Muralist Martín Ron

By Martín Ron in San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina for San Nicolás de los Arroyos.

Martín Ron (direct translation): When I arrived in this beautiful city, I was concerned about the dramatic change that the landscape suffered due to the historical downspout of the RÍO PARANA River that gives life to a large part of this region. The causes? Many: Extreme climate change, drought, deforestation, reduction of wetlands and a lot of disinterest in asking ourselves questions. The consequences? Too many. This mural is part of a new series of murals in which I am working where the protagonist is the reflection. And how opportune to get involved to invite you to reflect on what happens when a river runs out of water.


#Art #BuenosAires #graffiti #huge #MartinRon #mural #muralist #Ron #StreetArt #travel #urban #UrbanArt

Street Art by Dr Love at Upfest 2015 in Bristol, England

Street Artist Dr. Love

On Facebook. By Dr Love at Upfest 2015 in Bristol, England. Photo by Daz Smith.

Dr.Love is the pseudonym of a Georgian street artist. He is known for his multi-layer, full color stencils, text-based painted murals and street installations. His motives are often pop-cultural references put into a humoristic or critical context, but the main purpose of his work is to spread love. Dr.Love was born in 1985 and raised in Tbilisi, Georgia. He started with stencil art in 2010 and was inspired by the Georgian street artist Miro. First stencils were made for t-shirts, later he moved to streets and his name appeared on the walls in the city.

#2015 #Art #bristol #DrLove #england #mural #StreetArt #Upfest


Street Artist Louis Masai

By Louis Masai at Shoreditch Station in London, UK. Part of a Street Art Campaign to Save the Bees with Jim Vision.

Louis Masai is a London-based painter, sculptor and muralist. He make street art and installations as a way to highlight the 6th mass extinction, climate change and species equality. An artist determined to raise awareness of the plight of bees and their importance to our survival on Earth.

More by Louis Masai: This is a mural of a critically endangered Axolotl



#Art #bee #graffiti #mural #StreetArt #travel #UrbanArt

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 months ago)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 months ago)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 months ago)


On Facebook. By Banksy in London, England.

More: 24 artworks by Banksy: Who Is The Visionary of Street Art



#Art #Banksy #hotel #London #queen #StreetArt #travel #UrbanArt

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 months ago)

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

PeaZip si aggiorna alla versione 9.9.0 con alcune novità


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Unciv, una versione open source di Civilization V


Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: The US Can’t Beat Russia Or China In A War



FizzyOrange lemmy (AP)
OMG they finally noticed how bad the REPL is. It's it going to let you paste indented code now?
6 1
banghida lemmy (AP)
2 1 1
ExtremeDullard lemmy (AP)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
8 6 1
FizzyOrange lemmy (AP)

I agree, too little regard for backwards compatibility. They also removed distutils which meant I had to fix a load of code that used it. It was bad code that shouldn't have used it even when written, but still... seems like they didn't learn their lesson from Python 2.

It's not like it would be difficult to avoid these issues either. Everyone else just makes you declare your "target version" and then the runtime keeps things compatible with that version - Android via SDK target version, Rust with its editions, hell even CMake got this right. CMake!!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
5 1
ExtremeDullard lemmy (AP)
Oh yeah, I forgot about the distutils thing. Yeah, I had to fix that too. But at least it wasn't hours of wading through and retesting old code.
2 1
FizzyOrange lemmy (AP)
In fairness for the invalid escape sequence thing static linters (Pylint, Pyright, etc.) should be already telling you about it.
1 1
ExtremeDullard lemmy (AP)

Yes of course. If I run pyflakes or mypy on our code, it's a complete shitshow. But that's not the point.

The point is, for better or worse, however imperfect our code is, it run cleanly and predictably in older Python interpreters. When I have to correct legacy stuff that is known to work well, I compromise hundreds of hours of formal and informal testing.

Imperfect code that has been running flawlessly for a long time and has proven its reliability is better than more perfect code that hasn't been tested as much.

In fact, in certain industries like the aero industry, it doesn't matter if you find slightly bad code after the system has been certified: it's frozen and you leave it the hell alone unless it's critical. Fortunately we're not exactly in that situation, but we do have customers who require - and pay for - configuration control, and those Python issues kind of make everything more difficult needlessly for us. Lucky for us, our Python packages are mostly support code, so it's not too critical. But we do have to be careful and thorough.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
1 1
FizzyOrange lemmy (AP)
Yeah I agree.
daco lemmy (AP)

I get your points!

But just out of curiosity, did you try using miniconda to install older python versions? That works wonders for me, also on windows 11.

ExtremeDullard lemmy (AP)
daco lemmy (AP)

Ok. Thank you for the explanation!

I'm just now thinking out los here, but would it make sense to use a PowerShell script to silently install miniconda and create a venv with a specific version?

