lemmur via Linux lemmy (AP)

How to quit VIM?

First of all. This is not another "how do I exit vim?" shitpost.

I've been using (neo)vim for about two years and I started to notice, that I,m basically unable to use non-vim editors. I do not code a lot, but I write a lot of markown. I'd like to use dedicated tools for this, but their vim emulators are so bad. So I'm now stuck with my customized neovim, devoid of any hope of abandoning this strange addiction.

Any help or advice?

200 28 1
Kerb lemmy (AP)

i just use vim plugins in the other editors i use.

kate has a vim mode,
vs code has a vim plugin.
intellij has a vim plugin.
obsidian has a vim mode.
a lot of editors have vim modes.

if you have a current non vim markdown editor,
try looking for a vim mode.

if you dont, obsidian is all about markdown,
and vs code has a markdown preview plugin.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
2 1
akash_rawal lemmy (AP)

You have to practice switching between neovim and other editors.

You have forgotten how to use a normal editor. I am not making it up, it is a real phenomenon. Similar to when SmarterEveryDay learned to ride a backwards bicycle he forgot how to ride a normal bicycle and essentially had to re-learn it. You have to re-learn how to use a normal editor.


I have worked in optical, that coating is the anti-reflective coating that is coming off. You cannot take that coating off. It is baked on. Harsh chemicals will destroy the plastic lenses. It just degrades and comes off after a while, generally if it is less than 2 years they should be under warranty.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Thankfully it is glass, I may just have to take this to an optometrist and see if they can do it for me
Twitches lemmy (AP)
Just curious what country are you in? If you're in the USA why glass? I'm in the US and default material is plastic.
yokonzo lemmy (AP)

I don't think that's the default material, I've been moving around the US since 95' getting glasses in each state once a year when I was still on my parents insurance and every time I just get normal glass.

That might just be your provider or something

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
Twitches lemmy (AP)
Lol I was in the business for 10 years. Cr39 or polycarbonate is the most common material. There is a high index, I forget what the material is, for higher prescriptions because you can get the material thinner. Glass isn't very common, it's more expensive, it's heavy, it's thicker, and it's fragile. I'm not saying you don't have glass, it's just not the most common material. Very possible there was a notation made on your script by the doctor telling the optician you need glass and that may be why you've had glass this whole time.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

The really annoying thing is that these coatings used to be optional paid extras, and when I got some new lenses for the first time in almost a decade they quickly became blotchy and awful so I went back to get some more but this time with zero coatings.

Specsavers told me that's wasn't possible, that ALL lenses have these coatings now, it's not even optional.

Glasses lenses used to last years and years, now they're blotchy crap after only 3 or 4 years. Bloody ghets know what they're doing. And ripping us off while they're at it with their high prices £££

Vegan T-34 via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

How can we stop corporations from using Lemmy as a training dataset for AI?

Reddit third-party client ban closed user messages behind paywall. I think we the Lemmitors should stop AI training on us or at least monetise it (for our instances)
51 1 1
#!/usr/bin/woof lemmy (AP)
Pepper it with absolutely wrong or illogical information. I mean, you know, more than the usual amount.
HobbitFoot lemmy (AP)

No. If anything, Lemmy makes it easier than Reddit.

Reddit requires some form of web scraping. All Lemmy requires us making a server and connecting to other instances to get access to the server data.


178 78 1
Or we could use a combination of letters, sometimes referred to as a word, to represent it.
8 1 1
octochamp lemmy (AP)
I just think it's neat

68 1 1
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
some_guy lemmy (AP)

I grew antagonistic toward mgmt through the pan. The books were bad and there were two rounds of layoffs. I was included in the first round. They actually did me a favor because I was unhappy but too lazy to look for a different job. I got a better job (in every way - commute, pay, workload, etc) six months later. I'm approaching one year at the new gig.

I was unusually lucky.

2 1

richardisaguy via Linux lemmy (AP)

anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device

No, android does not count.

Is there anyone who daily drives Linux on apple silicon or other ARM hardware? If so, then how is your experience, would you recommend it?

