What are some pod casts worth checking out and why?

Quick edit. I had no idea pod casts were so popular. Thank you all for posting. I have a lot of content to check out.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Anything is a podcast when you minimize the tab
My bank's website is a pretty boring one, though.
Nah the Wikipedia page for stamp collecting is boring when tabbed
Breaking Points has amazing coverage on American politics which matches up with reality unlike those CNN casters which keep getting "surprised" their coverage turned out to be wrong.

basic UI programming in linux

Hi all,

Perhaps a stupid question.
Some time ago, I received a rpi zeroW as a gift, but as I did not have any use for ii I passed it to somebody else in our electronics-group.
Now, that person has had a +30 year carreer as self-taught programmer -starting out with BASIC on DOS machines- so he showed of some of his old BASIC applications in dosbox on the pi.

So far so good, but he had an interesting question:
Years ago, I wrote a library in BASIC for screen / window applications in DOS. (you know, pop-up text-windows and so on). How do I do that on linux (in C)?

As I myself only do 'backend' coding (so no UI), I have to admit I did not have any answer to that.

So, question,
For somebody who has mostly coded in BASIC (first DOS and later Visual Basic) and now switched to C and python, what is the best / most easy tool to write a basic UI application with window-function on linux/unix.
I know there exist things like QT and ncurses, but I never used these, so I have no idea.

Any advice?


ChatGPT will easily make you a basic GUI in Python using tkinter in my case. Can only recommend. It can also explain how those things work etc.
Hmmm .. 🤔
The best way not to make friends with somebody with over 30 years of coding experience: suggest him to use ChatGPT to write a computerprogram 🤣🤣

~20 years ago:
"Reading documentation is for wimps! Real programmers read the source code directly"

LLMs are just a tool. And meanwhile our needs and expectations from the simplest pieces of code have risen

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
[This comment has been deleted by an automated system]
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 dag ago)

Successful move over after years of trial and error

91 3 1

Just FYI: While Arch isn't "For experienced users only", it still might require some more work after your install.

It usually comes pretty minimal by default, and then you might wonder why printing doesn't work out of the box for example.

It also makes the inexperienced user very easy to bork the system, and then you have to fix it.
I often hear from other users, that sometimes, this just happens out of the blue too.

If Arch works perfectly for you, then congratulations! Keep using it.
But if you notice, that you have to fight against the OS too often, consider a different distro that is supposed to just work.

One of those might be Bazzite (if you game) or Aurora. Both are almost the same, but Bazzite is more for gaming, while Aurora is more for general, non-gaming use. But you can use them interchangeably.
They belong to the uBlue project, which is a customized Fedora Atomic.
They are already set up for you with everything you want and need, are zero-maintenence and basically indestructible.

So, if you're done with Arch, consider them.

13 2 1
Honestly, I just use Kubuntu. It just works, out of the box, with no fuckery involved and I can customize it as I want. You can read more about what I think about immutable distros in my blog post
3 1 1
5 1
(In reply to the post) Actually, I’ve found my immutable distro of choice (Silverblue) to be a lot of fun to tinker in (not with), but you just have to accept that tinkering does work a bit different here, with toolbox/containers instead of your actual host system to install most stuff you want to try etc. on
6 1

Honestly, I use X, Y and Z

It works out of the box (basically everyone here)

3 1 1
This is by far the most confusing part when I consider switching over - which one to get? Primarily Steam gaming, but I saw someone mention the Nvidia cards I have might not play nice.
1 1
This is by far the most confusing part when I consider switching over

It's the same process as when buying a car. Try a few out and see which one you like.

2 1
If you aren't trying to run anything too crazy (like AMD HIP compute, HDR, really bleeding edge hardware) I would probably recommend giving openSUSE Tumbleweed, Fedora (only the regular GNOME version, for some reason KDE spin was buggy in my experience), and Pop OS a test drive off live USB drives. Each has their own merits, so it's worth trying all of them. In terms of NVIDIA support, I personally do not have much experience with NVIDIA cards, but when I was helping a friend format an iPod Fedora booted off a live USB on an RTX 4050 laptop with little fuss, and if you install it gives options for installing the full proprietary NVIDIA drivers. I know there is also an NVIDIA installer option in YaST's software manager for openSUSE, and Pop even has an ISO with the drivers baked right in for full compatibility. However, your mileage may vary, although I have heard the whole NVIDIA situation is pretty good right now as long as you have the proprietary drivers installed.
2 1
  • Arch is to complicated
  • proceeds to recommend immutable distros
13 4 1
To be fair, the best standard would be to send off new users to immutable distros
3 2 1
Maybe sometime in the future. However, not today. It is still complex and requires some knowledge of how file systems work
1 1
Agility0971 lemmy (AP)
True if they are somewhat technical to search for solutions on their own. If they just use web browser then there is bothing to worry about
Possibly linux lemmy (AP)
They will find answers that won't work as the core system hasn't changed much over the last 20 years.

