uthredii via Python lemmy (AP)

uv: Unified Python packaging

TL;DR: uv is an extremely fast Python package manager, written in Rust.
98 2 1
uthredii lemmy (AP)
I don't think they have anything to do with each other, it looks like uses conda packages.
ericjmorey lemmy (AP)
Conda is their primary focus, but they support well more than conda packages.
1 1

Honytawk lemmy (AP)

Eh, it isn't so bad as long as you take precaution.

Wear gloves and a mask, and make sure to keep your tools separate.

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
I wonder how may people that have bought a $250 printer from Amazon are taking those precautions or even know they need to.

MicroWave via politics lemmy (AP)

Harris, Biden to campaign together for first time since he dropped out of presidential race

Vice President Harris and President Biden will make their first joint campaign trip next week since he dropped out of the 2024 presidential race, the White House announced Friday morning.

Politico reported that Harris now wants Mr. Biden's support in battleground states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan, where he's still popular, especially with older white voters.

But he would ensure that the spotlight stayed on Harris, embarking mainly on a limited campaign schedule in the fall, the outlet said.

timbuck2themoon lemmy (AP)
They are not targeting deranged loonies like you're talking about.
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
There are more deranged loonies who vote than sane people who have better things to do than vote. The loonies run public discourse now. Have to pay attention to them or one ends up being blindsided when a loonie candidate gets voted in.

moreeni via Gaming lemmy (AP)

'Fallout: London' Is The Most Surprisingly Terrifying Game In The Series

Fallout: London is a must-play. The marriage of Fallout 4’s more modern gameplay and New Vegas’ exemplary role-playing mechanics is a match made in heaven, one that occasionally surpasses Bethesda’s 2015 game.
BruceTwarzen lemmy (AP)
It just shows that Bethesda is absolutely dogshit in making good games.
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
They make game engines and rely on the community for the rest.

5 months

My first project, I love it so much but I did something wrong with the magic rings as they keep unraveling 🙈
Thank you!! I'm debating making it wider lol, but I made the corned pieces a different color, so I'm not sure how I wld go Abt it
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
I say just yolo it and make it crazy colours. Life is too short to have matching colours

GingaNinga lemmy (AP)
It was halo 3 custom games and race tracks for me. Halo just is 't the same anymore.
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
Mongoose death races in forge on Sandtrap using lots of plasma coils…

SavvyWolf via Ask Lemmy lemmy (AP)

How much do Americans actually pay for healthcare?

Hey all, I'm British so I don't really know the ins and outs of the US healthcare system. Apologies for asking what is probably a rather simple question.

So like most of you, I see many posts and gofundmes about people having astronomically high medical bills. Most recently, someone having a $27k bill even after his death.

However, I have an American friend who is quick to point out that apparently nobody actually pays those bills. They're just some elaborate dance between insurance companies and hospitals. If you don't have insurance, the cost is lower or removed entirely. Supposedly.

So I'm just asking... How accurate is that? Consider someone without insurance, a minor physical ailment, a neurodivergent mind and no interest in fighting off harassing people for the rest of their life.

How much would such a person expect to pay, out of their own pocket, for things like check ups, x rays, meds, counselling and so on?

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
When I used to live in the states my family would pay something like $2500/month for health insurance that covered all of us. Don’t know what the deductible was but apparently this was a very good plan. This was back around 2000.

Minetest 5.9.0 released!

