I enjoyed the pilot and would love to know what happened in episode 2.

The night before she flew home we sat at the now closed Denny’s and chatted. Neither one of us realizing we liked each other. I forget how it happened but I started to sing a silly kids song. She said she fell in love with me at that moment.

After she went home a mutual friend told us each how much the other liked the other. I moved across the country to live with her a month and a half later. But then after a few months I moved out and drove north several states to live with my dad’s family. Her and I drifted apart and I started to date another woman. We had a kid and then she left me for my best friend.

My now wife and I had kept in touch through email and remained friends. She decided to come up and see me for a weekend. We got engaged a month later, and married 2 months after that. That was 23 years ago next month.

We now live back across the country in my home town. Our baby is about to start college. And we rescue cats and dogs in our spare time (7 & 3 are the current totals).

Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Attivisti della conservazione


Unyieldingly via Linux lemmy (AP)

Anyone having issues with newer laptop's?

I been having issues with the cheap hp gaming laptop with Linux, One CPU core runs at 100% no matter that do i tried masking and disabling stuff, changing the Network card, adding Ram, and some desktops like Gnome forks had issues as well, KDE, and Mate work fine but it looks like it maybe has a Firmware, Driver or a Kernel issue, so far i tested it with Fedora, Fedora rawhide, Ubuntu and Mint, I'm going to test Debian next.

The laptop i had issues with Windows 11 works fine.

Edit Only Gnome 3 forks have issues with the Nvidia Drivers i will retest it at a later date with a new install and one CPU thread runs at 100% with all DE's and OSes but Windows 11.

Edit 2 I think i found the issue AMD APUs on some systems with Nvidia GPUs will spam the system the bug report i found said to disable the iGPU. also Gnome forks work fine i think it was my fault for not disabling secure boot.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
43 5 1

Maybe worth trying an alternative OS with a different kernel entirely from Linux, as a live USB. For example Haiku or ArcaOS?

However if you've tried Windows and not had the issue then it may not add anything as you nay already have excluded defective hardware?

Have you tried CoreCtrl? That has made life on my new Thinkpad much easier.
5 1

91 2 1
fool lemmy (AP)

Fun investigations (tac and factor), things I never bothered to check the existence of until now (install -s), and fundamentals I glossed over ([). Pretty fun read.

And of course,

And that's why the '$cmd' command is my favourite Linux command.
2 1
NostraDavid lemmy (AP)

This blog is my favorite Linux blog!

I love Robert and his YT antics - his whole "The X command is my favourite Linux command!" shtick was both funny AND informative!

2 1

Mothra via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

How can I improve my communication with a friend I like?

104 5 1
8 1 1
psycotica0 lemmy (AP)
2 1

gomp via Linux lemmy (AP)

Recommend me a scripting language

129 10 1
Perl or python for things likely to already be there. Maybe ruby or PHP if you must. I used to work in groovy a lot but I think it requires the JVM
Perl requres the perl interpreter and python requires a python interpreter. Why is it bad that groovy also needs a vm?
Perl's core to most distros and will be there already. Python isn't and can be quite heavy - plus some of are are still smarting over the major version change breaking everything and the need for complicated environments.
"heavy". It's 2024. We have gigabytes of storage on handheld phones. I don't buy it.
I work at scale - deploying scripts to hundreds of linux machines and any package you install will be multiplied that many times on the backend storage. You don't get the luxury of installing anything that isn't essential.
Ohhh, you work at scale do you? With... "hundreds" of Linux servers? And 50MB, which is basically a rounding error for most storage solutions, will break your bank? Sure Jan.
Last I checked, the JVM was larger than the standard Perl and Python interpreters, and had a much worse startup time (which is bad for short scripts).
Sorry - what potato from the '90s are you running software on these days?
lemmyvore lemmy (AP)
Looking through the packages available for OpenWRT I would suggest Tcl, Lua, Erlang or Scheme (the latter is available through the Chicken interpreter). Try them out, see what you like.

Ellia Plissken via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

is there a Discord server where people live-chat the presidential debates?