Image based distros are only complicated if you come from traditional distros, because they're different.

If you come from Windows or another OS, then having "The whole OS is one thing" instead of "A huge collection of packages and directories" makes everything simpler to understand, because you don't mess with anything except /home/. You don't have to care about anything else.

And if you want to do something more fancy, like using a CLI tool, then having to enter a Distrobox container isn't complicated.

For casual use, like gaming, browsing or image editing, everything is just as usual. Nobody, except us Linux nerds, actually cares about the underlying system. Casual users just want the OS to be a tool for their programs they use, and for that, it's ideal, because it just works and doesn't bork itself.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
4 1 1
Until something goes wrong or they want to customize the system. It will backfire quickly.
1 2 1
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
1 1 1
2 1

Actual neat things you've bought off temu?

no i don't need to hear the lecture on why i shouldn't buy off temu, idc about data collection and my credit bureaus are frozen, thanks.

Lol keep downvoting neckbeards, I find it hilarious. I like that this site is literally just reddit chuds but on a different url.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
12 64

What is your default sort?

I haven't seen a thread on this in a while. I have been going with top day for a while, but it can be hit or miss. Other sorts don't seem to display as good in terms of balancing quality and quantity. What is your preferred sort for your main feed?

Edit: Realizing that the people who sort new commented before the hot/top/active people, haha

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
12 3

Minetest 5.9.0 is here!

It looks alright but the UX is IMO bad.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
The UX is probably the best thing about it. Better than anything else by a long shot. I really wish others would catch up and abandon the Windows 95 UX. They're just so clunky and stuck in the past.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Why Wayland adoption to have official support in programs is so slow?

Wayland seems ready to me but the main problem that many programs are not configured / compiled to support it. Why is that? I know it's not easy as "Wayland support? Yes" (but in many cases adding a flag is enough but maybe it's not a perfect support). What am I missing? Even Blender says if it fails to use Wayland it will use X11.

When Wayland is detected, it is the preferred system, otherwise X11 will be used

Also XWayland has many limitations as X11 does.


As a disclaimer: I really like Wayland and use it as my daily driver for months now with KDE/Proton.

Now my answer, based on my best knowledge:

Because there is no real Wayland to implement, the base Wayland protocols are extremely bare bone and most of the heavy lifting is done by all the different wayland compositors like hyprland, plasma, Mutter, weston, wlroots, gamescope so as a developer you don't have one target to program against (X11) but lots of different wayland implementations and those are not always doing things the same way or providing the identical interfaces/API or have the same level of features.

On my system is at least one wayland only program that works absolutely fine when started in a wlroots environment but crashes (reproduceable on different systems) with a segmentation fault in Mutter or Plasma.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
Because Wayland is STILL lacking a lot of things that people need.
Could you give me some examples so I can understand what's missing and being waited on?
Someone above mentioned screen reader support for blind use accessibility stuff. For users who are blind, this is critical.
It's the opposite for me. X11 is unusable on my laptop because it doesn't support fractional scaling well, whereas on my desktop it doesn't allow for a multi monitor setup with different refresh rates. Both dealbreakers are not present with Wayland. Though your point still stands; NVIDIA GPUs continue to suck more with Wayland than X11 for example.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
174 3 1
themoonisacheese lemmy (AP)
Completely agree. Also, fuck the artificial scarcity culture in mk. Why are DSA drifters a collector item, they're pretty but there's nothing that says only 500 of them must exist.
1 1
wjrii lemmy (AP)
DSA drifters

Had to look that one up myself. I can't think of anything in particular that would keep them from re-running it, unless it's maybe something to do with the licensed IP from the game? Also, DSA seems to be a bit out of fashion for the collectors, though it looks like TheKeyCompany already ran it once in KAT profile.

