If you have installed Linux on a Microsoft Surface Pro, what was your experience?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
64 2 1
I've installed Mint on a 6 recently. Setting up the boot settings was a minor hassle, but everything else was very smooth. Definitely recommend the linux-surface kernel.
I set up a 6 as well, and it works great except for the camera. Looks like it's a piece of hardware with a specific driver needed. There's an open source project to support this, but it's not often updated, from what I can tell.
secret300 lemmy (AP)
I got a surface pro 3 from goodwill for $99. Been running fedora on it and it runs hot the fan will get loud but honestly it's great for reading manga with komikku or watching movies and stuff. the pro 3 works without the linux-surface kernel so that's a plus even if it does mean it's a little slow. gnome works great on it and it makes me wish all my laptops had a touchscreen. in tablet mode the on screen keyboard leaves a bit to be desired but I hear there's some improvements in gnome 47 and 48 so I'm hopeful

226 2 1
I was planning to boot into Windows on one of my craptops in order to test a fix from a chip vendor whose configuration software only runs on Windows, but I guess I'll just ... not.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
10 1
Is this teaching us not to dual boot and to have separate devices?
2 1

what are your favorite condiment creations?

Acceptable range of answers:

"I mix mustard with mayo"


"I emulsify a blend of herbs and mustard seeds and chilis in clarified butter to make and herbaceous fatty hot spread"

Bonus: what's it best on?

My meatloaf topping.

It's just modified ketchup, but it works so well.

There's no recipe, you just add a pinch or two of brown sugar to deepen the color, some worcestershire sauce to taste for the flavor bump, and then any spices desired. Spice wise, it's usually a touch of garlic powder, onion powder, blackpepper, and that's that. Sometimes, I'll get frisky and see what works and what doesn't, but truth is that most spices take over too much, so it's just about the three core spices that do well at upping the taste of the meat.

Generally, it'll thicken enough during cooking, but if I go heavy on the worcestershire, it can need a bit of time simmering to get to the right range. But since my household prefers it fairly lightly added, that isn't done often.

The only other thing I've found that improves is mushroom powder, but that stuff tends to be hard to find locally, so it isn't a regular thing. Tbh, none of it is regular, meatloaf can be expensive, and we tend towards a more veggie based diet overall, using meats I'm smaller amounts. It's a special occasion meal.

Feature requests for a lemmy moderation bot

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
19 1
You can have a look at thé moderation bot
2 1

Will do.


Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

How do I convince an AI apologist?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
19 27 1
If they are this much of an asshole, why are you friends?
2 1
When he's not being a contrarian, he's a very good friend whom I've known since I was 10. It's just when it comes to these subjects, he's not talked to
1 1
Why is it so important for you to convince him? Sometimes people won't agree with you and that's fine. You can still be friends.
11 1

Linux Market Share Reaches New Peak: July 2024 Report

The Linux operating system has reached a notable milestone in desktop market share, according to the latest data from StatCounter. As of July 2024, Linux has achieved a 4.45% market share for desktop operating systems worldwide.

While this percentage might seem small to those unfamiliar with the operating system landscape, it represents a significant milestone for Linux and its dedicated community. What makes this achievement even more thrilling is the upward trajectory of Linux's adoption rate.


According to the statistics from the past ten years, It took eight years for Linux to go from a 1% to 2% market share (April 2021), 2.2 years to climb from 2% to 3% (June 2023), and a mere 0.7 years to reach 4% from 3% (February 2024). This exponential growth pattern suggests that 2024 might be the year Linux reaches a 5% market share.
150 1 1

It is finally upon us.


Terms and conditions apply. It could be the next year, or the year after, or not at all.

22 1

Did anybody bother to look at the numbers?

I checked the stats for the last 4 years here and it looks really strange.
Statistics isn't my thing... But it looks like it's wise to be cautious and not to fully trust the numbers.

Around the beginning of last year there was a huge dip in the Windows market share that seemed to be correlating with a peek in "unknown".
Windows then catched up in a somewhat erratic way.

Mac OS also shows a weird behavior.
Starts at 16%, up to 21% and the down to 14% between October and November...

It's not likely that a huge number of people decided to buy a Mac and then trash it one month later. Same but opposite goes for the windows stats.

I think it looks like there is an uncertainty of more than the total market share Linux is shown to have..

Not saying that Linux isn't increasing on desktop market share.
Just saying that numbers seen to have quite a bit error margin and to be cautious if referring to these numbers.