I tried searching for one but I'm just getting clumps of philosophy majors
32 9 1
Cowbee [he/him] lemmy (AP)
Discord? No idea. Some instances like Hexbear do this, depends on what kind of people you want to talk with.

What generation are you?

As a fellow Gen Zer I feel like there is a generational gap. I want to see if I'm trippin or there actually is one.

Because every other "generation" is about 10 years and yet somehow "Millennials" are an almost 25 year gap. Notice how it's "Older Millennial, younger millennial, etc". You don't use those qualifiers with the other generations because they are appropriately sized.

Millennials should be 2-3 named generations. It currently refers to 80's kids, 90s kids, any kids alive when 2000 happened, and early Aughts kids(probably because the last name sucked and no one wanted to use it). Too many generations wanted the claim of "I was the first generation of the new millennium" and everyone co-opted the term even when it didn't traditionally apply(newborns because they were closest to the date as opposed to when their major development occured is part of that stretch)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

I could be wrong, but i imagine him just furiously playing on the dreamcast and his wife told hil like 5 times to do something and he kept telling her: soon honey. And then she unplugged the dreamcast and they had a good laugh and he jokingly chased her around the house. And they can't stand that, because we know how the other racist wannabe comedian conservative influencer treated his wife. (I can't believe i forgot his name, but don't tell me, it makes me quite happy.)
I don't want to destroy your happiness but I do think it's important people see the . Everyone should be able to say "oh that horrible guy" if anyone ever brings him up for anything. Dude's career should be destroyed already and nothing but a mere wimper of a passing fart in time. Anyone that listens to his opinion after seeing his real personality at home needs to re-evaluate their influences. He just cares about his position in life and everyone else is just a passing thought he dismisses.

gedaliyah via News lemmy (AP)

Big Crypto Is Spending More on US Elections Than Any Other Industry

The crypto industry is making its mark on this year's elections to the tune of some $119 million.

The funding has largely come from two companies — Coinbase and Ripple — which are funneling money into super PACs like Fairshake PAC, which is dedicated to "elevating pro-crypto candidates and attacking crypto skeptics," according to Public Citizen.

At the 2024 bitcoin conference in Nashville in February, Trump — who called bitcoin "highly volatile and based on thin air" in 2019 — said he'd lay out a plan "to ensure that the United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the bitcoin superpower of the world." Trump has already won the backing of several crypto enthusiasts, including his running mate JD Vance, who owns at least $250,000 in bitcoin.

Flying Squid lemmy (AP)

I thought this was about VPNs?

Which bank accepts crypto to pay back student loans anyway?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
Cataphract lemmy (AP)

they didn't say a bank specifically,

I had to pay student loans in another country, but my bank blocked the credit card transactions because they were foreign. The only other way was cryptocurrency with a tiny fee, or a bank transaction with 10% plus 50$ fees. Guess which one I picked.

Gift cards that act like credit/debit cards are harder to get than they used to be. I think all of the mainstream ones require identification or linking to a previous bank account per regulation now

The prepaid card issuer is required by law to verify your identity for most types of prepaid accounts. You may be asked to provide your full name, street address (no P.O. boxes), date of birth, and Social Security number, taxpayer identification number, or another identification number. (link)

[Solved with Gluetun] Tailscale ExitNode with VPN

I would really really really like to have one device on my tailnet as the exitnode for all other devices on the tailnet. However, most VPNs make this really difficult. Is there any way to do this? I've read it's possible with split-tunnelling, but ProtonVPN (which I use) doesn't support that. I just installed Alpine Linux on my RPI 4b. And would like to use this as my exit node. Does anyone have any tips for how this could be done?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (10 months ago)
RandomlyRight lemmy (AP)

For anyone trying this, make sure you do not have "- TS_USERSPACE=false" in your yaml from previous experimentation. After removing this, it works for me too.