For at least 3 years, I've been wanting to get an apple silicon mac to daily drive Linux on, lately I've been seriously considering getting one of these machines, or even other ARM hardware, like the thinkpad x13s or even the new Qualcomm laptops.

I'm pretty much sold on a used macbook air m1, but I still wish to hear what other people have to say

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
79 4 1
I got Asahi working on M1, and everything works fine aside from the camera and hibernation. The second is a bit of a bummer cause the battery keeps draining fairly quickly even when you put it to sleep.
Wispy2891 lemmy (AP)

main issue with apple stuff is the ridiculous pricing for memory.

$500 to add just 8gb of ram and 128gb of SSD? What's that, the year 2012?

It's 2024 and it's ridiculous that a $1500 laptop comes with the same amount of memory of a $300 Motorola smartphone

1 1 1

Rochelle via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

I am the only woman in a group text with 8 guy friends in a professional program - I would really appreciate your thoughts on this and why: is this acceptable/not a big deal? Weird? Scandalous?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
5 25 1
Pandemanium lemmy (AP)
I want to be friends and stay professional overall, while tapping into potential with the guy I like

These things are not really compatible. The sooner you learn that, you will have a lot less workplace drama. Your professional workplace should not be a dating pool. There is no reason to exclude the other women. Who cares if one of them lied? Are you the moral police? Just chill, and let people do what they want. You don't need to control the situation.

5 1
Rochelle lemmy (AP)
Thank you for sharing. Does that change at all if we are not currently at a workplace as in a company, but it is still a professional career-oriented program? I'm really not sure where else I am supposed to find a partner if not at a place where everyone is around the same age and well-rounded, especially when there's this time constraint. Dating is difficult!
1 1 1
Pandemanium lemmy (AP)
GreyEyedGhost lemmy (AP)
You were added to a group chat that was described to you as a way to make sure everyone got home safe. If you didn't want to be a part of it, you could have easily waited until everyone checked in, expressed your happiness that everyone was safe and removed yourself from the chat. If you didn't want another group forming without you being able to keep tabs, that obviously wouldn't work. So I have to wonder about your motivations when you don't take the easy and obvious way out.

DeltaWingDragon via Linux lemmy (AP)

Is it good practice to run a system without a syslog daemon?

If I'm using Arch or another minimal distro, is it a good idea to install a syslog daemon? Or can I go without?
38 3 1
DeltaWingDragon lemmy (AP)
Mounting /var/log in RAM just seems like more trouble than it's worth.
1 1
Markaos lemmy (AP)
Fair enough. I misunderstood, my bad.

Aurelius via Fediverse lemmy (AP)

Quiblr (Lemmy client) gets an open source update

Quiblr is Lemmy client with a bunch of cool features (e.g. For You feed, masonry posts, accessibility settings). Let me know what you think!
47 1 1
XNX lemmy (AP)
Theres a big empty space on the top of the screen when using it on ios as a PWA
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
2 1
Aurelius lemmy (AP)
Thanks for the feedback. I just pushed an update to Quiblr. This should be fixed now for PWA
1 1

CoderSupreme via Linux lemmy (AP)

How can I organize my ebook collection without file duplication?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
37 2 1
thejoker954 lemmy (AP)

In regards to another reply, there are multiple options of dealing with duplicates in calibre. From merging to deleting them.

It's been a while since I had to do any library setup with calibre and Im kinda confused by what you are saying with "but it duplicates files when importing in a different drive where I don’t want ebooks"

Do you have multiple libraries in calibre?

Are you using multiple library managers?

Why not just use calibres folder structure?

And also if you don't know about it - mobileread forums has been around a long time and has a whole section on calibre where you could probably get more specific help.