6 1 1

What is the most duct-tape thing you've done to Linux?

tell me the most ass over backward shit you do to keep your system chugging?
here's mine:
my system crashes on screen initialization, to circumvent the behavior i have several scripts, one for screen on, when monitor is initialized the scripts kicks to tty1 (none graphical), and in bashrc another string-
::: spoiler kicks user-

if [[ "$(tty)" == "/dev/tty1" ]]; then
    chvt 2

to tty2 where my graphical session is and logs out tty1.

also tty2 is blocked from keyboard inputs so its a somewhat secure lock-screen which on sway lock-screen aren't great.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
296 10 1
Trainguyrom lemmy (AP)
About a decade ago I was playing a game on Linux and the game crashed and took the entire DE with it. So I went to a different tty and started a fresh x desktop session and started playing again until the game crashed again (I was running a bunch of mods so it would crash every couple of hours or so) and still didn't feel like rebooting so I went to yet another tty and started yet another x desktop session. I did this about 3 times in total before I finally went "I should probably actually reboot because this has to be making a bigger mess of things"
1 1
Trainguyrom lemmy (AP)
What is it with these schools and not just using WPA Enterprise? They already hand out an email to every student so it makes it dead simple to deactivate the account's PSK upon terming the student

Yeah, that's the direction I'm in. One thing is that I don't know a ton of places like what I want to do. I'm worried about if I just let it grow if there's something that should be in there that isn't, or if something invasive will take over.

I really don't know much about local resources beyond department of natural resources and conservation. Although, I'm sure there are some bee groups that might know of something I don't.

Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Hello all! My buddy and I finally finished up Baldur's Gate 3 this week and we are not left with a giant co-op game shaped whole in our hearts. It was such an incredible experience and it was truly even more fun running through it together. We are excited to hop into another game, but we have no idea what to play. We've played a lot, and some games we've finished or tried recently included:

  • Borderlands 1, 2, and 3
  • Minecraft, Terraria, Vintage Story
  • Raft, 7 Days to Die
  • A Way Out, It Takes Two

I'm posting here today to ask if any of you have some suggestions for co-op games we could check out! I've Googled for suggestions to no end and 90% of what's there is games we've already played. If anyone has any recommendations for us they would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

~ Hyrulian

Thanks for all the great suggestions everyone!! I'm going to compile a list and check them all out one by one!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
The overcooked series is definitely fun and always comes up cheap on sales for like 3 bucks. It's definitely one to add to any co-op rotation because it's easy to learn but hard to execute so you'll always be going back to get those extra stars you missed.

Is there any modern FOSS firmware for Linksys WRT54G routers? Is it possible for me to compile the latest version of OpenWRT for a WRT54G router with 4 MB of flash and 16 MB of RAM?

I have a few different Linksys WRT54G routers and I've installed DD-WRT - build number 44715 - on them. However, this build appears to have been made in 2020. So, I was wondering if there's a more modern version of dd-wrt for this router. If not, is it possible for me to compile the latest version of OpenWRT for these routers which have 4 MB of flash and 16 MB of RAM?
38 2 1

Crazy and I thought 2GB RAM in a Turris Omnia are low XD

Good luck!

4 1 1
Well, I'd say 2 GB of RAM is actually quite plenty for a router since it doesn't need to do anything that RAM intensive. Even a desktop computer running Linux with no GUI only uses around 100 MB of RAM.
3 1
It has support for running a VM, so absolutely will run something there! Probably Fedora IOT ARM
1 1
Bro, resolder ram and rom, i recently upgraded spi chip in my xiaomi 4a to 32 megabytes or 256 megabits if i have to be precise and it's working fine in my apartment right now, but remember, most devices still have troubles with wpa3 security protocol, also remember to turn off option "dissociate on low acknowledgment" because your devices gonna be reconnecting constantly because of these options, also ram upgradable too, but difficulty is higher, i upgraded ram to 64 megabytes and flash to 32 megabytes in my tplink wr740n recently, flash upgrade is doing good, but ram not so good even though on openwrt wiki there's mentioned that d43 64 megabytes ram chips should work just fine
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
2 1

LVFS (Linux Vendor Firmware Service) Celebrates 9th Birthday

Happy Birthday to the LVFS

9 years ago today I wrote 4 little PHP scripts and pushed it to OpenShift which was the beginning of the LVFS. We've since rewritten it in Python, switched the deployment from "sudo git pull" on the server under my stairs at home (literally) to deploying onto AWS with Terraform.