CollinTG lemmy (AP)
How is mine test these days? I haven’t tried it since I was in a kid and couldn’t afford Minecraft
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
With the current fork of Mineclonia 2 it’s identical to Minecraft
Nemoder lemmy (AP)
I'm also confused, in the mod browser I see Mineclonia and Mineclone2 but no Mineclonia2. Which is better?
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
That’s my bad. It’s Mineclonia that you want. I confused the names since Mineclonia is a fork of Mineclone2. You can also check out Voxelibre. Apparently it’s also a clone.
Ascend910 lemmy (AP)
Oh cool, can you link to the github repo?
Because I am not sure which fork we are talking about 😛
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
There’s no GitHub link, the add-on is inside Minetest when you search all available community plugins. Just type “mineclone” into the search bar and you’ll find two plugins. I use Mineclonia but Voxelibre is another one. Haven’t tried it though so can’t recommend.
Ascend910 lemmy (AP)
btw, what texture pack do you use with Mineclonia to make it look more like Minecraft? Or you just use original textures?
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
I just use original textures. I’m sure there’s a texture pack that mimics Minecraft but I haven’t bothered
MonkeMischief lemmy (AP)
Considering what M$ has done to Minecraft, that's immensely AWESOME to know! I really need to put some time into Minetest / mineclonia...
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)

It’s a nice shot of nostalgia if you’ve dropped out of Minecraft for a while. I didn’t realize how hard the game was haha. Died so many times just trying to build a base.

Had wood floors down and came back onto the server to find a lightning storm caused a fire and burnt down all my trees and exposed wood floors 😭

Bo7a via Ask Lemmy lemmy (AP)

Anybody familiar with optician work able to tell me if this optician was lying?

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)

I’m in Canada and I’ve had opticians do this. They are full of shit. You need your distance between pupils and prescription (and possibly cylinder measurements if you have astigmatism) to buy glasses. They are preventing you from buying from other people and are trying to convince you that you must buy from them.

Email them asking for the prescription and cc their head office if they have one. If they refuse, tell them that what they are doing is illegal in Canada. An optician MUST give a patient their prescription but it does not require the distance between pupils.

macniel ActivityPub

SDUC supports up to one hundred and twenty eight Terabytes O.o

Who in the world requires so much Storage on a tiny SD card?!

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
Steamdeck game library
macniel ActivityPub
That's a lot of games/applications then, is the card reader fast enough though?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
I’ve been using a 1tb sd card with mine and my steam library. Not any noticeable difference in speed between the internal ssd and micro sd.
Petter1 lemmy (AP)

Luckily there is a m.2 slot in the deck 😉

And in general as well, does it make more sense to use m.2 Type-2230 SSD instead of SD cards, these days. Way faster and way more robust.

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)

Not really super feasible for the average user to crack apart the plastic casing and reformat the new m.2 slot (since there is only one) with a new SteamOS partition.

I think you’ll find 95% of all steam deck users will prefer popping in a microsd than doing some pc building.

PriorityMotif lemmy (AP)

It's not too hard. Make a direct copy of the old drive to an external drive. Install the new drive. Do a direct copy back onto the new drive from the external. Expand the partition to the new size.

Or you can install the new drive and reinstall steam os.

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
For you and me no it’s not too hard at all. But you and I aren’t the average consumer. The average consumer buys it and uses it like a console. To the average consumer, this is impossible. Very few people are going to open it up and conduct what they would consider computer surgery.

Harris proposes raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, rolling back a Trump law

Cephalotrocity lemmy (AP)
Awwww.... Raise it above the old 35% tax rate at least.
Xyre lemmy (AP)
And index it against inflation. 😉

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Plexus, un'applicazione utile per chi utilizza smartphone degooglizzati, si è aggiornata alla versione 2.x


Guida all'acquisto smartphone degooglati

Ho bisogno di un aiuto:

sto programmando di cambiare smartphone per prenderne uno che abbia un os Android senza i servizi Google.
Ho guardato un po' in giro e mi sembra che il fairphone 5 venduto sul sito murena con il loro sistema operativo sia una buona scelta. Ho anche visto il sito di calyxos, che ti vende un google pixel 8 con il loro os appunto, ma non saprei.
Ma il telefono costa uno sproposito, ed è abbastanza bruttino esteticamente.
la mia domanda è: conoscete siti dove acquistare smartphone con queste caratteristiche?