1 1
silkroadtraveler lemmy (AP)
Migrate to Calibre and use Calibre Virtual Libraries. However based on the comments I’m reading, it looks like you want something that is not application based. Good luck with that.
7 1

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
20 20 1
There is no first record, it's sadly eternal. Heck, homophobia exists in dolphins.
4 1
RavenofDespair lemmy (AP)
homophobia only exists in humans
3 1
If you define homophobia as targeting other individuals for their homosexuality, it's quite documented in dolphins. They will gang assault (the bad kind of gang assault) other dolphins they see as fair game, often based on what their relationship status is.
5 1
RavenofDespair lemmy (AP)
Interesting do you have a source I would like to read it
1 1

I have several.

Dolphins have definitely been observed demonstrating a mindset of "I don't care about your interests, you were born to serve my own."

1 1
RavenofDespair lemmy (AP)
This is just violent in Dolphins with no mention homosexually
1 1 1

Human civilization is a lot longer than history and a lot more complex than specific normative behaviors blipping into existence at some defined point in time. Check out The Dawn of Everything for a recent anthropological perspective.

Various cultures approach gender and sex (and thus sexuality) differently. Homophobia as we understand it can't exist universally because sexuality as a static individual trait isn't a universal conception. Though that doesn't mean there aren't other norms and deviations and whatnot.

Caliban and the Witch is adjacent to this topic and discusses how sex and gender norms developed out of middle age Europe.

1 1

Dust0741 via Linux lemmy (AP)

Latest KDE on debian 12

how would i go about getting the latest kde onto debian 12? is it worth it even?

EDIT: fine I wont try lmao

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
25 1 1
superkret ActivityPub

Compile the entire thing from source, manually install it in /opt, manually satisfy all its dependencies and create necessary simlinks and PATH variables.

And no.

2 1
Possibly linux lemmy (AP)
Maybe try getting it running in a container. Just shutdown your current display manager and then create a Fedora container with everything passed though. Theoretically it should work but I've never tried. There might be a permissions issue.

yokonzo via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

How do you interact with children?

I'm starting to reconnect with some of my old friends from high school but they have a 5-year-old now and I want to make a good impression but I don't really know how to interact with children. Do I just like ask them what their favorite Disney movie is or something?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
86 1
Evotech lemmy (AP)
Get really hyped and stuff. Show them stuff. Play with them
5 1
VelvetStorm lemmy (AP)
Tbh, I don't. I don't like kids, and I will do anything I can to avoid interacting with them.
1 3 1

frengo via Linux lemmy (AP)

How do you use Wine/Proton?

One of the biggest things holding me back from jumping definitively on Linux is possibly getting rid of the apps/games i'm comfortable with and know well. How do you exaclty use Wine/Proton? You install it, launch the app with it and pray it works? Are there ways to know what is not working and possibly try to fix them googling or reading the documentation?
46 1
Macaroni_ninja lemmy (AP)

Recently switched to Linux Mint.

There are really just a couple extra steps to set up Linux for gaming. In my opinion it takes less time to install proton ge, Lurtis or Heroic than downloading and installing GPU drivers on windows:)

For 90% I just download the game via Steam and enable Proton GE (if its not native) and play it straight away.

In some cases if Im not happy with performance I check the Proton DB page to see what settings/proton version/launch commands other people are using and that solves it 9 out of 10.

If you have GoG, Uplay, Epic, etc games just use Heroic or Lutris. Again, first time setup can take 20-30 min using a video tutorial, but after that its all good to go.

2 1
wuphysics87 lemmy (AP)

Probably not the answer you want to hear, but I just use steam and proton db. If something doesn't work or I can't fix it, it's the cost of freedom and I do without.

Bonus points you can be a moralistic douche when your friends give you a hard time. (You'll have to do without friends too.)


Energy efficiency of Linux compared to other, typically closed-source operating systems

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
My laptop came with win11 preinstalled... I used it like that for about 4 months. I can very confidently say installing Linux increased the battery duration of my laptop by about 20%.

riquisimo via Linux lemmy (AP)

Help: Bluetooth dongle needs to see "audio playing" to enable aptX, stuck in "calls" mode.

