Leaflet lemmy (AP)
Dbus-broker tests are actually passing now after months (years?), so it looks like Tumbleweed will switch to it soon.

Sadbutdru via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

What second hand laptop should I buy?

My use case: I'm an engineering student, I need something with a lot of storage, hopefully SSD (right not I have MatLab, Anaconda and KiCAD taking up most of my 128 GB HD, and I had to uninstall the STM32 cube IDE from lack of storage), and reasonable processing performance so I can actually run these things at a reasonable rate. I need to stay within the windows/ms office world to simplify collaborating and file sharing etc. I'm not using it for gaming.
Don't need a massive screen, or touchscreen or anything fancy. HDMI port would be reasonably important.

I want it to last me at least the next 4-5 years, and I'm hoping to not spend more than about £300.

I know a lot of people reccomend ThinkPads, what's a good model to get cheap at the moment? Or any other suggestions?

Is Windows 11 so bad that I should only be looking at ones that come with Windows 10 installed?

Thanks for any helpful advice!

Edit: Thanks to everyone for taking the time to advise me, I've ordered a refurbished T480 with 1TB ssd, plenty of ram, and a 1 year warranty for £340.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
42 1 1
CaptPretentious lemmy (AP)
Generally you're going to find that a laptop works better when you use both hands on one and not one laptop for each hand.
1 1
Sadbutdru lemmy (AP)

Good one, Grandpa!

(No offence, its likely I'm older than you, but your pun heavy reminded me of my dad's, and that's what my girls always say to him when he lets one off)

1 1
CaptPretentious lemmy (AP)
😆 glad it brought a smile to someone else!
1 1
737 lemmy (AP)
t480s, x390 yoga, older x1 carbon, maybe an x13
2 1

richardisaguy via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

What was the nicest thing you SO has done/said to you?

being that you girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, or whoever you decide to keep around
41 2 1
  1. When she takes pictures of me when I'm not looking and genuinely cherishes them no matter how weird I look
  2. She said she wouldn't mind living in my country, which is something very heartfelt to me considering we both have close relationships with our parents and live across the globe right now. It's a big commitment and she's willing to make it for me.

I'm also willing to do the same for her :]

6 1
slazer2au lemmy (AP)
Laughed at the memes I send her.
Forwards some of them to her coworkers.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
6 1

12 1
Nix apps are not sandboxed and you have no control of what resources they have access to or don't, unless you wrap them with some other program
5 1 1
LalSalaamComrade lemmy (AP)
They can be isolated because Nix has in-built support for three different levels of sandboxing - virtual machines, containers as well as ephemeral shells.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
1 1
aarroyoc lemmy (AP)
Flatpaks are easier to use in most distros. If you're using NixOS, then Nix of course. But if you want to do a lot of CLI stuff, then Nix may be better too.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Beginners Guides

Hey everyone, I'm relatively new to linux and was looking for some advice/direction. I have been using Mint Debian Edition for around 6mo or so, and want to learn to use the command line efficiently and proficiently.

I have set up EndeavourOS on a backup laptop I have and have been playing with it, reading the Arch Wiki and such, but I feel like I'm not necessarily learning why I'm doing things, just doing what has worked for others.

So here I am. I guess I'm looking for recommendations for books or articles (physical or online) that can help me to learn and understand the workings on linux, and especially the command line.

Thank you all so much.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
114 3 1
MXX53 lemmy (AP)
I have been using terminal almost exclusively for about a decade or more. But, when I started I just decided to do it. And that meant that every time I wanted to do something, it would take me forever because I would have to look it up. Eventually, I got faster and faster and now anything I want to do with a gui, I can almost certainly do faster with terminal.
LovePoson lemmy (AP)

This. Right now you might feel you aren't learning anything, that you are just copying what says online without understanding it. But little by little, by changing a config line the internet told you, by doing x command to search for y path, you slowly and unknowingly build up your experience with that config file or command. Next time you need to touch that same confg file or command, it'll be easier, and easier. So on until you just know it and dont need to look it up.