In the documentation ( they say to add sysctl entries, it is possible in docker compose like so:

      - net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
      - net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

But it does not seem to make a difference for me. Does anyone know why these would not be required in this specific setup?___
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Mitochondria is the power house of the cell

This (arguably unhelpful) phrase seems to be taught across schools all over the world. What are some other phrases like this that are common ?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
It's a meme in the netherlands as well.
[This comment has been deleted by an automated system]
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 days ago)

I don't know why but the more I read of your story, the more the pastor turned into Baby Billy in my mind. Perfect match.

Sunny' 🌻 via Linux lemmy (AP)

Tried to install Nixos for the first time..


Tried to install nix but am stuck with an issue I'm not able to resolve. Whenever I boot the system, it uses approx 5min on the boot-up of Nixos Stage #1 as seen in the picture. After a while it will boot into the system but without a GUI. I've done the installation twice, with different isos to make sure I didn't do it wrong. It only works if I downgrade to nixos 23.11, but if I update(+plasma 6) from there It results in the same problem.

The error is:

kernel: Acpi Error: Aborting method (long string) due to previous error (AE_AML_UNINITIALIZED_ELEMENT)

Have no idea what this error is, and there don't seem to be alot of info on it. Reaching out here to see if anyone is able to help me troubleshoot this, as I would really like to try latest Nixos.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
124 8 1

In my experience, most hangs with a message about amdgpu loading on screen are caused by an amdgpu issue of some kind. I'd check to see if amdgpu ends up being loaded correctly via lsmod | grep amdgpu and just a general journalctl -b 0 | grep amdgpu to see if there's any obvious failures there. Chances are that even if it's not amdgpu, the real failure is in the journal somewhere.

Could be a wrong setting of hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware (should be true) or the new-ish hardware.amdgpu.initrd.enable (can be either really but either true or false might be more or less reliable on your system).

I ended up booting up bazzite, as I had to have a working computer for today. But ran the commands to see what it resulted in, but not sure what to make of the logs.

Journalctl command results in this;

lunix@fedora:~$ lsmod | grep amdgpu
amdgpu              17293312  158
amdxcp                 12288  1 amdgpu
drm_exec               12288  1 amdgpu
gpu_sched              69632  1 amdgpu
drm_buddy              20480  1 amdgpu
video                  81920  2 asus_wmi,amdgpu
i2c_algo_bit           20480  2 igb,amdgpu
drm_suballoc_helper    16384  1 amdgpu
drm_display_helper    253952  1 amdgpu
drm_ttm_helper         12288  1 amdgpu
ttm                   118784  2 amdgpu,drm_ttm_helper
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Do stores use bank account info to analyze shopping patterns?

Out of a reflex of distrust, I refuse to participate in any kind of loyalty program of the outlet of the large retail store around the corner.

I tell myself that by refusing to join the loyalty program (which basically comes down to scanning an anonymous loyalty card every time I make a purchase), I prevent them from adding my correlations (what products I buy, in what combos, at what time) to their data.

But since I normally pay by card, I guess they can (and do) already do that with my bank account information?

If I would pay with cash, they can still see those correlations per purchase, but they can't track my purchases over time?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
85 4 1
Brad lemmy (AP)
It's absolutely possible. It would depend on the store but I'm guessing a store that has a loyalty program is interested enough in analyzing customer data that they would use your credit card as a unique identifier of you as a customer, especially for transactions where there wasn't a loyalty number entered.
3 1
10_0 lemmy (AP)
They use the loyalty card, because you accept the t and c of it when you use it

yokonzo via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

How do you use your user tags in your app?

So quite a few lemmy clients have a tagging feature for users. I use it quite constantly because I like to remember who I'm talking to. Though for some I just use it for descriptors. A few of you are listed as stubborn, a few of you are listed as don't engage, a few are Nice, or helpful, or Pug. I believe one of you is just listed as fish guy(don't remember why).

How do you all use your tagging system, if you do at all?

26 3 1
Achyu lemmy (AP)
Cool technique. Is the tagging feature available in Jerboa?
Capitao_Duarte lemmy (AP)
Had no idea this was a thing! Might use start using it. Thanks!