I support people working to get the stuff they like made for small runs, and understand that those runs will sort of necessarily be higher priced, based on the small number of companies willing and able to do community designs at reasonable minimum-order-quantities. There's still a point for me though, where the rewards and loyalty that are expected can feel a little naive, and that's all I'm saying. Hell, a lot of time it's not even the designers themselves (especially veteran designers), but rather gatekeepers within the broader hobbyist community.


Is FreeSync over HDMI not supported in linux even for FreeSync compatible monitors?

I recently made a post about my FreeSync certified monitor not supporting VRR over HDMI. I thought that there was VRR support over HDMI even for versions below 2.1 spec. Am I mistaken in my assumption¿? Has the HDMI forum prevented the implementation of FreeSync in the open source drivers¿?

Obligatory fuck the HDMI forum and the HDMI spec.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
I have freesync on my laptop with the inbuilt screen.

Me too!

I am guessing that is because the internal displays in laptops are connected using an embedded DisplayPort(eDP) and not HDMI

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

What distro do you use for your servers?

I use proxmox and run Debian containers and VMs

Imagine a "woke mob": Who's in it? What do they look like? What would they do?

I've heard this phrase used often by those on the right but every time I hear it I can't help but laugh because of what I picture in my head. But perhaps my image is wrong! I want to read everyone else's depictions.

So as to not influence the responses I will not be sharing what I imagine a "woke mob" looks like.

3 4

Take every group conservatives are afraid of, combine them into one person, copy variations of that person into a crowd and add pussy hats.

This is not a group that actually exists, but I'm not expecting the "woke mob" person to be describing reality anyway.

I'm struggling to picture the pussy hats
A woke mob is literally every mob. Sleeping people just sorta lie there.
4 1

My neighbor is moving and their trailer is parked pretty sketchy. Should I say something?

I really want to just go put something under the wheels but I've never talked to these people.

Update edit: thank you for all the replies. I went over and knocked but no answer. It's definitely not chocked. If I see them come home I'll go back over. I'm worried as soon as the weight shifts loading it that it will just go down the hill.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
114 7
Nope. Let them dipshits learn the hard way.
The neighbors across the street would learn the hard way that other people need to chock the wheels on their unattended trailers
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

What is the largest file transfer you have ever done?

I'm writing a program that wraps around dd to try and warn you if you are doing anything stupid. I have thus been giving the man page a good read. While doing this, I noticed that dd supported all the way up to Quettabytes, a unit orders of magnitude larger than all the data on the entire internet.

This has caused me to wonder what the largest storage operation you guys have done. I've taken a couple images of hard drives that were a single terabyte large, but I was wondering if the sysadmins among you have had to do something with e.g a giant RAID 10 array.

168 7
Not that big by today's standards, but I once downloaded the Windows 98 beta CD from a friend over dialup, 33.6k at best. Took about a week as I recall.
I remember downloading the scene on American Pie where Shannon Elizabeth strips naked over our 33.6 link and it took like an hour, at an amazing resolution of like 240p for a two minute clip 😂

Should one remove all Reddit posts and comments?

Do the advantages of deleting one's entire Reddit history outweigh the disadvantages?

I have previously nuked my first Reddit account because it felt satisfactory to be completely detached from a platform one considers unethical/bad. Though, I have garnered quite some history on a second account—because Duty Calls*, of course—and I'm considering doing the same.

However, I don't want to do it impulsively. I think I might be blind to some disadvantages. What do you think?



I think it's generally pointless, spiteful, and only harms ordinary users who might someday have found value in coming across your old posts on Reddit from a search. It doesn't harm Reddit itself, the "value" of your individual account is very small compared to their vast archive. And they still have it, deletion just removes it from the public-facing front end. If the reason you're deleting it is because you don't want AI to be trained on it, that ship has long ago sailed. There are downloadable archives of Reddit floating around that it will never be deleted from.

So I wouldn't bother.

Reddit admins have already put things in place to counter editing or deleting comments.

I deleted an account from 2011 yet when I searched on Google for " account name", it listed loads of posts with their previous content (I used the script that changed all the contents before deleting).

All SM sites have been doing this for a while: they'll shadow delete your account but will retain all the data.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
60 4
I have to admit, I really don't like this. The old logo looked pretty neat and the "://" part was a stroke of genius.
They even implemented it in Firefox: moz://a redirects to

I just finished this, yes it took me a month.

I found his literary style, very compelling, it was a fun read.