-os degoogolato
-batteria rimovibile (preferibile)
-budget intorno ai 500 (anche meno se possibile)

Guida all'acquisto smartphone degooglati

crosspostato da:

Ho bisogno di un aiuto:

sto programmando di cambiare smartphone per prenderne uno che abbia un os Android senza i servizi Google.
Ho guardato un po' in giro e mi sembra che il fairphone 5 venduto sul sito murena con il loro sistema operativo sia una buona scelta. Ho anche visto il sito di calyxos, che ti vende un google pixel 8 con il loro os appunto, ma non saprei.
Ma il telefono costa uno sproposito, ed è abbastanza bruttino esteticamente.
la mia domanda è: conoscete siti dove acquistare smartphone con queste caratteristiche?

-os degoogolato
-batteria rimovibile (preferibile)
-budget intorno ai 500 (anche meno se possibile)

anon726 lemmy (AP)
Ciao a tutti. Io ho un Moto G32 con Calyx OS e uno con Lineage OS, conviene, secondo voi, passare al Pixel 8 (lo si può trovare anche a meno di 400€) e installare Graphene OS? O Calyx OS e Lineage OS sono più che sufficienti? Grazie
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

L'app di Mega per Android si aggiorna alla versione v14


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Gurgle, una versione open source di Wordle


Rimu via Fediverse piefed (AP)

Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
I can see the logic in that. I feel like the easier it is for someone to misbehave, the more quickly they'll be weeded out from a community, but I agree that there might be an increase in the effort required by individual users because of something like this.
The fact that downvoting is seen as possible misbehavior is enough for me to be extremely against public votes.

MumboJumbo lemmy (AP)

Cool. Doesn't matter.


Make a plan to vote.

Get your friends and family to vote.

Help your friends and family plan to vote.

Xyre lemmy (AP)
Also donate! It's unfortunate that money is a requirement for campaigning, but it is and helps win races.

NOT_RICK lemmy (AP)
it’s was not hers

Might already be there

Xyre lemmy (AP)
Plot twist, OP was homeschooled.

ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝 lemmy (AP)
Legitimate targets for what? Who wants to fight the US Navy?
Legitimate targets for what?

Who! not what, we are people too.

Legitimate targets for anyone with honor and dignity. People normally don't like foreign soldiers strutting around their land or water. I know you wouldn't tolerate Chinese or Russian navies doing the same. Don't expect us to accept what you wouldn't.

Who wants to fight the US Navy?

Lots do. Even if the means are limited.

lurch (he/him) lemmy (AP)
I think they meant "what" would attacking them accomplish. It just starts a useless fight with nothing to gain.
ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝 lemmy (AP)

My question was for what actions? Do you seriously think you can sink a US warship? At least pretend to be credible when making inane threats.

That said, the last foreign army occupying my homeland was Russian, depending on whether you consider foreign Chinese policemen on your streets a foreign army.

Bimo via Python lemmy (AP)

Cli Scraper designed to build your own Alibaba Dataset

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
23 1 1
Bimo lemmy (AP)
Oh thank you guys did you test it.
obbeel lemmy (AP)
I haven't tested it.

Torino e dintorni

Qualche utente linux / OpenSource fanatic in zona come da titolo?

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Organic Maps rimossa dal Play Store


skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Koofr Vault, un cloud storage con crittografia zero-knowledge, è anche su F-Droid


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Principia, un incredibile gioco basato sulla fisica


skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Se usate Brave su GrapheneOS e non vi funziona il password manager ecco la soluzione

Come da titolo, se utilizzate il browser Brave su GrapheneOS, con o senza i servizi di Google attivi, quasi certamente non vi funzionerà l'autofill del vostro password manager.

Non è del tutto chiaro di chi sia la colpa, anche se probabilmente di Brave dato che l'autofill dei password manager funzionano bene sugli altri browser su GrapheneOS (compreso Vanadium).