Metal music with Linux?

The world of music production is dominated by Apple with Windows running a distant second. Thanks to DAWs like Reaper and open source plung-ins constantly being developed, music production on Linux doesn't seem like such a crazy idea anymore.
Is there a community or database where people have tested different plugins on Linux either natively or with Wine to see if they can get things working?
Kasupke lemmy (AP)
Maybe here:
Favorite music production software on Linux
State of music production with Flatpak
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

75 6 1

Back in 1988 I had a school project with a few people, one of whom came from a wealthy family. The project was regarding the stock market, and each team was given a certain amount of imaginary money to invest, to see who would win out at the end of the semester. My friend with the wealthy family came back with a recommendation from his father, of course, and we won the contest easily.

The recommendation? Put all our funds into Berkshire Hathaway.

I had the golden goose egg right in front of me and never invested a dime.

I had a similar school project around the same era. My wealthy grandfather suggested I invest in Phillip Morris. You should have seen the look on my teachers face when I bought the fake stock!. I actually ended up getting extremely into it and sold all of those "evil" fake stocks for an early tech company. I was quite certain it would do well, and I was right and I ended up winning the project by a wide margin. I tried to get my parent to let me use most of my savings account to buy real stock but they dismissed the idea because I was just a kid. It would have paid for my college education entirely if they had let me (they certainly didn't help).
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Crossing the Atlantic on a sailing ship as a passenger?

Does anyone know if there are any companies/organizations that offer the possibility to sail the Atlantic by boat as a passenger (so not as a (more or less) experienced crew member). Are there any? Or announced plans or something like that?

(I'm not talking about being a passenger on a large cargo ship. I'm curious about the possibility to cross the Atlantic with a low carbon footprint).

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
52 1 1
HarriPotero lemmy (AP) take you on as crew for different lengths of legs. I think they usually go back and forth with two boats per year.
2 1

Royal Caribbean has a couple of one way routes from the us to Europe.

Some shipping companies will also rent cabin space for civilians to cross the atlantic.


Ziggurat via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

Do you think that the "Boeing debacle" will change what is taught in MBA programs ?

From what I understand, a big part of what's happening with Boeing, is that Boeing is run by Business person who want to maximize return of stock-owner rather than by people wanting to make a good product. The gained flexibility/nicer budget from massive sub-contracting led to "loss of knowledge", and cutting-down quality control steps which "never catch anything" led to issue being missed-out.

Do you think that MBA program will take this reality into account ? or would they keep focusing on maximizing short-term profit even if it jeopardize the company's future ?

144 2 1
zxqwas lemmy (AP)

You've got the wrong idea about what the shareholders prioritize. They got sued by the shareholders for lying about being committed to safety and instead maximizing short term profits.

14 1 1
Ziggurat lemmy (AP)
TIL, thanks
2 1

Shareholders seek to maximize profits. If that includes a lawsuit to squeeze out even more investments, then why not?

They never bothered to check if Boeing did what they had to do security wise. Only once it threatened their profits they sprang into action.

5 1 1
zxqwas lemmy (AP)

Exactly how are you supposed to check that a company you own shares in does what it's supposed to? You're not allowed into the factory. You're not allowed to see any reports other than what they already publish.

You have to take the word of the management.

1 1 1
Shareholders can demand external audits under threat of selling the stock. There's plenty shareholders can do (and have done in the past). They don't just sit idle and not do anything you know.
thesporkeffect lemmy (AP)
This is a good time to remember that as a species, we optimize towards a balance between least effort and highest reward probability and not "objective best".

14 5 1
astro_ray piefed (AP)
No matter how many times I see it, ⁂ just looks odd. I don't want to get used to them. I want my colorful old fediverse symbol.
5 1

Copy 1 through 10, Paste 1 through 10

I want to be able to copy text to a "Copy Box".

In early RTS you could bind units to number keys 1 through 10 by pressing Ctrl + # and then # to recall that selection.

I want to be able to have Multiple Copy & Paste boxes like Copy 1, Copy 2, Paste 3

Is there anything like this on Wayland already?