I found his predictions while interesting, not very clairvoyant. BeOS is sadly no longer with us.

I did like his tie-in to the Church of the simulation at the end, though this predates the official organization of such an church.

I think it was a thought-provoking essay, I disagreed with some aspects of this predictions, especially around what a monopoly is. It's thought-provoking. It's a good read. It is not gospel

He did talk about hacker culture, and anybody being able to fix anything, but was not able to make the connection between BeOS and proprietary license and Linux with an open license. The death of BOS followed one year from the creation of this essay

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 week ago)
Quintus lemmy (AP)

I agree with all you've said. Especially the monopoly part is where I disagreed the most. This is a good document to inform people about the ideology behind computers. Well, would be if not for those mistakes you have mentioned.

Other than those, as you have said, it's a thought-provoking essay.

1 1

What's a piece of technology you LOVE the progress of?

We talk a lot about enshittification of technology, so tell me about technology that is getting better!

I personally love the progress of electric scooters. I've been zooming around on a 400$ escooter for a year and it works so well. It has a range of around 20 miles and top speed of 15 mph, so it works just super well for my uses, and 10 years ago scooters with that range/speed/price were no where near a thing.


LED technology has progressed massively and is now at the state where you can carry a device with the lighting power of a car headlamp but it only consumes 10W, weighs 200g and fits in the palm of your hand. I can ride my bike through the woods at night, as if it were daytime. All we need now is some technology that makes the woods less creepy after sundown and we'll be all set.

Another big one for me is Wikipedia and the information sphere in general. I forgot what it's like to have to physically go to a library to look something up or learn a new skill, amazing power at our fingertips. Showing my age a bit here.

What else? Computer aided engineering tools, cordless power tools, phones and computers in general, lithium ion batteries, my automated coffee maker kills it, drug technology, I like it all.

cordless power tools

Each tool had their own battery, it discharged so fast and degraded even faster, and forget buying new batteries because the manufacturer decided to change the design again and either you’re stuck with a drill that only works for five minutes or buy a new one.

Now batteries last an eternity, and because each brand has their own ecosystem, as long as you buy tools from the same brand you can use the batteries you already have. And also the brands has no incentive to change the design and break the compatibility of the batteries, it would alienate the costumers who spent a lot of money on the tools and would go for another ecosystem.

Remember when batteries had 'memory' and would charge dramatically less over time?
Phone batteries still do that
Usually that's less to do with the battery and more to do with all of the apps on the phone. Try factory resetting or running in safemode and see how long the battery lasts in comparison
I only have 1 app active in the background and it's a custom DNS. I'm very good about keeping all my apps closed when I'm not using them and notifications are disabled for most apps.

On android its actually weirdly difficult to tell what apps are or are not causing battery drain, especially on Android 8 and newer (android 7.11 had the best battery usage graph of any android version, it would even show all of the "wake time" in comparison to screen time so it was very easy to tell if it was doing stuff in the background a lot) My understanding is that if the apps are going through the Google Play Services APIs to do stuff it won't show up on your battery usage graphs.

It also doesn't help that the square button just shows you the "recent apps screen" where it shows apps which you've used recently in chronological order and may or may not have a state saved in memory/swap and may or may not currently be running in the background.

So basically, Android annoyingly just does stuff and you have to trust it. And if you're getting extra battery drain, seriously try Safemode and see if it drains noticeably slower in Safemode. Or factory reset and be slow about reinstalling apps to see if you notice a change when one gets installed

I see, interesting. Do you know if there's a way to completely prohibit an app from running in the background other than just using the "restricted" battery mode for it, which doesn't stop it completely?
I'm really not aware of any way to see what is or isn't actually running on your phone at any given moment. It sucks because it really does send you on a wild goose chase and leads to a lot of unnecessary ewaste when people replace their phones not knowing they just need to get rid of some apps to sort their battery life
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
VanHalbgott lemmy (AP)

Does the Evercade family of consoles count?


The original Evercade portable.


The Evercade VS home console.

They’re coming out with new hardware too!

Atari makes good retro consoles too and recently released the 7800+ that comes out later also.

1 1

What's your PP care routine?

I just rinse it with water then with diluted dettol. And let it air dry after wash. Twice a day (morning & evening).

I was wondering whether I should apply any moisturizer after wash or not.