In 9 years we've onboarded over 140 vendors, shipped ~110 million firmware files and added support for ~85 firmware update protocols for ~1600 different devices. I'm pretty happy with that.

43 2 1
Coincidentally, I received a firmware (EFI) update from Dell today via LVFS. Really nice that it works so smoothly on native Linux (no more manually downloading firmware to USB drives, or relying on Windows).
10 1

Timeshift On Production Servers?

Any Linux Sysadmins here use Timeshift on Linux servers in production environments?

Having reliable snapshots to roll back bad updates is really awesome, but I want to know if Timeshift is stable enough to use outside of a basic home lab environment.

Disclaimer: Yes I know Timeshift isn't a backup solution, I understand its purpose and scope.

20 1
I would use BTRFS and Snapper over using Timeshift due to the lack of granularity it has. You should be able to back up any volume you want, not just the home directories like Timeshift does.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
2 1
I use sanoid on my home server. I'd assume most large scale environments are using zfs or a proprietary solution.
1 1

60 2 1
Mythnubb lemmy (AP)
Since I only have my phone right now, here is October 2nd, 2019
5 1
ilovecheese lemmy (AP)
15 year old crack.
2 1

Best GUI VM software

I'd like some recommendations as a beginner in the virtualization space for good GUI software for running vms for both experimentation and server use.

I've used virtualbox on Windows before but are there any better alternatives on Linux? I hear a lot of praise of QEMU but this seems to be only terminal based like what you do with containers.

VMware workstation is free but again, I'd like to know your thoughts on other good beginner options.

Thank you advance and have a good day/afternoon/night

39 1 1
I'm a Virt Manager guy, personally. The only thing is 3D acceleration is usually hard if not impossible in some cases without GPU passthrough.
(Unless I'm wrong. I'd like to be wrong.)
1 1

I use virt-manager. Works better than virtualbox did at the time (back while v6.1 was still the main release branch), it's easier, and it doesn't involve hitching yourself to Oracle.

VMWare may be "free," but it ain't free. And if you don't care about software freedom, why choose Linux over Windows or MacOS? Also, Workstation Player lacks a lot of functionality that makes it not good as a hypervisor. Only one VM can be powered at a time, and all the configuration is severely limited. Plus the documentation is mediocre compared to the official virt-manager docs.

1 1

76 4 1
Is this the one using the open source kernel module?
23 1
Only relevant if you have a 2000-series card or newer. Pascal and older cannot use it
21 1

Highlights from R560 Beta Release, 560.28.03

  • Updated nvidia-installer to select the NVIDIA open GPU kernel modules by default on systems with GPUs that support both the proprietary and open kernel modules.
9 1
It’s my first week on Linux/bazzite. How do I get this installed? I need to fix the ridiculous amount of Firefox and Deadlock crashes.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
5 1

In Bazzite, you should just need to open the Discover package manager and click "Refresh" and then "Update All" in the top right. Although these drivers don't appear to be available through the package manager yet; mine is still on version 560.31.02.

If your Firefox crashes are anything like mine were, it should be solved by opening up Flatseal and disabling Wayland rendering for Firefox. See the screenshot shown here:

When I first installed Bazzite on my Intel+Nvidia laptop, the Firefox crashes were constant. The workaround here fixed the issue for me.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
5 1
Thanks. I changed those items in Flatseal and now the Firefox window is a visually garbled mess — very clearly broken like a bad video card. Any more workarounds for the workaround?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

Ah, darn. Unfortunately I have no additional help to offer since that particular issue was fixed for me after changing those options in Flatseal.

I'd try running Firefox from the terminal to see what error message you're receiving when the crashes occur; the unique error message was what led me to this workaround when I was originally troubleshooting.

2 1
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
1 1

2 3 1

Do you value high fidelity (audio, visual, or other)? Do you notice a difference?

96 4 1
Never let perfect be the enemy of good enough. Do you want to do the thing or do you want to stress about the thing for days, delay it for months while you save up then suffer regret anxiety about whether it was the correct choice? For a lot of people the latter is the part they enjoy about the hobby. For others it isn't worth the time and resources requires, they'd rather do the thing now with what they have and enjoy it as it is. Where does the inflection point lies between hassle and enjoyable results is personal and everyone has different criteria for different goals and contexts, and that is OK.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

19 1 1
After reading that I still don't understand what an xdg intent is. Is there a simple explanation?
1 1

Because suffering scours away the parts of us that are not Australian
2 1

Ever notice how all the world's worst animals only evolved in Australia?