Detto questo ho scoperto come far funzionare il tutto anche senza i servizi di Google attivi.

  • Aprite da Brave questo indirizzo: brave://flags
  • Cercate questo campo: Enable the setting to provide a virtual view structure for Autofill
  • Abilitate Enabled Without Compatibility Check
  • Salvare e riavviare il browser

Ora andando in Impostazioni trovate un campo senza icona chiamato Autofill Options


Da qui selezionate Use Other Providers.

Ora dovrebbero funzionare tutti gli autofill dei password manager senza problemi! ✌️

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

elena via Fediverse lemmy (AP)

Lemmy interoperability with other Fediverse projects


filippodb - fddt via devol lemmy (AP)

Migrazione in corso!


❗️Stiamo migrando su un nuovo server, al momento è in fase di test e ricomincerà a funzionare senza prolemi solo a lavori completati.

❓Peertube Uno è la prima istanza video italiana del fediverso, ha 5 anni e circa 600GB di video caricati, ma il server che ci ospitava non riusciva più a fornire un servizio completo da almeno un anno.

🚀Stiamo spostando Peertube su un server più performante che finalmente risolverà tutti i problemi e i limiti che avevamo finora.

➡️ Aggiornamenti a breve 🙏



slyuser via Python lemmy (AP)

dht11 sensor with arduino

11 2 1
FizzyOrange lemmy (AP)
Those sensors are pure trash. Use SHT-75 or SHT-85 if you actually care about getting a real value. More expensive though.
2 1
Midnitte lemmy (AP)
I believe the DHT22 is also much better than the DHT11
4 1

adr1an via Python lemmy (AP)

Efficiently Manage Memory Usage in Pandas with Large Datasets

cross-posted from:
14 1
peanuts4life lemmy (AP)
I would love to ask the ai that generated the image why that panda in the center is sweating.
4 1
BitSound lemmy (AP)
At this point if I feel like getting fancy with Pandas, I'd reach for Polars first. My experience with it so far has been great
2 1

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Proton introduce il piano per le coppie: ecco Proton Duo


skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

[VIDEO] Ripensare gli smartphone per rivendicare il nostro tempo e liberarci di Google

Volevo segnalare e condividere questo video di abbastanza interessante dove viene mostrato in tutto il suo splendore anche GrapheneOS.

Il video in sé non è incentrato su Graphene ma ha diversi spunti interessanti su come vivere senza Google, e più in generale senza le Big Tech, e l'ansia da notifica.

A livello personale non condivido alcune opzioni come ad esempio Spotify crackato (secondo me è meglio sfruttare RiMusic o simili) ma in linea generale penso che il video sia interessante anche per come ha pensato di strutturare i vari profili d'uso e il modo con cui viene utilizzato lo smartphone.

Un breve video, registrato in presa diretta, per raccontare come ho ripensato il mio smartphone e documentare il punto di partenza del mio tentativo di degooglizzare il mio telefono e di difendermi dalle dinamiche predatorie delle piattaforme. No alla reperibilità perenne.

Il video è su PeerTube.


pnutzh4x0r via Python lemmy (AP)

Core Python developer suspended for three months

The Python Steering Council has decided to suspend a core Python developer for three months for alleged Code of Conduct violations.

Citing the recommendation of the Code of Conduct Working Group, Python developer Thomas Wouters revealed on behalf of the Steering Council that the unidentified developer was deemed to have repeatedly violated the Python Software Foundation (PSF) Code of Conduct.