Troubleshooting a desktop that does not go into sleep mode/suspend

Hello all, for a few weeks/months now, my computer has stopped going into suspend mode. Here is what happens when putting it to sleep (using GNOME's power menu) or using systemctl suspend:

  1. Display turns off, peripherals turn off (keyboard lights off etc), fans spin up before sleep as usual
  2. Fans go back to idle speed, computer stays on
  3. Have to press the keyboard, wake the display up and go in the power menu again to suspend it (from the lock screen), and it works every time like this.

I have no idea what could be preventing suspend and what I could find online did not really help a lot. I don't think it is a USB device because I tried unplugging most of them except my mouse or my keyboard and it still did not work, and the second time on the lock screen it always suspends like intended

  • Distro: Fedora 40
  • DE: Gnome 46
  • GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti (Wayland)
  • CPU: Intel 10850K
  • MB: Gigabyte Z590 Gaming X
    (everything is up to date)

thx !

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Hmm, it's definitely doing something, so it could be worth investigating, but instead of going to sleep mode it simply turns off the monitor and on its own 1s later turns back on
I'm running Manjaro and I was having this exact problem for several weeks, up until about two weeks ago when a new update fixed everything. I would just not worry about it until your next major OS update.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

[CLOSED] after any any pacman manipulation my layout set up is broking

I using sddm and installed awesomeWM. And using /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup for my dvorak layout(setxkbmap us -v dvorak). But after each pacman update or installation my configuration is not working. I'm new to artix/arch, so can you help me?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Strikes on the Seim river crossings (speculation/discussion)

I'm pretty sure the 3rd pre-war bridge was taken out (yesterday?). So, all Russia has left is the pontoon bridges (2?) and possibly one was taken out earlier today.

To me, it seems Ukraine is trying to trap troops and equipment below the river and get a large personnel surrenders and equipment recovery.

Linux: We need Tiling Desktop Environments

Xyre lemmy (AP)
I have been working on a Wayland Tiling WM and have thought about expanding more into the DE space. While it's finally starting to get to a good spot, it's pretty daunting to consider all of the other items that need to be developed for a fully-featured DE. Especially when it's something I'm doing as a side project after my day job. I think for anything bigger it'd require financial backing, for which open source projects are still struggling to find a good solution.

Jason Novinger via Python lemmy (AP)

Layman's Guide to Python Built-in Functions · Matt Layman

24 1 1
ericjmorey lemmy (AP)
4 1 1


skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Ente Photos si aggiorna con un'interessante novità chiamata Guest view

Ente Photos si aggiorna e la versione 0.9.27 introduce alcune interessanti novità:


Prima di tutto viene inserita la modalit Guest view. In sostanza serve a far vedere delle foto dal proprio smartphone ad alcune persone senza che queste possano sbirciare (appositamente o incosciamente) anche su tutte le altre foto della vostra galleria.

Baster selezionare le foto e premere poi si Guest view. Si apriranno esclusivamente quelle foto e anche scorrendo avanti e indietro saranno le uniche a vedersi. Se avete anche attivata la protezione per tornare agli album su Ente si dovr inserire il PIN o usare lo sblocco biometrico.

Un'altra novità è il miglioramento della visione delle foto panoramiche e delle foto a 360° e infine c'è un nuovo player video che migliora il controllo e supporta l'HDR. Personalmente mi auguro anche che questo cambio serva a migliorare la velocità di caricamento dei video in streaming!

Link al GitHub di Ente


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Pocket Broomball, un hockey da tavolo 1vs1 per Android e iOS


Anark Karabey via Monero lemmy (AP)

Checkout if you still haven't

It has lots of useful listings, and then it also has this one:

😂Rofl, make monero fun to use again!


UnpopularCrow via Dogs lemmy (AP)

Chew toys for extreme chewers

I have a 40 lb Samoyed who is a specific type of aggressive chewer. It isn’t so much she destroys any toy I give her because of how hard she chews, but rather she is like a sniper. She finds the weak point in a toy and carefully chews it until the toy is destroyed. I had to stop giving her stuffed toys as she stripes the fur off of them and eats it. While nylon bones work, she will go through them in a few days. And I don’t want to give her toys so hard they will wreck her teeth.

The problem is when I go to pet stores, all the toys labeled for “aggressive chewers”, she finds the weak spot and destroys the toy within one day (sometimes within an hour).

I just recently got a tuffy ring and I was hopeful but she is chewing the ends and eating the fabric off of it.

Does anyone else have a dog like this and if so, what toys have worked for you?