Give it time. Every small step builds toward the big goal. And if you know how to search and learn from the internet efficiently, you dont even need to ask here for advice. It'll come naturally

xelar lemmy (AP)
Another resource


I don't get it. Why do people like Starbucks? To me it's bitter and granular. Compared to a Nero which is smooth and sweet.

Yet, many avid coffee drinkers I know love the taste of Starbucks. Is it a genetic thing?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
73 8 1
JimmyBigSausage lemmy (AP)
Interesting article. Not sure about the soap thing as I have a coconut body wash and they still love me. But I have used all kinds of soaps over the decades (I’m old) and they have always bitten me. Going to try some new soaps.
alienghic lemmy (AP)

There's definitely the genetic component too, but the scents from soap is an interesting thing to test out.

And for what it's worth some types of oil of lemon eucalyptus works reasonably well, if you don't want to use DEET.

Some friends really like this stuff "Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent2 Pump" and consumer reports also thinks it works pretty well.


Are antifungal tablets better if cream is too painful?

So I don't know if it's ringworm or a yest infection I try antifungal cream but it's way too painful and usually comes back anyway with no change. Taking showers does help and yeah if I hadn't taken a shower in so long it really will become red and itch even more. And if it's active the antifungal cream hurts so it's difficult to put on. I am thinking of trying antifungal tablets so it doesn't hurt. Does this sound good?
26 1 1
Is this a GP you talked to or dermatologist? I talked to about 4 different GPs/doctors over 2 years regarding spots which they all though were fungal infection before finally getting referral for dermatologist who was like nah it ain't that, don't waste time on steroid based cream and prescribed something else that worked.

63 18 1
Skull giver lemmy (AP)
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Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 dag ago)
6 1
Is 4chan anonymous because it doesn't require a username?
1 1
Skull giver lemmy (AP)
[This comment has been deleted by an automated system]
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 dag ago)
5 1
ccx lemmy (AP)
I'm fairly sure I've seen an NNTP based imageboard that distributed it's content through that protocol and different instances had overlap of boards.
That's about the closest match to federated system you're going to find with this model I think.
Interesting concept. Not something I'd want to interact with personally though.

Andries Brouwer on the OOM killer

69 3 1
I started using one of the userspace oom killers a while ago and have been much happier. Instead of the system becoming unresponsive, suddenly Slack just dies. It's great.
20 1
ReversalHatchery lemmy (AP)
Why is it though that the system just becomes unresponsive? That is always my experience too, but shouldn't just the kernel's OOM killer kill something?
2 1
Mixel ActivityPub
Yes that's true however the default OOM killer tries its best to save the processes first and it can take while sometimes it took for me over 30 mins until it killed the bad process and then it all became responsive again.
2 1
Beej Jorgensen lemmy (AP)
I don't know the details behind it, but it sure takes its sweet time figuring it out. I've let it sit 20 minutes before giving up.

Upcoming movie/serie about a TV show?

I saw a trailer some months ago about a TV show anchor, that progressively slipped to supernatural tropes. Does it ring a bell to anyone?

Edit: sorry mods I realise it is not an open ended question.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
17 3 1
It’s really good. David Dastmalchian is a treasure.
2 1

Teen girl sues Detroit judge who detained her after she fell asleep in courtroom

The teen girl without a permanent home who was forced to don jail garb, wear handcuffs and ask for mercy after falling asleep in a courtroom is suing the Detroit judge who had her taken into custody.

Eva Goodman, 15, and her mother filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday in U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of Michigan against 36th District Judge Kenneth King. They allege he violated the teen's civil rights, arguing King acted outside the scope of his judicial authority when he detained her, yelled at her and threatened her with jail time.

Whenever I hear about a shitty judge, DA, or cop that’s where my mind jumps immediately. Once one of these people have their judgment or integrity called into question, every case they had any involvement in should also be questioned.
Fuck that would be nice to have a review department who's sole purpose is to go over the past history once something is triggered like this. Could even supply it by not buying so many hand-me-downs from the military to further fuel the MIC (military industrial complex), which I've never once heard a conservative discussion bringing up the cost/effectiveness of a tank in a small county. I guess a better tag-line would've been "Funds for Justice" during the protests.

what should we call cake day?

the term "cake day" just makes me think of r*ddit. I've seen Lemon Day going around, but we probably want to avoid affiliation with lemon party.

not that we can tell anybody what to do anyway, and each instance could even have its own. anyway, it needs to be something that obviously means "anniversary" and doesn't require explanation otherwise it'll just be annoying

121 32 1
I mean, I'm not calling for a police state to shut down cake day or something. Just saying cake day was a shallow activity imo. People can choose to do whatever they want, but I would rather us think about what was actually valuable about reddit rather than just importing whatever preexisting culture there was.