31 1
lurch (he/him) lemmy (AP)
idk but maybe watch your dbus for events when it works and if there are any, you can send one yourself or get your audio apps to do it. just a guess since a lot of stuff goes through dbus nowadays. you could also check the kernel logs, but it's less likely to help
2 1
riquisimo lemmy (AP)
How do I watch the dbus? I don't know what that is.
3 1
lordnikon lemmy (AP)

it's a log you can find it with journalctl

journalctl --user -u dbus

1 1
lurch (he/him) lemmy (AP)
that's not watching the events though, just showing the log of the service for dbus. the events can be watched with dbus-monitor
2 1
lurch (he/him) lemmy (AP)
with the command dbus-monitor it prints the events while they happen
2 1
riquisimo lemmy (AP)

SOLVED: So I plugged the BTD into the windows machine and did a firmware update, the update software is available on sennheiser's website. (Not sure if that was needed)

In Pop_OS! I went into sounds settings and made sure the sound output was to "Digital Output (S/PDIF) BTD 600." If it's set to "Analog Output BTD 600" the audio is compressed. I could have sworn that I had tried this before, but apparently not.

The same thing applies to the C81. Make sure it's using the digital output to the Avantree C81, not the analog output to the C81.

2 1

21 3 1
Jo Miran lemmy (AP)
India being #1 by a lot explains so much.
15 1 1
keepthepace lemmy (AP)
I saw a year ago a comment I often think about, which is that India's economy, where a lot of call center and remote workers are, is "token-based". LLMs are going to hurt their labor but they are also the best placed to profit off LLMs, having already many established consumers.
4 1
breadsmasher lemmy (AP)
Ive already rejected a number of job applications / CVs clearly rewritten by chatGPT (or similar)
8 1 1
Unless this is adjusted to per capita, then all this really is is a list of countries ranked by population.
2 1 1

Uncle_Abbie via Linux lemmy (AP)

"Mini Text" scratchpad utility

"Mini Text" is a tiny scratchpad utility for Linux that I've found to be quite useful. I thought it might appeal to some others in this community.
54 1 1
daggermoon lemmy (AP)
Shout out to the person writing in Latin
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
non_burglar lemmy (AP)
Not sure if this is serious, but you know it's gibberish for presenting fonts?
daggermoon lemmy (AP)
Well, now I just feel silly.
ViaFedi lemmy (AP)
<any clipboard manager

Melatonin via Asklemmy ActivityPub

What about clicking a checkbox means I'm human? How does Cloudflare determine I'm human from that?

The simplicity of it is logic defying. It used to be that you had to find crosswalks or move puzzle pieces or type blurred letters and numbers, but NOW all the sudden I can just click a box and HEY!, I'm human?

That's hardly the Turing Test I'd expected.

421 12 1
Magnetic_dud lemmy (AP)

Cloudflare knows almost everything done from your IP address because they're used by the majority of websites. And some websites are using a cloudflare signed TLS certificate so if cloudflare wants, can see the content of the communication instead of an encrypted package

So they know if you have a human behavior (visiting many different websites at human speed and having rests during sleeping time) or if you have a bot behavior (sending millions of requests to the same endpoint at superhuman speeds)

24 1
kahdbrixk ActivityPub

I'd argue that the certificate authority does not have the ability to decrypt your communication because of the nature of private and public key mechanism during the whole TLS certificate procedure. You do not send your web servers private key to cloudflare when requesting a certificate.

That would actually be pretty wild...

Other then that you're probably right.

3 1
Magnetic_dud lemmy (AP)
There's a default setting that allows unencrypted communication between the server and cloudflare. So they receive unencrypted data, sign with their certificate. Or send with self signed certificate, they decrypt and reencrypt. Or for some reason can download and import on the server their own internal use certificate.
1 1
kahdbrixk ActivityPub
You're right, forgot that you can just not encrypt on your servers end and use cloudflare to do that for you, especially when used as CDN
1 1
Asudox lemmy (AP)
I hate to bring this up to you, but you seem to be losing your humanity as we speak.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Tekkip20 via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

Do you still use older storage for archives/backups etc?