Xyre lemmy (AP)
Pig ears and antlers have always worked well for me. You can buy sizable bags of them for pretty cheap, so it's not a big deal if they burn through them quickly.

Zozano lemmy (AP)

I got to believe sometimes in that theory that when we should've died, our consciousness escapes to a parallel reality.

I have had too many close calls. Statistically, I probably shouldn't be alive.

This one time my motorbikes front brake seized up as I slowed down to an intersection. I was thrown off my bike and landed as the lane cleared.

Then the time I worked as a glazier and this dipshit dropped a giant pane of glass on his toe, which snapped in half and almost decapitated me.

Then another time I was a half-second away from being t-boned on my drivers side door by someone doing 80km/h, thank you videogames for training my spacial awareness and reaction time.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
Xyre lemmy (AP)
IIRC, it was Neal Stephenson's Anathem that had a similar line of thought. It was something to the effect of your consciousness warping to a parallel reality at the moment of death, provided there was a reality where you were still alive.

Dopo quasi due anni Native Alpha riceve un aggiornamento!

Come da titolo, l'applicazione Native Alpha (che alcuni pensavano ormai abbandonata) ha ricevuto un aggiornamento dopo quasi due anni. L'aggiornamento porta l'app alla versione 1.4.0 e il changelog parla di:

  • L'ordine delle Web App nel menu può essere modificato
  • Sono supportati i download di file
  • Il menu contestuale personalizzato di Alpha può essere disattivato in modo da visualizzare il menu contestuale standard del browser
  • Aggiunta la traduzione in italiano
  • Aggiornamenti generali e tecnici della versione

Native Alpha è un'applicazione abbastanza interessante che permette di sfruttare e gestire meglio le webapp e nella sua versione a pagamento permette anche di isolare le webapp l'una dall'altra.

È disponibile un po' ovunque e trovate i vari link nella sua pagina GitHub.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Revengate, un’avventura e un gioco di ruolo rouguelike


Any scientific explanation to what happened to me ?

A few minutes ago I suddenly woke up , I didn't sleep well

At the beginning everything was normal , then I blinked and ...

The lighting suddenly became more yellow (and unnatural) and the closet I was looking at turned into a frightening and shocking appearance (the closet itself, it was vandalized in a way that I can't even remember to describe).
I remained in shock for three or four seconds, then I found myself closing my eyes tightly ( it was an involuntary reaction ), and when I opened my eyes again, everything returned to normal.

This is the first time in my life that this has happened to me

So ... any scientific explanation?

Thanks in advance

They said they were “in shock for three or four seconds”, and they describe their only movement during the episode—closing their eyes—as involuntary.

We need to consider OP’s actual physiological response, not just the vocabulary they use to describe it.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Ok - not describing any movement, does not mean that they did not move, or were unable to. Just like not describe their breathing or heartbeat, does not mean that they were not able to breathe or had a cardiac arrest.

Further more, they mention that they were in a chock for 3-4 seconds, after seeing the closet change appearance. Anyone would be that while experiencing a hallucination or something that they perceive unnatural. Also they say that they initially woke up and everything was normal, to start with. If it had been sleep paralysis, this would not be the case.

In any case, this is not programing - it is a human describing a weird situation. If it had been sleep paralysis, you would expect them to specifically describe their inability to move, and not describe it as in being in a shock.

I am much more prone to agree with the other user, who mention hypnagogia, or rather just a case of prolonged transition between sleep and awake.



psybernaut via Linux lemmy (AP)

LibreSpeed - Speed Test

Free and Open Source Speed Test. No Flash, No Java, No Websocket, No Bullshit.
Player2 lemmy (AP)
Forgot to mention earlier, Steam is an example of a real world situation where I do actually hit around 1.5 Gb/s down
vithigar lemmy (AP), Steam, well populated torrents, and the Star Citizen patcher are the only things I've experienced my full downstream of 1.5Gbps with.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

CraigOhMyEggo via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

Do you have a form of government you invented/conceived, either as an idea or for fiction (or a favorite from someone else)? How does it work?

As kids, we're told only people who go to college/university for politics/economics/law are qualifiable to make/run a country. As adults, we see no nation these "qualified" adults form actually work as a nation, with all manifesto-driven governments failing. Which to me validates the ambitions of all political theorist amateurs, especially as there are higher hopes now that anything an amateur might throw at the wall can stick. Here's my favorite from a friend.
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