Rentlar lemmy (AP)

I found a solution today using Fcitx, the clipboard addon, and the default shortcut Ctrl+semicolon. However, it works more like a history that pushes each older item down, rather than 10 separately accessible boxes. It seems as though it will work with the use case you described.

Note 2: I have no idea how well Fcitx is supported in Wayland.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Rentlar via Linux lemmy (AP)

Clipboard Copy Paste History Function I Accidentally Encountered with Fcitx

Some Lemmy user at one point had asked about a "multi-paste" feature, if there was a way to use keyboard shortcuts to display multiple clipboard items and copy/paste them out at will (this user mentioned similar to RTS games they like to play). ~~If someone can find that post, can you notify them and direct them here, please? I'm having trouble locating it but I recollect that it was within the last 3 months.~~ Edit: I found the post!

Somehow this was stuck in my mind when I accidentally pressed a keyboard shortcut, that showed my last 5 copied items. This isn't exactly what the user was looking for but I thought I'd publicize it here.

If you use Fcitx (because you need multi-language input) from the fcitx5 packages, then you may already have installed the clipboard add-on. You can use fcitx with just one keyboard layout. By default, it's activated by Ctrl+semicolon and shows the 5 last entries, but the number can be configured.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
20 2 1
Ditto Clipboard
2 1
beeng lemmy (AP)
On Linux? Copyq?
3 1
ViaFedi lemmy (AP)
1 1

152 8 1
RatzChatsubo lemmy (AP)
'Home improvement' on the Super Nintendo
1 1
kuneho lemmy (AP)
Lula 3D. Though, I never played with it eventually as it froze up the computer so bad we had to pull the plug, the experience as a kid was probably my worst gaming moment.
1 1

Update on 'Best "convertible" or 2-in-1 device to run Linux on?' (Minisforum V3 first impressions)

Shatur lemmy (AP)
How is your drawing experience?
atmur lemmy (AP)

Really good, but I did have to remove the screen protector as I was getting line jitter with it on.

Palm rejection is better than I expected but not as good as an iPad.

I've been using a Wacom Bamboo Ink Plus. Pressure sensitivity and stuff works out of the box, no additional drivers needed or anything.

Krita is excellent.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

What are the scariest horror movies?

I love horror but apparently I don't vibe with a lot of recommendations I find online.

I'd seen so much hype about Event Horizon and I absolutely hated it and didn't find it scary. I just watched Late Night With the Devil and whole it was definitely enjoyable, it wasn't the least but frightening. I also just watched Let the Right One In and really didn't like it. It also was not a horror movie in my opinion.

I will say one of my favorites is Sinister or the first Conjuring. Sinister for the stomach twisting dread and suspence throughout and Conjuring for the same.

So, what movies do you find to be the scariest?

85 3 1
tatterdemalion lemmy (AP)
  • The Descent
  • The VVitch
  • The Shining
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
  • Audition
I watch a lot of horror but that managed to unsettle more than anything in a while.
1 1

MoonlightFox lemmy (AP)

Watch videos from these three and you will learn a lot:

Ben Felix

Plain Bagle

Two Cents

Avoid any youtubers that give advice on specific stocks to buy. All mentioned above are professionals, with different specialities within finance and personal finance.

Also be very skeptical about cryptocurrencies. If you want to invest in it, then it should be a very low allocation. Maybe 1-2% of your net wealth. Most cryptocurrencies and projects are a scam. The youtubers I suggested do not promote crypto, or specific stocks.

I am not a professional, so keep that in mind 😀

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
4 1
Nasko lemmy (AP)

Starting to manage your personal finances using a dedicated software application will help you adopt healthy financial habits.

I'd recommend this free and open-source personal finance application: MoneyManager Ex -

It works on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android.

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated in any way. I've just been happy with the application for more than 7 years.