But you DO act as if people won't just bring over whatever they personally liked. As if there's some debate to be had, and a kind of consensus to be reached about not doing so with stuff people like you arbitrarily consider "valueless".

Even within your own framework of "value" can you really argue that something lots of people like, that doesn't really cost anyone else anything, is somehow detrimental enough to oppose?

And who the fuck cares if it's shallow? Positive online interaction is positive online interaction. How the hell do you come to the conclusion that having less of THAT would be an improvement?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
117 2 1
I took a first date call in the park cuz I didn't want to stop hanging out with my friends, I saw a big dog walk past and say "dang that's a big ass dog", and the apologized for the cursing, turns out that's what made my husband fall for me
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
22 1
asmoranomar lemmy (AP)
No judgements, hope you and your doggo is happy.
5 1

Even if your parents weren't truly bad, what was the most narcissistic/narcissist-esque trait or thing they ever did?

74 13 1
lcsw lemmy (AP)
7 1
nayminlwin lemmy (AP)

Does anyone have any life hacks on how to link to a Lemmy post from Reddit?

I heard Reddit seems to shadowban posts and comments it finds that link to Lemmy. I use both sites (I have my reasons) and was wondering if there was a way anyone could advise where I can link to Lemmy posts that are important/relevant in particular Reddit discussions without fear of getting the boot.
34 1 1

If they're just looking for the word 'lemmy' in the URL, link to the version of the post from an instance that doesn't have 'lemmy' in. E.g. for this post, instead of, link to or some even more obscure platform.

Does anyone have any life hacks on how to link to a Lemmy post from Reddit?

I heard Reddit seems to shadowban posts and comments it finds that link to Lemmy. I use both sites (I have my reasons) and was wondering if there was a way anyone could advise where I can link to Lemmy posts that are important/relevant in particular Reddit discussions without fear of getting the boot.

20 1
The KDE AutoModerator links the Lemmy community on every post and it's still going fine. Not sure if because it uses AutoModerator it gets a free pass.
5 1

How would you react if Reddit joined the fediverse?

Similar to the time Soviet Russia wanted to join the anti-Soviet alliance which was trying to pretend wasn't made to plot against the soviets.
161 22 1
orcrist lemmy (AP)

It cannot because of copyright constraints. It sells it's data to others.

But look, if Reddit did, at least people could use third party and free apps.

4 1
If they do, I surely wouldn't trust Spez to be acting in good faith. I would expect them to Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish the fediverse
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
8 1

Is thinkpad t480 need proprietary drivers?

I want try to install arch(artix) linux for my future t480, but I don't know if it needs linux-firmware package? for good work?
23 1
I have a t480 and didn't need to do that
5 1 1
I have a t480, and use debian. Had to install proprietary drivers for the wifi
6 1

Flohmarkt is a Fediverse Marketplace

As the Fediverse continues to grow, people are looking to build new experiences that change what's possible on the network today.

Flohmarkt is a nascent project intended for selling personal items, and may be the first attempt of its kind here.

131 2 1
This is awesome and there is gonna be so much fraud! All the fraud.
16 1
Remy Rose piefed (AP)
This is awesome, I hope I get one near me someday.

[Discussion] Acrobat PDF forms support

11 1 1

That has been a pain point for a long time, along with signing and verifying digital signatures in PDF documents in Linux.

Adobe is up there along with Nvidia on my top of shitty companies that actually hinder Linux adoption by ignoring it.

8 1 1

How avoid microplasics?

I am busy and don't have time to research all of the ways corporations have poisoned us.

What are some good rules on how to avoid microplastics?