The suspended developer is Tim Peters, who told The Register it was fine to name him but declined to comment – beyond observing that one of his objections to the governance process is the secrecy involved.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
76 3 1
Seeing that list of offenses, I'm betting he's going to take this well and as an opportunity to learn and better himself. /s
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
13 8 1
sus lemmy (AP)
half of them just from the description are very obvious "we couldn't get enough examples of bad behavior on him so we had a brainstorming session of imaginary slights"
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
23 2 1
6 3 1
sus lemmy (AP)
If you read it carefully, Smith doesn't make any claim that anyone complained about Peter's conduct. It's speaking in general terms about the behavior of unnamed persons.
13 1

So the discussion about behaviors that mirror the suspension is not about the guy that was suspended? Come on.

In reference to the sexual harassment item:
Tim, obviously.

If somebody hears "discussed sexual harassment" and immediately says, "You must mean Tim Peters," I think the context of the whole thread is pretty clear.

4 2 1
sus lemmy (AP)
It's clearly referring to people in the plural. If the person on the council most vocally defending the council's decision to suspend can't say it in a reasonably straightforward manner, the simpler explanation is that that is not what they are talking about.
7 1

In the same comment from Smith:

I want to assure everyone that the points we made in the original post were so pointed exactly because of the complaints we received from community members.

The "points" being three of the items that appeared on the suspension. This is specifically about Tim Peters.

So to sum up: they received complaints specifically about Peters. Then said people (plural) complain and that's how they hear about it. If that's not clear, it's not the author's fault.

2 1 1
sus lemmy (AP)

The same comment touches on several topics, replying to 2 different people. These two statements being in the same comment is not evidence of them being about the same thing, and if the author expected readers to get that from it, it is absolutely the author's fault if their words got misinterpreted.

And in the next paragraph:

We importantly chose not to call anyone out by name in the there because our expectations aren’t about one person. All of us need to be aware of what is and isn’t okay and a lot of people were involved in the problematic threads, even if Tim, as self-identified here, was one big part

Again referring to multiple people.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
3 1

Referring to multiple people, Tim being a big part of those people. So it's primarily about Peters. You put it right there. Claiming it's not just about him in pedantics and weak af.

I can't tell if you picked up on my meaning when I mentioned the author's fault. If you didn't, maybe you're not great at interpretation.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
1 1
banshee lemmy (AP)

Having read the comment in context, I think Gregory was reaching. Tim generally communicates in a disarming manner and simply observed that he doesn't like how "sexual harassment training" sounds and prefers not to use that phrase.

It's also not clear if posts have been deleted or altered, so I might be missing something.

5 1
Complaining about what it's called isn't what a person taking it seriously would do. It's disruptive or subversive at best. With the general picture of his behavior from the suspension and his responses in the thread, I'm disinclined to believe his comments were merely said in a disarming manner.
3 4 1
FizzyOrange lemmy (AP)

So either you agree with what it's called or you're "disruptive" and should be banned? Hmm.

I read a load of his comments and they seem quite reasonable. A million miles from ban-worthy.

4 1
Yes. If you pulled that at your job, you'd be fired. He got suspended because he refused to accept feedback, he kept pushing and showing he had no intention to change his problematic behavior. Some people don't get it until there are consequences to them.
1 5 1
FizzyOrange lemmy (AP)

If you "made light of sexual harassment training" at your job like this you would be fired?

And I lost count of how many times an executive at a startup I’ve worked for was charged with sexual harassment. The outcome was always the same: nothing actually happened to them, but the entire company was sentenced to days of “sexual harassment prevention” training, as part of the deal the bigwig cut to get off easy. By now I must be one of the most highly trained people on Earth in that specialty :wink:.

Jesus you should leave now! That's not ok. (At least in countries with proper labour laws; I guess in America they can fire you for anything.)

I mean I wouldn't advise writing that on your company Slack, but nowhere I have ever worked would fire you for it.

In any case the Python community isn't a company & as far as I understand it Peters isn't getting paid.

2 1
3 1
FizzyOrange lemmy (AP)
You seem to be giving a lot more leeway to interpretations of Peters’ words than my comparison. Odd.