2 1

88 18 1
DichotoDeezNutz lemmy (AP)
On Lemmy? c/linux
4 1
Don_Dickle lemmy (AP)
2 1 1

Shatur via Linux lemmy (AP)

Anyone owns StarLite 5? Curious if it's good for drawing

I searching for a tablet for drawing and discovered this one. Anyone tried drawing on it? I wondering if the experience is good.

On the page they doesn't mention if the screen supports drawing pens, but it's possible to order an MPP pen with it, so I assume that it works with Wacom or Surface pens?

82 2 1
Tabzlock lemmy (AP)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
25 1
Shatur lemmy (AP)

This is very helpful, thank you a lot!

How is the passive cooling? Does it get hot?

1 1
Tabzlock lemmy (AP)
nah it doesn't really get that hot, I use it a bit in bed to watch movies and I haven't found it uncomfortable. Its currently winter here though so the passive may not be as great in summer. Anything that's going to heat it up a lot though your prolly going to be using it at a desk.
1 1
Shatur lemmy (AP)
I have a small question about the keyboard 😀
How does it connect to the tablet? Via pins, it's not BT?
Tabzlock lemmy (AP)
pins, its also a gravity stand with weak magnets so it doesnt exactly attach super well to the tablet.
2 1
eddanja lemmy (AP)
No I jumped ship in May/June and got a refund as they kept kicking the can down the road for release. Was supposed to be Oct '23. Used that money to get something else for drawing. Curious if I should have waited.
3 1

Adonnen via Linux lemmy (AP)

Networking Novice: Setting up VM - How can I bind it to a VPN?

I am trying to create a KVM/QEMU/Virt-Manager VM without exposing my IP/internet connection to it. I pay for a VPN subscription, and I typically access it through wireguard configs that integrate with my distro (Fedora 40 Workstation) and DE VPN menus. From my understanding, as I have them set up now, I can enable one of these configurations in my settings, and all of my traffic is routed through the VPN, except for my local network.

I want this VM guest to have all of its traffic sent to the VPN as well, with the exception of some connection between it and the host, so I could still access it from the host for utilities like ssh.

Is it possible to achieve this? When I looked online, it seemed to require some CLI configuration of IP routes, and I didn't feel confident not understanding the changes I was making, as I want to make sure it is impossible to leak; it just shouldn't have any access to my normal network. If my VPN is disabled on the host, then it simply shouldn't be able to access the internet.

25 2 1
jake_jake_jake_ lemmy (AP)

This is possible, and exact directions will vary on distribution of the vm client. I personally do this but with split horizon dns and dnsmasq on a vm.

impossible to leak is where it gets tricky, and that will require an understanding of networking in your distribution. there will also be tutorials on this, but it's very easy to mess up.

3 1
gerdesj lemmy (AP)

There are so many options it is almost impossible to know where to start!

Which distro is the VM running (is it even Linux)?

If you want the VM to use the host's VPN then you will need some routing and perhaps NAT/masquerade. This is non trivial to sort out. Can the VM have its own VPN connection to your supplier?

You are starting to reach the point where VLANs/subnets and separate routers (real or VM) may be required. Depending what you use as your ISP router, we might be able to get a solution together - so what model is it and do you have any switches?

3 1 1
Adonnen lemmy (AP)
  1. I'd be fine with any. Trying Fedora, or maybe Debian. But I'd rather set up networking at the qemu level so the vm only has access to what I want it to.
  2. I don't know how it would work, but I can create a new device id and make a new wireguard conf file. I don't know why this wouldn't work with any other conf/interface on my host.
  3. I want this to be physical router agnostic, as the host is a laptop. Only the vpn and host should be exposed to the VM.
1 1
BaumGeist lemmy (AP)

This can be handled pretty much entirely on the host by configuring your qemu settings; it's got very robust virtual networking options. Basically just expose the host's VPN interface (e.g. usually called something like tun) for VPN access, and make a separate virtual interface that only the host and guest can access for the stuff like ssh.

Here's the qemu wiki about networking, definitely where you should start

1 1
Skull giver lemmy (AP)
[This comment has been deleted by an automated system]
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 days ago)
1 1

Examples of racism on Lemmy?