Eat local foods?
Avoid processed foods?
Use dry soaps?
Don't use any take away containers?
Avoid walking near busy roads?
Use cotton/wool for all clothing?

110 10 1
ampersandcastles lemmy (AP)
Become a communist and start advocating for workers to run the economy because we wouldn't fuck ourselves over like capitalists will.
3 1 1
StaySquared lemmy (AP)

Sadly, I don't think any of us, at least in the U.S. can avoid it and we've already been infiltrated by it, possibly even our offspring (due to microplastic found alongside sperm in testes), have been conceived with microplastics flowing in their systems.

For other health related concerns regarding food/ingredients

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

sport watch supported by Linux/FOSS software

Hi all,

Simple question. Does anybody know a (not to expensive) sportswatch that is supported by Linux / FOSS software?

(Yes, I know 'FOSS software' is two times the word software) 😀

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
52 1 1
Sensorwatch is the only one that looks interesting to me.

As sport watches go, get a Garmin. Its proprietary, but it's the best in the class.

I have a Fenix 7, wife has a Fenix 5.

Battery last days/weeks (5/6 days with some 10-15 hours of sport tracking with GPS active).

I suggest some "older" models with MIPs displays, not AMOLED, because they have better (absolutely perfect) under the sun readability and much better battery life.

You need the Garmin Connect app on phone, but the web interface to the Garmin ecosystem is simply the best.

I managed to integrate Fittrackee (self hosted) and synched to my Garmin profile to keep all my activity self hosted.

Despite being proprietary, Garmin software is quite nice and the watch can be connected directly to PC to download activities and tracks even without using the app.

1 1 1
robber lemmy (AP)

Probably not what OP is looking for.

But I'm also happy with my Garmin Instinct. I use it disconnected from my phone, it does everything I need offline and stand-alone. To add tracks for navigation I just connect it to my linux laptop and drop the GPX file into the NewFiles (or whatever it's called) folder on the watch. I was surprised how well it works without official apps. The only thing I used the app for was to update the firmware when I bought the watch.

Also, fittrackee looks promising - thanks for the tip!

1 1
kristoff lemmy (AP)
interesting advice. Thanks!
kristoff lemmy (AP)

One of the reasons I am looking for a new sportswatch is because I try to reduce my smartphone use and I noticed that I actually took out my smartphone just to check the time.

I have an old garmin vivosmart HR but I do have a problem with the charging cable.
Plus I am not able to download the healthstats with my linux 'daily driver' laptop.

Perhaps I should just get a cheap regular watch somewhere? 🤔

Shimitar lemmy (AP)

I am not sure that checking the time in the watch instead of on phone counts as reducing phone usage...

But anyway, any "smart" watch will not help you as they all need a phone app.

Get a cheapo analog watch, in that case...

kristoff lemmy (AP)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Why I Prefer Minetest To Minecraft - YouTube

158 17 1
My main problem with Voxelibre/Mineclonia was the resourcepacks they use. Every time I hear an eating sound I wanna quit the game and never return.
13 1 1
Minetest has quite a bit of mods and games. You also could fork Voxellibre and change it.
5 4 1
IceTree lemmy (AP)
There is a new texture pack that tries to emulate Minecraft's aesthetics, and also yes the eating sound is annoying, you can easily change it (on linux) ~/.minetest/games/mineclonia/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/sounds, you can find three files there, for me I replaced them with the Minecraft ones.
4 1
JustMarkov lemmy (AP)
There is a new texture pack that tries to emulate Minecraft's aesthetics

Interesting, I'll look into in, thanks!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
2 1
Leaflet lemmy (AP)

Played some Voxellibre for the first time after seeing this. I fell to the most classic of blunders: I tried to spam click to kill an enemy.

My Minecraft skill did not translate.

7 1

Which consumer grade printer should I buy?

Title, basically. My old torture device needs to be replaced, and while it's been mostly working OK, printers have no excuse for being as shitty as they are. So therefore I am looking for suggestions.

- Must include a flatbed scanner
- prints in color
- Wifi connection preferred
- No PaaS or IaaS bullshit
- No dr8ver weirdness. I'm going to use it on linux.
- Available "anywhere".
- Ability to sit powered and connected in my HarryPotteresque "server room" under the stairs for ages, unattended, and work without hazzle when I need to print something semi-monthly.