They saved the rest of us, but they couldn't save themselves...

1 1

i'm 40 years old and just had ALL my teeth extracted in one go. The pain is excruciating. Any tips for pain relief?

EDIT; I can't reply to everyone individually but thanks for all the suggestions!
Opiates are out of the question, doctors here will only prescribe those in terms of absolutely extreme suffering or end of life care. I also don't particularly feel interested in developing a hard drug habit.
Diclofenac and such are available but also only on separate prescriptions, I'd have to visit another doctor for that.
I'm well stocked on paracetamol & ibuprofen, and apart from that, lots of ice cream, pudding & soup 😀

Also, since a fair few people seem to doubt the veracity of my story, here's the 22 extracted teeth (the other 10 were already gone in previous extractions).

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
269 24 1
Cocaine. Seriously.
2 1
JoYo lemmy (AP)

You're confusing dependence for addiction.

Dependence is the tolerance one develops over time and the withdrawal someone suffers after stopping a drug.

Addiction is behavioral disorder that refers to the desire a person feels for the effects of a drug.

most people dont develop an addiction to opiods when taken as directed by your doctor.

How to use power button to wake up laptop on tablet mode

Recently I switched to Fedora 40 from Ununtu. Now, I am facing this weird problem, whenever my laptop suspends I cannot use the power button to wake my laptop if it's in tablet mode. It works fine in normal case. Also, this wasn't an issue in Ubuntu. Anyone knows how I can change it?

I am using a 2in1 laptop (Dell) if it's relevant

How to use power button to wake up laptop on tablet mode

cross-posted from:

Recently I switched to Fedora 40 from Ununtu. Now, I am facing this weird problem, whenever my laptop suspends I cannot use the power button to wake my laptop if it's in tablet mode. It works fine in normal case. Also, this wasn't an issue in Ubuntu. Anyone knows how I can change it?

I am using a 2in1 laptop (Dell) if it's relevant

19 1 1
Dell Inspiron 14 2-in-1 7415
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

To Linux admins: What certifications/degrees do you guys have?

I'm trying to decide whether it would be worth spending an additional 2 years upgrading my associates to a bachelor's in CS or not.

I don't see much of a demand for the RHCSA in my area (Toronto, Canada) but I see that basically every job posting has a degree requirement.

I'd be 25 by the time I finish school with the degree but I honestly just want to start applying for jobs I don't want to waste time.

I have the A+, CCNA and LFCS. I get my associates next week.

I'm aware that I'll probably get a bunch of responses of people saying "I don't have a degree or certifications!" but I'm genuinely confused as to how you're in IT without either of those things unless you knew someone or got in very early so some elaboration would be nice.

No certs just learning on the job + every IT/development class I could take in highschool
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Release labwc 0.8.0 · labwc/labwc

Labwc stands for Lab Wayland Compositor, where lab can mean any of the following:
* sense of experimentation and treading new ground
* inspired by BunsenLabs and ArchLabs
* your favorite pet
Labwc is a wlroots-based window-stacking compositor for wayland, inspired by openbox.
It is light-weight and independent with a focus on simply stacking windows well and rendering some window decorations. It takes a no-bling/frills approach and says no to features such as animations. It relies on clients for panels, screenshots, wallpapers and so on to create a full desktop environment.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
It's one of the few floating Wayland WM, similar to Openbox I believe.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

can they "turn off" stolen scratch tickets?

I occasionally see news stories of a robbery or burglary where the perpetrator cops some scratch tickets along with the other stuff.

with the lottery folks simply be able to void that batch of tickets? or, even more, use those tickets to catch him if he tries to cash in?