In 4 things white people can do to start making the fediverse less toxic for Black people (DRAFT!) and its cross-posts, quite a few people said things like "maybe racism is a problem on Mastodon, but I don't see it on Lemmy." Of course, plenty of comments in the various threads were in fact examples of racism on Lemmy, so one takeaway is that at lot of people don't see racism even when they're looking at it. And helpful commenters pointed out some of the other patterns of racism on Lemmy. ... but that wasn't really the thrust of that discussion.

So I wanted to ask more generally, what are some of the examples you've seen of racism on Lemmy? Quotes and links are great, but also feel free just to describe examples or call out more general patterns!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
Thanks, glad you appreciate it!

j4k3 via Linux lemmy (AP)

Do any of you have M$ Word running in present form?

My old man has a bunch of .dox stuff saved. He has complicated large files saved that are not supported by any of the FOSS conversion tools. I've tried Libre office, Abi Word, and every command line tool and converter I can find. These are entire book sized files.

I have a W10 machine with Word. Is extracting the .exe and running it with wine feasible without making an epic mess or massive project of this?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
81 15 1
Tabzlock lemmy (AP)
im pretty surs that codeweavers crossover still works for microsoft365. atleast I used it with office365 last year without major issue.
1 1
Presi300 lemmy (AP)
Generally, no. M$ office has some pretty invasive DRM, so your best bet to running it on linux is to run it on a windows virtual machine
3 1

1451 32 1
MBM lemmy (AP)
Lemmy's markdown does actually have footnotes!^[they work like this: ^[text here]]
pelya lemmy (AP)
Eh, Lemmy Connect does not format it properly.

thingsiplay via Linux lemmy (AP)

Tutorial: Edit text fields in your browser with real Vim/Neovim in a terminal window (Firefox+Tridactyl on Linux)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
20 2 1

Clocks via Linux lemmy (AP)

A Steam Deck Everywhere

I figured out how to easily use Steam headlessly for Remote Play on Linux.

Took me a few hours to figure out, with some questions asked, but with this, I no longer have to deal with Sunshine or other janky ways of playing (steam) games remotely.

I'll be making a repository with some packaging andother convenience functions soon.

104 2 1
Labna lemmy (AP)
4 1
Clocks lemmy (AP)
Thank you! I am not sure how that happened haha.
Laborer3652 lemmy (AP)

I saved this when you initially posted it but now I have so much saved junk its very difficult to find. I have some (good) thoughts but I need to come back for that. Will update this post when I get a chance. This is very cool.

Also, no idea how you've done it but your website is completely unscrapped by webcrawlers. Even searching for the exact title of this post doesn't return any results on DDG, Bing, or the evil empire. Well done.


Ziggurat lemmy (AP)

I speak english well enough to not need translation/subs when watching obscure American movies 😀

(Since you talked about foreign movie, I assume American movies count as foreign)

4 3 1
Kacarott lemmy (AP)
This doesn't answer the question at all though?
4 1
eightpix lemmy (AP)


Submitted and short-listed for Oscar nomination in the international film category, this Guatemalan film had Spanish subs for the parts delivered in Kaqchikel.

Never saw it after its initial release in Guatemala City.

3 1

werefreeatlast via Linux lemmy (AP)

This $149 RISC-V Tablet Runs Ubuntu 24.04

The link makes it seem like crap hardware, and sure 4gb of ram is really crappy. But how does this compare with one of my kid's Fire tablets? Does anyone have opinions on that?
344 6 1
LeFantome lemmy (AP)

The hardware is not old but it is low powered. From the article: “The DC-ROMA RISC-V Pad II would struggle to outperform a cheap, second-hand ARM-based Android tablet from 5 years ago.”

The reason to buy it is not to have a tablet. It is to have an affordable RISC-V development and test machine.

Buy it if you want to help advance RISC-V.

6 1
Possibly linux lemmy (AP)
I would just get a single board computer then. You could even get a desktop chip.

Tekkip20 via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

Favourite sandwich?