For me I had a stack dvd blanks left over, I decided to save a little bit of money and used them to back up folders of childhood photos, documents etc and place them inside their own jewel cases.

I do have a 2TB external HDD, But that I throw on LARGE steam game back ups and movies.

Sure, the "cloud" exists and I use that too but what if your intewebz goes down, good luck getting your backups until it's back up.

What do you use? Optical media, tape drives etc?

62 1
I have like 5 USB drives which I save stuff on, I happen to have a lot of games on the one hard drive I store the majority of my games on, and that drive has made it emphatically clear in recent months that it is on its way out. Uploading to the cloud never quite piqued my interest.
1 1
I just made a DIY NAS, i mean I bought a cheap Intel N100 based minipc, installed xpenology and called it a day, I have backups set up, home assistant, jellyfin, immich etc
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
2 1

Do you know alternative scripts for your language? If so, can you talk about them?

I mean scripts like Shavian or Quikscript. Are these script useful to you in your day-to-day life? How are they better than the original scripts of your language?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

pnutzh4x0r via Linux lemmy (AP)

Linus Torvalds Begins Expressing Regrets Merging Bcachefs

There's been some Friday night kernel drama on the Linux kernel mailing list... Linus Torvalds has expressed regrets for merging the Bcachefs file-system and an ensuing back-and-forth between the file-system maintainer.
398 10 1
pimeys lemmy (AP)

Me neither, but the risk is there and well documented.

The point was, ZFS is not great as your normal laptop/workstation filesystem. It kind of requires a certain setup, can be slow in certain kinds of workflows, expects disks of same size and is never available immediately for the latest kernel version. Nowadays you actually can add more disks to a pool, but for a very long time you needed to build a new one. Adding a larger disk to a pool will still not resize it, untill all the disks are replaced.

It shines with steady and stable raid arrays, which are designed to a certain size and never touched after they are built. I would never use it in my workstation, and this is the point where bcachefs gets interesting.

ReversalHatchery lemmy (AP)

Yeah, same 😁

It was a typo, I have meant compression. Specifically a per-file controlled compression, not per-directory or per-dataset.


MazonnaCara89 via Linux lemmy (AP)

This week in KDE: per-monitor brightness control and “update then shut down”

323 3 1
Gnome has been pissing me off for a while. Time to take a try of kde
3 1 1
Jediwan lemmy (AP)
I used GNOME for years because people say it's "easier", but it's not "easier" it's just simpler. I almost never need to go to the command line with KDE whereas with GNOME it was a weekly occurrence. I am frankly embarrassed I wrote off KDE for so long.
6 1

84 5 1
MattMatt lemmy (AP)

By time required before you can truly be in and accepted as one (not just a tourist)

  • Rural folk
  • Expedition sports
  • Biker gangs
  • Private pilots
  • Some festivals
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
4 1
The Deaf community is very insulure as well

ExtremeDullard via Linux lemmy (AP)

arm64 / aarch64 compatibility

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
32 1 1
Alex lemmy (AP)

Pretty much. From v8.0 onwards all the extra features are indicated by id flags. Stuff that is relevant to kernel mode will generally be automatically handled by the kernel patching itself on booting up and in user space some libraries will select appropriately accelerated functions when the ISA extensions are probed. There are a bunch off advisory instructions encoded in the hint space that will be effectively NOPs on older hardware but will enhance execution if run on newer hardware.

If you want to play with newer instructions have a look at QEMUs "max" CPU.

4 1
ExtremeDullard lemmy (AP)


libraries will select appropriately accelerated functions when the ISA extensions are probed.

Yeah okay, that sounds like how it's always been done. I don't know why I figured it would be any different with ARM. But that makes complete sense.


muzzle via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

Android games for girls?

cross-posted from:

Hi, I have a primary school girl who wants her share of gaming on the family android tablet.

While finding open source or commercial games with no ads that boys like is doable, I haven't been able to find the kind of games a girl wants:
- with cute graphics
- where you care for dolls or pet
- no ads or subscriptions, no endless DLC.

Do you have any recommendations for android games that fit the bill?