It doesn't require any leeway. It's a totally mainstream opinion supported by actual research. It's only in woke CoC teams that comments like that are objectionable.

he’s also dismissing that it’s worthwhile to try and have an environment free from sexual harassment.

Complete misunderstanding of his comment. Read it again.

Gracefully accepting constructive criticism.

Lol the irony is overpowering.

4 2 1

There it is. Thanks for finally being explicit about the kind of person you are. People like you are the reason cocs have to be made in the first place. Don't bother responding, I'll be blocking you.

3 5 1
FizzyOrange lemmy (AP)
Thanks for finally being explicit about the kind of person you are.

As if wokeness isn't a thing 🙄

3 3 1
simplymath lemmy (AP)

wow. Someone besides either author got all the way here in the thread to downvote the guy saying open source communities shouldn't keep people around who make volunteers uncomfortable. Like, what exactly was lost here? A guys right to do free labor? Python is just about the worst language for any task you can imagine anyway, yet someone is going around spending their free time picking 3rd party fights about the community that manages it.

question for the downvoters:

Why do you care? Personally, I like having women and racial minorities in computer science. That's why I care.

But why would you defend Tim? Please note that I'm not saying you shouldn't-- it's just clear that this was never an argument in good faith.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
banshee lemmy (AP)
Tim mentioned several times that his concern was the community, and his comments all appear to foster inclusion. He seems to find a little more good in people than the steering committee allows.
9 1

From Peters in the thread:

Nobody talked about demographic markers because they didn’t matter to anyone.

That reads to me that things were better before inclusive language was around.

I think this also is a good response to a different point to made about being rational:

7 1 1
banshee lemmy (AP)

It seems like we're doing the human thing and interpreting things differently.

I read all of these comments in context on Discourse and came to my previous conclusions. The ban still seems out of place to me.

7 1
banshee lemmy (AP)

This piqued my curiosity after witnessing recent issues in the Nixpkgs community, so I poked around Discourse for a few minutes.

Wow... Tim seems like one of the nicest folks on the face of the planet. I don't get it.

Did I miss something? It seems like they're shooting themselves in the foot here.

Were the mods upset about this community discussion after Karl was banned?

24 2 1

yolo via F-Droid lemmy (AP)

F-Droid exploring to include paid apps, in-apps, subscription, and ads in app

F-Droid mastodon (AP)
As already said, F-Droid being a "DIY app store" allows everyone the freedom to make their own, as they see fit, and to include the apps that they want, funded as they need. We're not planning any changes to the F-Droid repo, which will remain fully FLOSS.

Sanders Poll Sends Clear Message to Harris: Pro-Worker Policies Are 'Also Good Politics'

"The simple fact is: Whether you're running for the White House or a city council seat, if you stand with working people, they will stand with you," said Sen. Bernie Sanders.
SineIraEtStudio lemmy (AP)

Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Tecnologia ubiqua ed analfabetismo tecnologico


Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

pnutzh4x0r via Python lemmy (AP)

GIL Become Optional in Python 3.13

GIL or Global Interpreter Lock can be disabled in Python version 3.13. This is currently experimental.

Python 3.13 brings major new features compared to Python 3.12 and one of them is free-threaded mode, which disables the Global Interpreter Lock, allowing threads to run more concurrently.

The GIL will be disabled when you configure the Python with the --disable-gil option which is nothing but a build configuration (free threading build) at the time of installation.

This will allow optionally enabling and disabling GIL using the environment variable PYTHON_GIL which can be set to 1 and 0 respectively.

It will also provide a command-line option -X gil which can also be set to 0 (disable) and 1 (enable).

64 3 1
ayyy lemmy (AP)
This doesn’t really jive with my understanding of semantic versioning/semver but I guess versioning is very challenging and political in the Pythonverse.
4 7 1
Jim lemmy (AP)

Python does not follow semver.

7 1
raman_klogius lemmy (AP)
what kind of a reptile is python that it still have GILs until recently?
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