My favourite sandwich has gotta be mayo chicken in a bagel with crunchy lettuce, satisfying in both taste and the crunchy texture of chopped iceberg lettuce from the shops.

Another one would be sausage and egg with some cheeky brown sauce (British lemmy users know what I mean)

What is YOUR favourite sandwich? Fillings or sauces to go with it, maybe your favourite type of bread?

67 2 1
Jimmycrackcrack lemmy (AP)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
BonesOfTheMoon lemmy (AP)
I'm vegan now but a crazy sandwich I tried once was pimiento cheese and pickled watermelon rind.

theroff via Linux lemmy (AP)

Companies that use desktop Linux

Basically title. Do you know of any companies that use desktop Linux?

I can think of two in my area in Brisbane - Adfinis and Red Hat. Both have a pretty small presence here from what I last heard (several employees each).

My employer allows the Linux team to use Linux but it's discouraged and our lives are made somewhat difficult.

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BigDanishGuy lemmy (AP)

Worked in R&D of a robotics startup (<50 people in total). The software and electronics teams used linux, the mechanical team used windows to run solidworks. Rest of the organization ran windows, not even domain joined windows, just windows 7 pro or something.

I have a hard time coming up with entire companies, where Linux is the default OS and deviating requires a good reason.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
OmegaLemmy lemmy (AP)
A Turkish tech chain uses base Ubuntu, that is all I saw

ExtremeDullard via Linux lemmy (AP)

Turns out, I wanted a tiled window manager all along

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
302 5 1
tmat256 lemmy (AP)
I spent years using i3 as my main machine and I loved everything about it. Fast forward to now where I have to use a Mac. Most of the time I'm in a terminal with tmux so it's fine but any time I have to deal with a gui element that is under something else I get more and more upset.
ExtremeDullard lemmy (AP)
now where I have to use a Mac

Why did you start using a Mac? It sounds like a couple of steps backward in terms of freedom.

Also, I did a quick a quick search and this came up.

faercol lemmy (AP)

I have the same issue, and I had to use a Mac for work, didn't have a choice in that matter.

I didn't know about AeroSpace though, sounds interesting. Currently I'm using Amethyst which provides tiling, but it's not i3/sway-like, so not perfect.

tmat256 lemmy (AP)
It's a work provided device. It was either that or Windows, so it was really the only option. I might try out some tiling options for it, not sure how upset IT will be about that though...
featured lemmy (AP)
Have you tried yabai or amethyst? Both really solid macOS tilers
noddy lemmy (AP)

I wished tiling windows would work like snapping of floating windows, but more powerful. For example instead of snapping only to the edge of the screen, I would for example hold alt while dragging a window and would get a preview of where the window would snap to depending on where I'm hovering. And that it would resize the other windows accordingly.

Having to remember or customize a billion keyboard shortcuts for switching between windows and rearranging the grid, makes tiling window managers DOA for me. I don't have the time/energy to set it up or practice the shortcuts.

1 1
ExtremeDullard lemmy (AP)
practice the shortcuts

You know, I used to think like that when I first learned Unix shell commands and vi. I shlepped through the learning process because I had to when I was a student. Then after graduation, I joined a Unix company so I was dragged deeper into it screaming and kicking, and I kept picking up more and more commands and shortcuts until they etched themselves deep into my muscle memory. At some point, it all stopped being a chore and it became second nature.

And it went like that for many other software I've used. Decades later, I get the payoff: I'm a fast engineer and the friction between what I want to do and the final result is very low despite working 90% of the time with the keyboard.

It was a pain to get there and it took a mighty long time, I'll be honest. but I reap the benefits now.

If I were you, I'd make the effort for that sort of thing. A couple of months tops: if you don't like it, you'll have wasted 2 months of your life. If you do, you'll have gained skills that will pay for your efforts for the rest of your life many times over.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
1 1
Pierre lemmy (AP)
Sway sort of does that. It does not resize live, but uses a transparent overlay to show where the window will be. You can do all of the moving and resizing with the mouse this way.
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