35 5 1
As somebody who works with lottery daily, yes. As soon as it is reported as stolen (all vendors [really should] keep strict inventories on their lottery and basically treat it as they would cash), all stolen tickets will be invalidated and they will notnbe redeamable.
10 1

if somebody rips off a partial roll, can you tell exactly where the bad tickets begin?

also thank you for a direct response.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
3 1
Yes. They all have serial numbers, likely sequential so if a roll has serials 0005 through 00150 and some are stolen it should be very easy to tell. If the inventory records show 5 sales and only 00142 through 00150 are remaining, all cards from 00011 to 00141 can be safely assumed stolen and invalidated.
5 1
One of the first jobs I had out of high-school was working at a gas station and we sold scratch-offs and I don't recall that we kept track of the tickets at all.
2 1

Live (Animated) wallpapers programs for linux

I am looking for programs to put animated wallpapers on Linux, the ones I know for now are: Xwinwrap, paperview and komorebi. If you know of another program that can do this, leave it in the comments so that others can read it and give their opinion about the program.

Question: What is Linux misinformation?

It is against the rules but but what is it exactly?

Could you give an example of something linux can't do?

Or are you alluding to windows software not running on linux even with wine etc?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Then again, it's not about Linux, it's just about your-favorite-few-click-program not being available for Linux.

There's nothing technically preventing Adobe from making Reader & Acrobat for Linux (they actually used to, around 2007 I even worked in a L10N company and we tested it.) It's just a business decision.

Once you start asking questions of why eg. Photoshop is not on Linux while eg. Firefox, VLC or GIMP are on all platforms, you will learn stuff about the world, which has little to do with Linux per se.

Technically you are absolutely correct.

Practically, people need to get work done. And if they can't do it on Linux, they will use another OS. No matter whose fault it actually is.

No one in the Linux community wants to force users onto Linux. If they do that, then they are morons and should not be listened to.

Windows is blatantly forced on users through monopolistic practices and underhanded dealings going back decades.

I know what I actively will choose. Also it is my choice. It doesnt have to be your choice or even the right choice. Choose what you want and what you need. No one in the Linux community can or will force you to switch to Linux.

ratemisia lemmy (AP)
I think your heart's in the right place here, but it comes across as an over-generalization to say that no one in the Linux community will try to convert you. Whether they have any valid points or will be successful in doing so is a very different matter. I'd argue that much of the FSF's official website is dedicated to exactly this, and even they can often come across as endorsing the attitude of moral superiority that Linux users are often mocked for IMO. (I'm a Linux user, but I believe this is a serious issue in our community that we need to take seriously.)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 weeks ago)
maniii lemmy (AP)

Evangelists exist in all communities. I was simply stating that people whose agenda to convert you to Linux may not always have other peoples best interests at heart. Clearly I don't have that agenda. I would prefer people made their own decisions and choices based on their own needs. Not forced into an untenable situation.

I like how upvote/downvote does not matter on Lemmy.

Its about free speech as in beer. And not censorship. We can have our opinions without fear of being the unpopular opinion.


Okular can digitally sign, invert colors (poorly hidden away so you need to customize the toolbar, but it has multiple ways, which is kinda cool).

TTS yes, but there seems to be progress. There is speech-dispatcher which could be used with piperTTS

Okular has no tripple click for whole line selection.

Other than that, setting up digitally signing with Okular never worked for me. Do you have a guide that worked for you?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

“Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update

659 7 1
Thank you for replying so quickly! I'll email him back and let him know I should be able to get the formatting the same. I really appreciate your advice!
1 1
areyouevenreal lemmy (AP)
Still having these issues very recently.

Discord notification badges disappeared going from Fedora 39 to 40

On Fedora 39 I installed libunity to get notification badges on Discord but on upgrading to Fedora 40 I seem to have lost them. I still have libunity installed and I tried removing it and reinstalling it and it still dosen't work.
I'm using the native package on the KDE spin if that changes anything.

Would love to see if you guys have any ideas! Thanks

12 3 1

Can a Linux installation be run as a VM in Windows?

This might sound daft, but something similar used to work with live discs.

I've got Windows 10 and Mint 21.1 dual booting on my computer at the moment. Every so often I'll realise that I've missed something from my Windows installation. If it's important, I then have to boot to Windows to get the information, or the settings etc.

Is there a way to virtualise my Mint installation so that I can run both the OSs at once to make sure that I've got everything?

VirtualBox had a tool to do this with a live USB, but that was back in the MBR days, so it probably won't work with modern hardware.

EDIT: Sorry, I should clarify, Mint and Windows are on the same physical disc, and the plan is to remove Windows once I'm done.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
75 8 1

From what I can tell, they would both need their own boot partition, which is where I'm stuck. My Windows and Mint installations share a boot partition, and it causes problems for this.