The image is a screenshot of cry babies, a game that she'd like to play very much but constantly nags you to buy new content.

58 23 1
probableprotogen ActivityPub
What about Cat Quest?
3 1
muzzle lemmy (AP)
She didn't like the other RPGs she tried, but maybe in a few years...
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
2 1
Onihikage lemmy (AP)
Try KittyToy (
3 1

Migrating system to NVME RAID

I'd appreciate a sanity check for what I'm planning to do later today.

I bought a minisforum um890 recently. It has 2 m.2 nvme ports.
I have the system running nobara off one drive currently, the other is unfilled.
The drive has file system encryption enabled.

I backed up the root folder of my system to a 128gb usb using backintime. I enabled encryption when asked.

I plan to install a second ssd, enable raid 0 striping on the 2 drives in bios, boot from a live USB, then install nobara onto the new raid storage.

After that, i should be able to reinstall backintime then restore my backup right?

I've gotta ask, why RAID 0? I can't think of a use case for that outside of very specific high IO applications in a server farm or something.
bonus_crab lemmy (AP)
For what its worth browsing directories full of hundreds to thousands of 4k images with previews is seamless : )
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

Alice via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

Who even watches channels like 8 Passengers and DaddyOFive?

It seems like I'm always hearing about family vloggers getting put away for child abuse. I'm not into family vlogging, so maybe I'm wrong, but people always make it sound like these two channels were popular.

But then they go on to describe their videos, and it's always parents doing insane shit to make the kids cry on purpose, or announcing on camera that they're withholding necessities from the kids or something. I've never heard anyone say they like these videos, and I can't imagine why they would, so then how were they supposedly popular?

14 2 1
madjo lemmy (AP)
What breaks my heart is knowing that people took parental advice from these channels.
8 1
WeirdGoesPro ActivityPub

I used to manage a team of low income women who were primarily first generation Americans. Many of them had tough moms who never hesitated to use “la chancla” on their many children.

Their sense of humor ended up pretty warped, and it was always my impression that it was a self defense thing to normalize the abuse they grew up with. By seeing that behavior as funny, it excuses similar things that were done to them.

I usually tried to ignore it without judging, but I always put a stop to it once they started sharing online videos at work. People are entitled to their own interpretation of their history, but there is no context where a video of a kid sobbing is funny to me.

8 1

Dario via Linux lemmy (AP)

Am I the only one using Btrfs snapshots like this?

52 2 1
Sina lemmy (AP)
You are making it unnecessarily difficult for yourself. Rolling back a snapshot that you made before the intentional messing around is less effort than rebooting twice for seemingly no reason. Booting into a snapshot is not sandboxing, it's not an added layer of security against a malicious package.
1 1
Dario lemmy (AP)
I know it is not secure. Are you saying that I can roll back to the state before I intentionally messed around without rebooting? Can you elaborate?
ViaFedi lemmy (AP)
i prefer nix-shell -p or distrobox
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)

84 1 1
bruce965 lemmy (AP)

I'm still a bit confused by the use of this "Driver Store". Since when does Wine support device drivers? Or are we talking about something else?

Phoronix seems to explain a bit more, but I still did not understand:

Could anyone share their insights?

2 1
I'm just as stumped, but my best guess is there's some application(s) that expect(s) the Windows Driver store to work and return an exception if it's missing.
4 1
oxomoxo lemmy (AP)
Yeah that’s it, this website explains it.
Norah - She/They lemmy (AP)

I'm actually wondering if it's not just applications. That text talks of installing drivers to devices, so I'm actually wondering if this is about better support for hardware that's paired to specific software. The recent use-case that's got it on my mind is Rekordbox with Pioneer DJ decks. My housemate was curious so I tried running it under WINE and it launches just fine, but it could not see the decks at all, nor the encrypted license key verification it does with it's driver. And I did manually install the driver into the prefix first.

However, I'm not positive this is it. It's just a hunch.