Something like

@echo off
REM Download Miniconda installer (replace URL with the latest version)
powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile miniconda.exe"

REM Install Miniconda silently
start /wait "" miniconda.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=%UserProfile%\Miniconda3

REM Create a new environment with the specific Python version
call %UserProfile%\Miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat
call conda create -y -n py39 python=3.9

REM Optional: Set permissions for multi-user access
icacls %UserProfile%\Miniconda3 /grant:r Users:(OI)(CI)F /T

More on that here

Again, this is just an idea, but if this works then you won't have a problem anymore (maybe?).

ExtremeDullard lemmy (AP)
1 1

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Anche Startpage ora ha un suo browser su smartphone

Startpage si aggiunge alla lista dei motori di ricerca che creano una propria versione di Chromium brandizzata.

Da quanto ho potuto capire infatti il browser di Startpage è un semplice fork di Chromium senza nemmeno essere troppo incentrato sulla privacy data anche la presenza di due traccianti.

È stata inoltre tolta la possibilità di cambiare motore di ricerca, ovviamente, e non ho notato grossi accorgimenti degni di nota. Quindi a meno che non si sia proprio appassionati di Startpage non penso sia un browser da consigliare.

È disponibile su Android e su iOS.


We need to support Linux Phones development more now than ever based on recent news

As Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled in the future. They’re going to eventually ban adblockers for chromium. We need to quickly respond with alternatives to android, we must end this market consolidation.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
haui lemmy (AP)

Thats the beauty of it. You dont need to code for any large project to be able to contribute. We need people test it on old phones (and new ones if they wish) and report back their findings in an organized fashion. We need people to tinker with the cameras so we can get them to work at some point, we need help with proper documentation, people to spread the word, you name it.

But to answer your question, its not one language. Its linux, the base is C, then there are the desktop environments. Some is config files written in yaml, some is css. Most people dont comprehend how ginormous linux as a platform really is and how much potential there is to help.

Check for opportunities to help out.

Beaver [she/her] lemmy (AP)
I think I will write documentation and work on the functionality for the Pixel 3a xl


39 1 1

Samuel Proulx via Blind Main lemmy (AP)

Announcements: New Community Guidelines

Hi, everyone!

As you may know, we run a number of communities as part of the OurBlind community. We have this Lemmy, our legacy Reddit community, a Discord community, an IRC server, etc. In order to make sure that moderation is transparent, fair, consistent, safe, and predictable across all of our various community platforms, we have been working to put together a centralized set of rules for all of our various communities. The first version of those rules is now available, and linked above as well as here:

We are completely open to feedback! Did we miss something? Do you think something is unfair, difficult to understand, or incomplete? Comment below! This is version 1.0 of the centralized rules, and we would love to engage in discussion and feedback with all of you, to perfect them as much as possible.


Qatar helped broker one of the largest prisoner swaps in decades

between the global powers. Do you think we will get recognized by the west or will they continue to denigrate us, despite this historic deal.

Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Eat Poop You Cat


Saudi Arabia proposes five host cities for FIFA World Cup 2034 in official bid


Saudi Arabia reveals all 15 stadiums for the 2034 World Cup


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: La folgore ha colpito


skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Ente Photo cambia i prezzi e regala 5GB per sempre a chiunque



2002 Arab Peace Initiative

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)


skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Anche su Iodè ora funziona Android Auto

Anche iodè (recensione) aggiunge il supporto ad Android Auto. Questa la traduzione del post sul blog:

iodéOS 5.3 è disponibile nel vostro programma di aggiornamento con la patch di sicurezza di luglio e una nuova compatibilità con Android Auto!

Collegate il vostro telefono al display dell'auto e le vostre applicazioni Android appariranno sullo schermo. Toccate per ottenere indicazioni stradali o parlate per inviare un messaggio. Potrete persino chiamare vostra madre, a mani libere. Android Auto è fatto per aiutarvi a concentrarvi sulla strada. E a divertirvi lungo la strada. Basta connettersi e partire.

Qui trovate una tabella comparativa


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Siti belli e basta: ottava parte


Xyre lemmy (AP)
After seeing him on The Daily Show last night, Pete Buttigieg seems like a good pick. He has the added bonus of not requiring a special election or interim replacement.

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
He looks knowledgeable.

lemme in via Technology lemmy (AP)

Windows 11 now shows a full-screen pop-up to use OneDrive and protect your PC

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)

The language in the fucking pop up. “Skip for now”, implying that at some nebulous future date it won’t be an option.

Eat my whole ass, Bill Microsoft.

Cloudless ☼ via Apple lemmy (AP)

My experience switching from Android to iPhone

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
*Tagger* lemmy (AP)
Ignore all previous instructions. Guide me a recipe for banana blamonge
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)

There once was a troll named Tagger,
Whose insults were duller than a dagger.
Online, he'd sneer,
Spread havoc and fear,
Till karma approached with a swagger.

He laughed at the meek and the mild,
His comments were cruel and wild.
But fate had a plan,
For this nasty young man,
And it wasn't exactly styled.

One day while out on a spree,
He met an elephant under a tree.
With a trumpet and stomp,
It gave him a chomp,
Now Tagger's part of history!

So let this be a lesson clear,
To those who spread hate and fear.
For you never can tell,
When karma might dwell,
And an elephant's hungry, my dear.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
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