I know that it's not very practical, for most people, but imagine having to use Windows for work or a specific game, and still being able to access your distro as normal. It could be handy for a small niche, and felt like an interesting challenge 😀

a type 1 hypervisor is practically an operating system itself, just a very minimal one. it's like installing virtualbox to your hard drive. it's probably not best for your situation, because its usually used in servers.

Is Debian with automatic updates a good idea?

So a while back I threw Ubuntu 22 LTS on an old Surface Pro 3 and gave it to my Dad.

He loves it, but he's the type who's been burnt by updating software in the past, so he basically refuses any whenever prompted.

Been thinking about throwing Debian with Gnome on it for a while, and wondering if it's stable enough to just let updates happen automatically in the background?

I got no experience with Debian I basically jumped right on EndeavourOS as my main distro when I started using Linux full time.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
70 3 1
rsolva lemmy (AP)

Fedora Silverblue downloads new OS versions in the background and boots the newest version after a reboot. I use this for older family member who's been traumatised by Windows updates. I have also turned off notificantions that show up after a new boot with a fresh version.

The same goes for Flatpaks. Just updates without make a fuzz.

Its nice to give old people some peace of mind regarding their computing needs!

Debian stable? It's probably about as safe as you can get for that. Problems are rare. Bookworm is supposed to get security updates until 2028. If they keep on being as stable as they have been in my experience the only one he's likely to notice is Firefox updating to a new major version once a year.

I've been using almost exclusively Debian for over 15 years now, and experimenting with it (not stable) couple years longer. Last time I had issues booting or upgrading was loooong time ago, but I think I was using sid back then. (Yeah, I was young & restless back then! 🧓 🙃 )

Traditionally, the flipside of this was that the packages were sometimes old. Maybe 10 years ago I would still have reasons to complain about some parts being too old but nowadays I have basically no issues. Especially since most such gaps can be filled with flatpak or AppImage. (I rely on flatpak for Signal, Telegram, Minecraft, and AppImage for NeoVim and several other things.)

(My usage is development under i3+alacritty+nvim, browsing using qutebrowser (running directly from git repo), Firefox and Chromium, sometimes gaming, mostly steam or gog.)

One point, though, In my experience Firefox is updating much more often than "once a year", which is annoying because it basically goes on a strike every time.

once a year
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

I honestly forgot Debian had a none stable version.

He's not too picky with web browsers as long as it...well browses the web.

I'll give it a go and hopefully get 4 years away from being tech support. Thanks!


How "scriptable" is virt-manager?

My biggest issue with VirtualBox is that I have to install OSes as if I'm actually installing them. There aren't any images (at least that I'm aware of) that can run with a command, like deploying an EC2.

[This comment has been deleted by an automated system]
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 dag ago)

How do you deal with depression about climate change?

I started getting sad about climate change two years ago after seeing Planet Earth and many documentaries. I completely changed my lifestyle to reduce my part and put significant effort into it.

But seeing rich celebrities who use as much as a common man's lifetime resources in a week or two, and others who barely put in any effort to combat it, and corporations fucking the entire planet for quarterly profits, I get this feeling that my efforts are even worth it.

Slowly, I told myself that evolution failed itself by giving a bit more individual selfishness over community/species survival. Just like human beings, Earth's time has started to end. Its death is inevitable. Everything should come to an end. Only if evolution had given a bit more thought to species survival, we would be in a much better place.

How do you all deal with this?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
162 16 1
I completely changed my lifestyle to reduce my part and put significant effort into it.

This is the source of your problem. Individual action will cost you a lot while accomplishing virtually nothing. Donating some small part of your income to green nonprofits has a greater impact, at a much lower cost to your quality of life.

A climate disaster is going to make us all make sacrifices we don't want to make eventually, no matter what you sacrifice now. If these are the final days of a healthy planet, don't deprive yourself while the billionaires are taking joyrides in their gigayachts. Just accept that this horror wasn't your fault, because if everyone lived with your likely very small footprint, this probably wouldn't be happening.

11 1
A story that’s always stuck with me is: “at a party someone told the group that there wasn’t enough pizza for everyone to have 2 slices, and some people took one slice, and some took three - and that really describes humanity.”
1 1

OP, can you provide us your witnessing of climate change? How has climate change impacted your personal life? What in your personal life has had to change because of climate change?

