you have experience in, and how are their labour movements different?

The title is intentionally vague by saying 'labour movement', so you're welcome to talk about workplace attitudes, unions, socialist organisations, legislation and more.

120 7 1
chobeat lemmy (AP)
What do you mean? The USA has a lot of momentum and a lot of tech companies are unionizing, many more than anywhere else. It's on mainstream newspapers every other day
4 1
Bobby Turkalino lemmy (AP)
I don’t mean tech companies, or the broad designation of “tech workers”, I’m specifically talking about software developers (and maybe QA). For example, a salesperson is not going to understand why engineers hate open office spaces and how it makes it extremely difficult for us to focus on our work.
2 1
chobeat lemmy (AP)

Union organizing should be done across departments. Anyway software developers are doing a lot of organizing and unionizing, exactly because they have more secure positions. AWU, Kickstarter, NYT, Grindr, and many others are almost entirely office workers, many of which are software developers. Software developers are tech workers: drawing lines doesn't help anybody and historically has always been to the detriment of the workers movement. Software developers start organizing when they stop being software developers and become tech workers.

Also FYI: I've been a software developer for a decade and I mostly organize software developers that, if anything, are overrepresented in "tech workers" spaces, to the point where we have to put rules like "don't talk about git, it scares the workers" to prevent the spaces to become cliquey.

5 1
Bobby Turkalino lemmy (AP)
Thanks for the perspective. I’m US born and raised, educated in public schools, so the only education I got about unions was the bad stuff. The only unions I know of in my area are electricians and plumbers, so I assumed it was a vocation-specific thing. Also lol @ your last sentence, I can totally imagine
1 1
chobeat lemmy (AP)
Join Tech Workers Coalition then.
2 1
Sethayy lemmy (AP)

'More equal then the rest' eh?

Good luck with that, truly an american attitude

1 1 1
Bobby Turkalino lemmy (AP)
Not even remotely what I said. I was referring to how different positions deal with different issues and it seemed strange to me to lump them together just because they fall under the broad designation of “tech worker”. But, someone already corrected my ignorance in a way that was much more constructive and helpful than “FUCKIN AMERICANS AMIRITE GUIS??????”
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