1 1 1
Possibly linux lemmy (AP)
It seems like the support copying to the driver store. I don't think they have driver support. I believe you would need a kernel like what is in React OS
1 1

abcdqfr via Linux lemmy (AP)

Anyone have experience with StableDiffusion on Linux with AMD and NVIDIA?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
35 6 1
wewbull lemmy (AP)
3 1
OmegaLemmy lemmy (AP)
Anything with. Nvidia will actually be a better experience outside of Wayland on Linux, most people don't want to acknowledge it but it really is the case

pnutzh4x0r via Linux lemmy (AP)

Linus Torvalds talks AI, Rust adoption, and why the Linux kernel is 'the only thing that matters'

380 3 1
ReversalHatchery lemmy (AP)
Time is passing by so fast, really. I still remember linux 5 kernels to be modern, and 6 somehow still feels "the new thing"
8 1
Björn Tantau lemmy (AP)
And in reality they're all just in the 2.6 branch. I still remember the transition from 2.4.
7 1
Matriks404 lemmy (AP)
If you think that if you cannot count a minor version number from from fingers and toes, and it is meaningless anyway, why not drop the current versioning system entirely? It would be fine if it was (major version).(patch)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
3 1 1


Safe to Install New Dual Boot?

My GF recently said I can install Linux on her laptop. Then I saw Windows broke dual boot systems.

Is it safe to do a dual boot if she already has the update that broke dual booting?

Should I just figure out how to install Windows in a VM for her?

Appreciate any insight y'all can offer

43 3 1
DeltaWingDragon lemmy (AP)

Today on "Was this caused by stupidity or malice"...

Microsoft said earlier this month it would apply “a Secure Boot Advanced Targeting (SBAT) update to block vulnerable Linux boot loaders that could have an impact on Windows security,”

(emphasis mine)

2 1

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
526 32 1
link them together through the data and read-only slots to make a countdown chain.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 weeks ago)
alienghic lemmy (AP)

Write MP3s to them and use them to play one song in a modern car.

(I saw a video of someone playing a clip of music using a USB floppy drive)

1 1

What rule or rules would you add to the ten commandments of web etiquette?

They're semi-famous now, but it was actually a friend of mine who originally wrote them. They're a list of ten rules of thumb to go by when using the internet. They imply things like the potential drawbacks of assuming someone's other identities, how to caution against archive forgery, when the best time is to complain about mods, etc. and serve as a go-to for advice on interpersonal relations when indirect contact is at play. Written in the style of a Greek philosopher, they were written in a setting where people were committing massive collateral damage with their animosity/gullibility/skepticism and they have paved a better modus operandi than many contemporaries can. Confidently asserted but open to at least some change, what would you add?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

I'm not sure what it was about my post that led you to believe I condone that behaviour. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it is a thing.
At what point does someone stop being a victim of their "social status" and become responsible for their actions? Billions in profit? Polluting thousands of times over a normal citizen? "She's doing us a public service", is this celebrity boot licking?

polarpear11 lemmy (AP)
It was probably something by The Used or MCR. What a time to be alive in 2008.
pepsison52895 lemmy (AP)
I don't remember the first song I played, but I remember blasting Eminem's "Without Me" at full volume with my new 12-inch subwoofer from Walmart. An officer pulled up next to me and my teenage self just about shit a brick. He just started nodding to the beat and drove off.
1 1

Is there a dock that responds to touch screen movement?

Hey, so I know you can tap on a dock icon to launch the app, but when the dock is more than full and requires scrolling to shift the icons, this still cannot be done with the touch screen, based on docks I have tested. I tried the built in docks in Gnome on Pop, Ubuntu, and also Plank. None respond to an attempted drag via the touch screen.

Are there any less widely known ones that do? Are there any plans to bring this functionality to the dock in Gnome?

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f4f4f4f4f4f4f4f4 lemmy (AP)
Sorry. If there is a keyboard key or other input event to scroll it, you could set a touchscreen gesture to emulate that input?
AndrewZabar lemmy (AP)
Standard scroll. Like with a mouse wheel or two finger swipe or edge swipe on a touchpad.
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