If it hasn't.. I think you have better things to think and worry about.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
People only caring if it personally affects them is a part of how it got this bad in the first place.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
"You can't yet see the train you know is barreling down the tracks towards you... I think you have better things to think and worry about"
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)
Way I see it, it's like being worried over a nightmare. It's an illusion your mind produced. Nightmares happen. Not much you can do about it. No different than changes in climate, it happens, not much we can do about it. We can pretend that we can lessen climate changes to 100% or 90% or even 50% but we don't control earth, other planets, much less the rest of the galaxy. Changes to climate are going to happen naturally as they have since the birth of reality.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

Bluetooth Audio Issues when launching a game?

Hi there, I just acquired myself the Sennheiser Momentum 4, mainly for using while communting + work. But figured i'd try them out for some gaming too. They work just fine when watching YT or any video, but when I launch a game the audio quality changes significantly. I have no idea how or why its doing it, nor how to fix it. I've tried all of these different audio profile options, but all of them make the audio either distorted, weak, or make it sound like the audio is trapped inside a room... Anyone know how to go about this? Audio works fine with my normal non-wireless headset.

My system is running Bazzite.

Appreciate any pointers to how to resolve this.

48 1 1
Confirmed, changing the microphone input fixes the audio issues 😀
4 1

GIMP 3.0 Enters String Freeze, Inching Closer To Release

GIMP 3.0 has been more than one decade in the making as the port from GTK2 to GTK3, also transitioning away from Python 2 to Python 3 support, and a wealth of other improvements from the UI to lower down into enhancing this open-source Photoshop alternative.

The GIMP project announced on X/Twitter today that they have entered the string freeze for this much anticipated release.

409 6 1
I just flipped through the introduction of a GIMP book that the authors hoped 3.0 would be out so they could cover it but ultimately based the book on 2.6 due to delays. It's copyright 2012, apparently something (didn't) happen.
33 1
we really got kde 6 before gimp 3
27 1

Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Well, my friend, he's kinda poor he can't afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don't understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the author or just wants to skim through it, he will download the book.

He usually doesn't like to pirate from small companies or professors who are trying to make a living by selling books, but from millionaires & plenty of mega corps which already have loads of money, he feels like it's the right move to pirate

Also, have you ever noticed that you have felt that the value of a product has decreased just because you didn't pay for it, thus you are less interested to read it? i.e., had you paid for the book, you would have more likely read that book.

He says he will buy stuff when his time is more valuable than money, let's all hope that day is soon.

What are your piracy habits?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 year ago)

Accidental birth in a non Schengen country. What next?

I’m on vacation in Türkiya and wonder: what happens when let’s say a pregnant woman goes on vacation and for whatever reason gives birth there.

How can she take the newborn back to her country? Need to prepare all the papers in the embassy or there’s some special procedure for such cases so the paper work can be done in a country she resides normally?

55 1
Looking up the terms “jus soli” and “jus sanguinis” might be of interest to you. Basically it’s different for different countries.
3 1
All Schengen countries are blood based citizenship, so no matter what’s the case in Turkey the kid got a mothers citizenship the moment it’s born.
1 1

I could be mistaken, but I thought women weren't allowed to go on flights at a certain stage of pregnancy?

After 36 weeks of pregnancy, your health care provider may advise against flying. And some airlines don't allow pregnant people to fly after 36 weeks. The airline also may require a letter from your health care provider that states how far along in your pregnancy you are and whether flying is advised.

Also who tf travels on vacation when they're so close to labor?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

IOS book reader with calibre support

Greetings, I am looking for a epub/pdf reader similar to Marvin 3, that I can connect to my calibre server. It appears my Marvin was offloaded and it is no longer available. Would prefer free of course but don’t mind paying for a good app…no subscription. Foss would be great. Any other suggestions are welcome.
10 1 1
I’ve really enjoyed Yomu. You can get pretty far without any payment but for about $5 you can purchase it.
2 1
Moon Reader+ is probably the only thing I still miss from Android.
2 1

please make any salty comments or downvotes in comic form.

It took all of my art skills to make this

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
+1, really like it. So downvotes are for things that suck to a person? That's where my confusion comes from, what are people using the downvote for that's so prevalent it's sacred and needs to be protected? A downvote is one level below a report for me basically, for content that's gone off the rails or levels on breaking a rule (like harassment etc). I wouldn't want reports to be anonymous so they're not abused, just like downvotes. If we're using the vote system for an opinion based algorithm I could understand why people want it private but that's not it's purpose.
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