I know the geek community likes Brother. Any particular model?

For reference, this new printer will replace my aging Canon Pixma 4250.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
39 3 1
ArcaneSlime ActivityPub

Brother laser, any model. Make sure it's not just b&w though I guess, mine is, which I don't care for mine but you listed it as a requirement.

No matter what, "bimonthly print job" means you need a laser printer, brother or not. Ink'll dry between prints, toner never will, and it lasts longer in general.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
11 1
TenderfootGungi lemmy (AP)
Brother laser. Mine has been working for years without issue. No BS.
4 1

38 9 1
Alice lemmy (AP)

Without knowing where you live, I'm kinda scared Lemmy users will give you dangerous advice. I'd be wary of any suggestions that don't come from people in your country.

Maybe using a VPN would make it safer to search for queer discussions specific to your area. But also, you know, be wary of my suggestion! I don't know your situation.

7 1
eldavi lemmy (AP)

knowing a queer kuwaiti, russian, chinese and mexican plus my own experience in the united states have taught me that there's atleast a bi-model reality for queers everywhere.

anecdotally: the well connected; rich; and/or attractive queers usually don't see much of a problem with living a queer-phobic country, citing that they can usually find a queer friendly community in their home country without much trouble.

also anecdotally: the other queers that don't fit into the shapes i mentioned have a bad time in their home country and their existence in the western world isn't much different than anyone else there.

3 1

Replacing M.2 system drive (btrfs) on motherboard with single slot

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
33 1
bastion lemmy (AP)
  • You can use a thumb drive to boot.
  • Verify the device path for your normal boot disk and for your new drive using gnome disks or similar. In this example I'll call them /dev/olddisk0n1 and /dev/newdisksda
  • really, really don't mix up the in file and out file. In file (if) is the source. Out file (of) is the destination.
  • sudo dd if=/dev/olddisk0n1 of=/dev/newdisksda bs=128M
  • or, of you want a progress indicator: sudo pv /dev/olddisk0n1 > /dev/newdisksda
  • wait a long time

Not that this is the recommended method, but it's totally viable if you have limited tools or area comfortable on the command prompt.

Unless you're using three new disk on the same system, you don't have to worry about UUIDS, though they will be identical on both systems.

Your system is likely using UUIDs in fstab. If so, you don't have to worry about fstab. If not, there's still a damned good chance you won't have to worry about fstab.

To be sure, check fstab and make sure it's using UUIDs. If it's not, follow a tutorial for switching fstab over to using UUIDs.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

I had a similar case.
My minipc has a microSD card slot and I figured if it could be done for a RPI, why not for a mini PC? 😛

After a few months I bought a new m2nvme but I didn't want to start from scratch (maybe I should've looked into nix?)
So what I did was sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc bs=1024k status=progress
And that worked perfectly!

Things to note:
- both drives need to be unmounted, so you need a live OS or another machine.
- The new drive will have the same exact partitions, which means the same size, so you need to expand them after the copy.
- PS: this was for a drovr with ext4 partitions, but in theory dd works with the bytes so it shouldn't be an issue what fs you use.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

Hiya, I need help getting handtracking working in my Distro. (CLOSED)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
47 3 1
What model of ultraleap do you have? How do you connect it to your computer(e.g. Bluetooth, USB, Wifi)
2 1
A preliminary solution can be adding yourself to the plugdev group, which gives your user USB controls. To do this, run sudo usermod -aG plugdev $USER and then restart the software.
2 1

...yes? Anything worth my time there? Highlights?
1 3 1
Seems pretty incremental to me, but this one is an important one: Notes are now available as a collapsible pane under the slide in Normal view.
6 1
The new focus rectangle in Calc is an absolute abomination.
1 1

KDE Gear 24.08

30 1 1

What the fuck is an SBAT and why does everyone suddenly care

159 5 1
that's kind of a violation of the social contract around all of this.

What an interesting journey to the conclusion that it's not the fucking around with non-Microsoft bootloaders that's wrong, it's the installing of bootloaders that aren't approved by Microsoft. That must be somewhere in the Microsoft social EULA you automatically agreed to when you chose to live in a society.

Somebody please tell me which specific CVEs Debian failed to account for in their many grub security updates.

It's upstream GRUB that's decided the older GRUB versions are insecure and not to be trusted. Microsoft just propagated that to machines running distros that weren't shipping patched GRUB builds yet. Up-to-date Debian wouldn't be affected provided that they downstreamed fixes quickly. says that Debian's GRUB wasn't affected, but another part of the boot sequence was.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

Update: According to various indications around the net it turns out that the problem (for Debian users at least) is not grub at all, it's shim itself. They did update the grub SBAT level in a way that should satisfy Microsoft's demands when they patched the CVE that everyone seems to be pointing to as the one Microsoft was aiming for.

What they didn't do in time is update shim (possibly related to CVE-2022-28737, I'm not sure.) There is a new version which has the required change but it has not yet made it to Debian stable. Microsoft added an SBAT for shim as well (which gets checked by shim, so if it's broken... uh... anyway, it's probably fine) and it's the one causing the problems.

(Edited to reflect that I don't really know if it was the fix for CVE-2022-28737 that was needed, the SBAT variable update related to that, or something else. Whichever it is, the shim update currently in the bookworm proposed updates queue should have it.)

201 69 1
davel lemmy (AP)

Oh I see, I missed this part: “ignoring all the people who’ve bought into the propaganda,” probably because I’ve stopped paying attention.

Like I said, some people are going to have different opinions from you. You can engage with them, downvote them, or leave.

Now, IF there was such an actor here, would they have a problem with admitting that Russia has broken international law with a war of aggression by invading Ukraine?

frothingfash You got us, we’re all GRU agents. Lemmy is one big psyop.

1 1
Dasus lemmy (AP)

To recap, you — a mod — proudly admit you don't have the attention span to read the things on the forum you're a mod on, even the ones you're actively taking part in?

Hey, you're free to disagree with me.

Ofc I'm going to judge you for being pro-Russian, as that's just shameful. However, I assume that you won't be able to answer whether you are or aren't, despite pretending that you already have, even though people who have the attention spans to actually read the thread can clearly see you haven't — you've spent a lot of energy avoiding it. This reminds of the time I was in an elevator with a drunk guy who loudly shat his pants and then proclaimed "it wasn't me!" (And it was very clearly just the two of us in there.)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

I wrote a Vim Reference Guide (beginner to intermediate level)

136 5 1

A URL 'Free up to some-end-date'. ???

Phishing link? 🤔

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
2 1

Why do you think it is a phishing link? Gumroad is a well known platform to sell digital goods.

I mention it is free up to some date because it will go back to being a paid product after that.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
kristoff lemmy (AP)

I don't. I thought the emoji would have made that clear.

I have been doing cybersecurity awareness lately. We are starting to get over the furst hurdle: make people see the signatures of phishing message.
But now we are starting with the 2nd hurdle: make people understand that when they write a genuine post, they should avoid these signatures of phishing, in this case, the "time pressure" argument.

The problem is that the more genuine messages have phising signatures, to more difficult it becomes for people to distinguish a genuine posts from phishing.
There is also the risk that you genuine posts will get noted as fake (although that is clearly not the case here 😀 )

1 1 1
How would a thinking emoji make it clear your question isn't serious? Also, things have been available for a limited time long before phishing attempts were a thing, and will continue to exist for legitimate purposes long after. You can't expect the entire rest of the world to stop doing something innocuous just because it's also used as a tactic to fool a small subset of inattentive people.
Now there is no excuse, Nano users! 😀
7 1

Climate scientist says 2/3rds of the world is under an effective 'death sentence' because of global warming


I don't see your point.

Building fossil fuel power infrastructure does nothing to move the needle, but building renewables does.

What are you actually proposing? Because it reads as "we shouldn't try because any benefits or impacts are long-term"

Resume work from backup on another device?

34 1
unskilled5117 ActivityPub

Thank you for the detailed response!
Yes, the what data and how to not create conflicts has been troubling me the most.

I think I might first narrow it down with test VMs first, to skip the transfer part, before I actually use it “in production“.

utopiah lemmy (AP)

Honestly a very imperfect alternatives but that's been sufficient for me for years is... NextCloud of documents.

There are few dozen documents I need regardless of the device, e.g national ID, billing template, but the vast VAST majority of my files I can get on my desktop... which is why I replied to you in depth rather than actually doing it. I even wrote some software for a "broader" view on resuming across devices including offline, namely as a network of NodeJS HTTP servers but ... same, that's more for the intellectual curiosity than a pragmatic need. So yes explore with VMs if you prefer but I'd argue remain pragmatic, i.e what you genuinely do need versus an "idealized" system that you don't actually use yet makes your workflow and setup more complex and less secure.


43 2 1
Marin_Rider lemmy (AP)
robin hood prince of thieves
TenderfootGungi lemmy (AP)
A series, but The Expanse is hauntingly beautiful.
1 1

Should I be concerned if I receive a spam email that contains the first 3 and last four digits of my phone number, with the middle 3 being replaced with X's?

I haven't opened the email, I'm just looking at the preview that gmail provides and it contains the name of my email with the first character missing and most of my phone number, like I stated in the title of my post. How concerned, if at all, should I be and is there anything I should be doing?
32 1 1
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Use a 2FA app, not SMS. SIM swaps are easy to do to take over your accounts and change your passwords. An app on your phone renders this useless.
2 1

Microsoft’s latest security update has ruined dual-boot Windows and Linux PCs

576 11 1
DacoTaco lemmy (AP)
I know, hence why i said youre not wrong but the example was wrong 😛
Also, its more complex than that. Some teams can, some cant. And if they can it all depends on what project or context. The business world isnt that cut and dry hehe
NaN lemmy (AP)

Somewhat. One, a system can be bootable without the entries, so even if windows does the stupid and deletes them it isn’t the end of the world. It does depend on your specific firmware though.

Also two, you can write them again with a single line in efibootmgr.

This is very different than the old world where windows would delete your bootloader entirely. They live in the efi system partition instead - or at least the shim does- and typically every OS leaves the other ones alone (even Windows, except in this case).

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
1 1

I'm excited for Cosmic Desktop

From what I saw Cosmic has a lot of potential and looks pretty sleek too, right now I'm using KDE it's a great desktop, but now that I have a second monitor it randomly crashes on me, I think I'll switch to Cosmic when it reaches beta.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
181 6 1
gortbrown lemmy (AP)
I've been using it on my Fedora laptop for the past week or so and it's really nice, even in alpha 1! Can't wait to see how it turns out fully finished!
2 1
Caveman lemmy (AP)
It sounds great. Cosmic is off to a great start and I can't wait to see what they come up with next.
1 1

GNOME 47.beta Released

148 7 1
Still waiting for these things (which will probably never be implemented):
- integrate Gnome Tweaks into the settings, maybe behind a "customize" button.
- add system tray support. I don't even know how you're supposed to access programs running in the background currently.
- add a toggle to put all opened windows on separate workspaces. Navigating workspaces with touchpad three-finger-swipe is a joy, faster and more intuitive than Alt+Tab or via the overview.
22 4 1
  • integrate Gnome Tweaks into the settings, maybe behind a "customize" button.

I've noticed they've done that with a few of the settings, but overall I don't think there's much appetite to do this.

  • add system tray support.

I remember Gnome wanting to make a cross-desktop standard for this (the currently most popular AppIndicator system is a bit of a mess for multiple reasons, including UX, security, and some Wayland-related quirks). It's went pretty much nowhere as it would require not only multiple DE's (and Freedesktop org's) involvement, as well as Dev support. I hope it happens at some point though.

I don't even know how you're supposed to access programs running in the background currently.

It's in the top bar, if you click the section where the part with the quick settings. It's there as a drop-down. It's an extra click though.

  • add a toggle to put all opened windows on separate workspaces. Navigating workspaces with touchpad three-finger-swipe is a joy, faster and more intuitive than Alt+Tab or via the overview.

That's a cool idea. I'd like that as well.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
10 1
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